A Wonderful Adventure For Thi...

By ihavebecomepneuma

41.7K 670 897

What would happen when a metalhead guitarist reincarnates to a fantasy world? Read and find out. More

Registration, Introductions, And Amphibian Problems
Perverts, Panties, And Cabbage
Morning After, Practice, And A Dullahan
Gators, Tryhards, And Dullahan Again?
Alphonse, Floods, And A Layed Back Duet
Snow Sprites, Shogun, And Eris
Wiz, Restaurant, and Spirit House
Guy's Day, Sunset, And Succubus
1k Reads Special
Prison, Interrogation, And Justice For All
New Friends, Bath, And Duel
Gigs, Dungeon, And Party
Return, Proposal Problem, and Meeting
Vanir, Mind Control, And Solution
Inventions, Upgrades, And Lizards
An Unusual Duet, Fishing Buddies, And Roadtrip
Caravan, Cultists, And Split
Apology, Becoming One, And Angry Mob
Chase, Slime, And Final Battle
5k Special: Old Ties
Crimson Legend
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 1
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 2
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 3
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 4
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 6 and Epilogue
10k Special: Sick Day
The Ten Million Bride: Prologue and Chapter 1
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 2
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 3
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 4

Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 5

269 7 5
By ihavebecomepneuma

Chris, Kazuma and (Y/N) were making their way towards the castle under the cover of night. They all had black clothes on to cover themselves better. (Y/N) had to slick his hair back tight to his head to make it less noticeable.

Chris: "Now is the perfect time. After repelling such a big attack, the guards are surely less vigilant."

(Y/N): "We're pretty close now, we should mask up."

Kazuma: "Good idea."

Kazuma pulled out his black Vanir mask and put it on. (Y/N) did the same with his red mask. Something was different though.

Kazuma: "What's with that design?"

(Y/N): "I painted it on pretty soon after I got it. It's badass, right?"

Kazuma: "Sure, but will it be recognized?"

(Y/N): "Shouldn't be. It's the backpatch on my first battle jacket, but that's back in America."

Kazuma: "Good enough."

(A/N: Here, take my piece of shit attempt at editing this picture. Finding a png of the Badmotorfinger cover was fuckin hard. This is a basic idea of what I want the mask to look like.)

Chris pulled her black cloth over her face.

Chris: "Those are cool, where'd you get them?"

Kazuma: "From a suspicious shopkeeper of a certain magic shop in Axel. It's a big hit with customers apparently."

Chris: "One like that would come in handy, I'd like to have one for myself. What kind of person does that suspicious shopkeeper happen to be?"

Kazuma: "What kind of person...He diligently chases noisy crows away from the trash area. In the neighborhood, he's known as Crow Slayer Vanir."

(Y/N): "He also does his fair share of chasing away a blue menace to society."

Chris: "He sounds like a really earnest guy. I'd like to meet him!"

(Y/N): ".....Yeah, I don't know if you'd still feel like that after meeting him. But just so we're clear, we get in, grab the necklace, get out...right?"

Kazuma: "Y-yeah."

(Y/N): "You nervous?"

Kazuma: "Of course I am. Other than sexual harassment, I've only committed minor misdemeanors, like jaywalking and that kind of thing. But here we are, robbing the castle of the nation."

(Y/N): "Quite a big jump, but you gotta get used to it. Be on your toes."

Chris: "(Y/N), have you done this before?"

(Y/N): "Look, I had to do some unpleasant things not to starve. I don't wanna talk about this, let's move."

Chris nodded and the three kept on their way. They made it to the castle, and stared up at the towering wall that stood before them.

Chris: "Well then, are you ready minions?"

Kazuma: "Any time, Lady Boss."

(Y/N): "...Huh?"

Chris: "Don't call me Lady Boss."

Kazuma: "Then don't call us minions!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, why are we lower than you, I've got some experience?!"

The three stood in the shadow of the castle, arguing through whispers.

Chris: "My job's a Thief! You guys are adventurers! Between us, I'm the professional here!"

Kazuma: "But we have Farsight for night vision, so we're better suited for burglary! One of us should be the boss, right?"

(Y/N): "I honestly don't mind not being the boss as long as I'm not called a minion."

Chris: "Well I'm the one renowned as the Chivalrous Thief. At this rate, we'll never get anything done, so let's settle this with a match!"

Kazuma: "A match huh? Well since a thief's luck is crucial, let's settle this with a game of rock-paper-scissors!"

Chris: "When we competed with steal I lost, but I'll get my revenge today! Bring it on!"

Kazuma: "You're a fool, Chris! I've never lost a single game of rock-paper-scissors! Here goes! Rock-"


Chris: "Alright Assistants, let's find a way to break in."

Kazuma: "Gotcha Big Boss. I didn't just meander around the castle, I also memorized a rough layout. Follow me."

Kazuma lost at rock-paper-scissors for the very first time in his life, and so, Kazuma and (Y/N) were Assistant 1 and Assistant 2. (Y/N) still wasn't happy with this however.

(Y/N): "Hey I still don't wanna be Assistant 2! I wanna have a cool name!"

Kazuma: "Megumin may be rubbing off on you a little too much."

Chris: "Well what kind of name would you like?"

Kazuma: "Oi, why can he pick a name, but I'm stuck as Assistant?!"

Chris: "(Y/N) wasn't the one to lose at rock-paper-scissors."

Kazuma: "..."

(Y/N): "Haha!"

Kazuma: "Just shut up and pick your name!"

He looked up towards the sky as he thought.

(Y/N): "Hmmmm....I can't choose Harvester of Sorrow, that'll give me away...National Acrobat?"

Kazuma: "That's stupid."

(Y/N): "Call Black Sabbath stupid again, see what happens!"

Chris: "Guys, we really need to get on with this!"

(Y/N) once again stared at the night sky in thought. Before long, he snapped his fingers and pointed at Chris.

(Y/N): "Fucking...Oh! Can I be Mister Crowley?! Just call me Crowley for short."

Chris: "Works for me."

Leaving the naming argument at that, the three avoided the heavily guarded main gate, and went to the side wall of the castle.

Chris: "The walls are really tall here, at least three stories...I don't think we can-"

Kazuma: "Snipe."

Kazuma used his extraordinarily high luck to his advantage, shooting an arrow with hook for a head and a rope attached on the back at the top of the castle wall. It hooked onto the wall, and Kazuma gave it a good tug, testing it's integrity.

Chris: "Assistant is really useful. Forget being an adventurer, you two should drop that and be a Chivalrous Thief with me."

Kazuma: "If I ever run out of money, and I'm bored enough, I'll consider it."

(Y/N): "A Robin Hood side hustle doesn't sound too bad actually."

Kazuma: "All right, it's on there good. Let's go!"


They were in the courtyard now, all the castle lights were off and all occupants asleep. Kazuma and (Y/N) took the lead with Farsight, helping Chris through the darkness. They made their way to the door into the castle, where the first pitfall was discovered.

(Y/N): "Hey boss, door's locked."

Chris: "Now's my time to shine. Move out of the way, I'll pick the lock."

Chris squatted down in front of the door and quickly got to work picking it's lock. Within a few seconds, the door clicked and opened.

(Y/N): "Oi, teach me that skill."

Kazuma: "Me too."

Chris: "I'll teach you later! We need to focus right now."

The two boys nodded and took up the lead once again. Everything was going well so far, they'd yet to run into any guards. Unfortunately, it wouldn't stay that way for long.

Kazuma: "You feel that?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, Enemy Detect. Get in that corner, don't forget Lurk."

The three hid in a shadowy corner as footsteps started to approach them.

Chris: "Assistant, do you really have to stick so close? We already used Lurk."

Kazuma: "Yeah out can't underestimate your enemy, Boss. Here, stick closer!"

(Y/N): "Both of you shut the fuck up, now isn't the time!"

Chris: "Assistant, this is way too close!"

Kazuma: "This is for the sake of recovering the divine relic! The world's fate rests on us, so just bear with it!"

(Y/N): "Oi chucklefucks! Shut your goddamn traps!"

Patrol Guard: "Is someone there?"

The three quickly shut up and stood still as the guard shone his light towards them. Thanks to Lurk, they went undiscovered.

Patrol Guard: "...Must've been the wind."

The guard walked away soon after.

Kazuma: "I told you, it isn't good to underestimate your enemy. We would've been in a whole lot of trouble if we didn't handle it as well as we did."

(Y/N): "It's cause you stooges wouldn't stop fuckin yelling."

Kazuma: "Stay out of this Crowley!"

(Y/N) went to retort, but his anger quickly turned into a smile.

(Y/N): "Being called that...That felt really cool."

Chris: "Seriously, if you sexually harass me again, you'll suffer divine retribution from the goddess Eris."

Kazuma: 'Eris is still watching me...I need to dial it back a little.'


Chris: "If it's possible, I'd like to look in the castle's treasure vault. Like I said, both relics are in the capital, so the other might be in the castle as well. The only places with such acute treasure presence are the castle and Aldarp's villa."

(Y/N): 'Aldarp's villa was definitely Aqua's hagoromo, so that means the monster summoning relic is here too. Two birds with one stone.'

Kazuma: "The vault is on the second floor. We'll be there in no time if we take the stairs, but there's bound to be all kinds of traps and barriers."

Chris: "That won't be a problem, Boss came prepared!"


Finally on the second floor, the three stood before the vault. There they ran into their next obstacle. A barrier right at the door.

Kazuma: "Even I can feel that's powerful."

(Y/N): "Boss, this is the real deal. You sure you came prepared enough?"

In response, Chris took out a magic device that was vaguely familiar to Kazuma.

Chris: "This is a Barrier Breaker, only the demon race possesses this kind of item. Apparently the Crimson Demons were selling it. I don't have a clue how they got a hold of it, but I've 'borrowed' it from a noble who bought it."

After fiddling with the magic item, Chris broke the barrier with a pop.

Kazuma: "With that down, all we need to watch out for is the booby traps."

(Y/N): "Ha, you said traps."

Kazuma rolled his eyes and led the other two into the vault, lighting up his lighter to see better. Inside the vault was countless neatly arranged treasures and gold.

Chris: "There's a trap here...If it isn't the relic, don't touch it. Unless you feel like getting caught, and if so, know that I won't stick around to help you."

The two boys nodded to her and began to help her with the search. Soon Kazuma noticed something. He nudged (Y/N) to get his attention.

(Y/N): "What's up?"

Kazuma: "I need to make sure I'm not seeing things. That is a manga isn't it?"

(Y/N): "What are you- Oh my god, it's a manga."

Chris: "Um...If you take that book..."

Kazuma: "Don't worry, I won't. It's a book from my home, so I'm just reveling in the nostalgia for a moment."

Chris looked guilty after hearing Kazuma's answer.

Kazuma: "Don't get all sad over me. I've bought that one before...anyway."

Chris went back to searching as Kazuma's eyes shifted to a book beside the manga. He nudged (Y/N) once again.

(Y/N): "As much as I'd love to snatch that manga up, I have self control. I pray that you have the same."

Kazuma: "Not the manga, look beside it."

(Y/N): "What's so special about..."

His eyes set on the book as well, making him trail off mid sentence.

Kazuma: "You'd get locked up just holding one of those back in Japan."

(Y/N): "Wow."

Without a second thought, Kazuma quickly grabbed the book.

Chris: "Assistant!"

(Y/N) reached down and grabbed the manga.

(Y/N): "Might as well take this too."


Guard 1: "Over there, they went that way!"

Guard 2: "There are three of them, don't let them get away."

The three thieves ran with every ounce of strength they could muster, guards hot on their tails.

Kazuma: "What a formidable trap!"

Chris: "We're going to have a serious talk about restraint later!"

Kazuma: "Boss, now isn't the time for this conversation!"

(Y/N): "You've got no right talking about time and place!"

The castle was lit like the middle of the day, everyone woken from the vault alarm.

Kazuma: "Create Water!"

(Y/N): "Freeze!"

The two comboed their skills, making the corridor they passed through covered with ice. They could hear guards scream and curse as they ran away.

Chris: "You two are really convenient to have around."

(Y/N): "I haven't had to use most of these skills since I learned them, but I'm glad I took the time now!"

Kazuma: "Boss, help us out a little!"

Chris: "Alright, I'll show you Big Boss' abilities!"

Chris shot them a thumbs up before taking a thin wire out of her pocket.

Chris: "Wire Trap!"

She threw it behind them, and it became like a steel web when it came in contact with the walls.

Chris: "This'll buy us enough time to escape! We can't keep going when everyone's on us like this, we need to withdraw!"

Chris used the dagger on her hip to force open a window.

Kazuma: "We have to do this tonight, we're being chased out of the capital tomorrow!"

(Y/N): "Yeah!"

Chris: "We're a thief and two adventurers, if we fight head on, we'll be captured easily! Since when were you so motivated to fight?!"

(Y/N): "Have you met me?"

Kazuma was brought back to his senses by Chris' question. In his head, his time with Iris played over like a movie.

Kazuma: 'The Iris who was moody after I messed with her. The Iris that listened sparkly eyed as I told about purifying the lich in the dungeon. The Iris who was angry at me for making her believe some nonsense that made her vassals laugh at her. The Iris I instigated into stealing snacks from the dining hall...She got in so much trouble with Claire, but she really looked happy.'


Iris: "This is the first time I've met people like you two. Everyone always acts like they're walking on eggshells when they're around me. You both were the only ones who were lofty, rude, merciless, and taught me all sorts of strange things. Even though I'm the Princess, you never expected me to act like an adult..."

End Flashback...

Kazuma: 'That kid likes me for me. No matter what, she'll become a more mature Princess later. She'll have no reason to want to meet such suspicious men, especially with such a difference in status...No, our relationship with her will disolve the second we leave.'

Chris: "Assistant, help me get Crowley out the window!"

(Y/N): "No! It's a heist, and I'm gonna finish it!"

Kazuma: "Big Boss, I...I......I'll show you my true ability."

(A/N: I'm just gonna do music for one of my favorite scenes from the LN. I've had at least one song in every chapter since the first, and I'm not about to break that streak. So I'll take this time to show off one of my favorite bands of the past year. Corrosion Of Conformity.)

Chris: "Assistant?!"

Guard 3: "The thieves are still here!"

The guards had finally cut through the web, cornering the three. The man who seemed to be the captain drew his sword.

Guard Captain: "Thieves, you'll regret the day you broke into the royal castle! Leave one alive for interrogation!"

Guard 3: "Captain, one has a dagger, but the other two are unarmed! Let's capture one of them!"

Guard Captain: "The silver haired one does seem stronger...Alright, go all out on the silver hair! The two of us should be able to take care of the masked weaklings!"

(Y/N): "Wanna bet?"

Kazuma: "Oi Crowley? Are you feeling-"

(Y/N): "Like I could take on all of them at once? Yeah, we're at the top of our game tonight, Assistant."

The captain took an offensive stance with his sword.

Guard Captain: "They aren't moving...Intruders! This is your chance to surrender! If you do, you might just keep your lives! Now just give up..."

When he saw Kazuma and (Y/N) holding out one of their hands each, he lowered his weapon.

Guard Captain: "You want to surrender? Alright, silver haired guy, drop your weapon too! Then you can- AAAHHH!"

The second he touched Kazuma's hand, the captain screamed and fell to the ground. Everyone present, even Chris, gasped at the sight.

(Y/N): "No fair, Assistant! I want some too!"

(Y/N) grabbed the captain's other hand and started draining as well. He truly had great stamina, but no one but Darkness could withstand Drain Touch from these two, especially at the same time, and at their peak like tonight.

Guard 4: "What did he do?!"

The guards instinctively took a step back.

(Y/N): "This feels great! I'm bursting at the seams with power!"

Kazuma: "We'll let you see our real prowess tonight!"

Chris: "Assistant?! Crowley?! What happened, you two are acting strange!"

(Y/N): "Let's bust some fuckin heads!"

The two in question then charged at the frightened guards.


(Y/N): "Hey Boss! Turn that corner, you'll find the stairs to the tip top!"

Chris: "G-got it! But what happened to you two?!"

The screams and curses followed the three as they ran, screaming for the high level adventurers. After (Y/N) and Kazuma started to get into a groove, the guards were frightened and hesitated to go towards them.

Kazuma: "Oh, enemy ahead! Silver Haired Thieving Group coming through!"

(Y/N): "Make way if you want to keep your bones in your body!"

Chris: "Since when was that our name! You got us into this so you can be the leader! Change it to Masked Thieving Group or something!"

(Y/N): "Create Earth! Wind Breath!"

(Y/N) used his combo spell to blow dirt into the unsuspecting guard's eyes.

Guard 5: "AAAAH!"


He advanced on the blinded guard and held his weapon down as he drained him.

Kazuma: "Masked Thieving Group is no good. It makes it sound like I'm the mastermind."

Chris: "Well I don't wanna be the mastermind! I didn't want to cause such a commotion! Now I'll be targeted just because of my silver hair!"

(Y/N): "Oi Big Boss! I could use a little help with this mage guy!"

They looked to see that three people now stood in front of them, all looking like they'd just woken up. Two wore armor, but one had a robe on.

Chris: "Leave it to me! Skill Bind!"

Mage: "Lightning! Huh? Why won't it cast?!"

Like an old west shootout, Chris drew first. The mage didn't know what happened, but he did know that his magic wasn't going to cast anytime soon.

Kazuma & (Y/N): "Bind!"

They each threw a rope at one of the guards, stopping them in their tracks. The two then drained the mage until he fainted, filling their mana back up. The guards' screams echoed through the castle halls.

Guard 6: "More people are down! What's with those two unarmed guys?!"

Guard 7: "Where are the high level adventurers?! They should've been here by now!"

Guard 8: "The alcohol content was higher for the banquet! They're all dead drunk!"

Guard 9: "Adventurers aren't reliable at all!"

Guard 10: "Knights and guards are a terrible match-up for those with thieving skills!"

Guard 11: "How do they use Bind so much?! Do they have at ton of manatite or something?!"

Guard 12: "They've never taken out any manatite!"

Guard 13: "But that would mean that those two have enough mana to rival Crimson Demons!"

(Y/N): 'Drain Touch really is a lifesaver.'

Guard 14: "Wait, don't let them get to the top level! We don't know what they want, but Her Highness Iris is on the top level!"

The three kept on their way, sprinting up level after level.

Chris: "Wire Trap! Wire Trap! Wire Trap!"

Kazuma: "Alright, no one's coming through here any time soon! Let's-"

Mitsurugi: "All I need to do is arrest you lot and find out your objectives...Who are you three? Are you the rumored Chivalrous Thief?"


As they turned their backs on the Wire Trap, they saw Mitsurugi standing fully armed. Claire and Rain stood behind him, a large number of knights and nobles watching from the sideline.

Rain: "To cut off your own retreat..."

Claire: "Intruders, you won't escape."

Chris whispered to (Y/N) and Kazuma.

Chris: "What should we do?! There's too many, we're trapped!"

(Y/N): "Other than Rain, there aren't any mages. We can take them if we take care of her."

Chris: "No we can't!"

The knights followed Mitsurugi, drawing their swords and inching closer. The nobles watched with amusement, thinking that the match was already set.

Mitsurugi: "Claire, these masked men seem to be quite strong. They are unarmed, but who knows what they'll do if we push them. I'll take care of them, so you and the knights can deal with the silver haired young man."

Chris: "...Hey, why am I being treated like a boy all of a sudden? Do I look like a guy with this cloth covering my mouth?"

Kazuma: "The root of the problem is that slender body of yours."

Chris looked even more depressed at Kazuma's answer.

Kazuma: "Now's not the time to be depressed, Boss. Crowley! You're up!"

(Y/N) cracked his neck and knuckles as he walked towards Mitsurugi.

(Y/N): "I'm gonna enjoy this."

It looked as though the intimidation tactic worked on Mitsurugi, because he took an involuntary step backwards.

(Y/N): "Steal!"

(Y/N) reached out his hand and took the chance to use steal on Mitsurugi, taking his sword from him.

Mitsurugi: "G-Gram!"

(Y/N): "This looks really valuable...oops."

He nonchalantly chucked the sword out a window, falling down from the top of the castle. Mitsurugi screamed as he watched it fall. (Y/N) took this time to shouldercheck Mitsurugi, knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the floor. He quickly grabbed Mitsurugi's face.

(Y/N): "Create Water!"

Water filled Mitsurugi's mouth, and he tried to grab (Y/N)'s hand to save himself from drowning.

(Y/N): "The name's Mister Crowley, don't forget it! Freeze!"

It was no use. In an instant, all the water in Mitsurugi's mouth and nose was frozen. He violently shivered and held his throat.

Claire: "Mitsurugi-dono!"

(Y/N): "Stick him in the microwave for a minute or two and he'll be fine! Who's next?!"

The knights started to back away in fear.

Kazuma: "Big Boss, now's our chance!"

Chris: "I can tell you one thing, I don't want to get on you two's bad side..."

The three thieves ran through the encirclement of knights.

Claire: "Rain, if you have to be rough then so be it, but thaw Mitsurugi-dono's throat quickly! And you lot, what are you doing backing off?! Attack them, we can't just let them get away!"

Rain: "We can't! With their evasion rate, if they're really determined to run, we can't do anything...Split into two groups, surely we know the castle layout better than them!"

(Y/N): 'That's not what you think Dr Eggman!'

Chris: "Assistant, behind you!"

Behind, Rain had already healed Mitsurugi and was pointing her staff in their direction.

Claire: "Princess Iris is right ahead! Just kill them, we'll have Aqua-dono resurrect them later!"

With Claire shouting frantically and Rain chanting, the tip of her staff started to glow ominously. But before anything could be cast...

Kazuma: "Snipe!"

Kazuma took the bow off his back and fired a shot towards them. The arrow hit dead center on the staff's tip, shattering it. Claire and the knights were shocked at the sight, and Rain let out a soft cry, frozen in fear. They all watched the three thieves escape further into the castle.

Claire: "What are such capable men doing resorting to thievery?!"


Kazuma: "Big Boss, this is Iris' room."

(Y/N): "Probably a good idea to put a web down here."

Chris put down a Wire Trap to cover them from the back. They gently opened the door...

Darkness: "You intruders actually made it this far?! Protecting the people, the country, and the royal family is the duty of house Dustiness! I won't-"

They gently closed the door.

Darkness: "Don't shut the door! What did you come here...for?"

Darkness slammed the door open and froze when the three came into her line of sight.

Kazuma: 'We haven't been exposed yet! Totally!' "B-Big Boss, stop trembling and get to work! We have to help, no matter how strong this female Crusader looks! The fate of the kingdom lies on our shoulders!"

Chris: "Th-that's right Assistant! We have a job to do for this country! It may seem shady, but it's a just cause!"

Kazuma: "That's the spirit Big Boss! The kingdom doesn't realize how dangerous that necklace can be! We need to do our job or the Princess will be in grave danger!"

Darkness' face kept changing at hearing the two's explanation.

(Y/N): "Shut the fuck up with the hero speeches. We don't have time for this."

Showing his trust for Darkness, (Y/N) turned his head to the side and grabbed the slicked back hair behind his head, pulling it out for her to see clearly before he slicked it back again. Any doubts Darkness had were crushed in that instant.

Kazuma & Chris: "Crowley?!"

(Y/N): "Relax, I have a feeling that this Crusader can keep her mouth shut."

She, although confused beyond belief, nodded shakily. Darkness stumbled back a step as (Y/N) pushed his way past her. When he entered the room, he found himself not three feet Megumin.

(Y/N): "Ah fuck."

Megumin quit swinging her staff and stared at (Y/N).

Megumin: "So...So cool! You look so cool!"

(Y/N): "And you look beautiful, my dear, but this will have to wait."

Megumin: "E-EH?!"

Chris and Kazuma pushed their way in, which reset Megumin's brain again. She instantly went back to ogling the coolness of the thieves.

Megumin: "What should I do Darkness?! These thieves really know their stuff, wearing such cool masks and black attire! Especially the one with the awesome design on his mask! Such a combo is too much! Is the name of the group decided yet?!"

Megumin started shaking Darkness' shoulders with shining eyes.

Darkness: "D-damn it...Behind me is...As a member of house Dustiness, I must..."

Darkness took a weak stance and squeezed out some clichéd lines. The three recognized her hint that she was willing to help.

Kazuma: 'This is gonna be hard to explain later. Forget it, I'll bind her for her own sake.' "Bind!"

Darkness sighed in relief after Kazuma bound her.

Aqua: "Sacred Spell Break!"

Aqua's voice rang out through the room, and the rope that bound Darkness fell limply to the ground.

Aqua: "Too bad for you, it's over with me around! I have no clue what you're planning, but I'm bound to get some high class wine if I stop you! As you can see, I can neutralize any spell, so just give up obediently!"

(Y/N): "Big Boss, be careful! This priestess may have the competence of a preschooler, but she seems to be pretty strong!"

Aqua: "Hey, that's just plain mean!"

Darkness discreetly shot (Y/N) a glare, signaling it was time to reign it in a little.

Kazuma: 'Why? Why?! Why'd she choose now to actually be useful?! Why must she screw up every plan?!'

Aqua: "Darkness, use this chance and apprehend them! Megumin got cowardly all of a sudden, so it's up to you!"

(Y/N): "We can't stick around here long! Boss, find an escape route, Assistant and I will charge in and use steal!"

Chris: "Right!"

Kazuma: "But my skill..."

Suddenly the curses and screams from behind them grew louder.

Claire: "Cut the web open! Their objective is Her Highness Iris!"

(Y/N): "Look, we have a 50/50 chance at ending up with a handful of panties, but it's a chance we have to take! Come on!"

Kazuma gave (Y/N) a determined nod.

Darkness: "W-with my full powered horizontal slice, you ruffians will be buried!"

Darkness reached out with her sword and gave a weak swipe. The two boys dodged easily and kept going further into the room.

Aqua: "Why are you so stupid, Darkness?! Telling them your next move before you even use it, this is why everyone knows you as a musclehead!"

Darkness: "Ugh..."

The entirely incompetent Aqua scolded Darkness, who was blinking back tears. Beside them stood Megumin, still watching with sparkly eyes. The two went further into the room, and eventually came in contact with Iris. She was holding a rapier in her right hand, stetching her left out towards them.

Iris: "Intruders, I'm a member a the powerful royal family! I've inherited the blood of heroes, so don't think you can...easily..."

Iris' eyes shot wide when she saw the two. The glow from the ring on her left hand started to dim.

Kazuma: "Crowley, now!"

(Y/N) & Kazuma: "STEAL!"

The two activated steal at the same time, both recieving something from Iris' body as the light from their palms died out. They were about to check their haul, but were swiftly interrupted.

Claire: "Princess Iris! Are you safe?!"

Chris: "Assistant, Crowley, let's head for the balcony! There's a swimming pool we can jump into!"

The two nodded and started towards the window. (Y/N) turned back around.

(Y/N): "You Crimson Demon girl! I'll be back for you, mark my words!"

Megumin: "Wh-what?!"

He then went to follow the other two out the window.

Aqua: "I know that thing's you're objective! I don't know what it is, but you can't have it! Seal!"

She reached out and tapped (Y/N)'s back as he jumped out the window.


(Y/N) followed Kazuma and Chris, plummeting towards the dark pool below...


That was really fun to write, I like the way it turned out. We're almost at 10k reads, so thank you very much. The reason why this one took as long as it did was because I wrote a 10k special chapter. I saw it coming up, so I decided to go ahead and be prepared for it. It's not super long, but I like it. I hope you will too. Also, take this meme as a token of gratitude.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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