Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

201K 5.9K 1.6K

Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


2.6K 70 16
By Lightblue44

Knowing that Theo had a long night last night, Naomi slipped his arm off of her body, throwing on some pyjamas as she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face.

When she got back in her room, she wasn't surprised to find Theo still sleeping, but what did surprise her was how he clutched her satin pillow in his arms - where she once lay, mumbling something.

Leaning on her doorframe, watching him, she couldn't help but smile. Theo was her peace and she believed she was his.

"Naomi, baby, please stay" she heard him mumble incoherently in his sleep

Stepping closer to him, well more like limped because of the ache inbetween her thighs from last night, she brushed his hair out of his face, seeing his knitted brows, kissing his forehead to ease him. "I'm not going anywhere Theo" she smiled, as he inhaled the scent of her pillow, humming in satisfaction.

She turned to go downstairs to make him some breakfast. She knew he would definitely need his energy after last night. Well she did too, especially with her not even knowing how the hell she was still able to walk, but she wanted him to feel okay to talk to her about what happened at his parent's house.

Grabbing the ingredients for a full English fry up, Naomi got to work, making Theo his scrambled eggs, beans, bacon, sausages, hash browns and toast - leaving out left overs for the girls if they wanted any.

Once everything was made, Naomi carried his plate upstairs, setting it down on her bedside table as she started the task of waking Theo up. She wasn't sure how easily he would wake up since she was so used to being the one who woke up second, but there was a first time for everything.

Well she thought she would have to wake him up, until she felt him snake his arm around her waist, pulling her back into bed next to him.

"Theo!" She squealed, shocked that he was even awake

"Morning" he mumbled into her neck, trying to get her to stay in bed.

"I made you breakfast" she smiled, waiting for his ears to perk up at the mention of food

Within seconds, Theo was releasing his grip on Naomi's waist, to allow her to straighten herself out, letting him to sit in between her legs as she grabbed the plate and placed it in his lap.

"Thank you baby" he mumbled in a deep sleepy voice, taking a bite of his toast and humming in satisfaction.

"Where's your plate?" he furrowed his brows as he realised there was only one set of cutlery and one plate

"I'm not hungry" She told him, running her fingers through his hair as he sat infront of her

"Fine but at least eat this" He said as he passed her a piece of bacon

"Okay" she mumbled, smiling at the kind gesture, taking the bacon piece out of his hand before he force fed her which she wouldn't put past him.

As he ate his breakfast, Naomi ran her fingers through his hair - smiling at how messy it was, knowing that she never wanted him to change.

During the time, her phone alerted her of her pill and she took it, as she remembered what she told Theo last night. If she wanted to keep doing that, then she would need to ensure she took it at the right time and she wasn't taking any chances with that.

No matter how good her and Theo were or how good their sex was, pregnancy was a fat no.

"Finished" he said, which was more like a grumble as he his mouth full with the last of his food as he placed the plate on her bedside table.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Theo"

"Oh but you liked my mouth full last night" he teased looking up at her, feeling her instantly go to clench her thighs together, but couldn't shut them as he was sat inbetween them, so she settled for licking her lips whilst she closed her eyes, briefly exhaling to calm herself down.

"So what happened with you parents?" She asked, ripping off the bandaid - refusing to let Theo sneak around this and tempt her into sex again

She watched how his once happy blue eyes staring back into hers, moved quickly, as he turned his head - staring straight forward.

"Theo look at me"

"Theo" she warned, trying to turn his head so look at her as she craned her neck forward, trying to stop him from closing up.

There was no way he could perform like that in sex last night, all the way into the early hours of the morning, without something making him that angry to pound into her like that. She definitely wasn't complaining, but it wasn't a good thing for him to act like that.

"I like when you get all dominant" he teased, staring back at her

"Theo stop changing the subject, no you don't and I know you don't because you would of told me ages ago if you did, so tell me what happened with your parents" she stated firmly, refusing to let him charm his way out of this conversation

"Not my parents Per se" he mumbled, watching her eyes soften as he finally answered her question

"Your sister?" She whispered, scared that Theo had lost their newly built relationship because of something that happened at home and the only change from the last time she knew that he last spoke to her, was well...Theo and her beginning to make things work

Please don't tell me he sacrificed his relationship with his family because of me...

"No" he laughed, "She would never be the problem, no matter how much we bicker, she'll always be my sister, the reason why I was so pissed was because of my dad" Theo explained


"Yeah..." he sighed, beginning to get up from Naomi's bed so that he didn't have to talk anymore

"No Theo stop moving and tell me, tell me everything. I want to listen. I want to know what's wrong. I want to hear about it, okay?" Naomi reassured him as she cupped his face in her hands, to make sure he saw the sincerity in her eyes as she trapped his body inbetween her legs so he couldn't move without dragging her with him

Sighing, Theo nodded, laying back inbetween her thighs, resting his head on her chest and concentrated on Naomi's fingers running through his hair as he began to explain what happened. "My dad, me and him have never had a good relationship, like I told you he's a workaholic"

"He was never around during me and my sister growing up. It was just work, work, work...There was a time I was so sure he had a secret family or something but nope - he just didn't ever want to come home. Well, he does have his assistant that he's been having an affair with but it's not like that's a secret"

"And then there's my mum, she's amazing - but we aren't that close because she's barely ever home either. She avoids the house like it's the plague because of him, my dad. Like for instance, she used to enjoy cooking so much for me and my sister and now she can barley even remember her way around the kitchen because it's been that long that she's been home properly to cook as she takes so many shifts just to stay away from the house. All he does is shout and boss her around. He doesn't even like her, he just likes to control her and...Fucking hell, I just can't stand him" he explained as Naomi hummed, showing she was listening.

She couldn't help but notice the vulnerability in his voice as he opened up to her, and it made her heart hurt for him. She never knew things were so bad, he always brushed it off and never spoke about it.

"But he's my dad and I knew if I didn't show up at home he'd come here and I definitely didn't need that. So I went, I went back home and I waited for him to finally show his face. He did, on the fifth day. He barley even acknowledged any of us, or the food my mum cooked. So then I started speaking Italian to my sister and he just snapped. He snapped because he didn't want 'that language' in his house. I went to argue with him but my mum stopped it and then he went on to say I'm a disappointment because I got arrested and it just got bad from there" Theo rushed through the story because he felt like she didn't need every detail

"But then I argued back saying he has no right to call me a disappointment, when he's the one who ruined our family and then... then, baby he said shit about you and I couldn't take it, usually I just walk away but yesterday - when he had the audacity to even talk about you when he doesn't even know your name I went off. So then he kicked me out, said I can't come back I said fine, I don't care and then I left" he finished as she felt Naomi's hand hold still in his hair as she realised what he had just said

"What are you going to do for money? Oh my gosh, you can sell the anklet if you need, I don't care - it's your money, I think I can find you a job and I can-" She rushed out, trying to help Theo however she could

"Baby" Theo smiled at her panicked state, "Don't worry about me" he reassured

"What do you mean don't worry, you've just been cut off - how are you going to afford anything, food, textbooks, rent, it's all so much" She listed off, believing that Theo didn't realise that money needed to be budgeted at uni and spent accordingly or else you could end up starving yourself for a week because you have no money

"Naomi look at me and stop panicking. I'm fine, I have money" He smiled

"Theo you don't-"

"No baby I mean it, I'm fine, my Nonna and Nonno saved money for me from the moment I was born. I got access to it when I turned eighteen, there's enough to last me for the rest of my life. If I really wanted to, I could pay off my students loans and still have more than enough left over" he told her

"Oh" she whispered, realising that he was right in not wanting her to panic

"Hmm see baby, now how are you?" He asked, wanting to move away from his family and check to see how she was doing in the five days they had spoken but briefly as Naomi was busy with the internship and football training

"I'm better now that you're back" she whispered

"Hmm is it?" He smiled, leaning into her touch

"Yeah I missed you"

"I missed you too" he told her as he looked up at her, obviously annoyed that he had to spend five days away from her, but if the five days meant that he got to come back to her like this then he'd do it all over again.

Changing the subject, Theo asked Naomi a question which made him smile the moment he heard it from Ollie and Elijah during one of their phone calls, "Also what's this I'm hearing about you telling the team that I get into your pants just fine" he smirked at her eyes going wide at him hearing her say that to the football team

"What? I don't know what you're talking about" she denied, looking away from his cocky grin

"Baby did you tell them about us?" He teased

"Maybe" she let a small smile tug at the corner of her lips as she refused to look at him since he had that shit eating grin on his face, knowing that his ego had been boosted even more

"No look at me" he smiled, as he wanted to see her eyes when she spoke to him, "Did you tell the team about us?" He asked as she looked down at him


"Good girl because I didn't want to be having to bench some of them because they tried something" he admitted, knowing that he didn't tell the boys who Naomi was just to test them, but if any of them did try anything he would bench them, no matter who it was or if there was an important match

Naomi smiled down at him, knowing that he wasn't lying when he would probably bench them, but none of them did try anything - well besides Finn's comment when she first met the team, but that was it.

"So what changes have you made to our team then?" He asked, wanting the updates from her even when Ollie and Elijah tried to tell him, he refused to listen - wanting to hear it from the team captain himself

"So I swapped Hughes for Taylor as goalie" she started as she smiled at Theo calling it 'our' team

"Really why?" He asked, surprised at the change

"Because Hughes doesn't care for the role anymore, I don't know if something has happened to him because he won't talk to me and when I tried to get coach to talk to him, he just said it was fine, he never really liked being goalie anyway" she explained

"And then I put changed Gibbs from a attacking midfield to defensive midfielder, with Miller and oh my gosh the difference, amazing" she smiled, "Then obviously Ollie and Elijah are doing well" she added in because she had to mention their friends, "But then there's Quinn and Crawford, their dynamic isn't good but I've been told it's because Crawford just wants you to come back and take your rightful place instead of Quinn getting in his way" She finished

"That sounds like Harry Crawford but thank you baby for doing this for the team, I knew you'd do great" he smiled at her

"Thank you for believing in me, I even got them to come or some extra training sessions after I got back from my internship"


"Yeah cause Mariam is currently in New York with her husband trying to fix some stuff in the office up there, so she's been talking to us through Zoom so it's been a bit chaotic - with the five hour time zone difference and all - but we've worked things out so then I asked the boys if I could change training because of it and they all agreed, so yeah"

"That's great, I knew they'd respect you" he hummed, as Naomi glanced at her phone, almost as if there was something she needed to talk to him about



"Can we see Seb today, I just wanna get it out of the way and I don't know how much longer he's gonna be in hospital for" she asked, knowing that Seb was still in hospital for the time being, but didn't know when he was getting out and she wanted to talk to him on her own terms, in a controlled environment before he got out and had all his strength

With a sigh, Theo nodded, knowing Naomi did need her closure after last year. He knew not to question why she wanted to see him, because she had her reasons. He trusted her and would be there for her no matter what.

"Thank you" she smiled as she kissed his cheek, "I'm gonna go and wash your plate up downstairs and then I'll get ready to go" she told him as she got up, noticing he pulled on his boxers and grabbed a pair of joggers of his she'd borrowed before, following after her.

"I'm gonna grab a bottle of water" he explained as she nodded her head understanding

As the two of them walked out of Naomi's room, Theo couldn't help but furrow his brows at the fact that Naomi was walking to weirdly.

"Baby why are you walking like that?"

"Like what?" She asked, trying to not acknowledge the clear limp in her walk

"Like you're limping" he pointed out

Rolling her eyes, as she placed a hand on her lower back to stop the ache in it, she turned to Theo. "Theo you fucking know why I'm limping, don't make me say it"

"I know wh...ohh" Theo smirked at the after effects of their long night into the early hours of the morning, noticing once he connected the dots, Naomi scowled at him, turning around in a huff

As the two made it downstairs into the kitchen, Theo wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck as he told her "Baby I'm sorry, if I was too rough on you just tell me next time"

"You weren't...you weren't too rough, my body just isn't used for that" she mumbled, not wanting to boost his ego even more at the fact that her body was basically saying fucking hell that was some amazing sex, no other boy has ever made me feel like that before

"How about I give you a massage" he offered

"Maybe la-" she hummed, feeling him rub his hands up and down her sides, easing the tension in them as the girls walked into the kitchen

"Morning guys" Naomi smiled to the girls as Theo stopped kissing her neck to smile at them

"Morning" Liv and Tiana both mumbled in their sleepy state

"How was last night-" Tiana started, smiling at the couple

"Oh I think we all know how last night went for these two, with Naomi like 'oh fuck Theo!'" Liv imitated Naomi's moans

"Fuck off Liv" Naomi grumbled, knowing this was the second time she had heard her moaning now

"Anytime" Liv winked, knowing that Naomi hated the morning after realisation that people heard her, "But seriously though, I'm glad I sleep on the third floor cause look at them, Theo's back is fucking marked up as well as his neck and then Naomi's fucking limping, we know that they had a good night" Liv smiled knowingly, pointing out the very prominent scratches on Theo's back, along with a hickey and Naomi's clear as day limp

"I-...I'm sorry but what the actual fuck?" Eliza stumbled out, stood in the doorway, pointing at Naomi and Theo, wide eyed

The four of them completely forgot that Eliza was even in the room.

"Oh shit, yeah I thought you knew Eliza, yeah me and Theo are a thing" Naomi told her, as she sat down at the countertop, since her legs were getting heavy

"A thing? Naomi really?" Theo laughed, as Naomi shrugged her shoulders not knowing how to exactly word their situation because they didn't have a title.

"When? How? But- but you two hate each other!" Eliza exclaimed, walking into the kitchen

"Long story short, a lot of arguments, hate and makeup sex turned into me and him actually trying to work and now we're us" Naomi shrugged again, watching Theo wash up the plate without her asking him to

"I'm sorry what? Why the fuck aren't you two freaking out right now?" Eliza tuned to Tiana and Liv who were eating the left overs of the fry up Naomi made, engrossed in Eliza's reaction as they found it amusing

"Well I found out last year from Elijah..." Tiana mentioned

"And I forced it out of Theo after Joe gave me a hint last year" Liv added

"And none of you thought to tell me? At this point I may as well be like Jessica, who pays rent in this house but doesn't even fucking live here" Eliza exclaimed at the fact that it was some big house secret and she was the one who was left out, yet as always

"Eliza I'm sorry, I completely forgot to tell you. I just kind of assumed the girls would of told you by now, but I really am sorry. I should of told you" Naomi apologised

"Okay, Eliza we're all sorry, but that doesn't excuse the secrets you've been keeping from us" Liv hinted, to which Eliza furrowed her brows wanting to know exactly what Liv was on about.

"What secret?" Everyone asked

"Oh, well I can't say that because that would be an evasion of Eliza's privacy. But let's just say I know who she's been doing all nighters at the library with" Liv laughed

Eliza flushed a deep shade of red as she refused to make eye contact with anyone in the room.

Theo and Naomi looked at eachother at the mention of the library, the last time they attended together. "We should go back to the library, I like those pods" Theo whispered in Naomi's ear as she hit his arm.

"So spill Eliza since my secrets out, I wanna know what yours is" Naomi asked before anyone could realise what Theo whispered to her

"Ugh, well you know how me and Daniel were talking last year-" Eliza started

"I thought that didn't work out" Tiana asked

"It didn't"

"You and Daniel? Wow I must be so out of the loop with the boys" Theo mumbled as the girls smiled at him getting into their gossip sessions

"Yeah me and Daniel, don't get me wrong, he's cute, a really nice guy, but just not my type..."

"Really, but you two seemed so compatible, what about him meant that he wasn't your type" Naomi asked

"Well for starters the fact that he has a dick"

"You're gay? Since when?" Theo questioned, never realising that Eliza was gay

"Well I would more so say bi, but yes Theo I like girls" Eliza spelled it out, smiling at his confused expression

"Congrats" Theo smiled, not really knowing what to say when someone came out to him, but he was happy for her

"Oh my gosh Eliza why didn't you tell us?" Tiana smiled

"Because I don't know, I knew that I always had feelings for girls but never really thought that Daniel would solidify that guys are great, but I definitely lean towards girls more and that I'd find a girl in uni that I really like" Eliza smiled, "but enough about me, who else knows about you two?" She asked noticing that Theo and Naomi seemed very close in the kitchen a moment ago but she'd never seen them act like that before whenever she was around

"You three, Aimee, Ollie, and Elijah" Naomi listed off, looking to Theo to see if he had told anyone else, "Oh and the football team" she added

"Waitttt, so Drew, Charlie, and Elliot don't know about you two?"


"Not even Cap, Morgan, Jack and Daniel?" She asked looking over at Theo


"Shit" eliza mumbled

"I know they're gonna freak" Naomi sighed, knowing that they had basically gotten all the easy people out of the way but she had no clue how to tell Charlie, Elliott and Drew

"Yes of course they're gonna freak, it's like your best mate fucking you little sister" Eliza exclaimed

"I wouldn't say-" Theo interrupted

"No Theo, Drew would never trust you with Naomi, the way you two used to argue last year was bad. We literally thought one of you would move out by the end of term one by the way it was so bad at points and Drew hated it. He hated that he was always breaking it up. Yes you two are best mates, but he sees all the girls like little sisters and the fact that you basically made Naomi annoyed or upset half the time made him annoyed that he was even friends with you most of the time"

"Eliza you're not helping, I'm slowly trying to ease everyone into knowing about us" Naomi said as she knew Eliza wasn't making things easier

"Sorry, sorry it's just that we all know he'd flip" she looked over at Liv and Tiana who nodded, knowing that Drew got protective of Naomi after the Seb incident and seeing her get hit by someone they all trusted at the time

"I know... what do you think about Elliott when he finds out?" Naomi asked, hoping that Elliott would be easier to tell first

"Not sure, he obviously is really close to you both, but I think it will hurt him to know that this was a big secret under his nose"

Frowning at the lack of encouraging information, Naomi felt Theo kiss her forehead, trying to ease her frustration of not knowing how to tell the boys. "We'll tell them soon, but for now let's not worry about it okay" he whispered as she nodded, wanting to stay in their peaceful bubble for a little bit longer

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