this means war

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I bang my head against my desk, reviewing paperwork and applications for many many things. "Blah blah blah" I mumble, rubbing a hand over my face.

I take my suit jacket off and drape it over the back of my chair, untying my tie and letting it hang around my neck while undoing the top couple buttons of my dress shirt. It's now hot in Amaranth and royal attire doesn't exactly fit the weather.

Eventually, I get exhausted and pile up all my work, placing it at the corner of my desk as I pull out my computer and open the document I've been working on for the last while.

'The constitution of Amaranth'

I sigh as I look at the blank page. My head hangs slightly as I squeeze my eyes shut. That's when the feeling of hands on my shoulders hit my senses, "Come to bed Luke"

I lean my head back and meet Julie's chest, a small smile on my lips as she leans down and kisses me softly. "I gotta keep working"

"It's one in the morning" She brushes some hair out of my face and smiles a sleepy smile back at me, "You gotta sleep"

"I got you reinstated today if that means anything" I breathe out as Julie massages my tense shoulders. My back and body in a ton of pain just from sitting at this desk for hours.

"Thank you, Luke" Julie's smile becomes wide as she kisses my lips again. This time not pulling away at all.

I turn my chair and pull her into my lap, her straddling my hips as I hear the sound of my computer slapping shut. "Aye!" I exclaim as I realize she shut my laptop's screen.

"You can get more kisses if you come to bed. Otherwise, I'm leaving" She kisses my cheek once more before running off out of the king's quarters, waving her fingers with a wink as she shuts the door behind her.

"Fucking tease" I roll my eyes as I get up and head to bed.

Over the last two months, things have been great around here. Though Julie hasn't had her job, she's kept busy with more political things. It's a miracle she wanted to learn about my world, reading books and such on what we do here.

The castle has felt empty lately, without my sister, father, Carrie or Riley. It's strange. Carrie and Riley moved back home after we got the wedding certificate destroyed. My father got released from his cell and is now living west in North America. I got his dukedom renounced, no longer giving him political power of any sort.

Otherwise, there's just been one small issue. The country of Hemlock is breathing down my neck. Maybe now isn't the time however to bring that up.

I walk into our bedroom and see Julie cuddled into my pillow, fast asleep in one of my casual shirts. Once I've changed out of my formal wear, stripping down to my boxers, I poke her arm with a little laugh.

"Mhmm?" Her sleepy voice grumbles as it twitches.

"Babe I need to lay down" I chuckle as she moves over for me, quickly latching onto my body like a leech. "Hey"

"Sleep" She mumbles, tracing her finger over my abs.

"What happened to more kisses if I came to bed?" I chuckle, holding my breath as she keeps trailing her fingers along my hair.

"You took too long. I'll kiss you tomorrow" She mumbles, kissing my chest, "There"

I chuckle as I twirl her hair around a finger, "Your hairs growing out nicely. It's reaching your shoulders now"

"I know how long my hair is, dumbass"

"Don't call your king a dumbass" I scoff, closing my eyes as my hand goes limp. My eyes shoot open as I feel Julie getting up, "Hey, hey, what's up?"

"I'm gonna sleep in my room tonight. Goodnight" She rolls her eyes as she throws on a silk robe and walks out.

"Julie no- fuck"


I pull my dress up my leg and sit down at the kitchen counter. A cup of coffee sits in my hand as I chat with a couple of the kitchen staff.

Its the late afternoon and

"Julie, can we talk?"

I roll my eyes and put down the newspaper I have in my hand, "Unless it's more important than my meeting with the royal family of Cait, I have shit to do"

"It is. Duchess Meghan and Kaitlyn can wait" Luke sighs, taking a seat across from me as he looks down. His clothing, less formal than normal.

I raise an eyebrow and lean forward, "Luke what's up?"

"You know the country of Hemlock?" He tightens his shoulders and sucks on his lip.

I nod. "We don't get along with them, right?"

"I got a memo from their Emporer"

I sit up straight and raise an eyebrow, "Luke, what's going on?"

Luke chokes on his words. He fumbles and stumbles over his thoughts, clearly stressed, "He asked- He demanded I give up land-"

"Then give them a little land- OH we have that area out west they could use. It's not too big but-"

"He wants me to give up Amaranth entirely. To have it under the reign of Hemlock" Luke says, not even making eye contact with me as his chest tightens and eyes squeeze shut.

My heart drops, "And if you don't?" Part of me knows the answer.

"If I don't give up reign, he'll have an army at the east border by the morning"

I take a couple of deep breaths and hang my head, "You know what this means right?" I look up at him, frowning my lip.

Luke nods, clenching his jaw as he reaches forward. His hand goes to the back of my head and he brings his lips to my forehead. A small sound of acknowledgement leaves his lips while he leans his head against mine.

"Im so sorry" I whisper. My arms circle around his body as he just holds each other. "I am so so sorry"

Luke's hands cup my cheeks as he looks into my eyes. His thumb trails my cheekbone and Lukes smile turns up slightly, "I love you. So much"

My smile becomes wide as ever. I sigh slightly and giggle in a way I've never laughed before, "I love you too. So much"

Our eyes meet as we realize how much we really mean to each other.

Our lips softly connect to a sweet and short peck, "I love you, my king" I whisper.

"I love you too, my queen"

epilogue out sometime in the next year 🤷

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