Apple Pies & Stethoscopes

By NativeScorpio

65K 4.3K 760

Sean and Sang met when they were 15 in Tokyo, when Sean had to leave her behind to return to his team back in... More

I Shall Call Her Pookie
My World Will Have To Wait
The Academy Hospital
Mr. Spock T-Shirts and Star Wars Underwear
Iron Man and twizler straws
Breakfast is Served
Breakfast is Served Pt. 2
A Bird to Dress
Penny for Your Thoughts
Music, Masks & Mysteries
Family Meeting
Miss Heartbreaker
Lost and Found
The Water Zoo
Late Night Call
Little Birdie
Waiting on Her
Dude Nurses
Lunch with Sang
The Park with Sang
S & S 4ever
A Day and a Slumber

Who is Dr. Who?

3.3K 228 54
By NativeScorpio


Today felt like a good day. There was something in the atmosphere that held...something. I looked at myself in the mirror. My burning ember eyes seemed alive, eyes I inherited from my father. We were completely different, and I thank God I only had to see him once a year since I turned 18.

He ruined music from me, he ruined the keys I loved to play since I was young. He ruined my life in a way I would never get back. The things he said, they way he would pushed me to believe I was nothing more than a prodigy grown old. Pathetic. How could a father treat his child like that? How could a mother stand by and watch?

I shook my head and readjusted me shirt. I was wearing black slack pants and a white button up. My sleeves were rolled up passed my forearms and my hair was the regular messy brown, longer on top and slightly shorter on the sides. My silver medallion hing around my neck. Protect your heart. My mother used to tell me.

And I listened. Too many girls only wanted me for money, too many wanted me to buy them things, too many wanted to use me. They wanted to be part of the celebrity life while I wanted out. I didn't care much for publicity, I didn't care for the things people said about me. I only cared for the music that put me together, that made me the person I am today. Each note giving me something, a thought, a dream, a fantasy.... Playing the piano gave me so many possibilities.

But if felt ripped away from me when I finally understood my father. Understood that I was just their income so people can envy them, respect them. They made me look and act the part I needed, they never asked once what I wanted. I still don't know what I want, well until yesterday.

All thoughts out the window, out of my head. All the things that clouded my mind gone in an instant, and all it took was seeing a beautiful face. Sang. Sang Sorenson.

Doc was lucky, really flipping lucky. I wish I could have been lucky enough to meet her. She looked so tiny, so fragile, so sweet. I didn't believe anything the girls said, I would never believe gossip, would never judge.

After we parted ways last night, I went straight to my office, I needed to find a comfort, a solid place where I could be me right now. Eva. How could she say those things? Believe them? She was such a difference person, she acted like how my mother would when she had friends over for their weekly 'bookclub'.

I searched for Sang Sorenson on my laptop, I needed to see with my own eyes who she was. She didn't look like a bad person, she didn't seem like a person that took and leave without saying good bye. She didn't sound like someone who would lie, but she did. I caught it. I typed away, I let my fingers fly across the keyboard like it was the natural thing in the world. A small grin peeked it's way out and a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Just like that, why? Why did I feel like this? Why now? An hour passed and I still couldn't find anything on her. It was like she didn't exist. Was Sang even her real name? Did....has she been lying to Dr. Green this whole time? I didn't understand, Eva's voice ran through my mind from yesterday.

"I bet she's faking everything, I heard she gives guys a different name so they wouldn't know she whores around with their friends."

There was nothing on her, not even a bank statement. All academy atlease have some I formation on them. Why wasn't she in the government system? It was a big red flag. I needed to tell Mr. Blackbourne. I heard Dr. Green was going to meet with her. He deserved to know. I checked the time and it was late, I had to be up early to catch them.

So that where I am. It's almost seven and Dr. Green would be leaving soon. I gave myself one last before heading down stairs, I entered the kitchen to find all three of my house mates having some breakfast. Dr. Green in his formal casual wear and stethoscope around his neck, light purple button up and tan slacks. The only thing different were bags under his eyes.

Mr. Blackbourne was in his black suit and a dark blue button up underneath. Black tie and expensive watch. His hair comb neatly to perfection, his black framed glasses spotless for his silver pools to see through. He was a man of business, anyone would think twice to approach him. To hesitate. But underneath all that, he's a regular guy, just like the rest of us.

I looked over at Gabriel, he was the only one that brighten up the room with his orange shirt and blue jeans and white shoes. His blonde hair tie up at the nap of his neck. His small black rings on his ear that represented his loss. All my brothers came from bad backgrounds, all of it family stuff. We made it through tough times, we have each other's backs and we support each other.

He was eating a breakfast sandwich with toast eggs and bacon. It smelled great and I went to the stove to make a plate. Mr. Blackbourne is the only one that cooks, but if North and Luke are here they take over the kitchen.

"Good morning," I started out and got mine in return. I sat down on the other side of Gabriel and took a drink of orange juice. "So, what's the plan today?" I was nervous to tell them. This is going to break Dr. Green heart even more that it was, maybe I should tell Mr. Blackbourne first? Then let him deal with it. It was Him that spoke up.

"Dr. Green here is going to finally meet Dr. Song and follow her through the day while she works, we're hoping that'll be enough time to try and convince her to stay in Charleston and work at the hospital. The rest of you have the day off, only Mr. Coleman here has a job to do this afternoon. I myself have paperwork that need to be handed in to the council." Mr. B took a sip of his coffee and all I did was nod.

They were about done with their breakfast and I still couldn't bring myself to say it. What will happen to Sang? Did she trick the academy? Does the academy know? Does the Toma Team know? They were ours brothers too and I needed to look out for them.

I was too much in my mind that I almost didn't see Dr. Green leaving the front door, "Dr. Green! Wait!" I shouted getting up. I hope I'm doing the right thing.

"Yes Victor? Is there something you need, can it wait I need to get to the hospital-"

"Sang Sorenson.." I said, which caught his attention.

"What about Sang?" His voice worried. I could see Mr. B and Gabe looking at me, curious as what I'm about to say. I gulped down the lump in my throat.

"She, she isn't the person she says she is. I'm sorry Dr. Green. I just wanted to see if those things she said we're true, I know I caught on on some of the stuff she said, she was lying. There's no Sang Sorenson in the government data base. She might have been lying to you since you two met, I-I... Did my own background check, I needed to know." I breathe out the words.

Looking into Dr. Greens eyes, they weren't playful, they were filled with mischief, they weren't filled with flirtatious. No, there was nothing in his eyes that showed my brother. Then he blinked, shaking his head looking down.

"Look, Victor. What I need for you to do is....stop. stop thinking about Sang, stop trying to research her. Stop trying to make a problem. Sang would never lie to me. I still don't know what's going on, I don't want to hear about what the girls think of her. I don't want to hear bullshit and gossip," his voice was now getting close to venom. He was fighting with himself inside, clenching and unclenching his fist, like he wasn't sure if he could believe me. "All of you need to stop. And I need to get to the hospital, I can't fail Dr. Roberts right now." Then he walked out and rushed to get into his car, peeling off that he left skid marks on the driveway.

"Report Mr. Morgan."

I told him everything, and for some reason I felt like I was betraying Dr. Green, Sang, the girl he still loves of fraud. Gabe looked at me like he couldn't believe it. Then his face fell and then I couldn't read it all. "... I was just looking out for everyone, Axel needs to know."

"Your right and it's good that you did. Mr. Henshaw Jr was probably in his head he didn't think to run a background. You said she's a nurse at the hospital? She's academy?" He asked Gabriel. Gabe nodded.

"Okay, well let's go over and inform Dr. Roberts in on this. If she's there, we can confront her. I'll call the Toma team to meet us, it might crush them but,... They need the truth. Let's go." With that Mr. B got on his phone and I text Kota what was going on. About half and hour later we were on our way up to Dr. Roberts office, the Toma team was already waiting near the closed door.

"Mr. Blackbourne." Axel greeted. All of us gave each other a respectful nod. Except Raven and North, they just glared at each other.

"Mr. Toma." Mr. B said as he approached.

"What's going on? You made things seem very serious on the phone." Axel was a little taller than Mr. B, his native features made him look serious just like how Mr. B's whole attire can be, even more because Axel sometimes wears suits like Mr. B. Together they look freightening together, it made me shiver.

"Yes. It's about Miss Sorenson." Then Mr. B explained everything to both teams, Corey looked at me like I betrayed him too. Then all hell broke loose about calling us a liar and we 'dont know jack shit'. People were watching us argue, the commotion getting louder by second.

I saw Dr. Green came around the corner, "Enough!!" He shouted out and we all looked at him. "People are watching. Now what's all this about?" He asked while looking at us, then his eyes landed on me. Fuck. "Victor-".

"They needed to know. It's the truth Dr. Green, I'm sorry you don't want to believe, but this is fraud within the academy-" I was cut off.

"Stop." He growled out. His eyes were pure hatred, he looked at around again. Then he looked at the Toma team, then jealousy filled his eyes. "What do you guys think of this?"

It was Corey, that answered. I knew it was him because of his avengers t-shirt. "I-I should have checked, but we're not sure what's going on. And I don't want to think the worse, and I know Victor was just looking out for us. I don't want to believe...." He turned to shake his head.

"What do you think Dr. Green? After all you two met first? Is she playing us? Obviously she managed to use her intelligence to commit fraud with the academy or something." Axel sighed and rubbing his jaw with one hand. "I don't know what to think of this."

"Well maybe Dr. Roberts can help, we need to report it anyway-" Mr. B stopped as we heard a familiar giggled round the corner with Dr. Roberts. Her smile took my breath away, she looked cute in the bubble gum pink scrubs she was wearing, it had a pattern of white storks and hearts on it. As they turned they stopped. Dr. Roberts smile turning into worry.

"Mr. Blackbourne, Mr. Toma. What brings your while team here today?" Dr. Roberts asked, but no one said anything. We were all watching Sang. I looked to Dr. Green, his eyes were wide and mouth parted like he was seeing her for the first time. "Well?" Dr. Roberts asked again.

"Dr. Roberts, we should take this into your office." Mr. B suggested to the door behind Axel. Sang looked confused, she was cradling a clipboard and chart in her arms. Dr. Roberts came forth but not before he turned to Sang. "Dr. Song, why don't you go ahead and start rounds. Ill catch up-"

Wait, what? Dr. Song? Is that her name? She's the one Dr. Green needed to meet? What was going on?

"I think that Dr. Song, should join us. This concerns her too." Mr. B stared her down, Sang didn't say or do anything. I couldn't read her face or get a vibe, she simply stepped forth and was the first to enter Dr. Roberts office. He narrowed his eyes on us and walked in after her, we all followed suit.

It was a tight fit, by we all managed to find a place, both teams on either side of the room. Sang, or Dr. Song, was sitting in Dr. Roberts chair like it was hers and he didn't even care. He stood beside her on the other side of his desk. North and Silas were the last and closed the door behind them.

"Now that the room is full of testosterone. I want a full report." Dr. Roberts voice was hard while he stared down each one of us. He was apart of the council and sometimes they could be even more scary when they get upset. The room was quiet for a minute, no one didn't know what to say or where to start. But the only thing we could do was stare at Sang.

Dr. Roberts followed our movements and he stiffened, it was barely there but I saw it, I think the others did too. His voice didn't fail, Dr. Roberts wanted a report, he was going to get one. "Well?"

That's when Mr. B stood tall and explained. Everything. It took some time to build up because we weren't prepared for this. Dr. Roberts looked at me, then at Sang, who, looked a little a bit pale now. But it was all gone in a moment when she shared a look with Dr. Roberts.

He got up and walked around his desk, his face completely blank, he stood there looking down on Sang.

They didn't say anything as Mr. B continued, then Sang took in the room. God she was so pretty. Her bright green eyes innocent like, her long blonde hair ties up in a ponytail. Full lips that looked like they wanted to smile. When she finally looked at me, I saw it. I saw it like a clear sky. I was wrong. There was something else.

She looked at Dr. Green, and all I could see was love, longing, and lost all over there faces. She took in a deep breath and looked at Dr. Roberts. I didn't understand, no one of did.

"....-we believe miss Sorenson here is a fraud  amongst the academy. In which we wanted to report immediately." Mr. B stated, watching Dr. Roberts and Sang reaction carefully when he was done.

"Well then, I shall report this immediately. Dr. Song, Miss Sorenson, who ever you are.... Do you have anything you want to say for yourself? The council will not take this lightly. I want an explanation, now!" He barked out which made me flinch.

Sang didn't say anything, she just sat there and stared at him. The atmosphere was so tense it felt like the room had no life in it. They looked at each other, just staring like it was a contest of who would blink first. It put me on edge.

Then she spoke, "sir yes sir." The words reminded me of my first few months of physical training. The academy used the system of military boot camp to build discipline, order, and respect.

What I didn't expect was for Dr. Roberts to grin. Lips pursed so tight trying to fight off a laugh, then it's like he couldn't contain it anymore, he did.

He laughed a full belly laugh which made Sang giggle those sweet giggles while she watched him. She gave all of us her heartbreaking smile, cheeks tinting. She sobered up first but it was Dr. Phil that spoke. He wiped a hand down his face like it would help him become serious all of a sudden. Were they being serious right now?

We stood there slack jaw, what the heck? I guess our expressions were more funny than their inside joke because the both or them erupted again.

What hell was going on?

"Your Dr. Song?" Sean asked when they finally got a hold of themselves, Sang, or Dr. Whoever, looked at him apologetically. Her eyes showing nothing but sincere and love, and with that look, I know,.. I know I was wrong about something. It might just eat me alive if I don't fix it.

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