Chapter 5

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It was now August 30th. Harry had been at Grimmauld Place most of the summer. He had been reading through books trying to discover more about the Horcruxes and where they may be located. Seres most likely knew, but he did not feel right asking a daughter to help take down her father. Even if she said she would be happy to help.

Ron and Hermione were now back in the home too. Bill's wedding had been crashed by Death Eaters, and his friends needed to be safe. Besides, it did help to have other eyes reading through material. They needed to be together, and ready to travel, once Harry was ready to go. He did not want to leave until his child was here, and he knew his girl was okay. Yes, the world needed him, but he did not know where to start looking for the horcruxes so he was not ready to depart on his journey just yet.

Seres spent most of the day away from Harry and his friends, mainly because she did not want Harry's friends saying too much about their upcoming venture. It also did not help that the pain this child was causing was getting a little extreme. Each full moon was worse. Nothing like having a small person living inside you, that each months turns into a small animal. She knew she had a task at hand, just to bring this child into the world. Harry was constantly checking on her though, it was as though he felt guilty about the situation she was in, and yet he was also a little excited.

They did do a little shopping, just in case the child actually survived. It was better to be prepared, then to have a little surprise. The two people that did not know what raising a child would be like, nor did they have any notes from their own pasts to reflect on. The two of them just knew that they wanted their child to have a better life.

Together they had assembled a nursery, using Regulus Black's old room. Seres had an attachment to the room, and knew the importance of the name.

While they were taking down a few decorations, Harry looked at her one day.

"Just curious, was Regulus' initials R.A.B?" He asked, suddenly thinking of the locket from the cave.

"Yes, they were. Why do you ask?" Seres asked, as she folded a few swaddling blankets.

"There was a locket in a cave..." Harry began. He noted Seres nodded, like she knew just what he was talking about.

"Yes, I know the cave. Regulus had left that day. Kreacher had been hurt in that cave. My father needed a House Elf to help hide the locket, Regulus did not know what would happen. He went to the cave, because he wanted to sabotage the plan. Sadly, he never returned from the cave." Seres told him, with a sigh. She carefully put her fingers under a chain, as she slowly pulled the locket out. She had been wearing it around her neck the entire time.

"That's the one." Harry commented, "But I am sorry about Regulus. He truly sounds like a hero. The first to defy your father."

"He was pretty brave that day. It was kind of an interesting story. Kreacher was so hurt by the entire tragedy."

"I can imagine." Harry looked her in the eyes, as she handed him the locket.

"I know you need to destroy it, but if you could bring it back in the end I would greatly appreciate it. It is, after all, a family heirloom." She reminded him.

Harry put the locket into his pocket, "I promise to bring it back to you." He finished putting the railing on the crib he had been assembling, as he continued to think. "You don't know anything about the other horcruxes do you?"

She laughed a bit, "I had wondered when you would ask that question." She sat on the bed, that had yet to be moved from the room, "Yes, I do know all about them. The diary, the locket, the ring, the cup, the diadem, the snake, myself and you."

Crossed Paths Lead to Better FuturesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora