Dive into the Ocean, Walk int...

By Koushilicious

57.9K 4.4K 2.6K

What would happen if a merman prince with heart as pure as milk meets a human who doesn't even care to others... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Good Day!
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 32

1K 91 52
By Koushilicious

Then after a few more minutes of eating and chatting, they finally finished their food with wide smiles on their faces as they promised to themselves to come back here again when they are free.

But unfortunately, when they are finally outside of the restaurant, talking about some random things, someone suddenly bumped into Sunoo, making them both gasp at the same time.

"Goodness, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about it. I didn't mean it" the person said, sincerely apologizing for what happened.

But as soon as Sunoo heard the voice, his eyes widened upon being surprised, eyes slowly turning to the one he bumped.

Then when their eyes met, the person he bumped was as equally surprised as him but his agape mouth slowly turned into a smile.

"Sunoo-yah!" he exclaimed enthusiastically with welcoming smile, but Sunoo was still shocked upon the meeting that all he can reply was

"J-Junkyu hyung?"

"Long time no see, Nunu-yah. I missed you!" Junkyu exclaimed, as he walked closer towards Sunoo and gave him a hug.

"I missed you too, hyung. Wait, what are you doing here?"

"Haruto and I came here to eat at this Japanese restaurant, but nevermind. I wanted to talk with you. There are so many things you missed when you left" Junkyu said, now clinging at Sunoo's arm with a huge smile on his face.

"Yah, Haruto! You're here too" Sunoo exclaimed and ruffled his hair, making Haruto just let out a soft chuckle while letting Sunoo do what he wanted to.

"It's nice to see you again, hyung. You look prettier than the last time we meet" Haruto told him, making him laugh and flutter.

"Oh come on, I've always been like this, you know" Sunoo said jokingly, earning laughs from the others.

"Nunu, I have lots of things to tell you. Are you free tonight?" Junkyu asked him, eyes sparkling for the request, and with that, Sunoo smiled wider.

"Me too. I have lots of things to share with you too. Come on!"


Just right after they met in front of the said Japanese restaurant, they made it to a park where there are no people since it's already dark.

There are four of them in the place. Sunoo and Junkyu just decided to have a walk on the entire park while having chats and sharing what happened to them after the last time of their last meeting, while Niki and Haruto, Junkyu's boyfriend, gave them privacy by just sitting at one of the bench together on the either corners of it.

Silence enveloped the two for not knowing each other. Hence, they just watched the other two laughing out loud from a distance with a touch of longingness for not being able to see each other for a long time.

Niki sighed, still not having any idea of what's happening because since Sunoo saw Junkyu in the road, Haruto and him became completely ignored by the two, having their moment in their own world.

And with that, Haruto noticed the confusion surrounding Niki, making him chuckle in his place and look at the younger. Niki just took a glance at him, but didn't say anything afterwards.

"So, are you his boyfriend?" Haruto asked, making Niki jolt in his place at the sudden question.

"Uhmm n-no... Not yet" Niki just said and looked at the older. "Why?"

"Nothing. I just asked since Sunoo is not that kind of person to be close with anyone. He's actually a secretive person and has that mysterious aura enveloping him. Making friend with him must be really hard" he stated, making Niki furrow his eyebrows.

With the statement, Niki agreed to it. He barely knows about his hyung, even after the moments they had together, but who cares? All that's important is the present, right? If Sunoo wants to share something with him, he'll tell him at his will, and forcing him to speak out about his past is the last thing that Niki wants to do.

"So you've been friends before? How come? He told us he's from Australia with Jake. It's also their first time here in Korea" Niki said to him, which just made Haruto look at him, surprised.

"Is that what he told you? Australia?" Haruto asked, head turning into his direction. "Didn't he tell you anything about himself?"

"Yeah, that's what he told us. Why? Did you know anything that I must know?" Niki asked him with a questioning look. He felt something uneasy inside of him. It's bothering him.

Haruto just sighed. "Well, I have no right to tell you anything. He should be the one explaining this matter to you... if he's ready" Haruto said, making Niki grow more confused.

"Dude, you're really stressing me out. What's happening? Who is he and what he is?"

"Ask him"

And with that, Niki just shut his mouth. Sunoo had something to tell him when they went home.

"So, Sunoo hyung and Junkyu hyung has been friends, how come?" Niki asked him to change the awkward silence that once again surrounded their atmosphere.

"Well, as you can see, Sunoo hyung and Junkyu hyung met years ago. Actually, I've also been friends with them but they are something inseparable" Haruto started as his gaze went back to the two. "They are always loud, happy and full of gossip. I don't even know how I became friends with them" he added with a chuckle, which Niki also agreed to. That's how Sunoo is when they are also together.

"We always go whenever they want to go and drag me along with them. How crazy it was, whether I like it or not, I should go with them. How can I refuse? They always use their superpowers to me" Haruto said and laughed, Niki's reason to chuckle as well.

"Aegyo" they said at the same time, followed with laughter as they did so.

"That's right, and they really have the same energy and aura, radiating at the whole room whenever we are all together, but they always bring me with them. Gosh, I was forced to do stupid things with them but hell, I enjoyed every single time with them" he said and chuckled once again as he leaned his back at the back rest. "Ahh good old days"

"But you know what, because of lots of similarities they possess, they grew closer and closer as days went by. They clicked really well, they are indeed soulmates" he added as Niki turned his head towards Haruto once again. "And with that, they fall in love with each other. They really love each other which turns into confessions and letting out of their feelings for each other. Every single moment of them together, I saw it all. I witnessed all of the levels they've gone through till they reached the confession phase. I was there. I saw it all. They almost.... almost become in a relationship" he said as Niki got more attached to the subject.

"How? Seems like Sunoo hyung today is too scared to love. How did you say that he loves Junkyu hyung?" Niki asked him, making Haruto snort.

"Niki, he looked at Junkyu the way you look at Sunoo now. Full of love, adoration and emotion" he said, drawing his attention back to the past relationship of the both.

"But well, it is not just a confession of feelings happened, it also became a revelation of Sunoo hyung's real identity" Haruto said as Niki furrowed his eyebrows. "Of course, if you enter a relationship, you have to know each other, even the smallest details. You have to know your partner holistically, outside and inside, that is when Sunoo hyung told Junkyu hyung about himself. Everything about him, yet Junkyu hyung became close-minded. He was so shocked. Who wouldn't? I myself was shocked too, honestly" he added and looked at Niki, straight to his eyes.

"Junkyu hyung thought, because they have the same attitude, the same energy and same personality, they would be the same in all aspects. He was wrong. One difference he confessed, made Junkyu fear the consequences of it. He was too coward to accept it, thinking about what it would bring to both of them" Haruto said with melancholy in his voice as that certain scene repeated in his memory.

"Then he... walked away, crying and shocked. I followed him. But before that, I took a glance at Sunoo hyung, watching us leave. He was so broken inside, so hurt upon seeing his love turn his back on him just by knowing what he really is" he said, then pursed his lips.

"It took a long time. Junkyu hyung took weeks before he finally recollected his thoughts and realized what he had done. One day, he went to the house where Sunoo hyung was living alone to apologize for our hasty reactions. Sunoo hyung was crying when he saw us again and we were so thankful for still giving us a chance to explain ourselves" he said and sighed deeply. "Well, he tried hard to smile in front of us, but I can clearly see the sadness and pain of the wound the situation brought. And with that, they decided not fall deeper as they talked about their relationship with each other. Sunoo hyung said he wanted to go back to his home to meditate and give himself the peace of mind since everything already went well after the conversation"

"Then that was our last meeting. Good thing, they already talked about everything and got separated, knowing that they already learnt about each other, yet even though their love didn't end well, when you look at them now, seems like nothing change... seems like that day didn't ever happen" Haruto said and smiled softly, now looking again at Niki.

"I hope you will not make the same mistake, Niki. With all that happened with them, it seems like Sunoo hyung got scared of being attached with people again. Good thing, he has you now, but please, please. Be open-minded. I am not forcing you to accept what he is, being shocked and surprised is completely okay, but don't ever push him away from you" he said and the following was almost a whisper. "One time is enough, but two times can break someone completely" he added.

Thoughts now clouded inside Niki's mind. What is he that made Junkyu do that? What is he to make both of them surprised? Who is the true Sunoo?

"I don't get it. Why? What is he and who he really is? You sound like it is a sensitive topic" Niki asked, eyebrows still furrowed while looking back at Haruto.

"Because it is an important matter, Niki. It is a matter of acceptance and trust" Haruto retorted.

"You're just making it more confusing. Just tell me everything" Niki said with a low voice. Everything was intriguing him.

"I can't"


"Ask him. He should be the one telling you"

And with that, a cold breeze of air fan them as they silenced themselves. No one dared to talk for a while. Niki just clicked his tongue for Haruto's persistency yet he has no right to force someone to talk. All he have to do is to ask Sunoo about this later. He has to.

"I don't understand, doesn't he trust me? Why does he have to hide it from me? I am the closest person to him. At least, that's what I think, but why?"

"I know he trusts you, Niki. He's just not yet ready. There's time for everything, you know?"

"I don't know if I can still hold myself from asking" he said, almost whispering, making Haruto look at him with a concerned gaze.

"You love him, right?"

"Of course, I do"

"Does he love you too?"

Silence. He has nothing to reply. Everything was just plain confusion to him. Sunoo has never opened up what he feels when they are together yet he promised himself not to give up on him since the feelings just grew and grew more than it was.

"I don't know"

And with that, Haruto just patted his arm comfortingly with a small smile.

"I know you are too confused. Soon, you'll know everything so all you have to do is be ready" Haruto lastly remarked before they heard footsteps coming to their bench.

Sunoo and Junkyu are now in front of them.

"Ooh, it seems like Ruto already has a new friend" Junkyu exclaimed and giggled beside Sunoo.

"Yeah, deep talks we see. What are you talking about?" Sunoo asked the both, making Haruto chuckle.

"Nothing, just random stuff about loud boyfriends" Haruto said, followed with a diabolical laugh as Junkyu went beside him to slap his arm, earning a groan from the younger.

"Stop calling me loud, you asshole" Junkyu said and rolled his eyes, but then turned his head towards Sunoo to ask something. "Boyfriends? Does that mean you and Niki are now together? You told me he's just a friend"

"Uhmm. Best friends, actually" he said with a mirth.

"Tss. Nevermind" Junkyu said. "Anyways, thank you for the time, Nunu. Next time, let's meet again for a feast!" he added, that Sunoo's eyes almost turn into the shape of hearts.

"Woah, that would be really great! Next time! Text me if you're free" Sunoo said and flashed a huge smile.

Junkyu then once nodded and waved his hand. "Yeah. Thanks for the tea that you spilled. We gotta go" he said and subtly went on Niki's side to whisper something.

"Take care of him, okay?" he whispered, making Niki nod at him.

"Bye" Junkyu happily said to Sunoo as his goodbye which Sunoo also replied with a "Bye-bye!" along with a huge smile as well.

Then when the couple was already gone from their sight, a sigh escaped Sunoo's lips with a still smile on his lips. "Aww, how I missed both of them" he muttered as Niki just threw him a puzzled look.

The thoughts pondering inside of Niki was there once again, clouding his mind and abusing him mentally. He wants to know everything yet the first question that escaped his mouth was

"Do you still love him?"

Niki then looked at him straight into his eyes, as if he was forcing him to tell the truth, but Sunoo just chuckled at his reaction.

"The heck, Niki? Where was that question from?" He asked as they started to walk towards the car that was parked in front of the said park they are currently in.

"Do you still love him? Reason why you can't return my feelings?"

"Seriously, Niki. Where are those things coming from? What's done is done, okay? Besides, I completely moved on with that. I'm healed and fine now. See? We are both okay" Sunoo said to reassure him. "Anyways, Haruto was also from Japan. You should've talk to him in Nihongo"

"Is that so?" he bluntly asked.

"Yeah, he also taught us some words before, but honestly, I forgot all of those" Sunoo said and chuckled. "So what the both of you talked about? You seemed so serious with your conversation before"

And with that, there it was again, clouding of thoughts inside his mind and now, his heart was also rapidly beating inside of his chest.

"Sunoo hyung, where are you really from?" he asked, desperate for an answer as Sunoo just paused on his steps at the sudden call of his name.

He was surprised. Niki sounded so serious and Niki usually calls him Foxy. Why is he calling his name now?

"Tss. I told you, Jake hyung and I were from Australia" he confidently answered even though inside him was panicking.

"Then how did you meet Junkyu hyung and Haruto hyung? You said it's your first time here in Korea"

As if Sunoo was splashed with cold water, he froze in his place, not able to answer a word.

"Uhmm well, w-we ahmm a-actually..." He stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Please don't lie, hyung" Niki said with a plain voice that almost made Sunoo's knees weak.

"Ahehe, you know what? Let's just go back already. It's late, Jungwon must be waiting for us" Sunoo tried hard to avoid the question but failed.

"But I'm also waiting for your answer, hyung" he said and walked closer to the older. "Where are you from?"

Sunoo then gulped. "Fine. We lied. We are definitely not from Australia"

"Why, though?"

"We just have to, Niki. Please let's just go home now" Sunoo said, now smile disappearing and as equally serious as Niki now.

"You are hiding something"

"Please, I'm already tired. Let's just go back--" Sunoo said as he attempted to start to walk again, but when he did so, Niki tugged his wrist to stop him again, facing the younger.

"Hyung, you are too obvious. Why are you hiding something from us? From me? Am I not worthy of your trust? Don't you trust me?" Niki asked, voice starting to show pain.

"I do. I trust all of you so please stop asking questions" Sunoo said but Niki just tightened his grip so that Sunoo would not go away.

"Then tell me. Tell me what you are hiding" Niki said, now desperate to know everything. Now, it is his curiosity dominating his mouth.

Sunoo just pursed his lips, having no intention of speaking.

"Look, hyung. I've always been honest to you since then. You know what I feel, you know what I want, you know everything about me, yet I only know just little about you. You know I love you so much, you know I'm always sincere to you but please, hyung. Please be open to me too. I barely know you yet now, I am curious about everything. Seems like there is something I needed you to tell me" Niki said, voice now getting louder.

But Sunoo watched him nonchalantly even though his feelings are getting heavy. "You shouldn't ask anything, Niki. Curiosity kills the cat, remember that" he said.

"Exactly" Niki retorted. "I've been really curious about it that it kills me. What is it that you should have to hide it? You entitle me as your best friend yet you don't trust me with that thing?"

"You don't have to know"

"Then you don't trust me"

"I trust you, Niki. I trust you with all of my heart. You are the most genuine person that I've known and I do know that I can trust you" he said then lowered his voice for the following words. "I trust you so much, that's why I am afraid of what will happen if you know" he added.

"You're afraid that I might do the same with others? Why? Why are you so scared? What are you and who are you that made you feel like that?"

"Please don't ask"

"I have the right to know"

"You don't understand"

"How would I be able to understand if you're not telling me anything?"

Sunoo sighed. He's too close to his limit. "Please let's just stop"

"We won't go as long as you don't tell me" Niki insisted, demanding for an answer.

"Let me go"


"I said, let me go!"

"Not until you tell me everything--"

And that's it, Sunoo harshly removed Niki's grip from his wrist and faced him properly.

"Because I am a merman, Niki!" He yelled out loud. Good thing, there are no other people near them. "Not just a merman, but a witch in the ocean!"

Niki was taken aback at the answer that he was waiting for. He didn't expect that it was his answer for that.

"And I've never been to Australia. All of that was just a lie. I am from the ocean and that is my home" he said, now sight getting blurry at the explosion of feelings inside him. "Of course, we'll lie. What did you expect me to say? That I am a merman, for the first day of our meeting?"

"I was scared, I am indeed scared of what would happen if you knew. I do trust you the most and I am scared of losing a person like you in my life. I want to be with you for longer and I am too dumb for thinking that I could hide my identity for long" he said, still letting the tears go out.

"You know what, I tried my best to fit in this world, to belong here with all of you but at the end of the day, that would never happen because we are different from each other. We are not the same. I am just nothing. I keep it to myself so that I could live a normal life with you"

"I am similar to no one. I am not a human nor a prince like Jake hyung. I am a witch underwater and lots of merman feared me for what I am. See? Even in the ocean, I tried to live along but still failed. Even in my home, I still don't belong" Sunoo said, as the pain gets more and more obvious.

"My family gets killed because we are witches and I am the only one who survived. Afraid of getting killed again, I tried to find a new home in the land, and with that, I usually went back and forth, water to land, land to water. That was also the reason why I have difficulties having attachments with people. I hate being attached, I push them away from me so goodbyes will not be so painful" he said with a trembling voice. "And also to avoid rejections from human"

"Niki, I am not afraid to love. I am afraid for what they'll feel from knowing what I really am. I got rejected, judged and even fooled because of my identity so I just keep everything to myself and promised not to be open to anyone"

"Then you came. I was so glad of meeting you, to be someone you like and be loved by you, that was where the fear washed over me once again. I don't want you to fear me, I don't want you to push me away from you when you knew..." He said and paused for a while for the following sentence. "I was afraid of falling deeper to you" he said and had a short eye contact with Niki.

"I'm completely aware that we are not the same, that's why I have no right of loving you, yet I still do. I still love you even how hard I try to avoid it" he said, gaze starting to melt while looking at Niki.

"I'm being honest with you, Niki. I know I love you" he said, almost a whispper and let out a bitter smile.

"Yet here you are, as if history was repeating itself. You have the same reaction as Junkyu hyung before he left me on the rooftop" he said and let out a deep sigh. As if he got deja vu.

"Fear me, despise me or loathe me if you want, I'll still completely understand" Sunoo said lastly and wiped all of his tears as he started to move his feet to leave the scene where Niki was still standing, shocked at the information obtained.


Sunoo went home alone, still carrying the pain inside of him. He knows, he completely exploded in the park. He shouldn't have to, but what can he do? It is also better that Niki knows everything now. At least he isn't hiding anything from him now.

He felt so drained since he finally let out everything inside him a while ago yet it still feels so heavy. Something painful washed over himself.

He went home alone by bus and went immediately to his shared room with Jake, seeing him just scroll through his phone while lying down comfortably in his bed.

"Oh? Sunoo-yah! How's your date with Niki?" Jake happily asked him as he placed his phone on his side and turned his attention to Sunoo but Sunoo didn't answer. Instead, he just went to Jake's side and also slumped himself there, arms hugging the older as he snuggled his face towards Jake's shoulder.

The frown on Sunoo's face was also didn't let unnoticed by the older. "Yah, why? What's with that face?"

He then felt his shirt on shoulder's part getting wet as Sunoo let out quiet sobs. He knew something didn't go well. "What happened?"

"He already knows, hyung. Everything about me" Sunoo answered with a muffled voice, making Jake huff.

"He knows? What did he say?"

"Nothing. He was too shocked" he said and hugged Jake tighter. "I hate it. Now he knows about it, everything will change between us" he added.

Jake then didn't know what to reply because he himself also didn't know what to do if that happened to himself. Once they know, everything will change.

Instead, Jake just rubbed his hand on Sunoo's back to comfort him. He has no right word to tell Sunoo to comfort him so he just showed it through action.

"He... he was too surprised. For sure, he's afraid of me now" Sunoo whispered, but Jake still managed to hear.

And with that, Jake looked at him to ask something. "Are you sure that he said nothing, or you didn't let him speak?" He asked, making Sunoo look at him wth eyes still teary and curious.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what? Being surprised is just a normal reaction, but still, he didn't reply. How would you know his thoughts if you don't let him" he said and chuckled. "Answer me honestly. You walked away, right?"

Sunoo then nodded and lowered his head as he remembered what happened once again.

"Give him some time to sync-in everything, Sunoo-yah. He was still in the shocked phase. Give him some time and talk with him when he's ready"

"When is the right time? I badly wanted to talk with him"

Jake then chuckled softly once again as he ruffled Sunoo's hair. "Aish, that will be very soon, don't worry. You know that guy is a sucker for you" he said and smirked, making Sunoo also let out a faint chuckle.

"Anyways, why are you lying down already? It's still too early to sleep" Sunoo asked him, now also lying flat beside Jake.

"Nothing. I just felt lazy. Besides, my knees felt kinda weak"

Sunoo then looked at him. "Eh? You're too young to have an osteoporosis though" he said jokingly.

"Shut up, Sunoo. Don't be too exaggerated"

"Fine, fine" he said and chuckled. "Can I sleep here in your bed? I feel too tired to move"

"I don't mind, you only occupy such a small space though" he said and giggled.

Then they stayed like that for a while as Sunoo already closed his eyes and Jake continued scrolling on his phone, but a sudden knock on the door broke the comforting silence they were in.

"I'm gonna get that, just lay still" Sunoo said and get up from the bed.

"You said you're tired?" Jake said and snorted.

"You said your knees feel weak?" Sunoo said and smirked.

"Fine, just go" Jake just said and looked at his phone again.

And with that, Sunoo went to the door to open it carefully, just to saw Niki standing there, waiting.

"Hyung, let's talk"


Yieeeh~ Ni-ki already knows everything about Sunoo and Jake's identity!
Yeah, and Sunoo had been in love with Junkyu before but now, of course, HaruKyu for the win!
What do you think will happen next? Does that 'talk' mean that Ni-ki accepted what he is? Let us know in the next chapter!

Anyways, I'll also take this opportunity to have a shameless advertising of my other book lol
So, I published a new book for one shot stories of ENHYPEN ships so if ever you are interested, please do check out the book and leave your reactions and all. (I also accept requests so just tell me if you want anything)

Another thing, classes will be starting again this month so  if ever it takes me so long before I update, please understand, okie?

Once again, thank you so much for reading this chapter❣️
Please leave a comment or a vote if you like this chapter so that I can know your reactions with this huge revelation😂 char
See you again next time, so paalam for now💋

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