Remnant's new rulers(Godzilla...

By Dragonflyer8654

54.4K 886 936

(Y/N) and his best friend Jack are huge fans of kaiju and the internet show of RWBY.So what would happen if t... More Remnant
Learning about yourself
Team STRQ and a new home
Hollow Earth discoveries
Welcome to Beacon
First day
Stepping up
A date with a sun dragon
Hanging out with the cookie monster
Field trip
The arrival
The emerging of the queen
Transformations and a reveal
Finding out about Earth and Remnant's past


1.5K 26 9
By Dragonflyer8654

We head to Team RWBY's dorm room in Beacon where we see all of Team RWBY sound asleep on their beds, except for one member as usual. Y/N was currently walking to the area out in front of Beacon where Jack was waiting for him.

Y/N:Hey Jack...what's up?

Jack:Nothing much, just....feeling anxious

Y/N:Why? There's nothing really much to be worried about. Ghidorah isn't that much of one right now it be honest, Rodan and Mothra are now with us, and Nozuki and Leviathan aren't doing anything hostile since they're under our command.

Jack:It's not see something happened when I was mapping out Menagerie.


Kong was currently right next to the Vacuo, trying to figure out the direction to the Menagerie based on the position of Camazotz and judging where Menagerie is off of that. He was stuck in thought wondering when Anguirus was found running towards him.

Kong(K/L):Oh hello Anguirus how are you now?

Anguirus(K/L):Not good at all.I need to show you something, it's something you and Dagon should know.


Anguirus(K/L):Yeah! He beat Rodan back in Vacuo, how could you forget he was right next to you?

Kong(K/L):Ah see that's where you're wrong. That's one of Dagon's kind, but that's not him. Dagon's been dead for a long time. That individual you saw with me earlier back up in Vacuo we call Godzilla, the last individual of Dagon's kind.

Anguirus(K/L): How was he so friendly to you? Didn't your species have a huge war back then?

Kong's face went into a thoughtful expression. He had to think of a reason that was valid and not expose their secret yet.

Kong(K/L):Pretty sure that the lazy guy slept with me through it all. That and he never really cared about the war.I was never exposed to it since my parents never really showed me what it was although they did give me this to protect myself (points to his axe). We both ran into each other and almost started fighting, but then realized we don't give a crap about the war and became friends. We both went dormant right before the genocide so we survived it. We just woke up about a couple weeks ago and since we couldn't sense any more of our species, we came to the conclusion that we're the last of our kind.

Anguirus(K/L):I'm.... sorry for your loss. What should I call you then?

Kong(K/L):Just call me Kong, King Kong sounds a bit weird right now.

Anguirus(K/L):Well Kong, about the genocide..... a MUTO is back.

Kong's eyes widened at the mention of the thing that massacred his best friend's species.

Kong(K/L):Which means there's more awake as well......Do you know what gender it is?

Anguirus(K/L):Couldn't really see anything, but I'll assume female since it went down into the Hollow Earth and is down here somewhere while males would just fly on the surface and only enter the Hollow Earth only if absolutely necessary.

Kong(K/L):Thanks for the information Anguirus, do you want to help me map out Menagerie?

Anguirus(K/L):Sure I don't see why not, most big threats to the desert are gone anyway and the huntsmen over in Shade should keep the grimm problems to a minimum.

Kong(K/L):Alright then.

There was a HEAV nearby that listened to all of the conversation, but understood nothing, containing Glynda and Team JNPR.

Glynda(over radio):Jack, what did he just tell you?

Kong turned to the HEAV with a serious face and started to sign.

Kong(signing):The MUTOs are back.

Glynda's eyes widened at the news.

Pyrrha:What did he tell you?

Glynda:Did Y/N and Jack tell you about the genocide of their kind?

Jane:They did....

Glynda:Well the thing that killed Y/N's kind is back.

Rin:MUTOs, right?

Glynda:That would be correct, we have to notify Ozpin.

Flashback end



Y/N:Darn! And I was hoping that Ruby's metamorphosis would be a small break!

Jack:Yeah....based off of Anguirus's descriptions, they're like skullcrawlers, but way worse, smarter, more stronger, and you should know about their EMPs.Do you have an area for Ruby to go into metamorphosis?

Y/N:I was going to let her go through metamorphosis in the Hollow Earth research station,but knowing a MUTO and potentially a second one is down there does not make stuff easy. Yang knowing that her sister is in danger will not help either.

Jack:Well I see two options.Based on 2014, you should be able to take on a pair with the EMP nerf and let her go through metamorphosis in Hollow Earth at a faster pace,or we let her go through metamorphosis in Beacon at a slower pace, then let the MUTOs come here.Based off of how Anguirus described them to me they're very smart and will be patient for an opening, and since Ruby's bloody Mothra, they're going to take any opening they can get to get to her since she's most likely completely filled with radiation since she's been near you so long.

Y/N:Alright, we'll discuss this with the rest of Team RWBY when they wake up.

Timeskip to Team RWBY awakening, brought to you by chibi Y/N and Jack playing Rock Paper Scissors.

Everyone has woken up in Team RWBY's dorm and everyone is sitting on their beds with Y/N and Jack at the front in front of the door

Y/N:Ok so this is probably the third time we made you all wake up early and you now realize we have to tell you something important.

Ruby:I wanted to sleep more :(

Y/N:Alright then, let's not go through the process for you to get your wings.

Ruby immediately sat up and started to pay attention after Y/N said that.

Y/N:Ok so you guys should know that Ruby has to go through a metamorphosis for Mothra to enter her adult stage or "imago form" as me and Jack call it, right?

Everyone's heads nod in agreement at what Y/N said.

Jack:Well I found something that makes Ruby be in grave danger if we don't take precautions.

Everyone's eyes widened at the thought of her being in danger, especially Yang who looked about ready to explode.

Y/N:Just now Jack told me that a MUTO is awake and is moving, which means that a pair of them is awake and after me.

Everyone immediately stiffened at this, except for Yang.

Yang:Wait if they're awake, why can't I sense any of them moving other than Nozuki and Leviathan?

Jack:Back when you were bonding with Mothra, I ran into Anguirus. He informed me that you can sense them, but it's going to take a huge effort to do so, that and if they're too far away, you can't sense them at all.


Blake:So they're like assassins to other titans?

Jack:In a nutshell, yes.

Weiss:But how does that affect Ruby when she's in her metamorphosis, and how will she even be during metamorphosis in the first place?

Y/N:Well.... a MUTOs favorite meal is by far a Titanus Gojira AKA me,however they're not as mindless as skullcrawlers. They'll deliberately wait for a good time to attack... and attack and remove obstacles.

Jack:Ruby's a very special case since her kaiju is extremely close to Y/N's.

Blake:That being......

Y/N:Mothra and Godzilla's species are in a very closely knit symbiotic relationship. In fact Mothra helping out Dagon was probably how he was able to bury Ghidorah in debris. MUTOs want to get to me, so they have to get Mothra, and there's a huge opening for them coming up soon.

Ruby:My metamorphosis....

Y/N:Bingo how am I going to go into my imago form!?

Jack:Y/N and I wanted to discuss that with you girls since we all want your opinions.

Weiss:Well that's thoughtful.

Jack:That and Yang would freaking murder us if she found out her sister entered metamorphosis and the things that it meant while Ruby was in it.

Yang:That's very true.....

Y/N:So I see two options,either we let her go into metamorphosis in Beacon, and risk having a male MUTO flying in which are easier to deal with than females.The process will be longer, but will be safer for her.If a fight does break out up here, Vale and Beacon will not appreciate the damage that comes with a titan scramble.Or we can let her go through metamorphosis in the research station in the hollow earth,risk having a female MUTO come in, which are considerably more dangerous than males, that and skullcrawlers are a possibility, but the process is shorter and no cities are at risk, just the research station.It's all your choice.

RWBY huddle together and start discussing the two options. After a couple of minutes they separate and turn towards the two alphas.

Yang:If we let Ruby go through metamorphosis down in the Hollow Earth, will you two guard her?

Y/N:I will

Jack:I second that

Ruby:Then....I'll go down in Hollow Earth to go through it.How hard are female MUTOs to take down?And why are they so much harder to kill?

Y/N:The reason why is because MUTOs have sexual dimorphism,in other words they differ in appearance by gender.Males have wings and are lighter than females,thus easier for me to take down,while females have an extra pair of legs and are more heavy,thus becoming slightly more difficult for me to take down.

Weiss:How do you know how they are when you supposedly slept through the genocide?

Both Y/N and Jack both stiffened at the question

Y/N:Eh.....lucky guess?


Jack:Anyway.....when do we want to bring Ruby down?

Ruby:Give me 5 hours, then I'll be down there.Also, do you guys by any chance know why my wrists feel so tingly?

Y/N and Jack both made Ruby hold her wrists out, and they both examine it. Her wrists were giving off a small silver glow. Y/N and Jack smile at her.

Y/N:I'm pretty sure that's where the silk that you'll surround yourself with during metamorphosis will come out of.

Ruby:Wait I'm going to be surrounded by silk!?

Y/N:The fact that most moths and butterflies surround themselves in a chrysalis or cocoon should be able to tell you that, especially since Mothra's temple was covered in silk when we were inside it.Remember you chose to be like this.

Ruby:I'm starting to regret this a lot now.....

Y/N:Hey don't worry! You'll be having a lot better of a time after you finish,you'll have wings!

Ruby:I guess....

Y/N:Believe me,Jack and I are going to try our hardest to keep you safe during it.

Ruby smiles up at Y/N, now slightly comforted by what she's about to do.

Ruby:One last long does the metamorphosis last?

Y/N:Since we're in the Hollow Earth, about a day and a half.

Ruby:Ok thank you for letting me know,I just have to go....prepare myself mentally.

Y/N:Take as much time as you need, meet up with us down in the Hollow Earth research station when you're ready. Also bring your teammates so they know where you are when you cocoon yourself.


Y/N and Jack both nod to each other, then walk out of the dorm room to Ozpin's office to update him on the situation.

Ozpin:So Ms Rose will going through metamorphosis down in the Hollow Earth and you'll be guarding her in case those radioactive bugs come over?

Y/N:That's the plan Oz.

Ozpin:I would like her to be more safe.....but with the two of you guarding her, I can't think of a safer option.

Jack:Glad to know you still trust us.

Ozpin:How can I not? You guys alright know about her, the maidens, and the relics and haven't gone against me at all, nor show any intentions of doing so.If anything, I'm surprised you guys trust me.

Jack:Why? Because you don't know a way to kill her yet?

Ozpin froze and stared up at the two,then made a face like he was processing what was said and then responded.

Ozpin:I guess you guys know a lot more than I thought at first from your world....but yes, I don't have a plan to kill her.

Y/N:We're also thinking Oz, don't worry, I think we might come up with something soon.

Ozpin:You don't need to to any more, you guys are already enough without involving our war.

Y/N: Whoever wins that war determines if balance is kept, or destroyed forever so we kinda have to get involved.


Jack:Anyway, we'll be on our way down to the research station, and that's probably where we're going to be staying for the next day or so.

Ozpin:Alright good luck, the world is depending on you right now.

Both Y/N and Jack both nod to him before going down into the Hollow Earth. They both transformed into their full size kaiju form and start to work around the research station. Skullcrawlers were always a problem, so they killed as many of them as possible so that Ruby could feel as safe as possible.

A HEAV entered the Hollow Earth and went to the research station, out of it hopped a nervous Team RWBY who immediately started to look for Y/N. It took a little while but they finally found Godzilla and Kong out in the field surrounded by skullcrawler corpses.The two titans saw the girls and slowly walked over. The girls all gasped as they saw the true scale of the two. For example, Ruby was barely the size of Godzilla's toenail and Kong's foot was a bit taller than Yang entirely.A blue and yellow glow surrounded the two as they shrunk down and transformed back into their human forms.

Blake:This may sound dumb, but I never really understood just how....big you guys are whenever you're transformed. We're always inside the HEAVs whenever we see you full size and the landscape makes you look like normal animals somehow.

Jack:I can see that to be honest. The Hollow Earth landscape is way more better suited for titans than the surface, really the only thing that can match our height up there is some buildings, mountains and other titans.

Ruby:And I'm going to be able to transform into one soon!

Y/N:Right you are Ruby! Anyway, I want to wait until you go into your imago form before I teach you to transform, Yang I'll teach you after Ruby finishes her metamorphosis.

Yang:Sounds like a plan!

Y/N:Alright then, let's get Ruby over to the area we designated for her.

Everyone nods as they go back to their HEAV while Y/N and Jack transform into Godzilla and Kong again.Godzilla and Kong immediately start heading towards a waterfall.They stopped in front of it and the HEAV landed right next to them.Both of the kaiju transformed back into their human forms to converse with Ruby.

Weiss:Why does she have to go through metamorphosis here in a waterfall? Doesn't water hurt bugs?

Y/N:Don't worry, Mothra can handle it with literally no problems, however there is a pocket of radiation here, and the water is something that reminds Mothra of me.That all makes the process quicker and she'll be done by tomorrow afternoon at least and midnight tomorrow night at the most.

Ruby:So this is it huh?My cocoon area?

Jack:Seems like it.

Ruby:W-wait, how do I make a cocoon in the first place?

Y/N:Me and Jack think that you'll do it instinctively, just because she's not visible on you doesn't mean Mothra isn't bonded to you, you probably have an instinct to always be near me because of her now.

Ruby:When I think about it *yawn* I've gotten really tired once the HEAV landed.And my wrists feel even weirder.

Y/N:And that's the sign to get you in a cocoon. Come on.

Y/N held onto Ruby's hand and dragged her through the waterfall.They ended up next to a rock wall, where Y/N sat Ruby down on.

Y/N:Almost time!

Ruby:Thank you Y/N for this.... I mean it.

Y/N:No problem little red

Ruby then fell asleep,then immediately stood up and opened her eyes,but instead of a silver color, they were a bright blue.Her wrists were glowing white now as she walked up to Y/N

Ruby?:Hello my king~



Y/N:Why hasn't Rodan done this yet?!

Mothra:Never had a reason to yet,anyway I just want to thank you for finding me a place to go through metamorphosis, you even chose a waterfall!

Y/N:Hey no problem, just going off of how me and Jack saw you metamorphosing in a movie in our world.

An awkward silence occurred between the two before Mothra spoke up.

Mothra:Alright then,can you stay near me while I wrap myself? I want to make sure you're nearby and I'm safe whenever I enter it.

Y/N:Yeah sure no problem, just a second....

Y/N started to growl at a low tone that only other titans could hear.Jack and Yang heard the growl reacted in two different ways.

Yang:What was that!?

Jack:That's Y/N growling, he's trying to tell us something......oh Mothra's entering her metamorphosis now.

Weiss looked bewildered at the two while Blake tried to hide her cat ears twitching.

Y/N:Alright now, you can start.

Mothra's wrists started to glow an even brighter white, before some silk sprayed out of them, some of it getting onto Y/N.Mothra then surrounded herself with it.

1 hour later

Mothra, or Ruby in this case, was now completely surrrounded by silk, and if you could look inside, you can see that Ruby was curled up in the middle of it unconscious. Meanwhile Y/N was almost completely covered in a blanket of silk.

Y/N:Ugh....I'm starting to think she just likes her silk on me for no reason

Y/N slowly broke free from the blanket and exited the waterfall, he saw Jack and Yang looking at him with a nervous expression, but Y/N simply gave a thumbs up to indicate that Ruby's fine, which calmed the two down.

Y/N:Alright, it's about time you girls go back to Bea-

Yang:I'm not leaving this place without my sister!

Weiss:Yeah she's our leader! I'm not leaving her!

Blake:.....what they said.

Y/ girls can stay at the research station nearby.

No one was truly happy with that answer, but they went along with it since they could tell that Y/N and Jack really didn't want them right next to the waterfall.

Y/N:Yang....when you get to the research station, call your family,it'll do some good to update them on what you and Ruby have become.


WBY begrudgingly got into the HEAV as it lifted off and went in the direction of the research station.Meanwhile Y/N and Jack heard the cries of a group of skullcrawlers heading towards them and immediately transformed into Godzilla and Kong at full sized, the two of them gave each other a serious look before roaring in the direction of the skullcrawlers and charged at them determined to protect Ruby and by extension, Mothra.

In the middle of the ocean, Leviathan was swimming through the open oceans he claimed as his territory, when out of nowhere he sensed something coming quickly. He quickly dove into the water as a silhouette went over the water where he was. The silhouette passed by and Leviathan resurfaced, he caught a glimpse of a jet black object moving across the sky and growled,he did some math in his head and realized the object was flying straight to a Hollow Earth entry and by extension, Godzilla.

In a mountain range in the Hollow Earth, Nozuki was sleeping on top of a high mountain range with her group of warbats around her when something awakened her.She looked down and saw that all the glowing areas of radiation were suddenly not glowing anymore. She then heard the sounds of footsteps hitting the ground repeatedly and looked down.Fueled by her curiosity, she flew down and found footprints that seem to have come from Vacuo and were heading towards Kong, she hissed out in anger at the realization of what was coming and flew up on top of her mountain range again.

In a mysterious location, three people entered a massive cave.

???1:Ehm Emerald.....why are we here?

Emerald:Be quiet Mercury just follow Cinder's lead

The camera turns to a new girl with bright orange eyes,jet black hair, and a red dress.

Cinder:According to her....this is a key to winning.

The camera turns to show what they were staring at.

(Hey I'm alive!Sorry for not updating as much, I'm going on vacation with my family and want to focus on that more than this story. Anyway, this chapter might seem a bit rushed so I apologize for that.I hope anyone who has gotten this far into this story enjoys it like I'm enjoying making it and I hope you have a fantastic day or night!)

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