death row

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-two weeks later-
julie's pov

These last few weeks have been torture. Being alone in the dark for hours on end with no end in sight is the worst thing to happen.

I haven't seen Luke in almost six weeks. It's like he disappeared from existence. Hell, usually I hear chatter about him from the guards in the halls but lately it's been nothing.

I just feel so alone. Riley stops by once and a while but he isn't able to stay around or even talk. He just kind of says hi, ask how my chest is doing and sneaks me a little extra food.

My body is somewhat just existing in this world. I see the doctor sometimes and was taken out of the in-cell hospital bed a while ago. Now I lay on a brick of a concrete slab elevated two feet off the floor.

Needless to say, my body is in a ton of pain. My lungs hurt a lot but it's been getting better. I'm in pain, physically and mentally.

I just miss my prince.

The sound of five chimes from the bell tower rings across the palace and it's grounds. Five AM. It's annoying as fuck when you're trying to sleep but when you have nothing else to do, why not.

I've also learnt that if I count to three hundred eighty-two after those five chimes, my breakfast will be brought to me very soon.

I tap my foot and hum softly to myself. I keep thinking of the music Luke and I would waltz to when he needed help dancing. The notes almost muscle memory at this point.

"Three, two and-" My finger points to the door as the wooden slab, slash poor excuse of a door, rattles in its frame.

The small slot it the door opens and a small platter with the grosses gruel I've ever seen giggles on the plate. I stare at it for a second before deciding against it. Besides, I used to go three days without eating anything.

I lay on the cold ground and shiver. Amaranth isn't cold but it isn't hot at this time of year. Depends on the wind and all. Needless to say, my hair is standing up on my arms.

Over these last few weeks I've made a difficult decision. Never thought I'd have these ideas and thoughts but I am.

I'm leaving Amaranth.

The minute I get the chance, I'm packing my bags and leaving. Maybe get a job in Larkspur or something. Just get away from all of this.

I love Luke, I do, but I'm not able to properly live if I know what's happened. I can't stay in Amaranth that's for sure. Who knows, maybe I won't leave but that's a strong maybe.

"Ms. Molina?" My door rattles as I pick myself up from my lazy position to hear the door unlocking.

My guard picks up and I prepare for the worst- though what could be worse than this...

"What do you want?" I scoff as one of my old co-workers opens the door. "Oh great and it's you" I laugh.

"Have we met?" The six-foot-something man asks as he steps towards me. In his hand is a set of cuffs that make me understand they're taking me somewhere.

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