
By paintedkisses

95.8K 3.7K 811

Your lips tasted like nicotine and I got addicted [copyright © caitlyn 2015] More



2.6K 114 16
By paintedkisses

maybe things just weren't
meant to be.

LISTEN TO Winter by Daughter

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I've seen over 1,000 movies and most of them have been love stories, I've always dreamt of a love story like this movies no matter how many people told me that won't happen. I believed it would.I've read over 2,549 books mostly love stories and I've always wished for a love story like in the books not matter how many people told it won't happen.

My mother used to call me a dreamer, she told me to never lose that because not many people have that gift. To lose touch of reality and go into a state of dreaming, I told her I wouldn't ... But I think I am. But I don't want to.

Jack has been coming over two times a day, we talk and share a cup of coffee. He's been trying to earn my trust each time, I smile and change the subject each time. My mother should be coming home in 2 months, I'm glad she's out having fun it's good for her.

Today the snow has finally melted but instead rain took it's place, it isn't a drizzle or a light shower it's pouring, thundering, lightning. In other words it's storming. I'm snuggled up on the couch in a warm snowman blanket with a cup of coffee watching Castle, it's my all time favorite show it's so addicting.

My feelings toward Jack is confusing, I love him but I don't at the same time or maybe I want to love him but can't. My mother told me that love is difficult, but is all worth it in the end so hang in there Win!
But it's easier said than done. Jack should be here soon, I always keep up with the timing so I know when he's coming over.

*Knock, knock*

I almost laugh, I sit my coffee up down and shrug my blanket off and walk to the door opening it, My eyes land on forest green ones. I smile lightly and move to the side letting Jack inside.

"Hey,' I say

"Hey baby. " Jack laughs

We walk towards to couch throwing ourselves onto the couch, I turn the T.V off and turn to jack who is already looking at me.

"What's up?" I laugh

"Just looking at you." He smiles

"Oh shut up" I grin.

He shakes his head and laced our fingers together, I felt like I should unlace them but I can't find it in me to do so. My hand tingles under his touch I haven't felt this is awhile, it feels welcoming. Like after being on a long roadtrip and you're finally coming home.

"Literally all I want is to kiss you all the time nonstop" Jack says

"Then why don't you?" I ask

"Because you wouldn't let me, now would you?" He laughs

And in that moment I lose it, I press my lips to his taking Jack by surprise. My hands get tangled up in his hair and my body molds against his instantly, his tongue finds it's way into my mouth grazing over mine.

He pulls away slowly and presses his lips to my ear and whispers "Only on Disney Channel."

I jump back and burst out laughing as Jack does the same.

"Oh my god," I breathe out

"That totally ruined the moment, I'm so sorry." Jack laughs loudly

"Yes, not kissing you again." I grin

"Well that sucks." He smiles

Jack leaves around 9:30 saying he needed to be somewhere. Now I'm all l laying on the couch with Sponge Bob on T.V, I sigh and curl up into a ball on the couch.
I close my eyes thinking maybe just maybe I can fall asleep,

I don't, I can"t.

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