Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

202K 5.9K 1.6K

Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


2.5K 83 38
By Lightblue44

With 'All Alone' by Stwo playing through her speaker, Naomi sat infront of her full length mirror, blending her contour into her full face of makeup.

She couldn't believe that she was actually going on a date.

For fuck sake, Theo is really changing me, with his annoying, goofy smile, ass.

She'd never been on a date before, well unless you counted that big Tescos 'date' that her and Sebastian went on in first year when he tried to see her more after they had first started talking, but Naomi never confirmed nor denied whether it was a date with him so this was her first official date.

Theo gave her no information on what was going to happen tonight, well besides the promise of dinner and sex - which practically the whole of the chocolate isle that day knew was going to happen.

He literally texted her to dress nicely, and that he'd pick her up at eight o'clock, and that she couldn't back out. She was going one way or another.

It really shouldn't of surprised her though, after all today was Valentine's Day, which she had never celebrated before.

Not even with her ex, because he claimed he was working that night and then a few hours later Naomi worked out that he had infact taken another girl on a date and cheated on her. And then he managed to sweet talk and manipulate her into staying with him somehow. Not one of her finest moments.

Then last year, with Seb nothing happened because...well because if she got the timing of things correct then that was just after her and Seb ended and she'd left to go home because everything was too much in term two.

Well in all honesty, Naomi kind of forgot that it was coming up to a year since the Seb incident...well she was trying to, and she knew Theo could tell as he had been more reassuring with her. He didn't reflect on how much they used to argue this time last year with her as much. Even when she had been a bitch to him the past few days because of her period, which thank fuck was over now, Theo never took it too seriously and still comforted her. She also knew that Theo would probably want to keep her mind off the year mark, and she was grateful.

But a date, a date wasn't what she expected. Maybe a meal at his, smoking a spliff and then sex was more of the average hang out for them, but a meal at a restaurant was like a proper date.

It was special.

Theo was making it special for her and she couldn't help but feel her heart swell at the thought of it.

"Naomi?" Eliza called out, knocking on her bedroom door

"Come in" Naomi smiled as she had just finished spraying her setting spray on her face

"Just wanted to say thank you for the lingerie and congratulations on the photo shoot" Eliza told her as she found a box of lingerie from 'Sinful lingerie' on her bed for tonight from Naomi, since she was doing so well at her internship, she got a few free sets for all the girls

"Aww thanks Elle, but I'm glad you like the lingerie, I knew the 'pretty in pink' and 'my own woman' set would be perfect for you" Naomi said as she knew what would suit her friends best

"So are you nervous about tonight?" Eliza asked, nodding approvingly at Naomi's outfit

"Is it that obvious that I'm nervous?" Naomi questioned, chewing on her lip as she noticed Eliza didn't look all that dressed up to go out tonight

Liv had gone back home to celebrate Valentine's Day with Joe, so she wasn't at the house. Then Elijah had taken Tiana for a weekend getaway as a surprise. So it was just Naomi and Eliza in the house.

"No, but I know you and I can tell a date for you and Theo is a big step. I may not know all the details of how you two got together, but it's clear that you have both gone about this in a very odd order" Eliza explained, "But look at me, okay? You have nothing to worry about, Theo asked you - well tricked you onto this date because he wants to take you out, he wants to spoil you. He wants to act like a normal couple with you because he likes you, a lot and you look amazing so that's a bonus" Eliza smiled as Naomi nodded, thankful for having such a close circle of people who knew her so well and knew how to calm her down.

"Thank you Eliza, you didn't have to say that" Naomi let out a sigh of relief, double checking her purse for her id, debit card and lip gloss. "So what are you doing tonight?" She asked, trying to get the conversation off of her so she wasn't as nervous

"Well I'm going over to that girl's house tonight that I've been getting to know, just to watch a film and order in because we didn't feel like going out properly" Eliza blushed

"Cute, I like how you're not forcing things and taking it slow with her. I think that-" Naomi gave her honest opinion as she was suddenly interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell

"Shit" she cursed under her breath as her heart picked up and she realised Theo was here. She was really doing this.

Deep breaths, come on.

Don't panic, it's just a date.

Theo likes me, I like him, there's nothing to worry about.

Don't let a panic attack over nothing ruin your makeup.

Come on, move your legs so you can open the fucking door.

Seeing the panic on Naomi's face, Eliza immediately reassured her. "I can tell him you're literally throwing up if you want. I can get him to go away, if you really don't think you can go on the date"

"Thank you Eliza, but no - I'm panicking for no reason, I want to go on the date I'm just afraid that I'll embarrass myself. I'm afraid that me and Theo barley talk and when we do it's just about sex and he'll realise that and get bored of me. I'm afraid that I'll eat really weirdly and then he'll get the ick. I'm afraid that he won't like my outfit and he'll-"

"Naomi, Naomi, calm down. Fucking hell you really can't see it can you? You can't see the way Theo stares at you in such admiration. Even when we were all in the kitchen looking fucking terrible that morning I found out about the two of you and we all had rolled out of bed, that boy looked at you like you were the only girl in the world. He looked at you like he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you. He looked at you like he never wanted to lose you" Eliza tried to explain that she believed that Theo loved Naomi but didn't want to use that word or else she feared she'd panic Naomi even more

"Now I'm going to go downstairs and open the front door for him, okay?" Eliza told her warily, trying not to set her off

"Okay" Naomi whispered more so to herself as Eliza had already disappeared down the stairs and was opening the front door for Theo as Eliza didn't want Naomi to panic any further and just wanted her on the date so that she could understand there was nothing to worry about.

Reapplying her lipgloss, Naomi took one more look at her appearance in her mirror, before walking downstairs to meet Theo.

Just as Eliza had finished welcoming him into the house and they stopped in the foyer of the girl's home, he heard heels clicking against the stairs.

Naomi noticed that Theo was dressed in a white long sleeve button up shirt, with two buttons undone at the top, showcasing a slither of his chain. How his muscles strained against the fabric, which made her breath hitch at the sight of the arms which carried her so effortlessly. Then down to his black jeans, and his Jordan's because after all he was a university student, he didn't own all that many nice clothes.

As he brought his eyes towards the source of the sound, he was met with the sight of a gorgeous Naomi.

Once Naomi finally made it down the stairs, she couldn't help but smile at Theo. How he had dressed up for her. How he looked at her like she had taken his breath away.

Theo was speechless. He didn't even know how to get his brain working enough to correspond to his mouth to word basically every positive descriptive word in the dictionary to describe the girl stood infront of him.

From her painted white toe nails, tucked into strappy black heels, which were laced around her ankles, leading up to her anklet. The same anklet that made him know for sure that Naomi was his and it was a symbol of his heart which she had on her at all times. Then her legs which made the blood pump to Theo's dick immediately as he stated at them, scanning his way up to her thick thighs.

She was wearing a strappy black midi dress, where the back had to be laced up, with a slit in the thigh. It was modest, but sexy and that's exactly why Naomi chose it tonight. The way it covered her body, but gave Theo a glimpse of it at the same time.

He saw how her black dress hugged her figure, in a modest way of its midi length. With the slit in the thigh of the dress, which stopped just before her hip, giving him a sneaky glimpse of her thick thigh. One of the thighs, that Theo enjoyed having wrapped around his face when he got to taste her.

Panning up to her full chest, which was covered by the material of the dress, but it was clear by the bounce of her breasts that she wasn't wearing a bra, along with the prominent outline of her perky nipples and the piercings through the dress, which had Theo drooling at the fact that he could pull on the thin strap, and her chest would spill out before his eyes.

The way she had her 'N' necklace, which was gifted to her from Eliza at Christmas, placed perfectly ontop of her chest, giving him a reason to look there.

She had long black hair cascaded past her shoulders, tucked behind her ears, showing off her hoop earrings. Her full plump lips, which were covered in gloss, which Theo couldn't wait to remove with his own lips. A fringe which covered her forehead, but was cut perfectly so that Theo could still see her eyes clearly and look into them and remember the girl he fell for back in first year.

Those eyes which were a deep brown, almost dark enough that they looked black, but when he looked close enough, he could see the warmth and safety in them.

Finally reaching the end of the staircase, Naomi walked straight towards him.

"Fucking hell" he muttered under his breath as Naomi was stood infront of him, peering up at him under her lashes

"Anddd that's my cue to leave" Eliza mumbled, rushing upstairs as despite how cute Naomi and Theo were, she still couldn't get over the initial shock of seeing them together

"Hi" Naomi smiled timidly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hanging loosely

"Hi" he whispered back fearing that if he spoke too loudly that this would all turn out to be a dream and he'd wake up. That the past year and a quarter leading up to this moment wasn't real and him and Naomi didn't talk and didn't like each other.

"You changed your hair" he pointed out, brushing her fringe out of her eyes

"Yeah I um-" Naomi started as she knew Theo preferred her natural hair, and rarely wore wigs this year but she wanted to change it up for tonight

"No I like it" he smiled, letting her know that she could do whatever she wanted to her hair or herself as a whole without his permission because she was her own person, "You look beautiful" he complimented her, kissing her forehead

"Baby I'm not going to lie to you but I think we might have to forget about the dinner" he spoke gruffly as he looked down at her, tailing his hands down her body

"What, why? You're the one who practically begged me to get dressed up to come out tonight"

"Because I don't even know if I'll even make it to dinner with the way you look tonight. Baby, I want you right now" he confessed, as her eyes immediately dropped to his crotch, realising that he was very clearly hard

"Wow, I didn't know that you could get so..."

"Hard?" He chuckled lowly, "yes baby, I'm hard. I'm very hard for you and you only. I don't think you understand that just seeing you can get me going" he told her, as he let his hands fall to her ass, cupping it as she licked her lips at his eyes burning with pure lust and desire

"As much as I want you right now" she finished in a harsh breath, as she felt Theo's hand use the advantage of the slit in her dress to slide his fingers up her thigh, "You promised me food first" she smirked, as Theo made a frustrated growl as his fingers stopped right where the waist band of her panties were supposed to be.

"Where are they?" He whispered, asking about her panties

"Didn't think I'd need them tonight, plus I like wearing this dress without them" she smiled at his face as she bit her lip

Closing his eyes briefly as he exhaled, Theo took a moment to compose himself, "You're a walking sin, you know that right?"

"I wouldn't say a sin, but i definitely like to earn the title good girl when you call me it" she admitted

"Get in the car Naomi before i sweat to god I will throw you over my shoulder and take you to your room and we will definitely be missing our booking for tonight"

Smiling at him, Naomi shook her head at the boy who couldn't seem to keep his dick in his pants for more than five minutes when it came to her wearing a dress.

As she made her way towards the front door, she looked over her shoulder, as she kept hearing Theo mutter under his breath. There he was, trailing behind her, his eyes glued to her ass as he attempted to readjust his very prominent errection, but nothing was working. In all honesty, sometimes she even wondered how the hell Theo managed to walk normally with his practically third leg that she took on a daily basis at this rate - which left her with a limp each time.

Making it to his car, Naomi felt Theo's hand make a connection with her ass cheek, as he slapped it. "I hope you know that I ain't going easy on you tonight, that ass is mine" he stated, squeezing the cheek, as he kissed her neck - just as a reminder of how much her body was his and how easily it responded to him.

Maybe no panties was a bad idea...I like teasing him, but fucking hell, that boy knows how to make me wet.

Naomi didn't even bother to respond or else it would give Theo the satisfaction of hearing how her voice didn't even sound like her own anymore, due to the raw throatiness of her own hormones taking over, along with the wobbliness of nerves from how she knew her body was in for it tonight. In the end she simply nodded, getting into the car and waiting for Theo to get in on his side.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet. Quiet along with the soft sounds of 'Les' by Childish Gambino coming from Theo's aux.

Naomi didn't even bother saying anything as she couldn't. She couldn't with Theo's hand possessively on her thigh, with his thumb rubbing it, making her have to cross her leg over the other - which earned Theo pulling apart and out of that position so that he could but his hand back ontop of her thigh because he wanted to tease her.

In the end, she settled for Theo's hand inbetween her thighs, but caged in as she clenched her thighs together so he wouldn't have the luxury of touching her just yet, but that pulse in her heat was there and would be taunting her all evening.

Parking the car, Naomi realised Theo had taken them to a very fancy looking restaurant. She'd never even heard of it before, but it definitely was way out of her budget for a student, but she knew not to say anything about money as it could possibly start an argument over how he always wants to spoil her.

She didn't even realise that Theo was out of the car, holding her door open for her, with his hand held out, for her to take as she stepped down from the high Range Rover.

"Thank you" she smiled, as Theo shut the car door behind her, placing his hand possessively on the small of her back, which she knew would definitely be lower if he hadn't promised her a meal first, as he guided her to walk into the restaurant.

"Reservation for Venturi" Theo told the hostess as they made it to the front of the restaurant

Not even a second later, the two of them were being brought to a table more so towards the back of the restaurant. It was clear this area was more exclusive and reserved for certain guests and Naomi didn't even bother to ponder what Theo said for them to be able to get this table.

The hostess gave them their menus and left them to their own devices.

"Theo I-" Naomi was speechless by how much Theo had done for her already. A date was expected, but nothing as fancy as this.

With the elegantly decorated restaurant, with the colour scheme of black and white with gold accents on every element of the restaurant. How the floor was marble. How the menu didn't even have prices next to the dishes, meaning that if you came here, you already know the prices are high and that if you need to check them then you shouldn't be eating here.

"Happy Valentine's Day Naomi" Theo smirked, licking his lips as he shamelessly, scanned over Naomi's figure once again, just so pleased that he had her all to himself

"I've never celebrated Valentine's Day" she confessed, sipping from the glass of water which was placed infront of her earlier by the waiter

"Neither have I, but there's a first for everything and I'm glad it's with you"

"Hello, I'm Matthew, you waiter for this evening, are you two ready to order?" The waiter asked, looking up from his notepad at the couple

"We'll have a bottle of champagne for the table and I'll have whatever she's having food wise" Theo instructed, nodding for Naomi to order as he trusted her taste buds

"Umm, can I get the steak, well done, please?" Naomi asked, as the waiter nodded, noting down her choice

"Well done for you as well, sir?" Matthew asked as Theo nodded, passing him, his and Naomi's menus to take away

"Alright, I'll be right back in with you bottle of champagne and I'll bring your food out when it's ready" Matthew told them as he rushed off

Glancing up at the ceiling, Naomi couldn't help but be in awe, the ceiling was a mirror reflection of the restaurant.

"I don't know if I've already said this to you, but you look beautiful tonight" Theo confessed, "Well you look beautiful all the time, but tonight especially"

Naomi began to play with her fingers under the table out of nerves of Theo complimenting her with such sincerity in his voice. She could never get over how he made her stomach flutter despite how long they'd been together for. "Thank you" she smiled, looking up at him, "You look very handsome yourself...I like you in a shirt" she told him

Theo swallowed with the way Naomi was looking at him. From an outsiders point of view it looked very innocent, but he knew her and he knew what she was thinking. How she took a moment to stare into his eyes, then dropping her gaze to his lips for a moment, to then stare at his chain which made her clench her thighs together at the memory of it swinging infront of her face whilst he fucked her. To think that that item had him under her spell the moment she tugged on it, to bring him closer.

He felt the warmth in his neck, as a blush creeped up onto him under Naomi's gaze. She always made him so weak. She was the only one who could make him like this.

"I-" Theo started as he was thankfully cut off by the waiter returning with their bottle of champagne and glasses, as he didn't need this date to turn sexual just yet.

Yes, he enjoyed his and Naomi's very sexual banter and innuendos, but tonight was about more than that and he needed to get the blood pumping to his brain, not his dick.

"A glass of champagne for you sir" Matthew said as he placed the poured champagne flute infront of Theo, and then turning to Naomi. "And a glass for the beautiful lady" he smiled, "I'll be back with your food when it's ready"

"Okay thank you" Naomi smiled at Matthew, as she turned back to look at Theo who had a very sour face

"Theo what's wrong?" Naomi asked, noticing him clenching his jaw as he practically inhaled his glass of champagne

"Matthew" he gritted out

"Matthew, our waiter? What's wrong with him?"

"The way he was looking at you. The way he basically ignored...He ignored what today is, meaning that you're very much unavailable and was outrightidly flirting with you"

"Wow" Naomi raised her eyebrows, shaking her head at Theo's observation, "As far as I could tell, he was just doing his job and was being nice to me and even if he was flirting with me, you have nothing to worry about. I'm here with you Theo. I'm telling you now that no other guy knows me so well that he can, as you like to say persuade me, but I'd say trick..." she smiled, "Trick me into coming out on a date with you, getting me out of my comfort zone and getting me to want to ditch the food, no matter how good it is, all so I can have you all to myself in my bed"

"You cannot get pissed off with every male who talks to me" she laughed, knowing that Theo was clearly letting his jealousy get the best of him - as she'd seen at the football party the other week

"Fuck, I sound like such a dick right now" he muttered, realising how controlling he sounded, "It's just that- Ugh, I don't even know, I just hate seeing other guys talk to you, obviously I know how dumb that sounds because you're allowed to talk to the other gender - I'm not stopping you from doing that - but fuck, it just annoys me and I can't put my finger on it" he tried to explain

"I guess it's just that I have the knowledge of how a guy's brain works and exactly what they're thinking when they talk to you" he sighed, "But I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry for ruining this date" He apologised

"You didn't ruin it, you were voicing your opinion when I asked for it" she smiled, letting him know that it was okay to mention when they weren't happy when the other asked what was wrong, and to not push their feelings to the side for the sake of a date or ruining a day

"If you want, we can pay the bill and leave now" she told him, "I'm ready for you, I'm always ready for you" she whispered, biting her lip at the groan Theo had to stifle at the knowledge of her sat across from him, wet and ready for him only

"No, I said we'd eat, talk and then we have all night for that baby" he told her, but more so himself as he was ready to say fuck the food and eat something of Naomi's instead.

He needed to stay strong.

He needed to ask the question at the right time and not have her entice him into bed early so that the moment was ruined.

Shortly after, Matthew brought out their steaks, and left them to eat in peace, as Theo noticed that he might of been overreacting before. But they both had overreacted when it came to the other sex in all honesty because they knew the other was very attractive and that they got a lot of attention.

"Why are you staring at my food like that Baby?" Theo asked, noticing Naomi pouting when she looked at both of their plates

"Your steak looks better than mine" she mumbled

Chuckling at her, Theo couldn't help but smile at the girl he'd do anything for, "They look the same in my opinion, but here" he said as he grabbed his own plate as well as her's and swapped them, making Naomi smile at him gratefully

"Thank you" she smiled, not even wanting Theo to swap but she was happy that he did

"Mhmm, anything for my girl" he hummed, tucking into his food as Naomi began to eat as well

After the two of them had finished their steaks, which they enjoyed, Theo couldn't even wait for dessert, he needed to say something.

Looking at Naomi across the table from him, Theo gulped down the last of his water, needing his throat to stop being so dry.

He had basically drank all the liquids available to him, but nothing was helping as he was so nervous for this moment.

Come on, you can do it, just ask her

Clearing his throat to get the attention of her doey mahogany eyes on him, Theo couldn't help but feel his heart rate pick up at the sight of the girl who he couldn't even explain his feelings for.

She was just an amazing girl, who he never wanted to let go of. He never wanted to be without her. He never wanted to remember life without her.

"Yes Theo?" Naomi tilted her head to the side as she smiled at him, since he had yet to say anything to her, and continued to stare at her.

Just say it.

"Be mine Naomi"

He needed it out there. He needed her to know exactly what he wanted.

"I'm already yours Theo" she reached her hand across the table, intertwining her hand with his as she was telling the truth. She was already his. She'd given him her trust and her heart, what else could he ask for?

"No, be my girlfriend, officially" he smiled, hopefully. He just wanted her to say yes. He wanted to hear her agree to that title officially so that he knew for sure that they were better than good. That Naomi was his and his only and no one could tell him shit about it.

"I-" she stuttered, realising that Theo wanted a relationship, when she wasn't opposed to one, but it was just a shock considering the fact that they never had ever spoken about a relationship title or him having an interest in wanting her to be his girlfriend. Theo had never had a girlfriend.

"Come on Naomi" he shrugged his shoulders, squeezing her hand just to show her how much he wanted it

"I don't do relationships Theo...not anymore" she trailed off into a whisper, feeling nervous about the idea of a relationship again.

Even though Theo was so good to her, she still had her fear that he could change at any moment, that he could switch, just like her ex - Josiah and just like Seb. She was scared of a title that Theo could potentially hold over her head and use her and manipulate her because of.

"I don't- I mean I didn't do relationship either, but I'm willing to try with you" he admitted, wanting nothing more than to try this out with Naomi. To give all of himself to her officially. To have her as his first, and hopefully his last. To put his heart on the line for her and only her. "So what do you say?"

Looking into his deep blue eyes, Naomi couldn't help but make a joke. She couldn't help but state the obvious because only Theo would ask her this on today of all days. "Valentine's Day really? So fucking cliche" she laughed at him, as he rubbed the pad of thumb over her hand

"So is that a yes or no?" He asked, as he saw her smile slowly fade because she couldn't use a joke to get out of this one and avoid the question. It was a simple answer.

Even if she said no, Theo would still be with her, but it would be a bit hard to know that she'd rejected him because in his eyes it meant that she didn't want or see a future with him despite both of their efforts. Despite everything they'd been through.

"Are you doing this just because of Charlie and what he said about us?" Naomi genuinely needed to know that Theo didn't want to ask her so that they had this title because Charlie had claimed that they shouldn't be together because they weren't official and he Theo wanted to make it official now to please Charlie

"No, god no. In all honesty, I've wanted to ask you this since December but I wanted to find the right time. There were so many times when I almost did it, but I wanted it to be special, when I felt like you were ready. When I felt like we were in a good place...I even was going to fucking ask you when I got that call from my sister about Grey calling her, but did I exactly want to tell people that we made us official in a bathroom, at a party, as you were trying to suck my dick as a congratulatory present?" He asked as Naomi couldn't help but laugh at how the two of them were messy without even trying

"Naomi I want you, I want all of you. I want the good, the bad, the ugly. I want to be there for you. I want to take away your pain. I want you to be there when I get good news so that you can be the first one I tell. I want the girl who when she gets nervous starts to hug herself, play with her fingers and pull on her sleeves. I want the girl who will literally fight me for a toke of my spliff. I want the girl who hated me back in first year and didn't take my shit, but made me like her some how. I want the girl who looks absolutely fucking beautiful sat Infront of me right now who took so much convincing to come here tonight to be mine"

"So will you be my girlfriend?"

"I- Theo, you know that I won't be perfect in this right? You know that I will still have my insecurities and doubts" she told him truthful because she didn't want him to ask her and not realise what that title truly meant. To realise that despite how long they'd been together and how much she trusted him, the title still brought back bad memories. That it still held fear in her heart that she could be broken again because of the title of a relationship.

"I don't give a shit about a picture perfect relationship. I don't want the fucking usual boring relationship, I want you. I want you and everything that comes with you because I'm willing to stick through it all with you" he stressed to her, taking a breath to calm himself down as he lowered his voice so that she'd understand the seriousness of his words, "I'm not him, I would never break you, I promise" he admitted to her, knowing exactly what she meant previously without her having to mention it

"Y-You can't promise me that" she whispered as she looked down at the table, "You might get bored. Or you might stop liking me but won't end it because you don't want me to react badly. You might hate me in a relationship. You might-" she rambled on, knowing that things could change, promises could be broken

"Baby, just stop. These past few months we've basically been in a relationship without the title. A title doesn't change anything, but me officially getting to say that you're mine and that every other guy - especially my own fucking team - can fuck off. I won't get bored of you, I don't think I can or ever could. If I have a problem, I'll tell you. I'll tell you because that's what we do now, we talk, we communicate, we're on the same page. You're putting too much pressure on yourself to be perfect, but you already are. You already are and I don't need you to change because of a title. So be mine?" He asked

"I-" she paused as she took in Theo's words

Before she could answer, Theo let his mouth move before he could even stop the words coming out, "Please don't tell me you have some kind of life threatening illness or something and that's why you don't want to get into a relationship" he asked her

"What?" She broke into a fit of laughter at Theo's random confession.

Once she realised that he was serious, she let her laughter die down and fall into a small smile, enough to reassure him without any words being uttered, "I don't. I don't have a life threatening illness, but where the hell did that come from?"

"Ugh, just Charlie getting into my head. Just ignore that then" he grumbled at Charlie getting into his head from what he said at Cap's friend's party.

"So Naomi Anita Levison, I will ask you this one more time, will you be my girlfriend?"

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