Dive into the Ocean, Walk int...

By Koushilicious

57.9K 4.4K 2.6K

What would happen if a merman prince with heart as pure as milk meets a human who doesn't even care to others... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Good Day!
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 33

1K 91 122
By Koushilicious

Hello everyone!
I just wanna show you the new cover of this book hehe. This was made by my older sis so thank you very muchie~

Anyways, huge respect for the one who edited this picture above. This photo is not mine and I don't know who made it. I just saw it somewhere, but I want to give a proper credits so... if ever you are the one, please consider yourself credited and thank you for making this hella good photo hihi

Alright. Let's go now to the story.

Another day where the celebration will happen, the other housemates were still sleeping in their rooms as the aroma of cake being baked in the oven surrounding the whole kitchen, delighting Jake's nostrils.

Jake smiled at the sight as he did what he was requested to do for this day. He was now washing the dishes while humming a song softly. He woke up early this morning to prepare a cake for the birthday boy. Well, he's happy, more than obliged for the request.

Today is a special day for Sunghoon, and as a good friend, Jake asked him yesterday what he wanted to receive on this day. Jake wanted to give him a special and expensive gift and also saved lots of money for this but all Sunghoon told him that he wanted is a cake.

Sunghoon said that all his life, he has been swimming in money and expensive things from everything that they stole from their missions. That's why accepting materialistic things would just be a waste for him. For him, there's nothing special with those, because what he considers special is something that was made with effort and love.

That was also the reason why Jake gave all of his heart with making this cake. It should be special for the special person in his life. He was very thankful for meeting him in the land because even though their first impression to each other was different, now they completely know each other and thanks God, Sunghoon changed his way of dealing with people.

And with that, he knows more than anyone else that he already fulfilled his promise to Jimin which is to teach Sunghoon how to trust people.

Then Jake heard footsteps coming from behind him as he placed the washed dishes on the rack.

"The smell was so great" the younger said while getting water from the fridge, making Jake giggle.

"Oh did I wake you up?" He asked but the younger one shook his head.

"Nope, the aroma did" Niki said and chuckled as he sat on the dining table with a glass of water in his hand. He then roamed his eyes in the kitchen, and when his eyes landed on the oven, he snorted.

"Hyung, if I were you, I wouldn't make that for him" Nik told him, making Jake look at him, confused.

"Why though?" he asked and gave Niki a bread for his breakfast.

"Well, you see. Sunghoon hyung doesn't really celebrate his birthday. Jay said that happened since their father died. They have been really close and all, and when he died, Sunghoon carried the grief to him that celebrations don't excite him anymore" he said. "Actually, he doesn't usually celebrate with us even when we succeed in a mission. He always says 'I'm fine, don't mind me' or 'Tss. Just go and leave me alone'" Niki said as he portrayed the same personality that Sunghoon has before, making Jake laugh.

"I'm sure he'll like it. He was also the one who requested this to me" Jake said with a mirth, making Niki furrow his eyebrows.

"Really? That doesn't sound like him" Niki said and took a bite of his bread.

"Tss. Do I look like I'm lying to you?" Jake asked with a sneer.

"Wow, you really are something" Niki said and chuckled. "You know what? There are lots of things that changed when you and Sunoo hyung came in our lives"

"Well, as I've noticed from Jay hyung, he became more considerate to people when you came. He became more calm and collected, not like before that he only know how to kill, having no mercy to the victims we had. Then Jungwon hyung improved the way he takes care of people. He also had new friends around him, he entitled the both of you best friends right?" he asked and chuckled as Jake nodded with a smile. "Even though we are all together, we can see that Jungwon hyung has no same interest with the rest of us, mine's video games and Sunghoon hyung's being alone. Of course having other company besides his boyfriend is a huge thing for him" he said.

"For me, I've always been an easygoing person, as if everything I do is just to satisfy myself, for enjoyment and all. I don't really take things seriously, yet everything here happened, I met the both of you, I knew everything about your identity now and I became more mature in terms of thinking" he said. "I became open-minded with everything around me. I also became more observant with everyone that made me realize lots of things. The shallow mind that I had, turned into something more worthy of living" he said and smiled at Jake as Jake also smiled at him.

Niki now knows everything regarding the real identity of him and Sunoo, yet he became open minded with it and accepted them wholly. Yes, he was shocked at first but he immediately talked to Sunoo right after to discuss things more.

Now, they are okay, adding the fact that Sunoo also confessed that he loves him too. He's more than okay, but still decided not to establish an official relationship for them since anytime, they can go back to their home, making goodbyes more painful and difficult.

And what's something that Jake will never forget was when Sunoo shared his conversation with Niki that night. That time when Niki said, "I don't care what you are or where you are from. I love you and I know who you are, that is all that I needed to hold onto you. I'll never let history repeat itself for I am here to always be ready to understand you and to accept you for what you are."

How Jake wishes that everyone has the same mindset as him.

"Then with Sunghoon hyung..." he started and looked at Jake while explaining. "He was usually a snob and he hated people a lot. He despised socializing too and it is hard for him to communicate, especially after what happened to him and Heeseung hyung" he said as Jake just listened to him.

"Well, as you can see on the first time you talked, Sunghoon hyung always looks angry and all, but in his eyes, there is sadness and emptiness. His sharp glare he was throwing to people was full of loneliness, as if he was looking for something to fill the void inside him. I also pitied him but what can I do? I was just a groupmate" he said and looked out the window.

"We tried lots of things to make him happy, we did everything that could help him be satisfied, but something still feels missing to him. No one knows, no one can do" he explained further. "Who can blame him? He's still a human with feelings and all. The most special person, his father who became his first best friend, died in an accident, the first woman he loved in school was stolen by his best friend, and the best friend that he trusted the most betrayed him. As if nothing was left with him, emptiness swallowed him wholly" he said with a frown before turning his gaze back to Jake.

"But when you became close, he changed" Niki said and smiled. "Actually, I've never seen a proper smile from him until you came. Now his eyes turned from lonely to satisfied. I can clearly see that he is now contented with everything he has now, and that emptiness that fills him up was now replaced with happiness, and I am also happy to witness that change to him" he said and smiled.

"Hyung, I hope you could always be by his side because you are much more than just a friend to him. I know you are special so please stay. He's happy when he's with you and you are the only one who can make him happy. I don't know what to do if he returned to his own self again" Niki said, making Jake frown in his seat.

"Niki, I want to. I really want to, but whatever happens, I still need to go back to the ocean once I find what I need to. I'm sorry, I couldn't stay here" he said, obvious to his voice that it is difficult for him too.

Niki then just let out a deep sigh. "I understand, you are a prince after all" he said and gave a small smile.

And with that, Niki just continued his breakfast as Jake now proceeded with decorating the cake. He just made it simple and minimalist, just like Sunghoon.

Then after a few minutes, he also felt a sudden grumble in his stomach so he also joined Niki on the table, who was now just playing a game. A moment of silence now surrounds the both of them. It was still early and the other housemates must be still enjoying their beds.

Then footsteps followed afterwards. The said person then went directly beside Jake and put his forehead on Jake's shoulder, making the latter chuckle as his mouth was still full.

"Happy birthday, hyung! I'll give you my gift later" Niki told him but Sunghoon just hummed to him as an answer.

"Aissh, I was planning to be the first one to greet" he told Niki and Niki just stuck his tongue out to him and chuckled. Jake then let out an airy chuckle before turning his head again on Sunghoon's direction. "Hmm, so how was the birthday boy?" Jake asked with a mirth, but hasn't got a reply.

"Seems like you are not yet completely awake" Jake said and brought a piece of bread in Sunghoon's mouth which he accepted and ate obediently.

"It smells so good in here, you baked something?" Sunghoon asked him while eating his bread.

"Yup. You requested it, you silly" Jake just answered as he finished his cup of coffee.

"Oh right, I forgot" he said and scratched his nape. "So how about your legs? Are they already fine?" he asked.

"Uh-huh, they are fine now. See? I wouldn't be able to get up if I they're not" Jake just said and started to bring his used cup in the sink.

"That happens really often, are you sure you're fine? We can go to the hospital to check that up" Sunghoon said with a worried tone.

Jake then just chuckled at what he said. "Sungie, I'm fine, nothing serious. It's not like it's gonna kill me or something" he said and smiled. "Stop worrying" he added and chuckled.

Sunghoon then just rolled his eyes. "I am not worried, Jake" he said.

"Tss. Whatever makes you sleep at night" Jake just said and continued what he was doing.

Then right after Sunghoon finished his breakfast, he went immediately to the baked cake on the counter and stared at it with a soft smile, knowing that Jake made it by himself because of his request. It made him smile while looking at it. Before, he didn't really care much about the cakes that his housemates bought him, even if they are from different expensive and highly ranked baker shops, but this, the one that Jake made, even if it is just a simple homemade cake, it surpassed even those that were priced expensively.

"Stop staring, or it might melt. Jake said jokingly and giggled. "So what do you think about that? I made and decorated that myself, how does it look?" Jake asked and bragged at the same time.

And with that, Sunghoon just chuckled and looked at Jake. "Tss. It looks like shit" Sunghoon mockingly said and sneered, but Jake just shrugged off.

"I know you love shit though" Jake said and chuckled.

"You know what? You are the shit" Sunghoon said and also chuckled as Jake moved closer to Sunghoon and tiptoed to level him and say something in a lowered voice.

"So you love me then" Jake just said and snorted before leaving the kitchen with a smug face, making Sunghoon just shake his head with a small smile on his lips while watching him leave.

'Only if you knew'  he thought to himself, followed by a laugh heard on his side. He then whipped his head towards Niki's direction and threw him an expecting look.

Niki then started with a chuckle. "He's so dense" he said, making Sunghoon also chuckle.

"Yes, he is. Indeed" Sunghoon retorted.

"And you are dumb"

"I know, no need to mention"


The day was completely enjoyable for them. They ate lots of food which they ordered and Sunghoon almost ate half of the cake, not to mention that there were six people to share from it.

They enjoyed it as if it was the first and last celebration since it's been so long since Sunghoon celebrated a birthday. Actually, Jay and Jungwon were also shocked upon knowing that Sunghoon let them celebrate his day which is really unusual, yet they just go with the flow.

They then turned on the karaoke and forced Sunghoon to sing, but still failed. No one made him do so he just let the others enjoy the songs as if they were in a concert.

Then when they already felt tired from singing, they also opened the biggest speaker in their house and boomed random K-pop songs in Niki's playlist that only last for two hours when one of their neighbors knocked on the door to request them to shut it, complaining of how loud they were. At first they didn't want to, but what can they do? They didn't want to get blottered at the first celebration of Sunghoon's birthday altogether. And with that, they just ended up pouting at the defeat as they lowered the volume, just enough to be heard inside the whole house while playing a more relaxed song that would not disturb other neighbors.

Sunghoon just watched them while laughing when they were forced to shut the speaker. Their reaction was so priceless. Unforgettable.

Then when it was already afternoon and everyone felt tired with the chaos and things they did inside the house, Sunghoon invited Jake to go out, which Jake immediately agreed to, leaving the others to just rest inside the house as they were let to have their free time together.

They rode the car and at first, Jake had no idea of where Sunghoon was going to take him. He also asked about it many times while they were on the road but Sunghoon just kept on telling him to keep quiet and wait. Then there it was, he stopped the car in front of a cemetery. Jake was puzzled. Who does he want to visit here?

After a few more steps to take, Sunghoon stopped, and as Jake read the name, he finally realized that he was here to visit his deceased father.

Sunghoon then talked to his dad mentally while Jake just gave them privacy by taking a few steps behind Sunghoon. Jake just watched Sunghoon in front of his father as he placed the flower beside his name and lowered himself to talk with him better. He smiled. This person was the one Sunghoon treasured the most. For sure, his father will be really happy to see his son visit him after a long time.

But what Jake didn't know is the very reason why Sunghoon brought him with him here.

Well, before the accident, his father told him and Jay to introduce him the one who they really felt sure with. Jay already introduced Jungwon to him here in the cemetery before, since he already knows that Jungwon is really the one for him. And now, it was Sunghoon's turn. The one who thought loving will just bring pain to oneself was now introducing Jake to his father as his 'the one', yet Jake was completely unaware of it.

Even when Sunghoon thought that he was the only one in love, he still introduced Jake to his father, indicating that his love towards the older was really strong.

He sighed softly as his eyes went back to Jake who was now just watching the trees dance along the wind. Even though Jake doesn't know about his feelings, it was not important for him. As long as he can be with Jake, he'll be fine.

Then after a few more minutes of staying there, talking about most of Sunghoon's childhood as he played with his dad, they finally exited the cemetery with all smiles.

Jake was still unaware that they were there because of him, yet Sunghoon also doesn't know the way Jake whispered to his dad the words "I'll make him happy as much as I can so you don't have to worry about your son"

After that, they just decided to go to their favorite and secret place, in the cave.

The solace of the sound of the ocean waves welcomed them in the cave as if it was their home. The cold breeze of air also touched their skin in comfort and grace as they let it make their hair disheveled.

The jackets that they were wearing was just enough to give them warmth as they hugged themselves while sitting down on the huge rocks. The sun was still present, nearly setting, making the orange hue of light be seen on their skin.

"You wanna play a game?" Jake asked as he turned his head on Sunghoon's direction.

"Tss. What are you? A kid?" Sunghoon said with a snort.

"You have no choice. You have to fulfill my requests" Jake said with a smug smile, making Sunghoon roll his eyes with a still smile.

"Are you a prince, or something?"

"Yes I am so you have no choice but to agree" Jake said enthusiastically as he picked the empty water bottle that he was bringing before.

He then placed it between them and faced it as Sunghoon also followed his actions. Now, they are facing each other while looking at the bottle.

"What game?"

"Spin the bottle, then the lucky pick of the bottle will choose whether be it truth or dare" Jake said with a huge smile. "So, game?"

"Do what you want" Sunghoon just said and watched Jake as he spun the bottle.

Then, the mouth of the bottle pointed to the older of the two.

"Oh" Jake just said, making Sunghoon smirk in his seat.

"Truth or dare, Jake" Sunghoon asked, arms crossed on his chest.


"Tss weak" Sunghoon said and chuckled. "Okay. Would you still go back in Australia?" Sunghoon asked as Jake was taken a back.

"Wh-what kind of question is that" all of a sudden, Jake froze in his seat. This is definitely not a good starter for the game.

Of course he still needs to go back in the ocean.

"Sorry, I have nothing to ask," Sunghoon said and scratched his nape. "But you still have to answer"

"Fine. Honestly, I... just have to find something here and go back there immediately" he said and lowered his head. "I'm sorry"

Sunghoon then sighed while still looking at Jake. The sadness was present in his voice when he said "I understand. That's your home after all"

Jake then forced a smile and hit Sunghoon's arm slightly. "Eyy. Cut the drama, Sungie. You shouldn't be asking that question" he said and pointed at the bottle. "Come on. Spin that already"

Sunghoon then spun the bottle and it pointed Jake once again. How lucky.

"Seems like the bottle loves you" Sunghoon said and sneered. "Truth or dare, poor guy"


"You're not allowed to pick truth twice"

"Then what's the purpose of the choices?" Jake asked and crossed his arms. "Go on, ask already"

"No. It's a dare for you" Sunghoon said.

"Hey, that's domination!" Jake complained, but Sunghoon just shook his head.

"Shut up. I dare you not to mention Heeseung, as long as we are inside this cave" Sunghoon said, making Jake laugh out loud.

"Seriously? That's the dare?" Jake said in the middle of laughing as Sunghoon just looked at him with an unamused gaze. "My goodness. You really are unpredictable"

"Just do the dare and spin the bottle already"

"Fine, fine" Jake just said as he shook his head. When he spun the bottle, it pointed to Sunghoon.

"Bingo! Truth or dare, Sungie" Jake beamed.


"Okay then. I'm giving you a chance to refuse answering this question if you find it too sensitive, okay? But... do you have any intentions of leaving that kind of job for something better?" Jake cautiously asked.

Sunghoon then took a deep inhale before starting to speak. "Of course I do. Stealing is not something that I want to do forever"

The answer made Jake smile genuinely as he looked at Sunghoon with a tender gaze. "I hope that time will come immediately. I want you to be proud of yourself as you become successful with your proper job" Jake told him as he nodded in agreement.

Then when the bottle was spun again, I landed once again to Jake. "Truth or dare, Jake"


"Tsk tsk, you really are a coward," Sunghoon said and chuckled. "So, when you are given a chance to wish, what would it be, and why?"

"Wow, is this Miss Universe?" Jake laughed, making Sunghoon also chuckle at what he said. "Okay okay. Hmm, my wish?" he started as he thought of what he would answer, but when his gaze went back to Sunghoon, he already knew what it would be.

"Well, I've always been wishing that your friendship with him would be back at the earliest possible time. I hope that you get things discussed properly and take time to forgive each other, to learn to love and accept each other again. You know what? Seeing you together with smiles will be the best view that I would see if ever that happens" Jake answered with his voice, full of sincerity as Sunghoon just listened to him say those. Even though Jake doesn't mention a name, Sunghoon definitely knew who he was pertaining to.

And with that, Sunghoon thought about the wish. Will that be possible? How could he forgive the person who's the reason for his trust issues?

Sunghoon sighed, that would be impossible.

"Wait, I gave you a dare not to mention him"

"Oh, I thought your dare was not to mention his name, not him completely" Jake said with a sheepish smile, making Sunghoon just facepalm himself.

"Fine, just spin the bottle again"

Then it pointed on Sunghoon.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not make everything so serious. I'll give you a chill question for this time, okay?" Jake started. "So! Do you have someone that makes your heart somewhat alive currently? Someone you like, or a crush?" Jake asked expectantly, making Sunghoon gasp. This will be the hardest question to answer.


"Coward'' Jake scoffed. "Come on, don't you trust me? I'll keep it a secret though"

It made Sunghoon take a sharp breath. "Okay fine. I do. Now, spin the bottle already" he stated, making Jake furrow his eyebrows. Sunghoon rarely interact with people so who's the one. He wasn't going out lately too so it's hard to tell if he's seeing someone. It made Jake really curious. He was desperate to know the person that Sunghoon likes.

"Oh, really? Goodness, who's the unlucky one?" Jake just asked, making Sunghoon just roll his eyes.

'That's you, idiot'  Sunghoon thought. Of course, he wouldn't say that out loud.

"One question at a time, Jake"

"Fine. Tell me who it is the next time you pick the truth" Jake said and smirked as he spun the bottle once again.

"Yah, look who's the bottle's favorite today!" Jake beamed, pointing at the bottle in front of them. "Pick truth, Sungie, and I'll ask who's your crush"

"Real men choose dare"

"Tss" Jake said and rolled his eyes, but still smirked when an idea popped up in his mind. "Okay fine, trying to get away with the question? I dare you to kiss the person you like once you saw them"

Sunghoon then jolted in shock as a sudden hotness creeped up from his neck to his face. His heartbeat also raised inside his ribcage but he tried his best not to make it obvious. "What? Hell no!" he just said.

"Real men take real challenges. Come on, Sungie. I know you can do that" Jake said with a pout to make him do the dare, which just completely made it harder for Sunghoon as his eyes landed on his lips. Shit, they are really inviting him. He must resist the temptation.

"You know what? I quit" was all he said to get away from the dare.

"Na-uh. You chose that, so you must do that, okay?" Jake said, making Sunghoon sigh and close his eyes in panic to recollect himself.

"Fine" he said with a sigh, eyes still closed.

"Amazing. I will be looking forward to that" Jake said and chuckled, even though there was something inside him that regretted the dare.

Jake then spun the bottle again then it pointed at himself.

"Okay, I'll choose dare this time. Just please don't take revenge" Jake said in the middle of his chuckles as Sunghoon answered him.

"Wait let me think first"

"Take your time" Jake said and waited for Sunghoon, who was now having a crisis mentally of the current dare of the older that made him lose focus on the game. "Hey, why are your eyes closed? Something got in?"

"Ahh y-yeah. Just dust, but I'm fine. Don't mind me" Sunghoon lied and shook his head, still head low.

"Wait let me see," Jake insisted as he moved closer to Sunghoon to check his eyes. "Open it. I'll blow it for you"

"I told you, it's fine--"

Yet it happened, as soon as Sunghoon unconsciously opened his eyes, he was welcomed by the overflowing visual of the older. His eyes looked at him with a concerned gaze, orbs being clearly seen in his contacts and skin as flawless as ever, not to mention that their faces were dangerously close to each other.

And without thinking straight, Sunghoon grabbed Jake by his nape and pulled him closer to him, until their lips touched.

Jake was taken aback as he froze in his place, still letting his mind sync-in what was happening as Sunghoon closed his eyes to feel his lips, capturing Jake's soft one.

It lasted for seconds before Jake slowly pulled off from the kiss, eyes still wide and lips agape for what just happened.

"S-Sungie, what was that for?"


The heck, Jake! That was your dare, idiot😂 Yan, truth or dare ka pa ah! char

so so so~ Sunghoon made a move~
What would happen next? Will Sunghoon just act as if it never happen or he'll be courageous enough to confess?
Let us know in the next chapterrrrrrrrrrrr

Thank you so much for reading this chapter❣️ I came back earlier because I don't know if I will be able to write this week since my mother will return home this week from abroad, but don't worry. I won't keep you waiting very long, okie?😂
I know this chapter is a little cheesier than the others lol so if you like this chapter, please leave a vote and comment down your thoughts and reactions~
Thank you very much, dudes and see you again next time. Paalam for now!💋

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