Kill Me Sweetly

By Dragonstar5

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She had a choice... To kill, or be killed. To love and lose. To hate and murder. What would you do? @ Copyrig... More

Kill Me Sweetly
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 21

170 8 2
By Dragonstar5

            Ms. Robin jumped around the front of the class looking all giddy and happy; how the hell is she so happy this early in the morning? “Okay class,” she practically shouted hopping through the aisles like a five year old, “We’re going to go over the fieldtrip rules for our annual camp out this year!”

            I probably had the blankest face in the history of the world because Tim leaned over and whispered, “Every year around now we go on a field trip to the Adirondacks in New York and learn about all of this nature stuff; it’s kind of nice to get away from the building for a few days.” I mumbled thanks to him under my breath smiling, excellent I get to get away from hell for a few days, this was going to be so much fun then.

            A few desks over Crystal piped up and started whining, “I don’t see why this field trip isn’t optional, I could be spending this time doing something more exciting than that; like an all week shopping spree. Who wants to go out into the middle of the woods looking at trees?” Just to spite her and come to Ms. Robin’s defense I raised my hand and all of my other friends in the class followed suit. Crystal glared at me and secretly flipped me the bird while I just smiled innocently back; I heard Nick laughing under his breath behind me.

            Shooting me a grateful look, Ms. Robin continued, “You see Crystal your class mates are eager to go; and it now counts as half of your grade if you don’t go. If you do go this doesn’t affect you at all.” We all snickered at Crystal’s look of horror before she slumped down dejectedly in her seat. All of her little clones glared at everyone on my side of the room before they started patting her back and telling her not to worry about it.

            Instead of telling us the rules, Ms. Robin just handed out a paper with them all and proceeded to make my day when she told Crystal, “I want you to memorize all of these and tell me them by tomorrow when we are on the bus, this now counts as a tenth of your grade, and you can write me an apology while you are at it.” Under our desks Sam and I high fived grinning like maniacs while Crystal looked like she was about to either start crying or hit Ms. Robin over the head with her two hundred dollar purse.

            In Chemistry our teacher gave us another free period and Sam and Natalie went off with Tim to work on making small explosions for extra credit. Reading labels I looked up when I heard a chair squeak and saw that Nick was sitting across from me with a huge smile on his face like he had just won the lottery. “What’s up,” I asked picking up an empty bleaker and placing it in between us; out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. McDowell staring at me expectantly waiting to see what I would make. He still hasn’t given up on trying recruiting me for this chemistry competition thing or whatever.

            “Oh nothing, I just wanted to see you make these amazing creations up close,” was his reply watching my hands shift through the chemicals until I found what I was looking for. I mixed the first two chemicals together and watched them fizz a little before the entire thing turned into solid ice. Nick’s eyes got wide as I picked up another one and poured that in, the ice then turned back into a bright shade of sky blue, just the color of Nick’s eyes before it started releasing a small smoke into the air that smelled like grapes.

            Watching as I made the chemicals create different shades of smoke Nick asked, “How the hell do you do that? If I tried I would probably blow the entire school up while you know exactly what to do.” I shrugged my shoulders, and deciding I was bored with smoke, I made the chemicals starts shooting rainbow colored sparks into the air showering back down on us giving us small shocks. From my right I heard the teacher whistle in appreciation and then saw him scribble something down on a pad of paper.

            I made a small geyser then, a bright emerald liquid that squirted itself up into the air without any help. When Nick caught a rogue drop it pooled into his palm like quicksilver before evaporating into thin air along with the rest of the mixture from the beaker. “Any requests,” I asked shaking up a vial and spilling that into the beaker as a new base.

            “Can you… make bubbles that pop and give off different smoke and rain,” he asked slyly making his request seemingly impossible. Grinning back I took out of a few vials from my bag under the table quickly mixing them in with the vials on the table so Mr. McDowell wouldn’t realize what I did. Picking up a few of my vials I mixed them together quickly making my hands a blur as I poured and mixed and shook things up.

            A second later I paused and using a pipet I put in the final drop of an ingredient before leaning back a little watching a few blue and purple bubbles start to rise lazily up to the ceiling. Nick watched them with interest, along with the rest of the class, especially Mr. McDowell, as they gathered together and formed a huge bubble. The bubble burst releasing a cloud of water vapor that was magenta and in a split second it started raining real drops of pink water down onto everyone’s heads.

            With varying shrieks, the class started laughing and catching the drops into their hands while Crystal and Ashley jumped under the tables complaining about their clothes and hair. I rolled my eyes, even though it was pink the rain wasn’t going to stain or ruin anything it was just colored water.

            Mr. McDowell caught a few drops in a beaker and swished it around observing it. “Josey, is this water?” I nodded my head and squeaked when he rushed over and exclaimed, “Well this is amazing! How did you get all of those bubbles up there and make them rain water?”

            Blushing slightly I explained, “Well I made the bubbles coats thick enough that when in air they could support the water inside of them while the magenta cloud was made of a buoyant smoke that could lift the weight up to the ceiling. Then bubbles usually join together and when that happened the water’s mass was too great for the bubbles shell and it popped resulting in the rain.”

            He nodded then patted me on the head in a fatherly way walking off muttering formulas to himself and running his hands through his hair making it stand up. The bell then rang and we all ran out laughing and joking, we got some pretty strange looks in the hall since my entire class was now soaked through, but none of them except for Crystal and Ashley were complaining about that.

            The rest of the day passed fairly quickly before I had to drag my sorry butt to the gym locker rooms and get changed for another rousing class of Mr. Laud making fun of girls and how they aren’t strong or brave enough to do ever do what guys do. The only thing keeping me alive was the fact the entire rugby team was now my friends so we loved to mess around; they accepted me just fine unlike the rest of the jocks.

            I was just pulling my top over my head when the door banged open and Mr. Laud came storming in. All the girls screamed and ran for cover while the rest of the changed ones flinched and started complaining that it was the girls’ bathroom. Rolling my eyes I just finished getting changed while he screamed at us, “Ladies we are doing our obstacle course today now get those weak scrawny butts out there.” I was just tugging down my shirt when he grabbed my upper arm and literally dragged me out into the gym with my shirt still above my bra.

            All the boys were already in the gym just waiting when they saw me get forcefully dragged out pretty much without my shirt on. Cat calls echoed around in the gym when he finally let me go and I tugged the rest of my shirt down spinning around to glare at the asshole. “What I was just making an example of what would happen to the other girls if they didn’t hurry up,” he told me bluntly and walked away.

            There was a growl from behind me and I saw Nick struggling against Tyler with murder in his eyes as he looked at the coach. Even though he was holding Nick back, Tyler looked like he was about to go after the coach himself. With a sigh I just said, “Come on guys forget it he’s just a damned ass.”

            “Oh and princess make sure you don’t break a nail,” the coach called back at me with a smirk on his face.

            Paul had to grab me by my waist so I wouldn’t go and punch that dick’s head in with my bare fists. “He’s not worth your time Josey, just let it go,” he was muttering to me as he and Tyler dragged me and Nick back over to the rest of the rugby team, Tim and Dylan ran over to me looking angry themselves and all of the guys kept going back to glare at the teacher.

            “Oh he is worth getting expelled for, someone give me a fucking hammer,” Nick growled straining even harder against Tyler. I finally stopped struggling and Paul let me go carefully but kept his arm around my shoulder in case I tried to go murder the coach. I self-consciously crossed my arms over my chest and scuffed my shoe against the ground making a small squeaking noise until finally Nick gave up with a sigh.

            In less than a minute all of the girls were out staring fearfully at the coach and trying not to get to close to him. Sam came up on my other side with murder in her eyes but I just gave her hand a small squeeze and rolled my eyes to tell her I was fine. Natalie rushed up behind us still red in the face since she hadn’t been done changing when the pervert walked in on us.

            “Okay kids we are doing our obstacle course today,” the coach shouted at us and waved his hand to the far side of the gymnasium. I turned my head to look and I totally forgot about being mad when I saw how big that thing was. The tallest point of the obstacle course was about thirty feet in the air, there were rope bridges and swings, climbing walls, zip lines, you name it and it had it. Now I see why it’s better to go to a rich school, they had such cool stuff!

            I started hopping and down in excitement as the coach blew his whistle telling us we had to get through as fast as we possibly could. When he blew his whistle the second time I ran forward and swung myself up into the tangle of ropes climbing up to the top like a spider monkey. Swinging on a rope I landed on the top platform thirty seconds later while the rest of the class was struggling up the first maze still. I saw a priceless shocked look on the coach’s face as I started down the other end on a zip line.

            Once I was done with the obstacle course in less than two minutes I went back up to hang out with my friends and help them all out. I caught Sam’s foot when it slipped; sadly I ended it catching it with my face. “I am so sorry,” Sam called down to me when she got her footing back. I smiled up at her and looked down to see Natalie really struggling although her face looked like it was drained of color.

            Hauling her up onto the halfway point platform I asked, “Anything wrong my friend?” Gasping for breath she held up a finger telling me to wait until she looked over the edge and leapt backwards into me with a shriek. Losing my footing slightly I fell off the platform but grabbed a bar and swung myself back on. Not even winded I said, “Someone doesn’t like heights.”

            Hands trembling she whimpered, “No, I’ve been scared of them for a few years now, sorry I nearly killed you.”

            “Oh its fine, that’s what makes things fun in life,” I said getting a laugh out of her. With one last glance at the ground she started up ahead of me while I followed right on her trail.

            Boy was I ever glad that I was right next to her.

            About twenty feet off the ground almost to the very top, the rope Natalie was holding snapped. With a shriek she tried to grab onto the one above it but her hand missed by a mile and she fell backwards into thin air.

            Without a thought for my own safety I jumped off the maze grabbing Natalie and pulling her against the front of me. We freefell, hitting parts of the obstacle course on the way down, until finally we landed on the hard wood floor twenty feet from where we originally were. The good news was Natalie was completely fine since she landed on me; the bad news was she landed on me and I could barely get any breath into my lungs.

            “OH SHIT,” she screamed leaping to her feet and lugging me to mine. I doubled over heaving and coughing while the coach and a few guys that already finished ran over. Natalie was pushed away from me to be checked over while someone was rubbing my back and the coach was asking a bunch of questions but I couldn’t hear him over the buzzing in my ears.

            What I did hear when the buzzing die down was, “See, girls are just clumsy, gym should only be for the guys.”

            Straightening my spine I shot up and started shouting at the top of my lungs, “You are a freaking asshole! Let us keep in mind that being sexist will never get you anywhere in life you pervert! Speaking of which I could go to the head master and get your sorry ass here fired for dragging me out of the locker room practically naked into a room full of horny teenage guys. I will make sure that if you keep this attitude up I will do everything in my power to get your ass onto the streets and make sure you live on the streets with the rest of the homeless people in this sorry town only you will be so much worse off burning in the summer and freezing in the winter, hopefully drowning whenever it drizzles so you die in the next month!”

            His face got a dead pale color on it; I’m sure no one has ever stood up and threatened him before in his life. I continued, “Another thing, did you know girls can take so much more pain for instance? We go through child birth and beatings from ungrateful dicks like you, and do we complain? Of course not because we are stronger and more forgiving which is not weak, it’s what strong people do who are in control! Any woman or teenage girl or child for instance is a much better person than you ever have the hope of being!”

            All the girls in the room cheered me on while Nick grabbed me by the waist and carried me away before I could drop kick him and possibly get myself expelled from the school. Over Nick’s shoulder I saw the coach standing there staring at me in shock while the rest of the class was standing around him snickering.

            Setting me on the ground outside of the gym Nick mused, “In all of my life I have never seen that guy at a loss for words.”

            Our laughter echoed in the hallway. Then while I was laughing Nick quickly leaned down and pressed his lips against mine in one of the softest kisses imaginable. This time when he pulled back he didn’t run away to go make out with a slut, he wrapped me up in a hug and smiled down at me making me feel all warm inside.

            After I pulled on my black skinny jeans, my favorite gray camouflage zip up vest over a black long sleeve t-shirt, and pulled on my black convers and mask, I made my way through the court yard and then froze when I saw a black shadow ahead of me. Ducking behind the side of the school I stared at the shape, it was defiantly a male by the build, and he wasn’t moving. It was too dark to really see who it was but it looked like he was watching the front gates waiting for something, or someone.

            “Oh come on, only this would happen to me,” I muttered under my breath ducking down and army crawling to the woods. Once I was in the trees’ leafy embrace I snuck out from there, making my way to my motorcycle. Since I now had an unexpected audience I had to roll the bike over two streets before I could start it and ride into town. I already knew exactly what I was heading for now since I saw something that interested me on the news right before I went to bed.

            On Main Street I dodged a few police cruisers by turning down back roads before riding up to the bridge off of town leading off who knows where. On the news it said that there were opposing gangs that were always fighting on the bridge and I heard something about them maybe meeting tonight to fight again. So I shall wait for them here.

            About an hour later I saw a small guy go running across the bridge and disappearing off the one side while another guy appeared out of nowhere ten feet from me. “That was one of their spies, that means they’re here,” he growled and about fifteen other guys and a few girls, all not looking friendly, appeared out of the shadows behind him.

            Shifting my gaze back to the other end of the bridge I saw a similar group of people at that end of the bridge, the two gangs glared at each other, a few hands went towards the guns in their waist bands. Well, I can’t have people shooting each other on my watch. Crawling forward absolutely dead silent I start picking the guns stealthily out of their pockets until I had about twenty guns in my possession. Along with that I had also found some pretty cool looking knives that I decided to keep for me.

            I quickly melted back into the shadows and started running towards the bottom of the bridge. When I got to the edge of the river I dumped the guns into the black water then using my grappling hook, I swung my way across the bottom of the bridge shivering in the cold. I landed on the opposite shore, peddles under my feet, and I quickly ran up to the back of that group quickly grabbing guns and even more cool looking knives.

            The fun part of being an assassin is you learn the art of stealth pretty quickly so I was actually a top notch pick pocket. Once I reached the guy on the end of the lineup he shifted his weight and nearly caught me, but I fell back until he faced forward again. Sneaking back up until I was about an inch away I quickly grabbed the gun from his pocket watching the back of his head; no reaction.

            After I quickly disposed of those guns I went back underneath the bridge stopping halfway across the river. I pulled myself up the side until I was eye level with the road in front of me, going through my belt I found a little net launcher and quickly pulled the net out. While I was working and tying knots I heard the two leaders of the gangs start shouting insults and demands at each other. Rolling my eyes at the childish claims over territory I attached the net to my grappling hook and quickly launched that up over the top of the bridge.

            Following it, I climbed up the metal poles until I was over the bridge and started tying knots and ropes to get a crude trap set up; I didn’t have enough time to do a better one by the sound of the arguing underneath me. I had just managed to make a second trap, hey I wasn’t going to put two opposing gangs in the same net, and they would probably kill each other with their bare hands since they’re missing their weapons.

            Grabbing the two ropes that would trigger the traps I sat on top of a metal pole staring down at the gangs just waiting. By the sounds of the argument from the both sides I knew I didn’t have to wait too much longer. “Eat lead,” one of the guys shouted and made a move to pull out his gun but then froze when he didn’t find anything. The next second everyone was looking for their weapons while I snickered to myself fingering one of my new knives.

            Deciding that his missing weapons wasn’t important anymore the leader shouted, “Let’s show them how we do it old school then guys!” They all shouted and started running across the bridge quickly mirrored by the others. Tensing I kept flicking my eyes back and forth before yanking on the ropes with all of my might.

            With two snaps, the nets quickly fell on top of each gang then with another tug on the ropes; they tightened and yanked everyone back up until they were dangling above the road by at least ten feet. Standing up I made sure the nets would hold before I grabbed onto one of the ropes and slid down above the tangle of the gangs.

            Swinging myself down in between the two of them I looked at them all and laughed, they all looked so ridiculous, a bunch of mean looking gang people all mushed together in nets looking like fish.

            “Unhand us you fiend,” someone shouted at me and soon the air was thick with insults as I cackled like a witch. With my grappling hook I settled back down on the road and took out one of the new knives I picked up. Squinting at it in the light, I saw that it was actually glinting a dark blue and gray. “Hey that’s my knife, it’s made out of sapphire and obsidian,” someone shouted above me and I purred in delight running the edge along my finger to check its sharpness; a red gash instantly appeared to my delight.

            I shot a flare up into the sky and walked away staring at my new treasures as people cursed me out from the bridge. “Thanks for the fun, and the new toys,” I shouted back at them and laughed when more cursing met my ears. I got back to my motorcycle and smiled in delight, between the new motorcycle and knives this town was really paying up for my services. Tugging my helmet on, I kick started the bike, and drove off back to school with the wind whipping my jacket behind me like I had wings.

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