Bound to My Human Mates...Boo...

Oleh MKG2012

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Ryker Walker, a lot can be said about him, one of the many things people think and know about him is that he... Lebih Banyak

1. Ryker
2. Gaelen
3. Matthew
4. Ryker
6. Ryker
7. Matthew
8 Gaelen
9. Ryker
10. Gaelen
11. Maya
12. Ryker
13. Gaelen
14. Ryker
15. Julian
16. Leo
17. Gaelen
18. Dallas
19. Ryker
20. Gaelen
Ranch House
21. Ryker
22. Gaelen
23. Dallas
24. Ryker
25. Gaelen
26. Dallas
27. Ryker
28. Ryker
29. Altan
30. Bradford
31. Dallas
32. Ryker
33. Bradford

5. Gaelen

424 26 5
Oleh MKG2012

"So do people usually run in the park at two in the morning or is it just the random dude that literally ran into me?" I heard Jamie ask when he came into my room and flopped on my bed. 

Jamie is my cousin, he showed up here yesterday afternoon with his bags and told us his parents are going off for six months for work and he didn't want to stay home alone for that long of a time so he asked them if he could come here and well he's here. I love my cousin, he's an amazing fun guy to hang out with. 

"Who besides you is dumb enough to be out in the park this late, anyway?" I teased, and he faked being hurt, and I laughed as he held his chest.

"Some Ryker dude. He and I seem to have some shit in common with our fathers."

"Really? He seemed close to Brent?"

"Don't know man, he said his father showed up on his doorstep after years of not seeing him." 

"Well, whatever drama is going on in his life, I have no part in it. I'm about to pass out, so go to bed. I'll talk to you in the morning. Good night Jamie." 

"Good night Gaelen." We hugged, and he went to his room and I laid down.

Sunday morning was busy. I woke up and took a shower, got dressed, met my family downstairs for a quick breakfast and we went out to explore the city. My parents were walking hand in hand and laughing at stuff they said or looked at, having a good time. I love seeing them so relaxed and enjoying life from time to time. 

The rest of the day was fun and relaxing, just bonding as a family and getting to know the city a little more. We passed the school, and amazed at how big it was, at least four floors that you can see and a few other small buildings around it, big football field and track, fields for many sports and Jamie was happy to see that, he enjoys writing so I'm sure he will have plenty of opportunity to write for the school's paper, if he still wants to that is.

"You ready for tomorrow?" I asked Jamie as we were in my room, relaxing after our long but fun day.

"Yea, maybe I can talk to Ryker again, he seems like he is a nice guy but lost, kinda like you." He said, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Dude, I'm not lost. What are you talking about?" 

"Gaelen, you may have been able to fool your parents, but not me. I know you like guys just as you like, gir..." 

"Will you be quiet!" I hushed him by putting my hand over his mouth and he smiled, knowing he just outed me. 

“How the hell did you even-?” I whispered to him.

“Kaylee told me that night. That if anything were to happen between you two, that I should know and to have your back if shit hits the fan.” He shrugged, and I glared at him. I don’t know whether to hug him or smother him. Though I should probably thank Kaylee. At least I have two people who support me. 

The next morning we both got ready for school and, of course, my parents were away on business. Whatever the hell that meant, but that’s what the letter read. 

“Seems like both our parents have that in common.” Jamie rolled his eyes and I snickered. 

“Well, you haven’t lost the over-exaggerated sass you had since we were kids. Are you sure you’re straight?” I teased. 

“Much like you, dear cousin, I do not know what I am. I’m just going with the flow and whoever I fall in love with then so be it. I mean, who cares about gender anymore? I much rather fall for someone over their heart and personality. Remember, you could always love someone, but that doesn’t mean you like them. I can’t live my life not loving and liking someone. If we don’t have chemistry, then what the hell am I with them for? You can be compatible and still be missing the chemistry, there’s a reason I like to emphasize you be friends with someone before you even consider dating them.” He lectured, and I groaned. 

“Your house workers have surrounded you for too long bro, you need to hang around people your own age before you shrink and turn into an elderly green elf creature.” I told him as we grabbed our bags and walked out of the house. 

Being new to the school, I’d hoped we wouldn’t be late, like every damn movie or show you see. Though karma was a bitch and because we spent so much time talking before bed, we woke up a little later than usual and now, we’re caught in traffic. 

Once we got to the school, we got out of the car and I accidentally bumped into a pissed off guy in a letterman jacket.

“Watch it human.” The guy basically growled and stormed into the school and we walked in. 

“Dude, that was Ryker.” Jamie whispered. 

“You two must be Jamieson and Gaelen. Welcome to the school. Our names are Waylon and Sean, and we’ll be your tour guides. We figured you two might be late, so here are your schedules.” Waylon said before they each gave us a schedule. 

After the tour and Jamie hounding Sean and Waylon about Ryker, we went to our classes, met a lot of nice people and had a pretty good morning so far.

"Are you ok Ry?" Waylon asked from behind us, I forgot they were going to meet up with us after our last period before lunch. 

"No, I'm not alright. I need to get out of here." He said and looked at me, smiled slightly but seemed forced in a way and his friends sighed softly.

"Ok go, I'll tell the principal you had a family emergency and left in the middle of class, he'll understand." Sean said and Ryker seemed relieved. 

"Thanks man, I'll see you guys later."

“Let’s take the back way out. I want to check out the clubs here, anyway.” He said, giving me a nervous look after we tried to listen but couldn’t hear much, almost getting caught with the guys right behind our asses.

“Sure, let's go. I wanna talk to the coach, anyway.” I smirked, and he shook his head.

The rest of the day all you could hear was people gossiping about Ryker and the fight he had, how they could hear it, I have no idea. 

“Hey, do you think that was Ryker’s father? The one he’s so pissed at?” Jamie questioned, and I just laughed. 

“By the yelling and the quick glance before being yanked back inside. Yes, I assume so.” I teased him. 

“No need to be an ass.” He grumbled, then folded his arms. 

“I’m kidding, but anyway, how was your first day? We didn’t get to see much of each other. Seems like we have completely different schedules.” I looked at him. 

“It was good, and of course we have different classes. I’m taking classes that’ll help me with college. You were always the one to just go with the flow and go step by step.” He sassed. 

“Ouch, that hurt bro.” I faked being hurt. 

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Ryker was in a few of my classes minus math and science. He's like in College level shit.” He laughed, and I looked at him. 

“I guess that enormous head is good for more than exploding on people.” I snickered. 

“Bro, from what I heard from the other people that know him. His childhood was shit. His father was never there and still talks crap about him without knowing him. I don’t know Ryker other than the night at the park, but he definitely needs help. I told him he should find other ways to cope with anger than doing something like what we’ve seen. It doesn’t help the situation with him being so explosive and reactive.” He said, and it was my turn to shake my head. 

“My point is, as shitty as his life is, there’s always someone who has it way worse. There are families losing loved ones, people living on the streets, people with chronic illnesses that leave them wondering whether this is their last day on earth. We barely had our parents in our lives, but we made it work and survived. Not even you talk so much shit about your parents and they’re gone months at a time without barely a hello because the work they do is greater than just you. They save lives and so they think it’s ok to just pick up and leave because you’re old enough to understand. Neither of us had the nurturing love nor protection of our parents. Yet, he’s here making a bad name for people like us. He’s an entitled little shit who acts sweet as sugar with Brent and Zane, but acts like a complete dick to his father. I would hate to be with someone who can’t move on from awful shit after so long. I get everyone copes with things differently but he’s just too much. If I ever got to meet him and see for myself how he is, I’d be sure to tell him the fuck off for not being mature enough to not hear his side of things of that what he remembers.” I sighed. 

I hate entitled little assholes. My parents are just like him, thinking the world owes them something for the hell they’ve gone through. I love my parents but they’re misguided and don’t know the pain they cause people around them. I don’t know, Ryker, but the things I’ve heard he’s told his father are bat shit crazy and just uncalled for. 

When we got home, we waved to my parents, which is a miracle they’re even home so early. 

“What are you guys doing home so early?” I asked them. 

“Well, we’ve been spending so much time at work and rebranding the company that we thought we should spend more time at home since Matt is having someone come out here to help us with building designs. So we’ll be home for a bit. Now enough about us. How was your first day?” My mom smiled, leaning against the kitchen island. 

“It was great, although everyone was gossiping about Ryker.” Jamie spoke and I elbowed him in the ribs. 

“Gossip? Why would anyone gossip about such a kind boy?” Because he has everyone wrapped around his finger. 

“His father showed up at the school twice and both times he blew up on his old man. I think he needs serious help in getting to talk to his father about what’s going on without jumping down his throat.” He explained the situation to my mom. 

“You’re right, Jamie, but it’s not as easy as you think. Ryker has had a…tough childhood. We know his fathers side of the family.” My father spoke and sighed. 

“You boys go get cleaned up and we can go anywhere you boys want.” He smiled. 

I knew exactly where I wanted to go; it was probably the only memory I had of my parents where it was just us. 

When we all met in the living room, we were in our swim trunks and had a beach towel. 

“Are you boys ready?” My mom asked as she stood by the front door. 

“We are, where’s dad?” I asked her. 

“Packing the car.” She chuckled, and we ran out to the car. 

“Picnic at the beach here we come!!!” I cheered and got into the car. 

Once the car was packed, everyone piled in and we were off. I remember the last time we went to a beach was in Hawaii; I was around five years old; I was barely just learning how to swim and being so young built a sandcastle close to the water because I always dreamed of having a beachfront house. I had just put a flag on top and before I knew it; I was swallowed by the waves that had washed in. I was under the water for maybe five or six minutes. 

My dad had jumped in after me as soon as I went under. Since that day, my parents were traumatized, and we never went back until after I learned how to swim around eight years old. 

“Gal quit daydreaming and come on.” My mom smiled as she, Jamie, and dad were unpacking the car. 

“Sorry, I’ll go find us a spot.” I ran off to the beach to look for a spot. 

Once I found the perfect spot where few people were, we spread out our towels and just sat around talking and just enjoying the time together because you never know when things will get rocky. 

Karma really has a way of screwing up my mood when I just want to chill out and destress. When I looked to my left, there were Sean, Waylon, and Ryker behind Brent. I did not agree to have my mood completely changed. 

“Hey guys, you made it.” Dad smiled, and I held my tongue.

“What’s got you looking like Scrooge?” Sean whispered to me as he was on my left and Waylon next to him. 

“My parents blindsided me as usual.” I grumbled. 

“You did not know we were coming, did you?” He asked. 

“No, no, I did not. Then the one person I was hoping not to see after two run-ins is also here.” I looked at Jamie and Ryker talking it up just as much as my parents and Brent. Like they’re long-lost friends.

“So you caught him twice talking to Altan?” Waylon asked. 

“If that’s who had him push past me without a second glance or apology then yes.” I sighed. As mad as I am, I can’t deny he looks like a God. He was shirtless and even in the setting sun he looked good. His abs looked so defined and his tan skin just looked like it was sparkling and so flawless. His blue eyes just shined in the sunlight and his hair looked so light with brown highlights, all in all, he's gorgeous. 

“Just give him some time, he’s a work in progress.” Waylon spoke with a sad look on his face. 

“Time, isn’t he sixteen or seventeen? Why is it taking so long to bury the tension?” I asked them, and they gave me an unsure look. Of course, they wouldn’t know, because the only person who does most of the talking is the one with the most pent-up emotion. 

I was thankful the subject of Ryker switched because until I show improvement; I have no plans to get to know Ryker as he is now. No matter how he looks. 

The later it got, the best sunset occurred while we were just sitting there in peaceful bliss. Bliss was definitely short-lived when Jamie and Ryker came closer and sat with us than on the opposite side of our parents, who were sandwiched between us. 

“Hey Ryker, are you feeling any better from earlier?” Jamie asked him and I glared at him, although he wasn’t facing me but at Ryker. 

“Not really. You told me to write what I was feeling, and that just made me realize how much shit he put me through, not counting missing a funeral I really needed him at. I heard him tell my half-siblings that he doesn’t love me and that he only had me around because I was his son.” He told him, but I heard it loud and clear even as he whispered it. 

As much as that stung to hear, kids always miss the important parts and have selective hearing. There has to be so much to that story and he needs to get off his high horse and talk to Altan. 

“Are you sure that’s what you heard, Ryker? Kids have very selective hearing especially when damage is already done.” Jamie asked him with soft eyes. 

“Of course that’s what I heard. I wasn’t a young kid being noisy.” He told him, and I rolled my eyes. 

There goes the defensive attitude. As much as there’s truth in angry words, there’s also a straight-up lie. There had to be more. I bet he was so heartbroken he didn’t even stick around to hear the rest. If someone talks shit about me, I would go straight to the source. My parents taught me the reality of the world: you have to stand on your own two feet at some point or you’ll always be walked on. 

“I was only asking, sorry.” Jamie cleared his throat, making one of my eyes twitch. If this bastard so much as yelled at Jamie, I’m burying him six feet under. 

"It's fine, sorry I didn't mean to snap at you." Hmph sure dude, sure.

The rest of the night thankfully ended, and we parted ways and I went to the car, not waiting for them. There’s only so much bullshit I can take. I’m the nicest person you could meet, but if you break the rules of accountability, you fucked up. 

The first time I learned that rule was when I was home alone with my brother. He died because of me; I wasn’t watching him and he ate something from my parent’s basement where they kept most of the armory they sold to the military and he died. 

Turns out he swallowed a small BB bullet and the surgery was too evasive and he died on the table. He would have been about Zane’s age, if not a year or two older if he was still alive. I will never forget that day. 

Of course, I came clean, and they were more than furious with me and sent me to live with Jamie’s parents until they could look me in the face and recognize me as their son rather than a murderer. I wasn’t responsible, and it cost my parents a son and me a brother. Ryker needs to talk to Altan before he loses him forever. 

I didn’t even hear Jamie coming, as I had cried myself to sleep from the memories that continue to haunt me.

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