The Devil went down to Honnou...

By slenderfanboy

28.3K 475 266

(Y/N), also known as the Black Demon, arrives at Honnouji Academy to get some answers regarding a deceased fr... More

Welcome to Honnouji Academy
I've got balls of steel
Clash of the Kamui
I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
Mr. Mohawk
Turn a Blind Eye
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
Major Whiplash
Now you see me, now you don't!
Face the music
Going Berserk
Shinijiro Nagita
We're going on a trip
The full story
Party Crashers
Things are starting to unravel
Rescue Mission
Do or Die
Wake up call
Final Preparations
Final Battle part 1

I'm on the highway to Hell

1K 19 20
By slenderfanboy

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication

Underlined: Video/audio


Satsuki: Today, we embark on a complete overhaul of the student council!

Satauki addressed to the entire school board from her position. And among the mass of students from below, Ryuko, Y/N and Mako were wandering what Satsuki is up to this time.

Satsuki: If you participate, you will have free reigns to attack your peers! There are no restrictions on weapons or tactics!

Y/N: A chance to knock peoples heads with no holds barred, eh? 😏 Sounds pretty tempting to me.

Satsuki: Those who survive will meet here in seven days! These survivors will then fight to claim their social standing! A fight for election in the form of a battle royale!

Ryuko: Election my ass.

Y/N: What's her royal majesty scheming this time?

Satsuki: Unlike traditional elections, you will not choose someone to represent you! You will represent yourself! Yours status! Your strength! Your way of life! In seven days, at 8:30 am, the survivors who have assembled here will have a sudden death run-off!

Satsuki: And if you emerge victorious, I will personally grant you a brand new Goku Uniform! Now, students of Honnouji Academy, FIGHT!

And with that said and done, the entire assembly of students began getting physical with one another. Some delivered standard kicks and punches, while some used and makeshift weapons they could get there hands on. Amidst all the chaos, Ryuko, Y/N and Mako snuck there way to the Mankanshoku household.

Maki: Gosh, things sure are crazy in town, today.

Y/N: No shit! This is like fight club all over again.

Ryuketsu: Agreed. Everybody is going all out on one another.

Ryuko: What's everyone sitting around looking all philosophical for?

Barazo: Oh you know, just thinking about all the good things we learned recently. Like how instant gratification how it ain't always cracked up to be.

Mataro: Yeah, right. Patience is a virtue. See, if everyone's tired from fighting, I'll have easy pickings. Pocket pickings that is.

Sukuyo: Mataro, you little....

Sukuyo pinched Mataro's cheek, much to the boy's dismay and everyone elses' amusement.

Y/N: 😏 Honestly kid, when you will learn?

Ryuko: So, can I use your scooter?

Barazo: I got it for you. Scammed it from the guy who owns the scooter shop. *thumbs up* Drive safe.

Ryuko, Y/N and Mako were outside

Mako: Going anyplace special today?

Ryuko: Not really.

Mako: So you're just tooling around then? In that case, I'm coming too!

Mako then squeezed Ryuko, making Senketsu choke a bit.

Mako: I'm gonna hold on tight.

Y/N: Well, if you ladies are going, I'm going with ya.

Ryuko: I don't think there's any room on this thing for ya, dude?

Mako: Not a problem for him, though. He can run super fast, rember.

Ryuko: Oh...yeah. Kinda forgot that.


Ryuko and Isshin Matoi's residence

Mako: Where are we?

Ryuko: My dad's place.

Y/N: 😔 So many memories.

Mako: No way! This dump? Then I guess you're poor just like me, aren't ya?

Ryuko: No. I didnt live here when it was like this. It used to be a nice mansion before it burnt down.

Y/N: This was where doc did his research.

Ryuko: Yeah. My mom died after I was born, and my dad was a scientist who was always in his lab. He and I didnt really get akong all that good, so he shipped me off to a boarding school.


A young Ryuko was reaching out to her father who just walked away.

Ryuko: I was always getting into fights there. And by my first year of high school, I was a straight up punk.

Jump to where Ryuko was reading a note from her father.

Ryuko: Then six months ago, I got a note from my dad saying he wanted to talk. So I came back..But...

Ryuko sees her father skewered by the scissor blade Ryuko now wields.

Ryuko: Dad! Dad, hang on!

Dr. Matoi: Stop fussing and listen. If you want to live a peaceful life, leave here right now.

Dr. Matoi then pulls out the scissor blade.

Dr. Matoi: But if you want to continue my fight, *tosses scissor blade to Ryuko* then you're going to need that.

Ryuko: What do you mean fight?

Dr. Matoi: If you find the other half of that scissor, you'll find my killer. But a cruel fate lies in store for you.

Ryuko then spots the one wielding the other half of the scissor and gives chase.

Ryuko: Hold it!

Dr. Matoi: Come back Ryuko! Let them go! I haven't told you everything!

Ryuko then steps outside and sees the killer run off. But before she could chase after the assassin, the house exploded.

Ryuko: DAD!

End Flashback

Ryuko: There were times where I hated the old man. But his death was a wake up call for me. Because I realized, i don't really know anything about him.

Ryuko stabs her scissor blade into the ground.

Ryuko: I decided right then and there I'd find out who killed him and why, what he wanted to tell me, and what this is. But I still haven't got any answers. *to Senketsu* And I also wanna know why he made you, Senketsu.

Ryuko looks and notices Y/N on his knees, looking really down.

Mako: Y/N?

Ryuko: Dude. You alright?

Y/N: Trust me Ryuko, seeing doc go was as much of a horrific display to me as it was to you.

Ryuko: You were there?

Y/N: That night, I was on my way to his place, cause he wanted yo tell me something too. But when I saw the building was in fire, I was mortified.

Mako: So...what happened?

Y/N: I managed to bust him out of that place, but I saw he was mortally wounded. I was surprised he was still clinging to life.

Ryuko: You rescued him?

Y/N: Yeah. But the way I saw it, he wasnt gonna last much longer.


Y/N is seen carrying a badly wounded Dr. Matoi.

Y/N: Doc! Doc, stay with me man! C'mon!

Dr. Matoi looks to Y/N.

Dr. Matoi: Y/N...*cough* that you old friend?

Y/N: Yes, I'm right here, doc. What the hell happened?

Dr. Matoi: No time to explain. *hacks*

Y/N: Shit! We gotta get you you to a hospital.

Dr. Matoi: Don't bother, kiddo. I'm done fore either way.

Y/N: Doc! No, nonono don't say that!

Dr. Matoi fished into a pocked in his lab coat, pulling out a photo.

Dr. Matoi: I...want you me one thing.

Y/N: Anything, buddy. Anything.

Dr. Matoi then gives Y/N the photo of Ryuko Matoi at a younger age.

Dr. Matoi: Look... daughter. *coughs*

And after that, Dr. Matoi falls limp.

Y/N: Doc? DOC!

But no answer. Dr. Matoi was certainly dead.

Y/N: Doc...😞

Y/N then looks at the photo Dr. Matoi gave him.

Y/N: You have my solemn word, old friend. I'll protect her with my life. You can count on me.

End Flashback.

Y/N: So, I searched far and wide for you, Ryuko. I made a promise to him, and by God I was not gonna back down.

Ryuko: Y/N...

Y/N: At least you got to know your father, Ryuko. *to Mako* And Mako, you're lucky to still have your family. My folks passed away when I was only two years old.

Ryuko: Oh...I'm sorry man.

Y/N: I had no-one else to take me in, so I jumped from foster home to foster home. It wasn't until when I was thirteen when I stumbled across Dr. Matoi.

Ryuko: Really?

Y/N: I owe a huge debt to him. I wouldn't be where I am now we're it not for him. Since then, I've been learning under him as his apprentice. We even became close friends, despite the age difference. But he was more than a good friend and a mentor, he was like the father I never had.

Ryuko: Dude....

After everyone had calmed down, the trio began to search for any clues, but had no luck.


After finding nothing in the ruined mansion, Ryuko, Y/N and Mako were ln their way back home.

Ryuko: Well that sucks. I was hoping to find some kind of clue in one of those big piles of fabric. But it's all gone.

Senketsu: Mikisugi might know about that.

Y/N: I don't doubt that.

Suddenly, the scooter Ryuko ws driving slowed down until it went to a halt.

Y/N: Shit! Looks like ol' reliable has up and done.

Mako, Y/N and Ryuko were pushing the scooter.

Mako: Well that sucks. Dad got you a messed up scooter. Sorry about that.

Ryuko: Nah, the damn gas gauge is busted is all.

Y/N: On the bright side, we're not too far from you're place.

Mako: Ryuko, you're not alone anymore, because now you us in you're life. And by us, I'm talking about Senketsu, me, my whole family, and even Y/N.

Y/N: Damn right. We all love ya, you know that right?

Ryuko: *blushes* Of course. I never had any doubts.

Mako: I got an idea. Let's hitchhike!

Y/N: Uh...Mako, I don't think that's a good idea.

A car then drove past them, a huge cloud of exhaust at the three.



The car then backed up, revealing it to be a rather nice looking car. But the one driving it was somebody they never expected.

Gamagoori: Is something wrong?

Y/N: Ira Gamagoori?

Mako: Wow! I hitched us a ride with Gamagoori.

Y/N: Hot damn, dude. *whistles* That's a sweet set of wheels.

Gamagoori: I appreciate the complement.

Ryuko: Are you following us around?

Gamagoori: Calm down. I have no intention of fighting you here.

Ryuko: Huh?

Gmagoori: We'll fight at the Sudden Death Run-Off. Not before.

Ryuko: Ok then, what do you want?

Gamagoori: Get in. I am the appointed chair of the disciplinary committee of Honnouji academy. And when I'm off campus and find a fellow student in need, its my duty as a committee member to help that student out. Even if it's you, so get in.

Ryuko was hesitant, but Mako immediately hopped in. And soon, Ryuko got in as well.

Ryuko: You wanna hop in, Y/N?

Y/N: Nah, I got my own set of wheels.

Ryuko: Really?

Y/N: *pulls out metal ball from pocket* Prepare to be amazed!

Y/N then tossed the metal ball in the air before it popped open, causing a large mass of light to appear. The light then took in the shape of a motorcycle before vanishing, revealing a rather brutish-style motorcycle.

Ryuko: 😳!

Mako: Wow!

Gamagoori: What even is that?

Y/N: Cool right? I call it the Dirt Devil. Custom made by yours truly.

Ryuko: Are those buzz saw blades for wheels?!

Y/N: Yep.

Gamagoori: And you made that thing yourself!?

Y/N: You bet your big ass. Now, let's ride.

Gamagoori then drove off, and Y/N followed not too far behind.

Mako: Hey! We're going on a ride, ride to Hell, hey. Upside down and around to town, hey. Gonna jump the track, gonna crash through a wall...

Gamagoori: Matoi. make her stop that God-awful singing.

Ryuko: Hey, when she's on a roll, no-one can make her stop.

Gamagoori: A red light wouldn't even stop Mankanshoku.

Mako: That's right. The traffic lights in my life always flash yellow.

Gamgoori: Proceed with caution. Nice philosophy.

Y/N: Gotta admit, for a girl nuttier than squirrel shit, she's got some sagely advice at times.

Suddenly a car appeared on the side, overtaking Gamagoori.

Y/N: The hell?

Gamagoori: I hate drivers who don't follow the rules of the road. This is a no passing zone.

Suddenly, two passengers in the car brought out guns.

Y/N: Aw shit!

Ryuko and Mako ducked at the two fired rounds at both Gamagoori nd Y/N. Gamagoori used a whip to deflect them while Ryuko used her scissor blade, and Y/N just took each bullet they fired at him as they bounced off of him.

Ryuko: Who the hell are they?

Suddenly, another car drives towards them.

Gamagoori: You didn't here? The automotive and airsoft clubs merged the automotive airsoft club.

Y/N: God damn! Can't we catch a break?!

Gamagoori: Don't worry Y/N, they're not after you and Matoi. If they got their hands on either one of your Kamui they couldn't use it. Maiko Okurodate found that out the hard way!

Y/N: You mean miss trap specialist?! Heh, I almost feel sorry for that bitch. Almost.

Ryuko: So they want to get their hands on your uniform, huh?

Mako: Guys! Look!

???: Nice car, Gamagoori! But is it fast enough to escape me? Ryosuke Todoroki, president of the automotive airsoft club?

Y/N: 😑 Ok, that puts a literal spin to the term "gear head".

Ryuko: They're gaining on us!

Y/N: Yo, Gamagoori.

Gamagoori: Yes?

Y/N: I'll get these dipshits off your back! You make sure Mako and Ryuko are safe!

Ryuko: Are you crazy?!

Y/N: Yes I am. Gamagoori, make sure nothing happens to them! You got that?!

Gamagoori: Understood! You be careful!

Gamagoori then sped off, Ryosuke was about to follow, but Y/N bumped into him.

Y/N: Why the rush, motorhead?

Ryosuke: Ah, L/N.

Y/N: Why don't we go for a little chase?

Ryosuke: Very well then. *looks to his club members* Half of you stick round and deal with L/N! The rest of you, with me!

Ryuosuke then drove of with some of his club members, leaving some behind with Y/N

Y/N: Aw hell yeah! Now it's a party! Only thing missing is some tunes!

(Chase Song - Kick it in gear by Country Bears)

Y/N then pressed a button on the console on his Dirt Devil, plying music through the speakers.

Y/N: Alright ya fuckers! LET'S RIDE!!!

Student 1: Let 'em have it, boys!

They fired rounds at Y/N, but he took them all while suffering no damage as the bullets bounced off of him.

Student 2: What the...

Y/N: It'll take much more than shitty pellets to lay even a dent on me boys. I sure hope you boys got good car insurance!

Y/N then drove to one of the cars with enough speed to drive on it. Since the wheels are made from buzz saw blades, the car Y/N was driving on was split in half in a matter of seconds.

Y/N: Because those dune buggies of yours are gonna be fucked up to hell in back!

With Gamgoori, Mako and Ryuko

Ira spun the steering wheel rapidly, causing the car to spin around as well. Ryuko and Mako hung on for dear life.

Gamagoori: We're out of control!

Ryuko: No shit! That's what happens when you crank the wheel hard like that you ass! where'd you learn how to drive, on a go kart track!?

The car crashed into a wall in the highway.

With Y/N

Y/N had managed to split a few of the cars in half.

Y/N: Hmm... splitting those things in half have gone boring. How about we try something new.

Y/N then reached into his pocket, pulling out a large bulky weapon.

Student 1: What the hell!?

Student 3: What the fuck is that!?

Y/N: Eat Fuel Rods, mother fuckers!

Y/N the fired at the drivers, causing an explosion with enough force to send one of the cars skyward.

Y/N: That's right! You got bullets, but I got this bad boy!

Y/N then fired another fuel rod at the drivers, causing them to panic.

With Gamagoori, Mako and Ryuko

Ryuko: Mako, you alright?

Ryuko then noticed that they were surrounded.

With Y/N

As Y/N sped he noticed Gmagoori's crashed car, along with Ryosuke and his gang surrounding them. He then had an idea.

Y/N: Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you. And our pretty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang love us, too.

As Y/N sang, the drivers looked to him with confusion.

Student 1: What is he doing?

Y/N: Hi, ho. Everywhere we go on Chitty Chitty we depend. Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, our fine four-fendered friend. Our fine four-fendered... Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Bang Bang yeah!

Students: 😕


Y/N then sped to a nearby sped bump, causing him to be sent skywards.

With Ryuko, Mako and Gamagoori

Ryuko looks to see Y/N being launched skyward.

Ryuko: Y/N?

Ryosuke: Huh? What's he doing?

With Y/N

Y/N: Get read for some shredding!

Y/n then licks button, causing the buzz saw wheels to be launched at Ryosuke and his gang, making everyone go wide eyed, including Ryuko.

With Ryuko, Gamagoori and Mako

Ryuko: Whoa!

Ryosuke: What the...?!

The blades then shred through a large majority of the cars, practically slicing them to pieces.

Y/N: Never fear, Y/N is here!

Y/N then landed beside Gamagoori's car, but not before the buzz saw wheels reattached to the Dirt Devil.

Gamagoori: The hell?

Mako: Wow!

Y/N: Yeah! Wacha fuckers gotta say now?!

Gamagoori: You and Matoi stay out of this, L/N. It's my mess, so I'll handle it.

Ryosuke: We got you cornered, big man! When we're through with you, you're gonna be bawling!

Gamagoori: Tsch! It'll take more than you lousy punks to make me cry! But even if I did shed a tear, I'd just wipe the damn thing away, and put you down!

Ryosuke: Hah! You're all talk and no action! Light 'em up!

One of Ryosuke's goons fired a missile at Gmagoori, only for him to transform.

Gamagoori: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Shackle Regalia!

Y/N: Looks like we get to see what a member of Satsuki's student council is capable of.

The students fired round after round at Gamagoori, practically giving him all they've got.

Ryuko: Man, that thing's hard.

Gamagoori: You have no idea!

As the students fired, Gamagoori's uniform began to expand a bit.

Gamagoori: Yes! More, give me more! Punish me! I've been such a bad boy!

Ryuketsu: this guy a full-blown masochistic?

Y/N: 😰 I think so.

Gamagoori: The more you punish me, the stronger I become! Just like I was back then.


A few years ago, we see a young man climbing over a fence, shaking like he's seen a ghost.

???: What you waiting for, jump.

Girl: You got milk on my uniform, you clumsy dork.

Boy: But that was an accident.

???: So we're giving you a chance. You jump, we're even.


They turn to see Gamagoori.

Fat boy: Well, well. If it isn't our student council president. Why don't you do yourself a favor, don't get involved.

Whimpy boy: I have to do this, Gamagoori. My dad will get fired if I don't.

Fat boy: Yeah, his piece of crap dad works at my old man's company.

Girl: And my daddy's the chief policeman in town. And he's not gonna bust his little girl.

Gmgoori: This is inhuman! No-one deserves to get treated like this!

Ft boy: There's nothing inhuman about it. We got status, we got backup. That means we call the shots.

Girl: And if he wants to jumpo to save his dad's job, that just proves he's being a good son. *to whimpy boy* Well, get it over with!

Gamagoori: Don't do it!

The boy then jumps, making Gamagoori slump in defeat and the others laugh. But suddenly, the whimpy boy bounces back upwards, surprising everyone.

Satsuki: The Kiryuin deluxe trampoline has a nice spring to it. Don't you think.

Everyone looks to see Satsuki Kiryuin herself. Gamagoori looks over to where the boy jumped, and sees that the boy in question was safe nd sound on the trampoline. He then bounced back up, and Gamagoori grabs him to safety.

Whimpy boy: No, let me go! If i don't jump, they're gonna fire my dad!

Stsuki: Yoiu needn't worry about that. For I just purchased that discpicable company.

Fat boy: Who are you? What re you new here? You didn't buy my dad's company!

Girl: Yeah, get lost! Or else I'm gonna have my daddy put you in jail with the pedos!

Satsuki: Fortunately, I relieved your father of his duties. If you don't believe me, look at this.

Satsuki said as Soroi held up a tablet, a

Fat boy: What...the hell?!

Girl: Who do you think you are?! *to other students* Take that bitch out!

Satsuki: My name is Satsuki Kiryun!

Satsuki then managed to repel each and everyone student s sent her way, much to Gamagoori's shock.

Satsuki: From now on, I rule over this school! And every student in it!

The fat boy and girl were both shocked at what they've witnessed.

Satsuki: You are selfish, and I will not tolerate thugs like you in my school.

Gamagoori: Hold on! You're using your parents' influence just like them! How are you any different?

Satsuki: Unlike those criminals, I do not leech off the power of my parents! I am different! Because no matter whose power it is, I will exploit it ll! I will not share it with anyone! I will take it, absorb it, and wield it at whatever I see fit! My resolve is what makes me different.

Gamagoori: What do you mean?

Satsuki: Simple, Gamagoori. Without resolve, you wouldn't even have the strength to wipe away your own tears.

End Flashback

Gamagoori: And that's how I met lady Satsuki. I waited two years for her to graduate. Just so I can enroll in Honnouji Academy with her. She gave me this Goku Uniform as a reward for her loyalty.

Y/N: Wow. So that's how he and Satsuki met.

Ryuketsu: That would explain his unyielding devotion to Satsuki.

Y/n then noticed Gamagoori's Goku Uniform expand a bit more now.

Y/N: Shit! Is that thing getting more...swollen?

Ryuko: Wait! How old are you?

Gamagoori: iIm turning twenty this year.

Y/N: Damn! So the dude's nineteen, and yet he's got a body of a freaking giant!

Ryosuke: Are you gonn talk or fight?!

Ryosuke then ran into him, as did two other cars. But Gamagoori was unfazed by this, and actually took great enjoyment of it.

Gamagoori: Yes. That's more like it! The more punishment I take, the bigger...and harder I get.

Y/N: Uh...girls...I think we may need to find some cover.

Ryuko: Why?

Y/N: Trust me.

Once Gamagoori's Goku Uniform was swollen enough, it began to expand and change.

Gamagoori: Three Star Goku Uniform: Scurge Regalia!

Gamagoori managed to trash every single car, taking down every student in the process.

Ryuko: Whoa!

Senketsu: A two-stage transformation.

Y/N: I see. That thing is a shock absorber. The first stage takes all the hits, then when it takes enough damage, it becomes its second stage. Kinda like recharging a cellphone.


Gamagoori managed to take Ryuko, Mako and Y/N to a gas station to where Ryuko can refil the gas tank of the scooter.

Y/N: Thatnks for the help, Gamagoori. You know, for a super strict titan, you sure are a big help.

Gamagoori: No problem. Be careful going home. Don't stop for any strangers.

Y/N: And Gamagoori?

Y/N: Yes?

Y/N: Remind me to never piss you off.

Gamagoori: Noted. I'll see you at the Sudden Death Run-Off. I'll make sure to make the perfect spot for our fight.

Ryuko: Wait, what?

Y/N: Wait! What if me and Ryuko make it to the finals.

Gamagoori never answered, instead he drove off, leaving Ryuko and Y/N puzzled.

Y/N: The way he said that, he sounded like he was sure you would make it to the Sudden Death Run Off.


At Y/N place

Y/N was working on the KAM.

Ryuketsu: Hey, Y/N...

Y/N: Yeah?

Ryuketsu: The way Gamagoori said he'll meet us at the Sudden Death Run-Off, you think he was expecting us to be there.

Y/N: At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Satsuki staged the whole thing.

Ryuketsu: Do you think she'd stoop that low?

Y/N: I wouldn't doubt it.

Ryuketsu: Well, you saw what Gammgoori is capable of earlier. What if he defeats Ryuko or you should he face one of, if not both of you.

Y/N: Well, if me and Ryuko face that big lug head, that's why I got the KAM. Thankfully it's just about done.

Ryuketsu: But what if its not enough?

Y/N: Then I'll improvise.

Ryuketsu: If you say so.


At the Mankanshoku residence

Ryuko was up late, ironing Senketsu, to which the Kamui was enjoying it.

Ryuko: Jeez, getting ironed must be like simmering in a sauna to you, huh?

Senketsu: good.

Ryuko: Heheh.

Senketsu: Hmm...Ryuko, what do you think of Y/N?

Ryuko: Huh? *blushes* What brought that up?

Senketsu: I feel that there's something more to him than we know.

Ryuko: have a point. answer that question, he's...I dunno what to think.

Senketsu: What do you mean?

Ryuko: Well, Y/N seems like a casual, laid back kinda guy, albeit a bit of a goof ball. But other times, he seems like a real stunt devil.

Ryuketsu: Well, he did say he faced many threats no mere human can walk away from unscathed.

Ryuko: Yeah, he did. I still can't believe he's that American superhero called the Black Demon.

Senketsu: But I can't help but wander about his origins. Every hero has an origin story.

Ryuko: I guess only time will tell.

Senketsu: And maybe you can find out if whether or not he likes you.

Ryuko: W-w-what?!

Senketsu: Come on Ryuko. I've seen how you get when you talk to him, let alone look at him. Your heart jumps, you face blushes a bit, you stutter...

Ryuko: Now....hang on...

Ryuketsu: And don't think I haven't noticed you mentioning his name in your sleep.

Ryuko: Uh...well *sigh* Ok, fine. I like him. But I highly doubt he feels the same way for me.

Senketsu: Why do you think that?

Ryuko: Well, the guy's a well known superhero, he's faced all sort of threats on a regular basis, and I'm sure he's had many chicks throwing themselves at him. I on the other hand, I'm just some girl with a sob story and a bad reputation. What chance do I have with him?

Senketsu: I'm sure he thinks about you the same way.

Ryuko: Yeah right. Like he'd want to go out with someone like me.

Senketsu: As you said earlier, only time will tell.

Ryuko: Yeah...maybe.


One week Later

Honnouji Academy

The time for the Sudden Death Run-Off has arrived, and Satsuki stood in her position, overseeing the many students who were victorious

Satsuki: Students of Honnouji Academy! For the past week, you've fought long nd hard! However, your fight has only just begun! Welcome! To the Sudden Death Run Off! Every battle over the past week has been recorded! And now we know who the survivors are! Based on what happens today, I will determine who will battle who requires Three-Star Status!

Suddenly, the ground shook, and from the ground emerged five spiked pillars.

Satsuki: The five pillars are your next challenge! Fight your way to the top and be a front runner of the election!

Ryuko: That sneaky...she's making this up as she goes!

Y/N: Always count on Satsuki to pull a rabbit out of her ass.

Ryuko: Well, so can we! Y/N, get ready!

Y/N: On it, Ryuko!

Ryuko and Y/N maid darted their way through the mass of students. Meanwhile, Inumuta, Jakuzure Sanageyama and Gamagoori mad it to their respective pillar. After running and beating away any students who stood in their way, Ryuko and Y/N made their way to the fifth and final pillar.

Y/N: Phew. Did my steps today.

Satsuki: Well, well, well. The Elite Four live up to their name.

Jakuzure: Did you expect any different.

Gamagoori: Lady Satsuki. We, the Elite Four, would like to propose an additional rule for the Sudden Death Run Off!

Satsuki: Hmm?

Sanageyama: Each of us wants a shot at facing both Ryuko Matoi and Y/N L/N in a fight.

Y/N: Two on one, eh? A bit of an uphill battle, doncha think?

Jakuzure: We initially planned on fighting Matoi, but we'd like to see what you're capable of as well, L/N.

Inumuta: It would be an explosive finale to the academy's first election. Don't you think, milady.

Satsuki: It would, in fact.

Suddenly, a large hexagonal platform arose from the ground.

Y/N: Shit. WWE, eat your heart out!

Satsuki: A king of the hill final battle! Matoi, you and L/N will fight the Elite Four!If you win, I will tell you the details of Isshin Matoi's death.

Ryuko: You're on!

Y/N: I've faced overlords, tyrants, giant monsters, even gods before! Your four lackeys are nothing compared to me.

Gamagoori: In that case, I will be the first to face you both in battle!

Gamagoori made his way to the arena.

Gamagoori: I'm Lady Sastuki's impenetrable shield! I challenge you, and I will crush you!

Ryuko: Good luck with that! Ready Y/N?

Y/N: As I'll ever be!

Ryuko and Y/N both transformed.

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize! KAMUI SENKETSU!!

Y/N: Life Fiber Maximize! KAMUI RYUKETSU!!

After transforming, Y/N then placed the KAM onto his wrist.

Gamagooti: If I'm not mistaken, that's the very same devise you used in you and Matoi's first clash against Lady Satsuki, yes?

Y/N: Quite the sharp memory you got.

Gamagoori: But the question is, fo you really think it will be enough against me?

Y/N: With the latest adjustments, you bet your big ass!

Ryuko: Latest adjustments? What do you mean.

Y/N: Oh, you'll see, chica.

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