The Devil went down to Honnou...

By slenderfanboy

30.2K 486 272

(Y/N), also known as the Black Demon, arrives at Honnouji Academy to get some answers regarding a deceased fr... More

Welcome to Honnouji Academy
I've got balls of steel
Clash of the Kamui
I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
Mr. Mohawk
Turn a Blind Eye
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
I'm on the highway to Hell
Major Whiplash
Face the music
Going Berserk
Shinijiro Nagita
We're going on a trip
The full story
Party Crashers
Things are starting to unravel
Rescue Mission
Do or Die
Wake up call
Final Preparations
Final Battle part 1

Now you see me, now you don't!

810 17 6
By slenderfanboy

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication

Underlined: Video/audio


Y/N, Ryuko and Inumuta were staring each other down.

Ryuko: So, you think you can last against us, four-eyes.

Inumuta: Only one way to find out.

Y/N: I woulnd't underestimate him, Ryuko. Gamagoori may have been a hassle to face, but the brainy ones are more tough than the brawny ones.

Inumuta: Quite perceptive, aren't you?

Y/N: Yep. I've face some pretty intelligent enemies before. And I take that Satsuki recuited for your brains?

Inumuta: Pretty much.


Three years ago

Inumuta is seen, typing on a laptop. What was he doing, well, hacking into the REVOCs Corporation mainframe of course.

Inumuta: The REVOCs Corporation's responsible for 70% of global apparent sales. Hmm. I'm impressed.

Inumuta continued to do his dirty work, and his interest rose when he saw that the copany he was hacking into as apart of the Kiryuin Conglomerate.

Inumuta: Unfortunately, this super-hacker is about to alter the company's destiny.

Then, with a click of button, the stocks of REVOCs began to plumet, much to Inumuta's enjoyment. But then an alert appeared on his laptop.

Inumuta: Crap! They're tracking me!

Soon enough, a bunch of men in suits appeared at Inumuta's location. Fortunately Inumuta made a quick get away before they could apprehend him. As he ran, sirens began to go off, signalling the aythorities were hounding him.

Inumuta: How'd they pinpoint my location so quickly!?

Suddenly, a bunch more suited men appeared in front of Inumuta, their guns ready should he try to do something funny. One fired, the bullet caused a dent on Inumuta's laptop. Seeing no way out, he surrenders.

Then, someone approaches to Inumuta. Who was is, Satsuki Kiryuin of course. Inumuta was surprised upon seeing Satsuki Kiryuin.

Satsuki: The REVOCs Site has the tightest security on the planet. And yet, somehow, you managed to crack it. You might be young, but you are most certainly not dumb.

Satsuki then waves her hand, causing the suited men to stand down.

Inumuta: Wait. You're the boss.

Satsuki: Tell me why you did this?

Inumuta: Are you kidding? It was a chance to crack the toughest firewall on the net.

Satsuki: How trivial.

Inumuta: What?

Satsuki: You're proficient at disrupting things in the virtual world. But have ever used your skill to disrupt the real world?

Satsuki then slides an envelope to Inumuta. What was in side was an admission permit to Honnouji Academy.

Inumuta: What the hell's Honnouji Academy High School?

Satsuki: Meet me there if you want to change the world, Houka Inumuta.

With that said, Satsuki and the suited men drove off, leaving Inumuta to think about the proposition he was given.

It didn't take long for him to make up his mind.

End Flashback

Y/N: Damn! Hacking into REVOCs firewall? I knew you were smart, but it takes a freaking genius to get past REVOCs tight security.

Inumuta: I appreciate you're praise.

Ryuko: If we're done chatting, we can get to the ass kicking!

Inumuta: Indeed.

Up in his base, Mikisugi was observing the incoming fight.

Mikisugi: I wander how crazy this will get.


With the Mankanshokus

Barazo: Hey, back off! Quit you're pushing, we we're here first.

Mataro: This crowds so freaking huge, I doubt anyone would notice I snagged a couple of wallets.

Sukuyo: Don't even try it. Seriously don't.

Mataro: I was kidding!


At Honnouji Academy

Mako: Darn it! They won't let me be Ryuko and Y/N's assistant. If only I were out there I would totally help them....

Before Mako could finish, Gamagoori sat next to Mako.

Mako: G-Gamagoori? Where the heck are all of your clothes?

Gamagoori: Take it easy, Mankanshoku. I've been demoted, that's all. I'm a No-Star now like you. And since I'm in the same rank as you, It's only right if I sit and watch the fight from the No-Star section.

Y/N: Oh? 😏 If I didn't know any better, I'd say you wanted to just sit next to Mako.

Gamagoori: What--THAT'S NOT TRUE!!

Y/N: Pfft! Could have fooled me. That blush of yours is a major give-away.

Mako: I'm gonna be cheering both Ryuko and Y/N with everything I've got! If you're here to start trouble, then get ready to get stumped!

Gamagoori: Cheer all you want! It won't make any difference. No-one can defeat Lady Satsuki's elite fighters, No-One!

Y/N: Uh...dude, me and Ryuko just kicked your tin can. If that's true, then how come your sitting down in the nosebleed seats?

That got Gamagoori steaming now.



Inumuta activated the noise canceller on a device he had.

Y/N: I have a feeling those two are gonna be a thing. In fact, I'm certain.

Ryuketsu: You and me both.

Inumuta: I'd rather not here the croaks of a beaten toad.

Up on her pillar, Nonon was wandering what Satsuki was up to.

Inumuta was reading the stats of Ryuko, checking her vitals.

Inumuta: You're Kamui's transformation was fascinating, Matoi. But I noticed you're breathing's heavier and your heart rate's elevated. I hope you didn't over excert yourself fighting Gamagoori.

Ryuko: Yeah, as if.

Inumuta then read Y/N's vitals too.

Inumuta: But you, Y/N, your breathing and heart rate is rather stable.

Ryuko: Come on! We ain't got all day!

The fight then commenced, and Inumuta activated his Goku Uniform. And what the result was, well it looked like something seen in a Sci-fi or cyberpunk film.

Inumuta: Three-Star Goku Uniform! Probe Regalia!

Ryuko: Probe Regalia huh? Sure doesn't look like much.

(Fight Theme - Jiggle of the Sphinx by Hallucinogen)

Y/N: I wouldn't underestimate his uniform, Ryuko. Sure, it looks like he's ripping off Tron, but Inumuta's the brains of the group. If anything, I think his uniform is programmed to gathering intel on his opponent's.

Senketsu: Y/N's right, Ryuko. It feels like he's stripping us down.

Ryuko: Yeah, I know. Gives me the creeps too.

Ryuko and Y/N then transformed, and Ryuko went to strike. But before her attack could hit, Inumuta dodged.

Y/N: Keep sharp, Ryuko.

Ryuko: There's only one way to beat this guy down! And that's get reckless!

Ryuko then charged at him with near impossible speeds, but Inumuta stood there with a smirk.

Inumuta: Now I know why you're reaction speed was higher than my sensors predicted. You can boost your Life Fiber link through the force of your will too. The Goku Uniform's interface is the same, but since your Kamui is 100% Life fibers, the effect is greater.

Y/N: Shit! Ryuko, be careful! I think he's on to something!

Inumuta: The question is, how long can your body keep up with this pace?

Ryuko: You kidding? As Long as I want it to!

Y/N: Ryuko, wait!

Inumuta: That's what I hope you'd say! I want to know what makes you different! Why can your body move like that, in clothes made entirely of Life Fibers!? Show me!

Suddenly, Inumuta vanished, catching both Ryuko and Y/N by surprise.

Ryuko: What the...? He's gone!

Y/N: Crap! This I did not expect!

Mako: He disappeared!

Gamagoori: When Inumuta's Goku Uniform glistens, it's like a white butterfly on a snowman. He didn't disappear, its optical camouflage.

Mako: Na-ah! Theres no butterflies in winter, they die in the cold.

Gamagoori: You missed the point. Typical Mankanshoku.

Inumuta: When it comes to chaotic attacks, the best strategy is to dogde them.

Ryuko looks around, hearing Inumuta, but not seeing him.

Inumuta: Then, when one counter attacks, one can inflict greater psychological damage!

Suddenly, Ryuko gets attacked by Inumuta, but it was difficult to fight back as he was practically invisible.

Y/N: Hang on, Ryuko!

Y/N then clapped his hands together, sending a major sonic wave at Inumuta. The force of which sent him a few feet away from Ryuko.

Nonon: Whoa!

Sanageyama: That's new!

Y/N went to help Ryuko on her feet.

Y/N: You alright?

Ryuko: Yeah. But how can we beat this guy if we can't see him.

Y/N evetually had an idea.

Y/N: I'll admit, Inumuta! You're strategy is quite brilliant! But, there's one little flaw to it.

Inumuta: And what's that?

Y/N: Your invisibility cloak may make you invisible, but there are ways to get around it.

Inumuta: And how do you plan to exploit my Probe Regalia's weak point.

Y/N: Watch and learn!

Y/N then activated the KAM, causing Ryuketsu to morph again. But this form was something new. It looked like something a mariner or a diver would use.


This new form shocked everybody, including Ryuko and Satsuki.

Ganagoori: Geyser Mode?

Nonon: You're joking! How many of those arsenal armor forms does L/N even have?

In his position, Mikisugi was impressed by what he was seeing.

Mikisugi: Impressive. But how is he gonna breach Inumuta's defenses.

Inumuta: I will admit, that new form is impressive, but what can it do to thwart my strategy?

Y/N: Simple! I'm gonna smoke you out!

Then, from Y/N respirators, huge puffs of steam clouded the entire arena. There was so much steam that the entire arena was covered in it, obscuring the vision of the onlookers.

Mako: Huh? What's going on!?

Gamagoori: I think Y/N has found a way to defeat Inumuta!

Ryuko: Damn! Was the fog necessary dude?

Y/N: Yes! Keep your eyes open!

Y/N and Ryuko looked around to spot Inumuta. Luckily, Y/N spot movement in the fog.

Y/N: Gotcha!

Suddenly, the ring like protrusion on Y/N's back broke in to before aiming to where Inumuta was.

Y/N: Better hope that uniform of yours is waterproof, because you're in for a major wipeout!

Suddenly, two jets of highly pressurized super-heated water fired at Inumuta. Inumuta was too shocked to move as the water jets hit right on target. This not only disrupted Inumuta's invisibility, but it also caused his uniform to spark a bit.

Inumuta: Crap! My Uniform!

Y/N: That oughta open up your pores, eh?

Ryuko: Alright! Way to go, dude!

Sanageyama: No way!

Y/N: But that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Y/N then fired what looked like...a bunch of giant bubbles at Inumuta's direction.

Nonon: What the... bubbles?

Inumuta: Surely you jest. As if a harmless bubble or two is going to...

As Inumuta popped one of the bubbles, it not only popped, but it exploded like a bomb. This caused Inumuta to be launched into another bubble, than another, and another.

Y/N: Hehehe! I would have told you not to touch, but I didn't want to burst your bubble.

Ryuko: 😑 Really?

Senketsu: Even I didn't find that funny.

Nonon: Ugh! Great, more puns!

Inumuta was laying on the ground as his uniform sparked a bit more.

Y/N: Time to hoist the anchors!

Y/N then fired the anchor from his right arm, wrapping it around Inumuta, much to his shock.

(Just for visuals)

Inumuta: What!?

Y/N: Time for a little swing!

(Again, just for visuals)

Y/N then began to spin around as superhuman speed. Everyone was surprised once again, even Satsuki was shocked by what she was seeing.

Satsuki: Incredible!

Y/N: 🎵Round and round we go, never stop, don't go slow! Spin till you get dizzy, round and round till you're in a tizzy! Spin, swerve, twist and twirl, round and round until you're 'bout to hurl!🎵

After a few more spins, Y/N then swung his arm, slamming Inumuta down into the ground, Inumuta was implanted into the ground as the anchor was reattached back into his arm.

Ryuko: Whoa!

The anchor on Y/N right arm then began to spin like a drill. Y/N then ran to Inumuta, who just about got back onto his feet. Y/N then thrusted the anchor-drill into Inumuta's midsection, making him lose his breath before being launched back a few feet.

Y/N: Alright, Ryuko! Time to end it!

Ryuko: Right!

Ryuko's scissor blade then became its decapitation mode. Inumuta's uniform began to wig out, as he reached the limit of his analysis capacity. Ryuko was about to strike, but Inunuta changed back to normal, his hands high up in surrender.

Inumuta: Not so fast. I hereby forfeit this battle!

This caused the audience to gasp and murmur. Gamagoori was not happy upon hearing this.

Y/N: Huh?

Ryuko: Ok, what's the deal?

Inumuta: I just didn't want to lose the data I've gathered after this point.

Ryuko: What?

Y/N: You mean this whole battle was nothing more than a field test?

Inumuta: In a sense, yes. I could care less about winning. What I want is data.

Inumuta then walks off, leaving Ryuko and Y/N confused.

Nonon: I can't believe that nerd! Sauntering away like that.

Sanageyama: I wander why Lady Satsuki's allowing it?

On her post, Satsuki observed this whole ordeal.

Satsuki: Jakuzure! Prepare for battle!

Nonon only gasped in surprise upon hearing this.

Mikusigi was impressed by what transpired.

Mikisugi: They managed to clear the second Elite, too. But still...


With the Mankanshokus

Barazo: Aw, you gotta be shitting me! Where do you get off charging us to watch?

Store owner: The electricity to run that TV costs money. So you wanna watch, you pay.

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