Days | m.e

By magsmoneyyymil

956 99 5

Matthew Espinosa is a well known name at my school , mine isn't . I only have two good friends unlike Matt he... More



109 15 0
By magsmoneyyymil

***Jessica's Pov***

My alarm went off and I sat up. It's Friday and I really didn't want to go see Matt but of course my mom made me go to school.

I started getting ready. I didn't try today, I was going kinda grunge today. I don't know, I use to be really grunge and I have all of my old grunge clothes so I just wore those clothes.

[ Jessica's outfit ]
Black tank
Denim jacket
Black and white pattern skirt
Black booties
[ Jessica's makeup ]
Gold , black ,&' brown eyeshadow
Light pink lipstick
I had my hair down. Kimberlee and Hayes picked me up. "Hey Jessica." Kimberlee said. "Hey." I said low.

"I told you Matt didn't really like her." Hayes whispered to Kimberlee but he made sure I heard it. "Hayes can you stop the car please." I said.

"Why?" He asked. " Because I don't wanna be in here with a dickhead like you, I rather walk or die." I said coldly.

He stopped the car like a bitch and I got out. "Thanks fuckboy." I said getting out and slamming the door.

When I slammed the door I flipped him off. Hayes drove off pretty damn fast. I started walking.

I was only about 10 minutes away from the school. A car stopped by me, "Hey want a ride?" Ben asked.

I got in , "Hey." I said. "You look different." He said. "I guess." I said. "Is it because of Matthew ?" Ben asked.

Hearing Matt's name made me freeze. I stayed quiet. "I'm sorry." Ben said, "I uhh didn't mean to upset you."

"It's fine , I rather not talk about it. If you don't mind." I said wiping a tear. We drove to the school and we got there at 7:45.

"Thanks for the ride again." I said walking off. "Wait , Jessica come hang with me." Ben said. "You hang out with Matt." I said low.

"He's not here yet." Ben said grabbing my hand. I walked over to their group. I stayed with them for a while until Matt came walking to the group.

"Ben I have to go." I said. "Just stay." Cat said. " No, I'm sorry." I said walking away.

I walked passed Matt and into the library. It was 7:55, someone walked into the library but I didn't look up because I was reading this really good book.

It was called Silence. I'm barley on chapter one but I read the first page and I was hooked. I had just got it right now.

I was sitting at a table alone, until someone sat across of me. I still didn't look up.
The person grabbed hand.

I looked up and pulled my hand back, it was Matt. I looked back down pretending I didn't see him.

"Jessica you can't keep ignoring me." He said trying to hold my hand. "Touch me again and I'll move schools." I hissed looking into his eyes.

His eyes got watery. "Jess-Jessica please I'm sorry but you have to understand she made those , those are fake . I love you , I need you Jessica." Matt said starting to cry.

The bell rang to go to first period. "Goodbye Matt , have fun with Heather." I said grabbing my stuff. "Wait Jessica !" Matt yelled. He ran up to me and twisted me around and kissed me.

I looked at him and stayed quiet. "I love you Jessica and no one else , not even Heather not even Ariana Grande. I only love you." He said. I walked away.

"Heather!" I said angry. Look I don't know if I trusted Matt or not but if he was telling the truth I need to fool her. "What's up?" Heather said batting her eyes.

"I know those messages are fake , Skyler told me everything." I said lying . She stayed quiet. "So they are fake?!" I shouted. "Yeah.." She said low.

I got so mad , i ignored Matt , broke his heart , made myself think it was real , cried , gave Matt my neckless he gave me , stop ridding the bus , I dressed differently , dumped Matt , and now I have no one to go to Sadies with.

For nothing... I did that all for a stupid fake text. I was so furious I punched Heather in the face as hard as I could. She fell on the floor and Victoria helped her up.

"Fuck you." Heather said while crying and holding her face. I walked away flipping her off.

I walked into technology, and Ben sat next to me. "Oh my god Jessica , you little reckless bitch." Ben said laughing and hugging me. "What?" I said laughing.

"I saw what you did ." He said laughing like crazy. "Hey she deserved it ." I said. Ben pulled out his phone.

"Someone sent me the video of you punching her." Ben said. He showed me the video and I was shocked how hard I punched her.

"You punched the shit out of her." He said laughing. I laughed and the bell rang to go to second period.

I walked in the locker room , everyone was staring at me. I changed out. "Hey I saw what happened." Laila said laughing. I laughed and we walked to the gym.

I walked to Matt and kissed him. "Are we back together ?" He asked. "Yeah." I said kissing him.

He pulled out the heart neckless and put it on me, "Are we still going to Sadies?" He asked. "It would be an honor to go to Sadies with you." I said laughing while he kissed my neck.

"Alright that's enough love birds." Our P.E teacher said. We laughed and started playing basketball.

I got the ball and I made a three pointer. "That's my girlfriend." Matt yelled running to me kissing me. After Matt got the ball and dunked it. "That's my boyfriend." I said.

I got on Matt's shoulders and shot it and surprisingly it made it.

~skipping to lunch~

Me and Matt shared a meal again. "Why is she here? I though you guys weren't together." Hayes said coldly. "Well we're back together so if you don't like it go fuck your self." I said bitting my apple.

"Sassy aren't you?" Matt said kissing my cheek. The bell rang to go to fifth period. I started walking.

"Hey what the fuck? Why are you talking like that to Hayes?" Kimberlee asked mad. "Because he's rude to me." I hissed.

"I don't think we can be friends anymore." She said. "Trust me , I don't need you." I said coldly and walked away.

"I hate you!" Kimberlee yelled at me. "You hate me ? Oh well. I don't give one fuck." I said walking off again.

~skipping to the end of the day~

I sat next to Matt on the bus. He looked so happy. "Why are you so happy ?" I asked. "1. Because of us getting back together and 2. My friends are performing at Sadies." He said.

"That's cool . Who's performing ?" I asked. "Jack and Jack." Matt said. "Cool , I can't wait." I said kissing him.

We got off the bus and he walked me home, I went inside and ate cereal. I did my homework and finished at 5:48.

I watched All Cheerleaders Die, and I finished at 6:59. I went up stairs to go take a shower. I got out at 7:37.

My sister texted me.
-text messages-
aυdrey : нey lιттle ѕιѕ ι'м coмιng over тoday. ι'll вe тнere proвaвly aт 12 ιn тнe мornιng.💗
jeѕѕιca : oмg yeѕ! ι can'т waιт 💖
aυdrey : dylan ιѕ coмιng тoo and ι'м вrιngιng мy вoyғrιend and dylan ιѕ вrιngιng нιѕ gιrlғrιend 😉
jeѕѕιca : oĸay ѕee yoυ laтer вye💞
-end of text messages-

It was 7:48 and I started making dinner for my mom. It took me an hour so I was done at 8:48 and I went up stairs to go clean my room .

I finished at 9:35 . I started writing in my journal. I finished 10:46. I was tired so I went to bed. See you in the morning.

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