New Tales - Boku No Hero Acad...

By Yell0wCa1

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Relive the Boku No Hero Academia universe within different tales that are all about the love between two peop... More

Requests are open
Frozen to the Touch - Todoroki x Reader
Shadow Within (1) - Bakugou x Reader
What am I to you? - Tamaki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 1 | Better | Dabi x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 2 | What is love? | Todoroki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 3 | Choose me | Bakugou x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 4 | You | Shigaraki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 5 | Universe | Todoroki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 6 | Learn | Bakugou x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 7 | Life | Izuku x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 8 | Time stops | Tamaki x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 9 | Kisses | Dabi x Reader
10 Days of Love - Day 10 | You don't know | Shigaraki x Reader
Roses and other flowers that tell you what you mean to me - Todoroki x Reader
Sleepy - Dabi x Reader
Captivated - Shigaraki x Reader

Blue - SingleDad!Bakugou x Reader

572 33 8
By Yell0wCa1

A/N: Some of you might  have noticed that I've posted a new story but this time it is an Haikyuu one, which is why I decided to post one of the one shots I have on my laptop for those who might miss my writing but aren't interested in haikyuu (It's a great anime btw, so if you haven't watched it, I would recommend doing so). 

Anyway, this is the start of a small Au series, so I might post the other parts sooner or later as well. 

Please enjoy! 

Summary: Raising a child on your own takes a lot of effort and time and especially when it isn't your own most people don't want to commit to that. So it isn't surprising that Bakugou wasn't looking for someone to share his life with until he met you. 

Warnings: All characters are aged up as the story suggests. 

Bakugou tapped the steering wheel of his car in annoyance as he waited for the red light to turn finally green. He was already late to pick up his son from this stupid project his class was doing near the port of the city. It was stated that the class was supposed to learn about the marine environment by spending a week learning about it from actual marine biologists.

He guessed that this was probably a useful thing to learn but unfortunately the way to pick up his son would take now double the time it took before, considering that he had to pick him up coming directly from his agency.

It took him another 15 minutes to finally get to the port thanks to the awful traffic. When he finally found a place to park his car, he rushed over to the sea station his son should be at. He was ready for some whining on his side how hungry he was as well as some complaining of his teacher that would tell him yet again that he should be on time.

When he arrived, he didn't see his son in the front of the building he was waiting at yesterday. His heart sunk for a second as slight panic set in and the thought that his brat of a son walked off or even tried to find his way home all alone.

"Excuse me, have you seen a little boy?" He decided to speak to the first person that came his way which happened to be an old man.

"A little boy? Does he have spiky blond hair? I think such a boy is at the dock with Y/L" the old man replied and pointed to a path that led behind the building he was standing in front of right now. He furrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion before he thanked the man and walked off. Who the hell was Hiroto with? And why would he just go with a stranger?

Whoever this Y/L was better didn't do anything to hurt his annoying but precious son.

Soon he found the said dock and to his relieve he could make out two figures sitting not too far off. One was clearly Hiroto since his spiky blond hair could be recognized at all times, but he didn't know the other one. It seemed like a young woman with (H/c) hair.

What was she doing with his son?

"Hey!" He yelled, stomping over to the two of you. The both of you peaked up looked over to where the angry voice was coming from. Hiroto immediately stood up and ran over to his dad while you could only guess that this was him, his dad. Considering that the angry male coming over to you rocked the same blond hair.

"Dad! Look, what we did today!" The boy grabbed the jeans of his father, slightly pulling at it as he wanted him to crouch down to show him his new precious possession.

Bakugou's eyes softened slightly at the excited expression of the little boy and for a second, he forgot about his previous anger. He gave in to his son and crouched before him, unconsciously scanning him for anything odd.

"Look at this!" Hiroto shove a bracelet into his face, making it impossible for the blond adult to overlook it. He blinked slightly as he observed the beautiful shellfishes it was made of. The colors seemed to complement each other perfectly.

"I made this for you, and I have one, too!" The small boy beamed, his red eyes glimmering within the light of the sun.

"You made this yourself? This is fu- pretty cool! I am proud of you" The male had to correct himself before he taught his son a new word that he probably shouldn't be using at his age.

"Yeah, miss Y/L taught us how to make it! She is super talented, and she knows so much about the ocean. I even think she might be smarter than you!" The blond boy started to ramble. Bakugou's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help but pout a little.

Usually, his son thought that he was the strongest and smartest person in the world, so it was kind of hard to see how his little boy started to admire other people, too.

You decided that this was a good moment to make yourself known. You slowly walked over in order to not startle any of them. Bakugou noticed your approaching form and his red orbs immediately shot up from his son's face to you.

His eyes grew big as he took in your figure. You were a young woman his age or maybe even a little younger. You wore rather casual cloths, containing a plain button up shirt and a pair of jeans. Your sneaker also seemed to be worn out. Your hair was a little messed up from the strong wind that came due to the close proximity of the water but it still looked good.

Actually, he had to admit that you in a whole looked pretty, even though you might look a little plain to others.

"Miss Y/L! This is my dad!" Hiroto was by your side before you could even greet the older Bakugou, ready to pull you closer to his father, so the two of you could get to know each other. "A lot of people call him Kacchan, I think you should, too!" he smiled innocently up at you as he said that.

"Hiroto!" Bakugou interrupted, blushing a little out of embarrassment. Unfortunately, it was true that this nickname stuck with him even now, but it wasn't like you needed to know that.

"Hello, that's a nice nickname but I think I will stick with Mr. Bakugou. I am Y/N Y/L and I am one of the marine biologists who teach your son's class" you greeted the older man, sticking out your hand in a friendly manner. A small smile blossomed on your lips as you made eye contact with the blond male.

You couldn't help but feel a little shy. You knew that the man in front of you was Ground Zero, it was hard not to know since Hiroto loved to talk about his father and all the cool things he has done but you somehow didn't think he would be that attractive. You weren't really into the hero game.

Most of the time you were too busy with your own research as a marine biologist to really be in touch with what was happening outside your little station.

You knew that there wasn't a Mrs. Bakugou since Hiroto pretty much told you his entire life story, even though you only knew each other since this morning. You weren't there yesterday since you were caught up with another project but when you joined today the small boy immediately latched onto you. It seemed like he took a liking to you since he would follow you around all day, telling you things and wanted you to answer all his questions about the ocean which you happily did.

Still, you didn't know how to feel about finding the father of one of your short time students attractive.

"Hello, I am Katsuki Bakugou. I am sorry, I am late. I also had kind of trouble to find you over here" all the rude words he had planned to tell you were gone, seemingly forgotten from his vocabulary. You gave him a look of surprise at that.

"But Mrs. Kudo said she would wait for you at the front and tell you where we are when you arrive. Apparently, you are late quite often, so she said something about scolding you yet again" you explained what happened, reassuring him that you didn't mean to trouble him in anyway.

"This old dragon" he muttered under his breath, feeling anger welling up. She almost made Bakugou blow up on you and blaming you for the disappearance of his son, if it wasn't for your angelic face. "Now it is official, she can't stand me" he sighed, trying to remain calm.

"Well, I don't think there is anyone she likes, so don't take it to heart. I worked with her for the last 4 years and she hasn't smiled at me even once in this entire time" you admitted, scratching the back of your head.

"Not surprised. The last time she smiled was probably a time we weren't even born" that comment made you giggle which in return lightened Bakugou's mood. You really didn't look too bad with that bright expression on your face.

"Who are you talking about?" Hiroto piped in, his big eyes showing confusion.

"Ah, we were just talking about an old tale of a dragon which never smiled. It's something our parents told us when we were just a little as you" you came up with an excuse as fast as possible. Hiroto was an honest soul and you could only imagine what Mrs. Kudo would say, if he told her that you and his father talked about her. It would probably mean a lot of scolding and you weren't really in for that.

"Oh! I want to hear it! Daddy, can you tell it to me tonight?" The boy turned to his father with an expecting look on his face. The older male clicked his tongue and shot you an unamused look which you reciprocated with a teasing grin.

"Of course, I can. Even though I think Ms. Y/L would be a better storyteller. I can't remember all the details after all" your smile fell as you saw him smirk. He really turned the tables around. You should probably add "Making up some tale about a grumpy dragon" to your list of things you needed to do until tomorrow.

"So, you will be coming over tonight and tell me a goodnight story?" The boy concluded as he looked over to you with almost sparkling eyes. Both you and Bakugou were caught off guard at his words.

"Well, I- I don't think that would be a good idea. After all, I would have to walk home again and doing that when it is dark is dangerous" you tried to find an excuse that would satisfy the little boy since you were sure that he didn't have the social understanding to see why this would be inappropriate on so many levels.

"Don't worry about that! Daddy has a really big bed! You would fit in there easily" and now he had done it. You and Bakugou started to blush at the innocent words of the boy. Somehow you felt awkward now.

"Two adults don't sleep in a bed with each other after such a short time of knowing one another" the blond man blurted out, successfully making Hiroto confused again.

"Why?" And here it was. Bakugou stared at his boy like he just asked him to explain the source of all life. He looked utterly helpless. You let out a sigh as you decided to step in.

"You sleep best in your or your daddy's bed, right? And this is how other people feel, too. I sleep the best in my own bed at home. You wouldn't want me to be tired tomorrow, right?" You questioned him, slightly shifting your head to the side. The little blond shock his head.

"You could bring your bed" he suggested but you laughed it off before you slowly ruffled his hair which made the boy pout, but he didn't do anything to stop you.

"That's a nice idea but I have a really big bed, too. I couldn't just bring it with me" you explained while spreading your arms widely in hopes to get your point across. It worked as he nodded his head in understanding. You also didn't miss the grateful look of the taller male. "You said something about being hungry, right? You should probably go home now" you reminded him of what he told you a little while ago.

"But I don't want to leave yet. I want to stay with you" he whined, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes.

"We will see each other tomorrow and your father probably wants to spend time with you, too. Don't be sad" you petted him on the head one last time. Your gaze now meeting Bakugou's once again.

"Thank you, for taking care of him" he bashfully admitted, not really knowing what he was supposed to say to you.

"It's nothing. He is a curious and good student. It's really fun to teach him" you chirped.

"Hear that, dad! I am a good student" the little boy repeated, obviously happy about your words.

Bakugou huffed as he eyed his son suspiciously "yeah, yeah but you still aren't allowed to stay up past 8" the boy pouted at that, almost resembling his father from before and you couldn't help but giggle a little.

At the sound of that, Bakugou's eyes wandered back over to you and he couldn't help but watch in delight at the fact that he made you laugh yet again.

"See, I told you my dad can be mean. He is always allowed to stay up as long as he wants but I have to go to bad early" Hiroto complained, tugging at your hand now as if he wanted you to defend him.

If his son just knew that his father was pretty much going to bed right after him. After all, Bakugou liked to go to sleep as early as his job allowed him to.

"But going to bed early isn't a bad thing. You are going to have to wake up early tomorrow to come here, right? If you don't get enough sleep, you might be too tired in the morning and oversleep and that means you wouldn't be here for all the super cool things we planned for the next day" you told him, making his eyes go wide.

"Really? Dad, we need to go home! I need to go to sleep!" The boy suddenly started to get frantic as he now was pulling at his dads hand in order to pull him away. Bakugou didn't budge at first still looking at you.

"Thank you" he mumbled, and you gave him a playful wink as well as thumps up as the little boy was now finally getting his way as Bakugou followed him back on land.

"See you tomorrow!" You waved to the two of you which Hiroto reciprocated immediately while Bakugou just gave a curt nod as a way of saying goodbye.

You didn't know why but you somehow felt like that wouldn't be your last encounter with the hero.


"I am going to marry Ms. Y/L!" Bakugou almost spat out his breakfast at those words. It's been a few days since the first time he met you and whenever he brought him to the station and picked him up again, you would be there and catch his attention.

With every conversation the two of you had, he realized that his first attraction also applied to your personality. You were kind, funny and sometimes a little awkward which was utterly cute to him. For the first time in years, he couldn't get a woman out of his head and he didn't know if he should ignore it or act on it.

It wasn't even the fact that you were the temporally teacher of his son that made him hold back. The thing that really scared him was to move on. He lost the mother of Hiroto almost 8 years ago. Shortly after his son's birth his fiancée died. He was about 20 back then. Besides the promise that he would be the best father to his son, he also promised to never forget his first love.

Still, he knew that it was his fiancée's wish for him to be happy and to find new love. She told him back at the hospital. She was also kind like that. A personality trait Hiroto luckily got from her. The boy might resemble him on the outside but on the inside, he saw the kind heart of the woman he loved so much.

Admittedly, over the past 8 years he didn't have the time to even look for someone else. He was still a relatively new pro hero and now he had a son to take care of. Without his family and friends, he probably wouldn't have been able to deal with all that. Nowadays things were calmer. Since the boy went to school and Bakugou made a name for himself it was easier to find a balance between his family and his career.

You were probably the only woman that caught his eyes in years and maybe it was time to give love another chance.

He was also aware that his son took a liking to you which was only another positive thing about you. He would rather stay single all his life, then go for a woman who wasn't liked by his son since he was the most important person in his life.

He just weren't aware how much the little boy liked you.

"You what?" Bakugou questioned as he watched the small boy nibbling at his toast.

"I want to marry Ms. Y/L!" he repeated like it was nothing.

"I got that but why?" He furrowed his eyebrows. Maybe Bakugou and his son were more similar than he thought because seemingly they shared the same type, even though Bakugou had obviously the upper hand in this specific case.

"Didn't you say that I should marry a kind and smart girl when I am big? I don't think there is any smarter or kinder girl than Ms. Y/L" he smiled with determination burning in his eyes.

"Yeah when you are big. You are still a pipsqueak. I am fairly sure that Ms. Y/L likes grown man" the hero snickered at his son's antics, not taking him seriously. A lot of children at his age have crushes like that. He would be over it in a matter of weeks maybe even days.

"I am already big!" the blond boy argued, frowning as he eyed his father.

"No, you are not. What I mean is that she likes grown man like, uh, me" he explained, chucking down the rest of his water right after.

"Now I see what is going on here! You are my rival!" Again Bakugou needed to keep in what was in his mouth right now. This time it was the water that he almost chocked on.

"Rival?" He coughed.

"Yeah, you like Ms. Y/L, right? But I won't let you have her. You will see, she likes me better. She even lifted me up on her shoulders the other day!" Hiroto exclaimed proudly but his father only let out a laugh.

"Yeah, you probably were too tiny to look over the railing. That's nothing to boost about" the young father teased, suddenly enjoying this conversation. The small boy started to turn red from anger as he glared at his father who had the time of his life.

"I still get to see her every day and you only a few minutes a day" his son smirked, making him frown for a second.

"Yeah, but in like a week the entire project is over and then none of us would be able to see her." Bakugou thought but didn't say it out loud because he was sure that this piece of information would truly upset his son, not that it would sadden him or anything.

"Fine, you want to act like a man. Did you propose to her?" Bakugou wondered, knowing that if he did you already turned him down and part of him couldn't help but find that hilarious.

"Maybe" he suddenly became quieter which got the hero's attention. He lifted an eyebrow in question to which his son averted his eyes.

"Come on, what did she say?" Bakugou kept on it.

"I don't need to tell you"

"but I wanna know"

"It's really no big deal"

"Come on, you started this, so tell me what she said"

"I don't want to"

"Just spit it out"

"She told me to ask her again in 10 years and if I still feel the same, she would consider to marry me" the words came out fast, almost too fast for Bakugou to catch but he did and they made him laugh out loud. He couldn't help it. His son was still so hopeful, even though she clearly turned him down.

"She didn't say no!" Hiroto huffed annoyed.

"Yeah, because she wouldn't break the heart of a little boy" Bakugou thought with a little smirk on his face.

So much for his competition. 

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