Apple Pies & Stethoscopes

By NativeScorpio

66.7K 4.4K 769

Sean and Sang met when they were 15 in Tokyo, when Sean had to leave her behind to return to his team back in... More

I Shall Call Her Pookie
My World Will Have To Wait
The Academy Hospital
Mr. Spock T-Shirts and Star Wars Underwear
Iron Man and twizler straws
Breakfast is Served
Breakfast is Served Pt. 2
A Bird to Dress
Penny for Your Thoughts
Music, Masks & Mysteries
Miss Heartbreaker
Lost and Found
The Water Zoo
Late Night Call
Who is Dr. Who?
Little Birdie
Waiting on Her
Dude Nurses
Lunch with Sang
The Park with Sang
S & S 4ever
A Day and a Slumber

Family Meeting

2.8K 201 41
By NativeScorpio

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. The last chapter was posted the other day and I wanted to make it up to you by writing a few more. I know you all been very patient and I thank k you for that. I've been a little more motivated to write since I saw that book #13 Unsung Requiem will be out next month. I can't wait. Finally!! Yay C.L. Stone. Anyways, happy reading and more chapters coming your way.



We all got a text last night from Mr. B about a family meeting. I guess we haven't had one in a while and something must have happened. I woke up this morning, had my shower and made some breakfast for me and Silas, Luke usually comes by our apartment for food. Since he was a couple door down.

Out of all of us he wanted to live alone. I didn't understand it, but I thought it was because he and Summer were getting serious since they met. He found someone like him, understood things the way he did, had love for sugar and shit.

But I guess I'm a fucking stupid brother since I couldn't see that he was getting hurt. Victor texted me when we were in the limo before they dropped us off. Summer was a bitch. I don't usually call girls names but, she did that to Luke. I wanted to punch something.

I talked to Silas about it and he couldn't believe it either. What we did notice was that she didn't give him attention last night at the ball, he even asked her to dance. Several minutes later I saw him dancing with someone else. He was happy. Like he didn't care she wasn't Summer. I could tell he liked this girl. I watched for awhile, even after their dance she was with one of the twins from the Toma team, then she dance with Crow.

Even he looked liked a fucking happy dog with a bone. My thoughts went back to that conversation we had in the limo with Gabriel. She might be taken and Luke was falling for her. I needed to talk to him at the meeting.

As I set our food down Silas came in, "Καλημέρα" we said at the same time. (Good morning). He thank me and we ate in silence. We had an hour before we were to meet the others back at Mr. B's mansion. Well, I usually just call it home base since it's not really just his house but Dr. Greens, Victors, and Gabriel's. 

"Did you see the bird last night?" My brother asked me once he was done. I nodded my head as I took my last bite.

"Yeah, did you?" Wondering if he got more information. I barely saw her face.

"She talked medical stuff with other doctors. She might be one or on the board or something." He shrugged. That's possible, but she knows Robins team.

"She's academy remember. I guess that'll be enough for now. We should bring it up at the meeting."

"Why? You worried about Raven?" He smirked at me.

"Fuck no. Robin can do whatever he wants, but if I think Luke likes her, and he finds out, he might want to beat him up. Then I'll have to kick his ass." I scowled at him for chuckling at my response.

" Sure your big bro can handle himself. Don't worry about it." Silas change the subject to sports and while we made sure we had our stuff to go over to home base. I had my wallet and phone, I texted Luke if he wanted a ride he better be down in one minute.

I texted Katlyn too. She told me she and the girls will see us later. Apparently well be having a small meet and greet with the Toma team. I told Silas this and he said Tiffany couldn't make it. She had a mission to go on.

I remember the day I met Katlyn. It was inside the fears market. I fucking carted her ankles because Luke tossed in cookies in the cart and I wasn't looking where I was going. We hit it off. I recognized her from a bird team we help in the past, her friend Tiffany are on the same team and we hook her up with Silas.

That was about 4 months ago. Were all still taking things slow and it's going good. That thoughts brings me back to Luke. How could Summer do that to him? We walked down and I found Luke sitting on the hood of the jeep, I let it sly this time.

"Ready?" I asked him and he jump off and got into the back seat as I unlocked the doors. The drive there was quiet and a bit uncomfortable. I kept looking back in the rear view, Luke was daydreaming out the window. He phone went off with an incoming text message as I stopped at a stop light.

He smiled and texted back. Who was he texting?

We made it before Kota and Nathan. Everyone was in the living room, the door back doors fully open to let in the nice summer breeze and the great view that over looked the town from a good distance. The pool shimmered and looked tempting. Everyone seemed to be on their phones for a couple minutes until the last two of our brothers got in.

"Okay, now that we're all here. I would like to start by telling you the academy hospital has received a significant amount of donations. Dr. Green wasn't able to find Dr. Song last night. So, Mr. Morgan, we will need your help to contact her and set up meet. Dr. Roberts wants her to work with the hospital."
Owen explained them Victor spoke up.

"I can do that after the meeting." Victor voice while Dr. Green and Mr. B nodded.

"Good. Well this next topic you all probably know about, if not then ask your questions until after we get an insight. Mr. Taylor Sr. As your team lead it has come to my attention that you and Miss Taulle ended your relationship?" Luke didn't look at Mr. B, he simply nodded.

"Care to explain?"

"Summer and I haven't been on the same page for awhile now. I've been noticing her distance and lack of communication with me. I'd see her on her phone all the time, I knew it was another guy. Someone she was more into and made her more happy. Last night I confronted her. She lied to my face, when I asked Victor to check her text messages through his system....I ended it right there." That bitch! My anger rose as I watch my brother feel embarrassed and loss.

"We'll were here for you," I said. Luke didn't look at me.

"Mr. Coleman, I hear you have done something familiar?" Mr. B asked Gabe. What now? I looked at Silas, he didn't know. Vic nor Doc knew anything either. Kota, Nathan and Luke had understanding impressions on their face. I looked at Gabe and asked with my eyes, when did this happen?

He sighed and rub his hands down his face, "yeah. I fucking broke up with Shay last night after the ball. In the limo before we dropped the girls off. She kept complaining about my shit. I just- I had enough. She was good for me in the beginning. Well I thought she was. She never supported me in my passion for things. Didn't let me have an opinion. I didn't feel like myself while I was around her, I felt more fucking judge than admired. She commented on our face masks I choose for everyone, said I needed to get real and be a man. I guess designing clothes and beauty products are more of a female job. Shit...I, I didn't want...." Gabe ran his hand through his blond hair and got up and walked outside.

We let his words dog in. Now I'm even more fucking mad, those bitches. I did over hear one time from Katlyn that Gabe had great stuff, but she wasn't into his product or his sense of things. I guess all the girls didn't want Gabe's help. Fuck!
What kind of brother am I becoming?

"I'll talk with the council and give them an update on this. I'll make sure we won't work with them in the future because we can't trust nor take their  attitudes adjustments. We know we'll still have to be civil around them, they may still be friends with the girls and we don't want to take their friendship away with each other." Mr. B was taking things to different measures, I didn't like it but Katlyn are friends with those girls. I just hope I don't hear anything bad about Luke and Gabriel.

The guys gave a nod, agreeing with it. It was quiet for several beats until Luke's damn message tone goes off. We watched him look at it, a smile almost appeared his lips before he clenched his jaw. He was trying to hide it.

Mr. B saw this and looked at Dr. Green for something, I couldn't really understand how those two communicate with each other. They've been friends a long time.

"Next on topic is, the new bird the Toma team has. Anyone want to share some information? I know the ladies have been hearing and passing gossip about her. I want facts. Not only are they are closest friends, we consider them family. Both our teams like to look out for each other, that's all."
Mr. B asked, I looked around the room and it seemed like everyone was interested now, especially Luke and Gabriel.

"Let's start with Gabriel, your the one that help with her dress or something in favor of the Toma team?" Kota asked. He was a great team lead, he'll really step up or have great suggestions when it comes to small details. He's like a family man, man of the house, makes sure his mom and sister are taking care of, that goes for all our families.

Even though Uncle is academy, and takes care of himself. Kota still likes to make sure everything is taken care of on behalf of me and Luke. That goes for Silas and Gabriel. Kota pushed up his glasses, "let's start there and we'll let Luke fill in on his part."

"Okay, well...shit. Marc asked for a favor. Asked to meet him at a dress shop downtown. That's where me and Luke met his bird. We'll, we thought she was his. She might be Corey's girlfriend...I don't know. Anyways, she's fucking gorgeous! She's nice, amazing, funny, and...." He sighed. "Anyway we had fun, we shopped. Then I went over yesterday to help get her ready and the team ready. We just talked, mainly about things we liked to do. The Toma team joked around and told her stories, but when we asked some of her own...she was hesitant. Gave only small details and changed the subject." He shrugged. "Maybe she had a bad experience or something, I didn't want to push her further, neither did the others. All I know is that she's volunteering, here for a couple weeks to help out the hospital." Gabriel sat back down in his seat after he was finished.

Dr. Greens phone started ringing and excused himself to answer it. I looked back at Gabriel, "what's her name?" I think that's the first question everyone had on their minds.

"Her name is Sang" Luke answered. "She texted me and Gabriel, thanking us again for helping out. I guess she got our numbers from Marc. I texted her back, just being friendly, she gave me some good advice on things. We just met and all..she's a good listener." Luke shared a smile with his best friend.

I didn't know what to think of it. Neither did the others.

"We'll have Victor get Intel on her as well-"

"No need Mr. B. Shes academy. A doctor? Nurse? I really don't know but she works with babies." Luke added and snuck a recess candy in his mouth. I glared at him.

"Well I guess we'll know more. I invited the Toma team to come here. Mr. Toma has some information I need, and I thought a proper meet and greet would be best. I also invited the ladies to join us to welcome the new bird, make her feel comfortable. They'll be arriving this afternoon." Mr. B explained. The guys nodded their heads and vegan talking about different things as Mr. Blackbourne left the room.

A few minutes later Dr. Green came back in and said he needed to run to the practice for awhile. We told him what Mr. B said and he'll come back before the team arrives.

"You think the girls will get along with this Sang girl? I mean, they had a lot of opinions on the last bird their team shared." Nathan asked no one in particular.

"I don't give a fuck. I'll tell you right now, any of your girlfriends start shit with Sang, my fucking colorful mouth will give them words." Gabriel glared at us and walked out, Luke following behind him.

"What the hell was that?" I asked. Would he really? He hardly knows the girl. Or would probably tell one of the guys on the Toma team and Robin will kick my ass if my girl says something about theirs.


Let's hope this chick doesn't ruin our family, let alone the Toma team too. I don't care of she's Academy or not. I won't let this shit happen around me.

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