Calypso and the Moon

By tearsonmytshirt

42.7K 1.4K 391

Calypso is a kind and happy girl, manoeuvring through life on her own accord. Having started a band with her... More

Dudley Inc.
The Motion.
Cherry Tomatoes.
Parties and Heartbreak.
Best friends.


1.3K 62 3
By tearsonmytshirt

With lips and limbs still touching, the butterfly whispered against his lips, "Stay," She kissed him again, and again, almost as if trying to convince him.

"I can't,"

She groaned softly, "Yes, you can, you just don't want to," James pulled away from her at that, his lips were red, and plumper than usual.

"If I stay, I might not want to just kiss you, Calypso,"

She tucked a fallen hair behind his ear, sucking on her now swollen bottom lip. She swallowed, cheeks red with embarrassment. "Stay. I'd like to wake up with you tomorrow," James smirked, "Yeah?" She nodded, smiling at him. "Fine."

And with that, Calypso kissed him again. Harder this time, with more determination. She thanked him with her lips, and he welcomed her with his. It was harder, and Calypso could taste the lust on his tongue.

James pulled away, knowing if he went on any longer, he'd take her where she sat. She was out of breathe, her swollen lips parted as she took ragged breaths. Calypso grinned at him, her eyes hazy and half-open. James looked the same, the growing tent in his trousers caught Calypso's attention, and she blushed even darker. James stood, adjusting the sling. He was steadily getting more annoyed at the thing, so he looped it over his head, and when his arm fell free, Calypso noticed him looking even larger than before. His chest was in full view now, big and strong. He rolled his shoulders in an attempt of releasing some of the tension.

Calypso stood, and clumsily, she climbed through the window followed by James after he calmed himself down.

When Calypso remembered that she begged him to stay, she grew nervous. There hasn't been a man inside her home, except for Jack. So she turned around, and seemingly have read her worries, James nodded to the couch.

She smiled at him, almost apologetically. She stood on her toes, barely reaching his face. So he bended down, making up for their difference in height.

She planted the chastest of kisses against his lips, quick and soft. And James frowned, so he pulled her back up, and she kissed him how she really wanted to. Lips moving together once again, different worlds colliding with eachother once more. She pulled back, "Goodnight," James hummed, then whispered against her, "Goodnight, honey,"

As he watched Calypso throw him a thick wool blanket, he felt rather out of place. Her friends, like her were fond of him, and he didn't mind them, but he couldn't help but think that if they weren't here, Calypso would've wanted him to sleep with her. Truly wake up with him here.

So, as Calypso fell asleep, and the two large dogs warmed her, James stared out of her large windows.

As he always did, he thought about everything, and nothing. He rarely slept, almost never. Too many thoughts, far too many.

Calypso woke up, her throat burning from dryness. She looked at the clock on her night stand, groaning softly as she read that it was four in the morning. She slipped a thick sweater on, and softly padded out of her room.

Almost comically, she yelped. There was a chair pulled up across her windows, and James sat in it, completely awake, far from sleeping.


"Why are you awake?

"Yeah, why are you awake?" She shot back at him, and he tsked at her. She passed by him, and he followed short, softly thudding behind her in his socks. She took two glasses from her cupboard and filled them both with water, and slid one over to him.

They watched eachother as they sipped from their water, only one pair of tired eyes blinking slowly at the together.

"Why are you awake?" James asked again, this time his voice pressed, putting emphasis on every word.

She shrugged, "Water. Why are you awake?"

James swallowed before he spoke, "Couldn't sleep, your snoring was too loud," Calypso rolled her eyes, "I don't snore," Her voice grew soft at the end, purely because the look James was giving her, one would only describe as murderous.


"Don't roll your eyes, Calypso. Not at me,"

"Or what?"

Almost as if James was a predator, and Calypso was his prey, he stalked towards her. She only then realised that he was shirtless, and once she did, she blushed heavily. Sculpted by Zeus himself, James clenched his hands at his sides. His torso was sculpted to perfection, molded by himself just how he wanted it to be. It was decorated with detailed tattoos, and only then did she feel genuinely scared of the man that stood before her.

The closer he got, the further Calypso moved, she circled around the kitchen island, not saying a word.

"Don't scream,"

The two words held weight as James spoke them, and Calypso was confused momentarily. But then, she saw him lunge for her, and much to his warning, she yelped. He grabbed her effortlessly, and brought her back against his chest. His large hand clasped around her delicate mouth, silencing her.

"Didn't I tell you to not scream, Calypso?

She nodded, flush against his chest. His warmth radiated from him, warming her back up. She then got a moment of clear thought, and she licked his hand. To which he didn't budge, and she frowned. "One would think of biting in this situation," He laughed into her bane of purple hair.

She smelled of vanilla and lilies, and her hair ticked his nose. "Don't wan' hurt you," She mumbled, and he could make out. He smirked, and whispered into her hair, "You could never, honey,"

And when he picked her up, and roughly pushed her against the edge of the counter, her hips hitting it with force. She groaned, but it soon turned into muffled giggles as James fingers worked expertly across her ribs, tickling her. She laughed into his hand, and tears started welling up in her eyes, and if was when one dripped from her eye onto his hand, that he finally stopped.

He spun her around, and held her face up for him to see. Wet, salty tears filled her lash line, and one dripped from her eye again.

"Did I hurt you?"

She smiled warmly at him, "No, James," He smiled down at her. The moon made him light up, and it smiled at him, and when he looked at it quickly, she wished he would smile back at it.

"Will you defy me again?" Calypso chewed on her bottom lip, "Maybe, I'd like to see what else you'd do besides tickle me,"

James raised his brows, surprised, "You want me to show you?" Calypso rolled it through her mind a few times, deciding on an answer. In that time, James had moved closer to her, his hands pushed against the counter that she leaned on, his face mere inches from him.

"Would it hurt me?"

James grinned, straight teeth illuminated by the moonshine, "Seeing as that it would be a punishment, I would hope so," She frowned, "A punishment?" James nodded, running his tongue over his bottom lip, "I don't take lightly to being defied, sweetheart. I'd deal with you accordingly, how you deserve,"

His words made Calypso grow warm all over, but especially the cleft between her thighs. She squeezed them together, and James noticed again, and his lips pulled into a smirk.

"You seem to like that, don't you?"

Calypso shook her head, "Sounds truly horrific, actually," But she did like that, it made her fuzzy in the head, and weak in the knees.


It was Calypso who smirked then. She enjoyed playing with James, just as much as he enjoyed playing with her. She leaned back and then kicked herself up onto the counter. James watched her, as his eyes unwillingly trailed down to her now spread thighs, and he noticed how tan they were, compared to the other exposed parts of her tiny body.

"James?" He hummed, "Kiss me, please,"

The urgency in the angel's voice made him grab the back of her neck, and he smashed his lips against hers. She threw her arms over his shoulders, completely forgetting about his injury. He grunted softly, and clambed down on her bottom lip. She moaned a gentle moan, soft and filled with pure pleasure.

It was when James rested his large, extremely hot hands on the tops of her thighs that she finally understood what Avery was going on about all the time, about how a kiss could make you feel like you were drowning and set alight at the same time.

He squeezed them gently, earning another soft moan from the girl. But it turned into a groan as his phone let out its shrill ringtone again, and without breaking the kiss, James took it from his pocket and answered it.


He said, name muffled by the sweet kisses of the girl. "I knew you were awake, what ya doing?" Adam spoke sleepily, and Calypso could feel James smile against her lips, "Why are you calling me, Adam?" He had pulled away, only a fraction. She kissed his lips softly, gently.

"I couldn't sleep any more, so I thought I'd call my best friend for a chat,"

"I'm busy right now, Adam,"

James grabbed her wrist as it made its way from his neck to his chest, then to his stomach. "With what could one be busy with at four in the morning?"

James rolled his eyes at Adam, and stared sharply at Calypso, a warning. She raised both brows, seemingly innocent. He rested his hand ontop of the counter, "Think, Adam,"

It was silent for a while, just shared kisses between the two as the phone layed on the counter top, and then suddenly, an audible gasp came from the phone.

"Oh, my god! Are you fucking her right now?"

"Goodbye, Adam,"

"Oh, god! You are, aren't y-"

James ended the call, and practically threw the phone onto the counter. He ran his large hands over his face, realising the moment had passed. Calypso smiled at him, "Hey, do you want ice-cream?" She took his large wrists, pulling them from his face. He looked tired, she thought. Maybe she should have let him sleep with her in her bed. The thoughtade her feel horrible, and thanks to her sensitive nature, tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at blue eyes.

"Hey, Cal, baby,"

James voice rang in her ears, and she suddenly became her usual sad self, which always happened late at night or early mornings. And the thought of James not getting sleep because of her only made it worse.

"Look at me, Calypso,"

His voice was stern, demanding obedience from the girl. So she did, and she looked up at him. His heart shattered, the pieces falling to his feet.

"Why are you awake, James?"

He swallowed, and as a tear slipped from her forest eyes, his thumb caught it, and he felt her sadness in the droplet of water, and his jaw clenched tightly.

"I'm an insomniac, pretty girl."

Calypso felt horrible for feeling relieved, but she did. She was glad she wasn't the cause of his sleepless night, and James noticed that her eyes lit up when he said it, and he frowned.

"I-I thought you couldn't sleep because I made you take the couch," She said softly, almost inaudibly. She looked at her folded hands in her lap, and when James pushed her face up, she sniffed.

"You didn't make me take the couch, love. I took it because-" Calypso gently closed his mouth by putting a hand over it, cutting him off mid sentence. He raised a questioningly brow at her and she smiled, "Shh, ice-cream,"

And then the pair ate ice-cream, one vanilla and one chocolate on the island of Calypso's kitchen. They spoke about everything and nothing, sometimes they were as quiet as mice, just allowing the other to stare.

And, as always, they both greeted the sun, and bid farewell to the moon.

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