Symmetrical Attraction

By masteraceae

72.4K 1.5K 327

DTK x GN Reader You're not sure why this boy freaked out about the symmetry of your weapons, but you're not e... More

Chapter 1: Meister?
Chapter 2: Lord Death
Chapter 3: Dreaming
Chapter 4: Stripes
Chapter 5: Symmetry
Chapter 6: Doodling
Chapter 7: Tour
Chapter 8: Hangout
Chapter 9: Truth
Chapter 10: Dare
Chapter 11: Hurt (Kid's POV)
Chapter 12: Do I? (Kid's POV)
Chapter 13: Awake (Kid's POV)
Chapter 14: That got me thinking...
Chapter 15: Maka
Chapter 16: Class
Chapter 17: So Uncomfortable
Chapter 18: Lunch
Chapter 19: The Art Returns
Chapter 20: Frozen (Kid's POV)
Chapter 21: Skateboard
Chapter 22: Skating Without the Board
Chapter 23: Death the Asymmetrical (Kid's POV)
Chapter 24: Fast Food
Chapter 25: Let It All Out
Chapter 26: We Didn't!
Chapter 27: The Mall
Chapter 28: Mansion
Chapter 29: Sure
Chapter 30: Before
Chapter 31: Shall We Dance?
Chapter 32: Grey Blanket
Chapter 33: Death Room
Chatper 34: My Weapon
Chapter 35: Body
Chapter 37: Afternoon
Chapter 38: Party
Chapter 39: Symmetrical Attraction
Part 2?

Chapter 36: Birthday

627 18 3
By masteraceae

I used my time over the weekend to shop for things I might need to make Kid's birthday special. There were some cheap decorations at a party store I found, but it was hard to avoid all the Halloween stuff. I stock up on foods he likes, and hide them in the back of the refrigerator. There aren't any gifts I can really get him, since he is rich, but I still wanted to do something.

During the week, I asked our friends during class, lunch, after school, and by text about coming over for a party on his birthday.

Maka had a halloween party planned and everyone already knew about it. I love the girl, but really? Is no one going to come to their friend's birthday? Even Liz and Patty were planning to go to Maka's!

A few people said they'd try and visit for his birthday, but I warned them not to wear anything Halloween related.

Friday night I stayed up insanely late. I hid my gift under my bed and hung up decorations while he was asleep. I knew they had to be precise, so I found a level and made sure they were straight as well as symmetrical. I got my outfit ready for the day and left it out so I could get it on the next day. It was items Liz told me he said I'd look nice in while they were at the mall. I went back and bought them so I could surprise him.

It's 3AM when I finally get ready to go to bed.

"Happy birthday," I whisper in his direction before falling asleep.


I only got a few hours of sleep, but I wanted to be able to see his reaction as well as being the first to say anything to him. I got dressed and waited by my door to listen for him leaving his room. I hear the doorknob turn, so I stand outside my door. As soon as he opens it, I yell, "Happy birthday, Kid!"

He looks tired, but I can see his smile through the mess of hair in front of his face.

"Thank you," He looks up above the doors where I hung decorations. There's two banners that say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" above my door as well as the Thompsons'.

"You even made them symmetrical," He looks back at me.

"Of course, I wasn't gonna let you get stressed about something so early in the morning," He smiles again and turns to look at his door. Silver, black, and white streamers spiral down the door frame.

"How did you know I liked-"

"I'm not oblivious," I turn away, "I'll be cooking, once you're done getting ready, we can eat," I head down the hallway.

"(Y/N)," He calls to me so I stop and turn around, "This is already my best birthday I've had," The corners of his mouth lift slightly and he goes into the bathroom. I head downstairs to begin cooking his favorite breakfast.

Once he comes down, I press the button on the coffee machine and flip a waffle onto a plate.

"This one's yours," I place the plate down at his spot at the table and continue cooking for myself and the sisters.

"How did you know I liked-"

"'These are my favorite, especially when Liz puts bananas in the-'" I mockingly quote him.

"Okay, I get it," He laughs. I toss my waffle onto a plate and bring his mug of coffee over when I sit down.

"This is even my favorite mug, how do you keep doing this?"

"I listen," I say, stuffing my mouth with food to avoid elaborating.

When I hear Liz and Patty coming down the stairs, I stand back up and cook theirs for them.

"(Y/N) really went all out with those decorations, huh?" Liz says, sliding into a chair.

"Yeah, but I thought red was your favorite color?"

"It was," Kid stabs his waffle with the fork.

"Here, I've got one, who wants it first?" I ask the girls. Patty asks for it and aI bring it over to her. I finish making Liz's and bring it to her as well. After sitting back down, I finish eating mine, and talk with Kid about today.

"I asked a couple people to come over later, I hope that's alright,"

"Of course, but when are they coming?" Kid asks.

"I think they'll come around five," He nods at my response and sips his coffee.

"I've only got a few things planned until then, so I hope you're ready with suggestions,"

"You don't have to fill up the whole day, y'know?"

"I said I'd make it the best, didn't I?" He smiles at me and gets up to clear his plate.

He sits back down to keep talking with us while everyone else finishes.

"Hey, Liz, did you tell (Y/N) what I said about that shirt?"

"Wait, (Y/N), when did you go back and get that?"

"That's a secret," I giggle.

"It looks really nice on you," He looks down as he compliments me, "Now I feel bad that I'm just in a tee shirt,"

"Oh, Kid, it's your birthday, you're allowed to be comfortable," I bring my plate over to the sink and wash it.

"So, what did you have planned other than a party?"

"We can start the fun now, if you'd like," I tell him, "We're gonna need Liz and Patty for the first part though,"

"We're coming," Liz says through a mouthful of food. Both girls clear their plates, trying to finish quickly so we can start the day.

"It's all set up already," I say while leading them down the hallway to the room we normally hang out in.

A board game is sitting in the middle of the floor, already set up.

"How did you know this one was-"

"Your favorite? Do you not remember when we came in here the other day and it fell out and you were like 'This one's my favorite, it must want us to play it'?"

"How do you remember all these things?"

"I took notes," I sit down, "I told you I was gonna make this the best birthday, didn't I?" Kid smiles with a little laugh and sits down next to me. Liz and Patty finish the circle around the board and we start to play.

After an hour, Patty's only one space away from the end, I'm 2 away, and Kid is 5. closer to the start than the end.

"I just need to roll a 2 and I'll win!" I shake the die in my hand.

"C'mon, you aren't gonna let the 'Birthday Boy' win?" Kid jokingly flutters his eyes. I toss the die on the board and roll a one.

"Dammit!" I move myself to the same space as Patty. Kid picks up the die off the board and rolls it. 5.

"Aww, you let me win," He teases with a smirk on his face. Those bony hands of his pick up his piece and places it right in the center of the Finish.

"I've got a little homework I've gotta do before tonight's partying, so I think I'm gonna get that done now," Liz stands up.

"If she has homework, I probably do too," Patty follows her out the room. Kid and I finished the assignment together yesterday and used it as an opportunity for a study session.

"Alright, Kid, I've got a couple plans, but if there's anything you'd rather do, let me know," I toss the game pieces into a plastic bag and fold up the board.

"Well, there is one thing I think I want to do," He grabs the lid and closes the box.

"Well what is it?" I start to stand up. Kid grabs me and pulls me up the rest of the way. His arms are wrapped around me and his face is close.

"Want to go for a ride? The sky looked symmetrical when I looked out my window this morning,"

"No better way to celebrate a birthday than fearing for your life on a skateboard," I tease, "Lets go!"

Kid leads me outside, and Beelzebub is waiting for us. Kid puts one foot on and then holds his hand out to help me up. He pulls me up and right into his chest. I wrap my arms around him and look him in the eyes, "Happy birthday," I say before leaning my head against him. He skated us around on the ground for a while, happily telling me stories while I listen.

"That's how I met Liz and Patty. My father was pretty terrified the first time I told him that story, but they were the best friends I could've asked for at the time." I laugh at his jokes and comfort him whenever stories get sad.

"I think that birthday was the worst one, and he even forgot about it once,"

"Him forgetting wasn't the worst one?"

"I could go on and on about my eighth," He flies us up into the air and it gets difficult to hear, "Of course, I'll save that story for another time," Kid yells to me. He doesn't want to ruin the happy mood.

His hair flies back and I can see his whole face. Wow, he really is pretty. The longer I look at him, I realize he put on makeup again. I love when he wears eyeliner. It's messy today, but I like it that way. Still symmetrical, obviously. I hold him tight and lean in closer. He smells nice, like lavender and silver. I press my face in farther and enjoy my time.

Hold up.

Kid wanted to do this? For me to wrap myself around him? To hold him in such a tiny space? For it to be just the two of us? Does he...?

"(Y/N)," His hand traces my back and I look up at him, "You look very pretty when the wind blows through your hair like that," He says this to me without looking, simply staring into the sky.

Death the Kid just called me pretty. The stupid symmetrical skinny skater boy that I like just called me pretty. I bring my face back to his shoulder, hiding my blush.

"And when you blush," He adds.

I'm never moving my head. I can't let him see the way I'm freaking out about this.

He loops us all around Death City.

"Hey, (Y/N), could you get my phone out of my pocket?"

"Yeah," When I reach for it, I realize what I'm about to do. I know I'd done it without warning before, but when I'm conscious of going into his back pocket, it's different.

I grab the top of the phone and slide it out, trying not to actually touch him. I take a quick selfie before handing it over to him. His hand that isn't holding the phone grips me tighter.

"Could you take the picture? Yours of the sky was so beautiful last time, I don't think I can get this one to be symmetrical," He holds the phone near my hand. I take it from him and open the camera again.

"I can try," It's his birthday, I'd feel bad if the picture wasn't good. I snap a few before turning the camera around and taking one of the two of us, perfectly in the middle of the frame with the clouds balanced behind us.

When I turn off his phone, I realize he changed his screensaver again. It's the two of us in the skating rink with Liz and Patty cut off in the background. I slide the phone back into his pocket and feel him shiver when I do so.

Kid lands the skateboard near the manor, and skates us the rest of the way.

"We could've flown, but I like it better when I can hear you." I feel his neck vibrate when he talks.

He talks about how great the day has been the entire way back. I'm glad he's enjoying it.

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