the duchess

By Kaitlyn_T158

14K 890 3.7K

In the kingdom of Amaranth, Prince Luke is next in line to the throne. But he can't rule until he has a queen... More

a/n please read :)
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609 33 193
By Kaitlyn_T158




My mind jumps around. I come up with two possible solutions.

One, I go out there and help.
Two, get someone to help.

If that person doesn't kill me, my father would for doing this. Option one will get me killed. Option two would go against what I believe.


I flinch my head around and see Morgan walking in my direction. "Hey, um-hey. What's up?" I stutter, seeing her confused glare.

"Well I was walking to see you and now you look like you've seen a ghost. Didn't your father send you to your room?" She crossed her arms as she approaches me closer.

I scoff lightly, rolling my eyes. "I'm not five... but yes he did"

"Everything good? You look... flustered" She waves a finger in my face.

"Nothing. No, I'm fine. There's nothing" I look back out the window to the person in the rain.

Morgan gives me another strange look before turning towards where I'm looking. "Holy shit there's a person out there" She spits out.

I can't help but laugh. Palace staff aren't necessarily supposed to use improper English, let alone swear. I let her get away with saying things she would probably get fired for saying.

"Ok, you're coming with me" She grabs me by the arm and drags me down the hallway towards the stairs leading to my room.

"Hey, have you heard anything about that person?" I ask Morgan, an hour or two after that whole encounter.

I'm laid back in bed, hands behind my head and legs crossed over each other. Morgan and I ordered to stay in here till shit was figured out. My shirt, discarded on the floor with some grey sweatpants.

She's sitting in a little hanging chair attached to my ceiling, book in her hand. "Luke, I know as much as you do. If I find out anything, I'll let you know"

I roll my eyes as the door swings open. The blond in a silk slip dress with a pink-tinted sheer robe over it.

"What am I doing here?" She scoffs, as a guard escorts her into my room. She gets pushed in slightly with a confused look.

"Because the king ordered it," The man behind her says softly. "Mrs.Lawson, please follow me"

Morgan tilts her head slightly before getting up to leave the room.

Leaving me and Carrie all alone.



So I didn't think this through...

"You remind me of someone," The head of security says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shake my head and quickly think. "Uh... um weird?" I've been sitting here, being asked question that I have no answers for, for the past hour.

"Wait no no, Ansel. Kid, are you related to General Molina? He had two kids, a son and daughter I think" Someone from the back of the room speaks up.

I take a deep breath. "Uh that- that's my father," I say softly, knowing I'm gonna get caught at this point.

"Carlos right? Wow, you've grown up! He would show us photos when he was serving. Your father was a great man, my condolences" The one in the back takes a step closer.

My eyes widen. "Uh um yeah. Yeah? Yeah, that's me. I mean I was little when he was around. Oh um, and thank you" I nod, scratching the dry skin on the back of my neck.

"How's your mother? Your sister?"

I freeze up. "Commander, please step back. This is my interrogation" The person in charge, Ansel I guess, says.

The Commander nods, rolling his eyes before walking out. "So Mr. Molina, what's your angle here?"

I can't help but laugh, do these idiots seriously think I'm Carlos?

"I just need somewhere to work. That's all. I'm a legacy kid arent I? Don't I get a chance?"

My hands are in restraints attached to the metal table which seems to be bolted to the ground. I honestly have no clue how they haven't figured it out.

I mean one word... boobs

He gives me a strange look. "How old are you kid?"

"I'm sixteen, turning seventeen in December. I'm in prime health, have nothing to lose and I'm committed. I can defend myself and have tough skin. I'm not gonna get on my knees and beg but I'm asking politely. I just need a job" My words somewhat laughed as I lean back.

Ansel gives me another look. "You're cocky aren't ya son?"

I nod "I got what it takes. Give me a shot and I won't let you down"

I keep eye contact with this man, my eyebrow cocked and my lip slightly bit down on. I lean forward with my elbows rested on the table. "So? besides, if I suck you can always send me home"

"A minute Mr.Molina" He gets up and waves a couple of men from behind me to follow out into the room we came in through.

I lean back, listening to the muffled men talking outside.

"I like this kid,"
"How can we trust him?"
"He's a Molina"
"So? He could want some revenge"
"Everyone shut up"

They all go quiet once more. Their words finally become inaudible so I couldn't tell you what they were saying.

I'm scared, to say the least.


Carrie takes the place of where Morgan was previously sitting. "So any idea why they're tossing us into a room together?" She asks.

I roll my eyes. "Well, there are one of two things. Either it's because of that person outside or because they think this will help us fall in love" I scoff.

Carrie leans back, tucking her knees to her chest with a small pout. I sit up and lean forward. "Hey, you ok?"

She scoffs and heavily rolls her eyes. "Yes, I am fine, jackass. Just leave me alone. Ok? The agreement is to get married, become king and queen, have an heir or two, then die. We don't need to love each other, we just need to tolerate each other enough"

I run my hands over my face with a huff. It's been around 12 hours of knowing I'll need to marry her and I'm already fed up with her.

"Caroline let's just get one thing straight, both of us would rather marry anybody else. So we just gotta take matters into our own hands, refuse to wed or something"

Carrie just starts laughing. "Oh yeah, just tell some of the most powerful kings in Europe that their children refuse to get married. Great plan Lucas, give yourself a pat on the back while you're at it huh?"

"You have a better idea, Wilson?"

"We could play a card out of the Mercers book and get assassinated" She laughs.

I sit flabbergasted. "You can't make that joke with me. Get out" My tone low and serious.

"Excuse me?"

"I said get out. Get the fuck out" I shout, standing up off my bed.

With another scoff she walks out of the room, slamming my door shut behind her.


SO uh.... something happened...again


I turn around and see the younger guard from before. "Huh?"

"I asked, are you good? You've been standing here for like ten minutes" He leans against the door frame of the room they gave me to sleep.

It's just for tonight. It's not a grand bedroom but it's better than what we had at home or a jail cell. It's small but I'm not complaining in any way. It's this or the cold floor of a cellar.

"No, no I'm ok. Sorry, I never caught your name" I laugh, taking a seat on the small single bed.

"Riley. Private West... Riley West" He reaches out to shake my hand.

I back up, unsure if my hand will give things away. "A little iffy about shaking hands with people I don't know" I laugh lightly, he laughs along and pulls back.

"Got it. Well, I hope to get to be your friend eventually. I just gotta ask, you're short. How old are you" Rileys lip tugs with a smirk.

"I'm just short for a guy. I also already said in that interrogation with Ansel, sixteenth turning seventeen" I stutter, swiping my hand with a small laugh.

"Ok dude. Just saying you're short. Anyways, I'm supposed to lock this door and come back in the morning so... I'll see you later"

With that, the door shuts, and I hear it lock.

I lay around in bed most of the night, unable to think clearly. I get out of bed and try to open the door, forgetting it's locked.

I reach behind me and pull out a safety pin keeping my fathers' old shirt together. I pull it out and shove the pin into the lock, listening for the clicks that signal its opening.

Finally, the door latches open and a breath of pride exhales.

I sneak down the hallways, trying to catch my breath and clear my head. Over twelve hours ago, my mother was dying and now I'm walking the hallways of the royal palace.

Hearing some voices coming towards me, I panic. I look around and see a door across the hallways. I take a deep breath and slide into that room.

I press my back against the closed door. My eyes shut and I pray that I'm alone. I'm not even a person who prays, but I am.


I feel my heart drop. Fuck.

My eyes open slowly, looking to see a bedroom. A large balcony handing off the wall opposite to me. "Oh- uh hi" I strain my words, looking around to find someone.

My heart drops. "I- oh my god" My body shakes as I look at the fucking prince of Amaranth.

"Can I help you?" He smiles, sitting up from his spot.

My body freezes. I'm staring at the fucking prince and future king. "I- wow. Hello Hi. I didn't know this was your room" I stutter, my body shakes.

"All good. Need anything?" Luke gets up, crossing his arms across his bare chest. Holy shit-

"Um... no. Sorry I just got here tonigh-"

"You're the person in the rain weren't you?" He smiles, getting an intriguing glint in his eye.

I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, I guess. I didn't think it was gonna rain tonight when I left"

He smiles, tilting his head while glossing my body over. "Luke" He sticks his hand out to shake.

"I have a thing for shaking hands. But uh Carlos, Carlos Molina" I nod.

His eyes light up, head jerking back slightly. He pouts his lip and nods. "You're a dude... biologically or...?"

I laugh lightly. "Biologically, besides why would I admit to breaking the law to the Prince?"

He laughs, nodding his head. "Yeah no. I really don't belive in that whole law. All of them. I am in no way like my father"

"Oh. Uh sorry for assuming. So does this mean I'm free to shit talk your country now or..." I laugh, teasing lightly.

"Har har very funny. I'm not normally like this but want to go for a little walk and you can tell me your story?" He gestures to the door.

"So what's your story, Molina?" The prince asks as we sneak out of the palace to the gardens.

"Nothing really" I laugh, shoving my hands in my pockets. Oh my god, men's pockets are HUGE compared to women's clothing.

"Oh come on. You don't have anything? Nothing? You have a perfect nuclear family, go to school and a perfect girlfriend? Come on, tell me" He nudges my arm.

Majority of the lights around are off. The moon full and bright while we splash through the large puddles of rainwater. The air feels dewey and slightly humid in its post-rain state.

"We aren't that close your majesty" I chuckle, kicking the puddle of water in front of me.

"Oh come on, please! I'm your prince you gotta do what I say!" He whines like a kid, making me laugh.

"FINE! My dad worked as a general or something, I want to work here but I don't know-how. Uh, but that's against the point. I dunno, I h-"

"You wanna work here? As what?" He takes a step ahead, turning on his heel and starting to walk backwards.

"I don't know. I wanna help people. I can fight... kinda. I don't know, I just need a place to live and work" I shrug, looking down at the ground.

Luke turns back, looking at something in our path before turning back with a smile. "Then show me what you got"

I raise an eyebrow before I see the sparing circle ahead of us. "Prepare to get your ass kicked your majesty"

"Eh, you're in for it" He laughs back, jumping up onto the dimly lit platform.


I toss a wooden sparing sword in his direction which he catches. I nod, impressed. "Good catch Molina"

I kneel to the ground, opening the box of sparing equipment. When it's open; I grab out a face shield and start putting it on.

"Aye, we're not kids. We don't need helmets" He laughs, throwing the wooden sword into the air, catching it by the handle.

"Holy shit that was hot" I spit out, my expression falling as I realizes I just said that out loud. "Uh I mean- uh"

He laughs slightly, I can see a faint blush as he takes a stance. "All good. Uh so what do I get when I win?"

"When you win huh?" I get up, bouncing on my heels lightly.

"Yes. When I win"

I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Well according to protocol, you should be in the holding room while they run background checks. IF you win, I won't report you for escaping your room. Oh and I'll fast track that check and put in a good word to get you that job" I raise an eye brow. "And when I win"

"What can I get someone who has everything?"

"A chance to get to know you. I have no friends as sad as that sounds. My only friend is a pregnant woman in her mid thirties. So if I win, I get to know your life story" I say, pulling my arm across my body and tug on it lightly.

"That's sad your majesty" He laughs, swinging the sparing sword in a figure eight.

"Shut up. That's what I said. Now we have a deal" I raise an eye brow, remembering his thing about handshakes.

"Verbal agreement to this bet then" He smiles, winking at me before taking point.

"I'll let you count down, you'll get better advantage" He smirks.

I cant help but laugh. "I've been sparing professionally since I could walk. You count"

"Wow you didn't need to say it like that Lucas" Carlos' words are laughed. "But fine, don't say I didn't warn you. Go on three"

I roll my eyes as Carlos takes a deep breath. "Ok, one... two... three!"

I see him going for the head and I immediately draw the stick up to block. He cocks his eyes brow as I send a wink his way.

I back up and try to get into contact his abdomen. Clearly, he sees this flinching to the side. My eyes widen as he knocks the sword from my hand.

As I go to get it back, Carlos takes out my legs. I fall onto my back with a groan as I see him come into my field of view.

The flat base of his sparing sword pressed onto my forehead. My face creases up as I've realized he just beat me. "Professional sparing? How's that going for ya bud"

Carlos extends a hand to help me up which I take.

"Guess I'm putting in that good word"

So I rewrote this chapter, hence why it took so long to get out. Apologies.

Now to clear confusion that may arise. Julie's going by Carlos. SO if it's in Luke's POV and he's with 'Carlos' he's actually with Julie.

I know it's a little confusing... it got me a couple times but y'all will adapt... and he'll learn she's not really a guy eventually.


OK OK but I promised a map of where their countries are sooooo...
THIS IS FRANCE YAY (why did I pick France to the the country I use as the base? No idea)

(SO some of the names are a little off but this is the only clear map I could get SO even tho the names are wrong, yall will get the point. Besides, how much do y'all really know of French geography? If the answer is a lot... good for you?)

So where Lorraine, Alsace and Franche-comté is, that's where I'm imagining 'Amaranth' is (Luke's country)

Low and High Normandy is where 'Larkspur' is (Reggies country)

Nord-pas de Calais (North on the map), Picardie, and Chalons-en-champagne is where 'Caladium' is (Alexs country)

Rhone-Alpes is 'Evander' (Carries country)


Yay hope y'all are enjoying the storyyy this isn't the best but OH WELL
-Mama duck 🦆

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