Dare Loki

By adambankswifey99

12.7K 121 15

You are living at the Avenger tower you are tony Starks kid your dad throw a party you meet a nice Looking m... More



129 1 0
By adambankswifey99

It's been 5 years Irene is 16 Liam 11

Irene- that's fucking stupid

Y/n- Irene watch your month

Irene- what you going do about it

Y/n- i Irene I had enough

Liam- she getting mad rene

Irene- shut the hell up

Y/n- Irene

Y/n- that it give me your phone

Irene- for what you went threw my room

Y/n- yeah because I can I'm your mother I pay the bills

Thor walks in

Thor- what going on here

Irene- uncle Thor mom went threw my room

Thor- that not ok

Y/n- Thor Do you wanna know what I found weed I found weed and Alcohol

Thor- Irene

Irene- what so what it not even like she cares about me

Y/n- I do too I bebe there for you every step of the way I quite my job because I didn't se you much

Irene- you only been here for me long because dad died for you your selfish

Thor- respect your mother

Y/n- yeah respect me you little shit be my guess and drink or smoke weed when you get in trouble I'm not coming because I'm selfish

Irene goes to her room

Thor- I think you handle that well

Y/n- I don't have time for you Thor

Liam- uncle Thor can we play video games

Thor- sure

Liam and Thor play video games

Hour later Irene comes back and was about to walk out of the the house when I called her

Y/n- where are you going

Irene- out

I case a spell around the house to lock her in

Irene-  really

Y/n- yes really you don't want to listen to me so

Irene- I listen to you all the time

Liam- no you don't

Irene- shut up

Irene- why did you become a bitch ever since dad died I wish you should of instead of him

She goes back up to her room

I sit on the couch crying

Thor- I will go talk to her

Thor goes and talks to Irene

Thor POV

Thor- Irene you need to apologize to your mother

Irene- why should I meant it

Thor- no you don't

Irene- yes I do

Thor- let me tell you a story

Irene- here we go

Thor- no listen to this

Irene- fine

Thor- when you were a year old your father was doing very bad stuff she still loved him but it put you in danger

Irene- she put her self first of course

Thor- listen

Thor- she knew your father put you in danger so she moved to London for a while

Irene- she took me away from my father

Thor- your father didn't care about you at that time

Irene- that's not true

Thor- it is just keep listening

Thor- these bad people came and destroyed the house you and your mother were living in she almost died protecting you

Thor- I saved her and you

Thor- later we found out hey worked for your father

Thor- your father did change your mother did see. That but she still fears to this dad it will happen again

Thor- when your father was alive she fear it even more tang your father will turn

Irene- I didn't know and I treated her bad

Thor- you didn't know

Irene- I shouldn't even told her I wish she was died


Irene came running out of the room coming to me and Hugged me

Irene- I'm so so sorry mom I  didn't mean it I'm sorry

She start to cry

Y/n- it's ok

I wipe her tears from her face

Scott run in our house followed by Steve and nat

Scott- I found away

Y/n- What

Steve walks in with nat

Steve- he found away to bring every body back

Scott- time travel

Y/n- so do it

Nat- that the thing we need and brain person

Y/n- let me guess you went to my dad and he said no

Steve- yep

Y/n- then I'm not doing it

Nat- come on y/n

Y/n- no because I'm don't working with you

Flash back a year ago

Nat and me were yelling at each other

Y/n- I'm not going to mess up there my children I don't need Loki

Nat- you do y/n you drink a lot

Nat- your the one who killed him

Y/n- you take that back

Nat- no because you stab every one in the back

Y/n- who was the one fought a girl because she walks talking bad about you Steve your boyfriend didn't even stick up for you I was the only one me

Nat- I don't even care

Y/n- you know what this friendship is done

I took off my best friend bracelet and threw it on the ground

Now time

Y/n- get out

Steve- y/n

Y/n- no get out

They leave and I'm
Sitting on the couch

Y/n- this has been a terrible day

Irene- why didn't you go with them you could off

Y/n- I don't know how only your grandfather know how

Y/n- I need to sleep

I went to my room and slept

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