Baby Shepherd

By AkiraJohnson1

58.7K 1.6K 119

[OC X OC] "I wasn't kidding Addison. When I said it was love at first sight when I first layed eyes on Sienna... More

Chapter 2- Custody Battle
Chapter 3: Denny, Ice Cream, & MeMe!
Chapter 4: Starting Over
Chapter 5: Ucky Feeling
Chapter 6: A Day at Home with Mom
Chapter 7: First Day Of School
Chapter 8: Hey Addy
Chapter 9: Whats an Lvad?
Chapter 10: Mommy works with Mer
Chapter 11: Where's your Hair?
Chapter 12: How to save a life
Chapter 13: No Good Father
Chapter 14: Death Day
Chapter 15: Baby Blues

Chapter 1: Who the Hell are you?

12.2K 236 49
By AkiraJohnson1

A scared and freighted Sienna runs through Settle Grace Hospital looking for her father. "Daddy! I want my daddy!" The small melanin child had cried for days, until her mother had no choice but to hop on a plane and bring the child to her father.

Sienna had always been a daddy's girl. From the few moments that he first held her, he was the first person she smiled at. The small child had wiggled out of her mother's arms as soon as she reached the unfamiliar hospital.

For her only being four, she was very observant, and very bright. She knew that the o.r. was always in what she called the 'basement of the hospital' and if she ever needed her dad, he was always there.

Before she could look for an elevator, she was being picked up by Chief Richard Webber. "Madelynn Sienna, you are not supposed to run away in hospital sweetheart, you could get lost."

"I want my daddy, now! Ricky!" Laying the child over his shoulder, Richard pats her back and asks a nearby nurse to page Dr. Derek Shepherd, 911. The four-year-old knew Richard Webber very well.

He visited with Adele in New York quite often, and Sienna would always ask Adele to do her hair, she loved how Adele's hands felt when she would get her hair washed.

The small child had finally calmed down enough. Her mother, Addison Shepherd, was worn out. But, she wiped a few loose hairs out of her daughter's face.

Sienna didn't have time for her mother today, so when she slapped her hands away, Addison wasn't at all surprised or shocked- it's been more than just that since Derek moved to Seattle. 

Not knowing that her father saw it all. "Madelynn Sienna, you do not hit your mot-" Sienna cut her father off by jumping in his arms, and getting a strong grip onto him. "Daddy, no leave me."

Wrapping his arms around his daughter, he looks to his Chief and still Wife, "Addison, what's going on? Why are you guys here." Sighing, Addison still wonders how she managed to get her and her daughter dressed, and in style.

"It's you she wants Derek. She's been fighting me since you left. But, last night was the last straw. She wants her daddy to take her everywhere in New York, she wants her daddy to tuck her in. She loves me, be god Derek, she loves you most! Your daughter needs you! Can you stop sleeping with an intern long enough to take care of your first priority!"

Addison was worn out. Between aborting the child she was going to have with Mark Solan, to having it thrown back in her face by her innocent daughter, she was fighting a battle she knew she was going to lose. "Spend the day with her, please. She needs and wants you. It'll be just like New York."

By this time, Sienna was playing with the back of her father's hair, something she did when she was overly happy. The little girl had gotten what she had been screaming for, for the last few months, her dad.

While Derek was pissed at Addison for bringing his new partner into this, he wasn't going to argue in front of his child. He strongly disapproved of it, so he was letting this one go.

"You're right, it'll be just like New York," kissing the top of his daughters head, "you wanna spend the day with me little S?" Looking up to her father, Sienna smiles bright, sloppily kissing her fathers chin, "No leave daddy."

"That's right baby, no leave."


Addison decided to take on a few cases while in town, to keep herself busy, and close by just in case Sienna needed her.

Derek and Richard walked down the hallways together. When people saw the famous Derek Shepherd with Sienna, most didn't know what to say. Of course, there were rumors that he actually had adopted a child, but no one knew for sure, and he was a very private man.

When Meredith Grey saw the little girl in the arms of the man she was in love with, she didn't know how to respond. Derek glanced her way, but was quickly torn away by his daughter. "Daddy, food. Please"

Many of the nurses awe at the small child, all Sienna does is stick her tongue out at them, and sends them the classic Shepard smile. "You've got it down pack kid" everyone was surprised to see Miranda Bailey go up and talk to Derek.

But, everyone should have known that she knew about the child. Turning around, Miranda looks to everyone who's looking at the four of them. "Don't you all have things to do? Lives to save? Back to work people!"

Before the interns disburse, Steven says something that has Meredith on the verge of throwing up, "That boys and girls, and interns, is the baby shepherd. She's also the famous Mark Sloan's goddaughter. I also heard that The Nazi was her godmother. If that's true, that kid has no choice but to become greatness. Crossing her, is like asking for your life to end. She may be small, be she's a force to be reckoned with."

Alex Karev had, had about enough of the fellow intern, "how the hell do you know? And if I catch you within 100 feet of that kid, I'll kill you."


Derek was in surgery, so, he asked the only available people at the moment to watch Sienna, Bailey's group of interns. She had already yelled at them and told them that if any harm came way to the small Shepard child, there would be hell to pay. Sienna was sitting in a chair by herself, not being comfortable enough with any of these people yet to allow them to hold her.

She was, however, sharing her goldfish with Alex Karev. "Alex eat Fishy?" Holding the orange cracker up to the man, Sienna looks at him to take it. "Alex would love fishy, thank you, Sienna."

"Sure" Derek was smiling under his mask, seeing how easy it was for his daughter to take interest in the rudest intern of them all. George O'Malley was sitting behind Sienna, and Cristina Yang was to her right. Meredith was to Cristina's left, and Izzie was behind Cristina.

Bailey had hooked Sienna up with the snacks. She had grabbed all her favorites. Goldfish, kitkats, pretzels, gummy worms, lots of juice, and potato chips. Soon, Sienna got tired of her goldfish and reached for her Capri-Sun. Meredith helped her out by opening it for her, and holding it while she sipped it. "Thanks, Mer"

Sienna was having a little difficulty pronouncing Meredith's name half the time, but she was getting better. Surprisingly, Cristina had a soft spot for the child. "Do you want something else, Sienna? Potato chips?"

"You share with me C?" Sienna was learning to share everything, but it's not like she already did that before her parents brought it to her knowledge.

Sienna was a giver more than she received.

Slowly climbing down from her chair, Sienna pulls her pants up a little, with Cristina's help, and plops down right in front of the mirror, watching her father work.

Every so often, Sienna would ask her father a question, and she completely blew away the intern class when they found out that she knew basic neurology and anatomy. "Daddy, are you doing burr holes? Cause those are fun."

Laughing, "can you tell George what a Burr hole is Sienna? And no, daddy's not doing one today." Turning her back to the glass, Sienna looks to the quiet O'Malley, "George! A Burr hole is when you get a drill, and you go into a person's skull." Giving a visual representation, as well as sound effects, Sienna explains Burr holes in a way that anyone could understand.

Walking over to Meredith, exhausted "more juice please? Mer" at this moment, Addison walked in. No one noticed her just quite yet.

Meredith moved back some stray hairs on Sienna's face, and to her, it's like the child was pressing into her touch. "Here you go."

"You guys are free to go, thank you for watching her." Alex, George, and Izzie were the first the leave, Cristina waited for Meredith by the door. "Bye Mer, bye C!"

It wasn't long after that, that Sienna was lying asleep in her mother's arms.


"I just don't see why it was us! She's a brat first of all! Getting any and everything she asks mommy and daddy for! She won't have to work a day in her life!"

Izzie had been going on and on about how she didn't want to watch the small child. George and Alex had already gotten into a fight and yelled at her about it, and Izzie had been given a warning, but she was about to run out of luck.

Now bring the conversation back up with Meredith and Cristina, they both take action. "That little girl is pure heart and happiness! She's the best thing to happen to this hospital today. I don't care if you are threatened by a four-year-old who weighs no more than 70 pounds! She is sweet, kind, and one of the best kids to ever walk through these doors. No one can pick what family they are born in and what legacy they carry on, but if I wear you sag one more thing about Sienna I'll kill you myself!"

After Cristina's words, Meredith took a low blow. "I get that you come from nothing and you're trying to make something of yourself, but you won't bring her down in the process. Just like Steven had to stay 100 feet away from her at all times, the same goes for you. Or you'll see two dirty whores' mama bear sides come out, and it's nothing pretty. I guess Alex and George's yelling wasn't enough, don't take my words lightly."

As the two back away, they notice that they have gotten a crowd. Among those people is Mark Sloan, "that's sweet, now, where's my princess."

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