Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Femal...

By SeeOhTwo

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*AN Aurelia is a fantasy land I've created, with basically nothing different to Earth, other than the weather... More

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By SeeOhTwo

You looked up, seeing Xiao jump into the water. He also missed the current. You swam up, and looked at Ningguang who was getting ready to jump.


"OKAY! I WILL!" Ganyu yelled and gave you a thumbs up.

"Okay bestie, I'll tell you exactly what it looked like." Ningguang turned to face Ganyu. She smiled and nodded, then watched Ningguang dive in.

Wait.. Wait... "WAIT NO!" You dove underwater and swam towards one of the currents. Ningguang shouldn't have taken a running start. You grabbed Xiao's leg and pointed at where Ningguang was going to land. The two of you swam towards the current. A bunch of bubbles clouded your vision after Ningguang jumped in. She was caught in the current. You panicked and swam right into the current. It was so much faster than you thought it was. Ningguang was terrified, but she swam towards you. It was too hard, you felt like you were going to give up any time soon, but you needed to save her. Ningguang's hand wouldn't reach yours however. Xiao tried to keep up outside of the current, but he knew he was gonna have to enter sooner or later. Xiao swam into the current, and tried to hold onto you. Ganyu could tell something was wrong. She found a sturdy vine and threw it into the water. It was long enough that it reached Xiao. You finally managed to grab Ningguang's hand, and Xiao grabbed your foot, whilst he held onto the vine. Xiao pulled you, while you pulled Ningguang closer to yourself. But it wasn't all working. You were losing your consciousness. Xiao let a few bubbles escape his mouth and tugged on the vine. Ganyu began pulling it, until Xiao's head was out of the water. He took large breaths.




"OKAY!" Ganyu kept pulling, but it was hard. And your eyes wouldn't stay open. Before you would totally go under, you tugged Ningguang, and sent her forward, she grabbed onto the vine. Xiao, on accident, let go of you, and grabbed Ningguang. Ningguang's head popped out of the water.


"WHAT??" Xiao let go of her, and Ningguang dove back in. You were awfully close to the whirlpool. Xiao swam after Ningguang, and she was able to grab you, and bring you up to the surface. This time it was easier to get out of the current for some reason. Xiao grabbed you from Ningguang's arms, and began swimming towards the vine again. Ningguang was about to follow, but she didn't.


"I CAN'T GO! I GOT STUCK!" Xiao whipped his head around. "JUST GO, SHE'S GONNA DIE!"


"JUST SAVE Y/N." Xiao turned to face Ganyu.

"PLEASE COME GET Y/N! I'M GONNA GET NINGGUAN-" They both turned around hearing her screams. "FUCK!" Xiao swam towards her, keeping your head above water, but.. Ningguang was swept into the whirlpool, the last thing she could do was reach for Xiao's hand.

"NINGGUANG NO!" Ganyu cried from the ledge. Xiao floated there, holding you. He swam back and Ganyu helped lift you up.

"I'm going back in." Xiao said.

"PLEASE FIND HER! AND BE CAREFUL!!" Ganyu yelled over the rain. Xiao jumped back into the ocean, and looked for Ningguang. She was definitely knocked out, but he could see her. He swam down, and managed to pull her from the whirlpool. Since Ningguang was a lot taller than him, it was harder to swim back up. She was out for a long time, he hoped he wasn't late. Ganyu resuscitated you, and you were vomiting. She was crying waiting for Xiao and Ningguang to come back up. "OH THEY'RE BACK!" She pointed at the two heads. But her expression dropped. Xiao's face looked horrified. He swam back to the cliff's edge, and Ganyu pulled Ningguang up, then Xiao climbed up. She tried to perform cpr on Ningguang. The water was rising again, and soon, would start covering the latch to enter the lab through the roof.

"WE CAN'T STAY HERE, WE NEED TO GO BACK." Xiao yelled over the rain.

"WE CAN'T! NINGGUANG ISN'T-" Ningguang started to cough.

"Leave." She said.

"What do you mean leave??" Ganyu crouched down next to her. Xiao jumped over her and knelt down next to you.

"Ganyu I have to take Y/n back in she looks horrible. Can you bring Ningguang?" Xiao asked.

"Yeah I got it." Ganyu said. Xiao nodded, and held you up.

"We're going." Xiao looked at you. He jumped into the water with you still holding onto him, and swam back to the roof of the lab.

"Okay Ningguang let's just go"

"Ganyu... I can't"

"No you have to! We have to get you back to your mom! Don't do this!" Ganyu started to cry.

"You don't understand. I hit a rock down there, or something I feel it, it gashed me. I'm not gonna make it."

"But we can do something about it in the lab!"

"It's far away from not being infected. Ganyu go."

"I-I can't-"

"I'm gonna die."

"What about your mom??? We shouldn't have let you come.. PLEASE UNIVERSE!" She wailed.

"Ganyu." She grabbed her hand. "I love everyone of you. And if we had met earlier, you would've been my childhood best friend. And if you see my mom again tell her I love her too. And that I'm gonna watch over her." Ganyu just cried. "And one last thing. Please release lanterns for me."


"Leave. The latch will flood soon." Ningguang smiled. Ganyu lowered her head and kissed Ningguang's forehead. She covered her mouth to suppress her cries, and dove into the water.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Xiao yelled.

"Please... don't talk..." you said quietly. He made it to the roof of the lab, and knocked twice on the latch. You wanted to cry for Ningguang. You were so tired from basically drowning and all the vomiting, that you just couldn't. You were so tired, and sad, that you felt like you'd collapse.

"Two knocks!" Razor climbed up and unscrewed the latch. Immediately a small amount of water trickled in.

"Take her." Xiao helped you down first and Razor caught you, climbing down the ladder. Xiao shut the latch behind him. "Where's Bennett??"

"One of the lower floors he got scared. Where's Ganyu and Ningguang-" someone knocked on the latch. Xiao climbed up and opened it. Razor looked at Ganyu still holding you. "Ganyu...? Where is..." Ganyu closed the latch and made sure it was thoroughly closed. She shook her hand and climbed down.

"Ningguang... Is just not. She's not- Oh for heavens sake.." she ran away. Xiao looked at Razor, who's eyes were wide with sadness.

"What does she mean???" Xiao just shook his head.

"She didn't make it..."

"A-are you serious??" Razor placed his palm on the back of your head. Xiao blew out some air trying to stop himself from crying. The pounding against the side of the lab became louder, the waves must've been really big now. It pained Xiao to think of that. Razor just took you to the elevator. Floor by floor he called out for Bennett until he got to the second floor. "Bennett...?"

"Oh Razor! Look! There's so much cool skeletons here!" Razor slowly walked out and into the lab area. "Isn't it cool!!! Oh wait... why are you crying?" Bennett turned around and saw his face. "Is she okay?!" Bennett referred to the fact that Razor was still carrying you.

"Ningguang didn't make it Bennett..." Bennett's expression dropped.

"What- what happened????"

"I'm not sure. I couldn't bring myself to ask." His voice quivered and he ran back to the elevator. Bennett ran after him, and hugged the two of you. Bennett didn't know what to think. Obviously he was sad, and felt his eyes tearing up, but how was he supposed to comfort people?? How would people comfort others? Did everyone need time alone? The elevator door opened on the sixth floor. Xiao was sitting on the floor against a wall in front of the elevator.

"Leave her with me." Razor nodded and carefully sat you next to Xiao. "Are you guys okay?" They both shook their heads. "I would try to comfort but I'm horrible at that. Go make sure Ganyu is okay." Xiao said wiping his eyes. Razor nodded and the two boys ran to wherever Ganyu was.

"What happened to her..?" You said quietly.

"I don't know. When I turned to check on you I saw Ganyu alone." You had enough energy to cry now. "Oh Y/n- it's okay.." he pat the back of your head as he hugged you tightly.

"No it's not..." you cried out. The two of you sat there crying.

"Ganyu...?" Bennett poked his head over the corner of a wall. She looked up and spread her arms out. The two boys quickly ran to her.

"She was my best friend! She wasn't even able to see her mom again?!! And I feel like it's my fault! We should've left her with her mom, we should've-"

"Ganyu it's okay." Razor said. "We can't reverse anything now."

"H-her last wish was for us to release lanterns for her! And to tell her mom that she loves her and she'll be looking over her! And she-she said she loves all of us! I need to tell the other two-"

"No no!" Bennett said holding her down. "Just sit and cry." She looked at the two sad boys. They were hurting just as much as she was. She sat back down and took the two boys under her arms, ruffling their hair.

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about Ganyu." Bennett said. 

"Yeah." Razor said.

You had fallen asleep in Xiao's arms. The other three walked over, and sat next to you guys. "How are you guys?" 

"Not good." Ganyu said rubbing her eyes. She was holding both Bennett and Razor's hands. They sat down next to Xiao. "Here, he's heavy." She pushed Razor into Xiao's arms, so now he was hugging both you and Razor, while Ganyu cradled Bennett. Xiao fell asleep, and soon after Ganyu did too.

"Razor?" Bennett said quietly.


"I miss her."

"I miss her too." Razor said, reaching his hand over. Bennett held his hand. They fell asleep soon after.

(A page from your notebook)

It took so much time for me to write again, I could not bring myself to. I don't want to write it either. I just hope that you and dad are safe. And that I miss you two so much, I don't want to ever be apart again.

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