Lab Rats: My lighting Rod

By lolan_22

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Maddie is dealing with the aftermath of losing her powers and the trauma Marcus put her through. Read along a... More

Chapter 1: The aftermath
Chapter 2: Memory Wipe
Chapter 3: Avalanche!
Chapter 4: Llama Drama
Chapter 5: No Going Back
Chapter 6: Sink or Swim Pt.1
Chapter 7: Sink or Swim Pt.2
Chapter 8: Jet Wing
Chapter 9: Mission: Mission Creek High
Chapter 10: Principal from another Planet
Chapter 11: Taken
Chapter 12: Which father knows best?
Chapter 14: You posted what?! Pt. 2
Chapter 15: Armed and Dangerous
Chapter 16: Alien Gladiators
Chapter 17: Face Off
Chapter 18: Rise of the Secret Soldiers Pt.1
Chapter 19: Rise of the Secret Soldiers Pt.2
Chapter 20: Bionic Houseparty

Chapter 13: You posted what?! Pt. 1

326 7 1
By lolan_22

March 9th Davenport House (Chase's POV)-

"Where is he?! I'm gonna kill him!!"

I Love Maddie. I do. But there was a side of her that even Spike was afraid of. When that girl was mad at someone, like really mad, there was no hope against her. The worst part was that I was one of the only two people, along with Alex, that she would listen to when she was that angry.

"What are you doing?" I blocked her path and grabbed her wrists to keep her in place.

"You! You knew what he did to me and you trusted him!" She hit me with her hand that was not glued to her favorite new knife. Maddie was fully enraged and I had rarely ever seen her this mad.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked calmly. If I got emotional it would just make the situation worse.

"Douglas." She basically growled.

"He just saved Bree, why do you want to kill him?" I asked slowly.

"Douglas tortured me last year and he put me in an explosion that gave me amnesia." She said in a low voice. Maddie tried to step past me but I stopped her by putting my force field up around the both of us. "Chase, let me out."

"Look I know he's been really bad in the past but how are things ever gonna get better if we never give him a second chance?" She wouldn't drop her cold stare but she was biting the inside of her cheek. Something she did when she was thinking. "Maddie, he's still my dad. Just give him a chance, for me?"

"Fine. For you. But I'm not promising to be all buddy buddy with him." She groaned. I dropped my force field and she stepped away.

"Where are you going now?" I asked and she turned back to face me.

"The lab. I'm here anyways I might as well get some work done. We all know today was very eventful and I still have a whole pile of work." She explained.

"Stop. You should know that I know you better than that. You're leaving all your weapons here." She rolled her eyes but complied, leaving her knife and blaster on the table.

"I said all." She groaned and pulled out more and more weapons, even surprising me with the amount.  I cleared my throat and she rolled her eyes pulling out one last gun from her ankle.

"Happy?" She asked sarcastically.

"More like horrified." I said honestly.

March 13th Davenport House (Maddie's POV)-

"Hey Maddie what's up?" Leo asked as I barged in. 

"How come we can't go more than a few hours without a crisis?" I exclaimed.

"What's going on now?" Davenport asked as the bionic siblings came in.

"A new viral video. Guess what it's called? "The World's First Bionic Humans"." I groaned.

"What?!" Bree and Chase exclaimed.

"Wait, there are other bionic people? Then why are we working so hard?" Adam asked dryly.

"She's talking about us." Chase explained.

"Yeah, look." I showed them the footage of there mission from yesterday on the news.

"That's yesterday's mission." He observed.

"No! Really?" I said sarcastically.

"Somebody filmed us." Bree exclaimed.

"Your secret's out. Everybody's gonna know you're bionic." Leo added.

"How could this happen? What are we gonna do?" Bree turned to Davenport.

"I don't know. We're in big trouble." Chase said nervously. I grabbed his hand more for my own reassurance.

"Wait! I know how we can fix this! We'll convince everyone the video was made with special effects. You know, like those fake videos Adam's always watching." Leo provided.

"So "Giant Baby Eats Tokyo" is fake? I should've known. Where are they gonna get a diaper that big?" Adam asked but we ignored him.

"Leo, that might actually work." Chase said hopefully.

"No, No. Were way past spinning this, Leo. That's video all over the news. Experts have verified the footage wasn't manipulated." Douglas explained. I still had a hard time trusting him but he did bring up a good point. "People all over the world are freaking out!"

"Oh, of course they are. They just saw Chase in a skin-tight mission suit." Adam exclaimed.

"Hey, that's not the worst part." I fought and Chase kissed my temple in appreciation. 

"Douglas is right. This is way too big to spin." Davenport added.

"I can't believe this. You guys are the biggest news story ever, and I got scooped!" Tasha exclaimed.

"How could this happen?" Davenport groaned.

"I don't know. I did a thermal scan on the mission site. No one was there." Chase explained.

"Well, the footage from my Daven-Earth satellite says otherwise. See." Davenport showed us his tablet and we could see the girl in the bush Chase failed to identify. "Someone's standing right there." Davenport noticed.

"What? But I scanned the site." Chase exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, you missed a spot, and now the entire family is in danger." The tone in his voice was heavy with worry.

"Come on, Donny. The kid made a mistake. Could've happened to anyone." Douglas tried.

"Yeah, not really. He's the only one who thermal scans." Adam added not helping the situation at all.

"So What's our next move?" I asked.

"Give Tasha Davenport an exclusive interview?" Tasha asked hopefully but Davenport gave her a look that said otherwise. "It's my job to ask."

"Don't worry guys, I've prepared for this." Davenport said before explaining further. "I've got a safe house at a secure location, you three will hide there. It's got food, capsules, everything you'll need for a year's worth of survival."

"A year?" Bree asked solemnly.

"Well, 343 days. After that, play rock-paper-scissors and eat the loser. In the meantime, I'm gonna hold a press conference, and prove to the world you're not dangerous. When they're ready to accept you, you'll come home. Any questions?" Davenport asked.

"Yeah, I finally decided to whiten my teeth. Wait, that's not a question. So, yeah, no questions."  Adam said.

"What about me?" I asked quietly and everyone turned around.

"We'll have to make it look like you weren't involved and didn't know anything. There's no proof that you're even a part of this yet." Davenport explained. "Everybody get your stuff, we leave in five minutes."

"I feel bad, Donny. It was my idea to put bionics in humans, and it's not fair for you not to take all the heat." Douglas said as we all began to leave the room.

"Yeah, I know. I'm only holding that press conference so I can blame everything on you." I couldn't help but laugh a bit at his explanation.

Davenport Lab (Maddie's POV)-

"I don't get it. I know I scanned the mission site. How did I not notice that girl?" Chase asked as we were packing up the lab.

"Yeah, it is weird. Usually, it's the girl who doesn't notice you." Leo teased. Chase was already beating himself up; he didn't need more.

"No, maybe it's cause you only have eyes for me?" I tried and he did smile a bit and I kissed him on the cheek.

"You know what? I'm gonna check my chip log." Chase said, becoming a bit more hopeful.

"Guys, hurry up. See, this is why I should have raised you. Then you'd know how to abandon a building." Douglas said as he entered the lab and I couldn't not roll my eyes.

"Aha, look." Chase's chip log shows him scanning the site firsthand, no girl in sight.

"Chase is right. He did do a thermal scan at the mission site." Douglas confirmed.

"Yes! I knew it! Still perfect!" Chase cheered pridefully.

"Maybe don't say that out honey." I said and I patted him on the chest as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Hey, look. The times code match and that's the spot where the girl showed up on Big D's satellite footage, but on your chip log, she's nowhere to be found." Leo said in surprise.

"That's impossible. Something weird is going on. I'm gonna go tell Mr. Davenport." Chase said. He kissed the top of my head and stepped towards the elevator before Douglas stopped him.

"Good idea. But leave out the part about being perfect. It just makes people wanna punch you in the face." Chase nodded and headed upstairs.

"I can't believe it's all over." Leo mourned as he packed his things. We kept working in silence before Leo found something. "Hey Maddie, you remember this?"

He held up a watch and it looked familiar but I couldn't place a memory to it. "No, not really."

"You gave it to me for my birthday last year. It's a smart watch with AI and everything." He bragged. It was cool but it hurt that I still couldn't remember it.

"Oh, cool." Alarms suddenly rang through the lab. The screens showed a live feed of a swat team busting in upstairs.

"We have to help them." Leo said abruptly.

"We don't stand a chance against those guys." Douglas reasoned.

"Well, then, I'll go rescue them myself." Leo fought but I stopped him.

"The only way we can help them is if we don't get captured." I reasoned.

"Look!" Douglas found more men coming down through the elevator.

"They're coming in the elevator. They're coming in the tunnel, too." Leo exclaimed. I wasn't gonna leave empty handed so I grabbed my blaster and my updated batons.

"We're surrounded. You want me to blow up the lab again? I'm good at it!" Douglas offered.

"No!" I said as I grabbed my jacket.

"Let's make that plan B." Leo said in a more calm tone.

"Well, what's plan A?" Douglas asked and as Leo grabbed his tablet I knew what his plan was.

"This." Leo presses a button on his tablet to make the floor open, and he, Douglas, and I fell in right as the agents entered.

Douglas hit the ground hard not having enough time to prepare. Leo fell back due to his lack of balance and coordination. I landed easily and helped the other two up so we could make our escape.

Mission Creek High School (Maddie's POV)-

"We'll hide here till we figure out our next move." Douglas said. In my opinion this was probably the worst place to hide but I couldn't think of anywhere else and I got voted out.

"You know things are bad if school is my safe place." Leo groaned as we walked in and I agreed. We hadn't even been in the school for five minutes before we caught Perry digging through a certain speedsters locker. "Principal Perry?? What are you doing in Bree's locker?"

"Certainly not stealing stuff to sell at my bionic souvenir shop. Ooh," she noticed Douglas and walked right past Leo and I,  "I see you brought the one family member who doesn't disgust me. Hello."

"Principal Perry, we need your help." He said uncomfortably.

"Please, call me Terry. It's easy to remember because it rhymes with marry." She said as she flashed her bare left ring finger.

"Yeah. If it's okay, I'd still like to call you principal because it rhymes with...I have a girlfriend." Douglas looked like he was about to pass out and it was hard for me not to laugh.

"Special agents took over the house and had Adam, Bree, and Chase in custody." Leo explained stopping this disturbing conversion from going any further.

"Put a sock in it! Mama's trying to get her groove back!" Perry said trying to threaten Leo.

"It's true. For all we know, they're being grilled by the feds." I said hoping she would listen to reason.

"No, no, no. If the feds find out I was in on this, I'm cooked. Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do. Trade you three for my freedom." Perry started towards her office but we all tried to stop her.

"No, no, no, no, please. You're our only friend right now." Douglas pleaded as he grabbed her hand.

"Well, who can say no to a man with such hairy knuckles?" She took his hand and tried to rub it against her cheek but thankfully Douglas pull it away before anyone had to live through that.

"We don't think the bionic video was an accident. This is the girl who did it. Have you seen her?" Leo asked showing her the screenshot he had taken of the footage.

"No, but email me the picture and I'll run it through our student-faculty database. It's supposed to be used for transcripts, but I use to it play the ugly-face-ugly-name game. Be back in a flash my little love troll. Perry tried to growl seductively at Douglas but we all shuttered in disgust,

"So, let's think about this. The mission alert was for a pipeline that burst because of seismic activity at exactly...Wait." Leo said as he pulled up the public files.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"This geological website says there was no significant seismic activity yesterday." Leo showed me the screen and he was right. How did the pipe burst then?

"That's weird." Douglas said.

"Nothing came up on your gal. The records say she doesn't exist. But check out the horse face on this French teacher from Modesto. Bonjour, Matilda Flart." Perry showed us a picture of what looked like a cross between a woman and a horse.

"Ahh!" We all exclaimed.

"So no seismic activity, no trace of the girl. I'm starting to think this whole mission was a setup." Leo said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"If we could find evidence that the pipe was sabotaged, that would prove it. Let's go check the mission site." Douglas added.

"Wait!" Perry stopped us, mainly Douglas "There's one other thing you should know. The school board frowns on parents dating teachers, but let's be honest. You ain't no parent, and I ain't no teacher."

On that creepy note we all ran out the door and towards the mission site.

Mission site (Leo's POV)-

We had gotten to the mission site after a long and awkward bus ride with a goat. I noticed Maddie let her guard down a bit on the bus. It let me see how worried she actually was. I was worried about everyone too but Maddie had taught me to compartmentalize but that can only go so far. She was still dealing with all the trauma from Douglas, her amnesia, and now watching her family and the love of her life go through all this. I didn't blame her.

Now don't get me wrong she was still holding together better than I was honestly, but it was the little things. The way that her hand would figit with her locket and the way the was tapping her foot on the ground. The bus ride wasn't quick so overtime I noticed her pattern. She was using Morse code. Chase. Chase. Chase. I wonder if she was doing it consciously.

The bus finally reached or stop and Douglas told us breaking us from our thoughts.

"So, you and Principal Perry?" Maddie teased and we made it to the mission site.  I couldn't help but laugh. She used to tell me that hero's would often use humor to lighten up dark situations or mask their fear. Right now it might be both.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Douglas exclaimed which caused us to laugh more.

"Hey, check this out. That looks like a superspeed trail." I said pointing out the distinct line in the dirt.

"Yeah, you're right. That couldn't be Bree's. She went east. These clearly point south." Douglas said as we surveyed the scene.

"Wait, isn't that the bush the girl was hiding behind?" Maddie asked as we tried lining things up.

"Yeah." Douglas confirmed.

"But, if the trail isn't Bree's, then it must be hers. Could she be bionic?" I asked. Please don't tell me there's more of them.

"No, impossible." Thank God. "The only other person with bionics Krane."

"But how could Krane be the girl? Wait, did you give him a cyber mask?" Maddie asked Douglas with a harsh glare.

"I might have." He answered breaking under the pressure.

"Great!" I groaned.

"And I also might have given him a full body cyber cloak, too." Maddie and I both groaned in frustration as Douglas tried to explain himself. "But he was only supposed to use it on Halloween! Last year, we went as Brad and Angelina."

"So the girl who took the video is actually Krane. What do we do now?" I asked and Maddie looked like she was in deep thought.

"I don't know about you, but I'm slapping on a cyber mask and selling apples by the highway." Douglas said fearfully.

"Wimp. Okay, listen. First we need to get back to mission creek. The bus takes too long so Leo call a car to pick us up. Then we'll head back to the school since that's the only place we know is somewhat safe. At the school we'll have to figure out a way to prove that Krane is the bad guy and that Adam, Bree, Chase, and Davenport are the ones helping people." She said with dead seriousness.

"Are you sure your Chase's girlfriend?" Douglas asked. She just whacked him over the head before going to take pictures of the scene.

"Really? That's the first thing that came to mind?" He shrugged as he rubbed his head.

"I mean look at how cool and tough she is then look at Chase." He explained.

"Huh. Yeah thinking back it was hard to see in the beginning." I called a Uber to come pick us up and they were surprisingly quick.

"Let's go boys." She commanded.

Mission Creek High School (Leo's POV)-

We had gotten to the school and while Maddie and Douglas tried to piece things together I was trying to explain things to principal Perry. "And that's why Krane cloaked himself as the girl and posted the video. He knew the feds would take Adam, Bree, and Chase out of the picture."

"Quick question. At any point during your dealings with this Krane guy, did my name come up?" She asked as Douglas and Maddie made their way over.

"No." Douglas answered.

"Then get out of my school!" She began pushing the three of us towards the editor before we broke away.

"Stop! Look, we need to tell someone about Krane. It may not free our family, but maybe the feds can stop him." I explained.

"You're right. We can't waste anymore time." Douglas added.

"Totally agree. Dooley, you go back to the house, while me and Douglas hunker down in a remote cabin, very remote, where no one will hear your screams." Geez keep it together woman.

Right before anyone could comment on her horrific statement the doors blasted open and Krane walked in. "There you are. It's always the last place you look, isn't it?"

"If you're the new health inspector, the money's on my desk in an envelope marked "Art Supplies"." Sellout.

"That's Krane." I pointed out.

"Please, take the defenseless children, but leave me the dreamboat of a man." Perry begged.

"How did you know we were here?" Douglas asked as he stepped away from Perry.

"I've had someone keeping tabs on you. S-1! S-7!" The same girl that filmed the video came out followed by another guy I didn't recognize.

"You!" Maddie spat at the guy.

"Me!" He laughed back menacingly.

"Wait, so that wasn't you in the cloak. There really is a girl?" I said ignoring Maddie's stuff for now.

"Sure is. Ever been beaten up by one?" She smirked.

"Do I need to answer that question?" I aske back, dryly.

"S-1's no mere girl. She's a genetically engineered super soldier. And S-7? He's my most skilled fighter and full of genetic enhancements as well." Krane boasted.

"They're bionic, too?" Douglas asked.

"You should be proud. Your technology has come in very handy. I've also upgraded your triton app so that I can control there abilities directly from my brain." Both S-1 and S-7 eyes flashed green showing signs of the triton app.

How did Chase miss her on the thermal scan then? "Wait, if she's a bionic human, how come she doesn't have a heat signature?"

"It's one of her many abilities. She can manipulate her body temperature to adapt to her surroundings." Krane explained.

"And how do you two know each other?" I asked Maddie.

"He's been stalking me. Well I had a hunch and he started hanging out with Alex to get close to me. Thins just proves me right." She explained her eyes never leaving S-7.

"Where is this going, Krane? What's your plan?" Douglas asked.

"The world will find out soon enough, but you won't." Krane started charging electricity to his hand  

Principal Perry pulled the fire alarm stopping him in is tracks. "Ha! The fire department will be here any minute!"

"Good, then they can clean up the mess." He hit Douglas and Perry with a blast strong enough to knock them out.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Can I take care of the kid?" S-1 asked. 

"Of course. Just make it hurt." Maddie passed me a blaster before going after S-7.

I thought this was on of Big D's weapons but once I blasted out a wrong concussive balst I knew it was Maddie's. I was able to hit S-1 a few times before she immobilized me using her bionics. I could see that Maddie was doing pretty well against S-7 until he geo leaped behind her and blasted her across the room right next to me.

"Let me go!" I fought against the force that was holding me in place but it did nothing. She blasted the large beam above Maddie and I from both ends. I heard a large crash. A faint scream. A sharp pain. Then everything went dark.

Davenport house (No one's POV)-

"Transport's on its way." Agent Graham announced.

"We're not even gonna get to say good-bye to Maddie or Leo." Chase said sadly.

"I'm gonna miss them so much." Bree said on the brink of tears. She was trying to hold it all back but today had been a long day.

"Yeah, I mean, as far as friends go, they're definitely in my top 50." Adam joked trying to cut the tension but nothing seemed to help his younger siblings and it hurt him.

"Don't worry, guys, we're gonna get through this." Tasha said hopefully.

"Yeah. Guys, I wanna give you something to remember me by." Davenport said sincerely.  "When times get tough, I hope this will get you through." He ruined the moment by bringing out a cardboard cutout of himself.

"Hey, but we can't take that." Bree pointed out.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it's broken." She said before ripping its head off.

A/N: Hope you like it. Part two will be up soon.  Please read, comment, and vote!!

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