In The Name of The King (#Wat...

By natlaxy2424

33.4K 1.2K 393

Adelaide was never quite a charmer or even a lady for that matter. A sister to six brother's is every bit as... More

The Wicked Gentlemen
The Feline
In The Words of Caldwell
The Knight In The Shining Armor
To Forget and Remember
To Trust or Not To Trust
The Decision
The Seamstress
An Unexpected Visit
The Painful Truth
On The Road Again
In Your Dreams
What am I to you?
Her Highness
The Dream and The Nightmare
The Knight and Her Highness
Her Highness's Obsession
Where am I?
The Hunter
His Captive
You're the Earth, I'm Your Moon
The Plan
Life is But a Mere Game of Manipulation
Jealousy Turns Even the Brightest of Souls Black
My Sinister Captor
The Knight and The Sorcerer
Damsel in Distress
The Rescue
To Love and to Be Loved
An Act of Betrayal

The Escape

1.8K 82 23
By natlaxy2424

Chapter 4

I was still trembling from the information Caldwell just presented.

This wasn't possible, how could I not have known? Everything I thought was true seemed nothing but a distant memory. The demons from my past were being dug up again and god, I don't know if I could handle what they revealed.

"I think she froze," Colcu and Forannan laughed mercilessly. My eyes were wide in shock, brimming with tears. Who did Caldwell think he was? Clenching my fists, I glared into Caldwell's emerald eyes. He wasn't going to drag me down, he wasn't going to make me vulnerable. I lifted my chin in defiance, the father I knew would want me to be fearless. So, fearless I was going to be.

"You bastard," I whispered, my voice shaking with anger. In a flash, I had my hands on his throat. His eyes bulged in shock, causing a smirk to stretch across my face. This man killed him...he deserved this. Tears plopped onto the stone ground, my mind becoming blank. It felt like nothing seemed real anymore, that I wasn't the one trying to kill this man. I felt numb and unfeeling. I thought I could handle what was happening to me, I thought I could be the strong woman I wanted to be.

I tightened my grip tighter, staring into his scared green eyes. His face was a mixture of pain and shock. He knew that I had no intention of letting my grasp falter. From behind, I could hear shouts and the shuffling of feet.

Caldwell clawed at my hands frantically, trying to pry them off. Suddenly, hands grabbed my wrists and waist, prying me off of him. I screamed in distress and rage.

"Let me go! I'll kill you Caldwell! I promise I will...," I cried, tears dribbling down my face and neck. Painful sobs shook my shoulders violently just as numbness consumed me, like everything I've experienced so far suddenly smacked me right in the face. I felt like I was going insane and at the same time loosing a piece of myself. Caldwell gasped for air on the dirt ground, clenching and then unclenching his fists.

"Get that woman away from me!" He wheezed. I snapped my head back, locking eyes with Colcu's blue ones. All emotion I conveyed earlier disappeared from my face. The tears stopped, drying and feeling gooey against my flesh. Images from my childhood flipped through my head. One of them was when Papa and I went riding horseback through the woods behind our country house. A lot of the images were of us smiling, laughing, and loving every moment we spent together. Caldwell was the one who took him from me. He was the one who destroyed my capability of loving a man.

I clenched my fists so tight that nail indents appeared on my palms. My brown eyes glowered dangerously at Caldwell, he was going to pay for his sins. I slammed my shoe into Colcu's foot, receiving a screech in response. His hold loosened on my wrists, giving me the perfect window for an escape. Taking advantage of it, I sprinted through the rusted door as angry shouts and footsteps echoed from behind.

"Get her damn it! Don't let her escape!" Caldwell's screeches of anger and distress made her smile in satisfaction. Birds chirped their beautiful songs as I kept running down the cobblestone pathway. My legs started screaming in pain from the fast pace. I ignored the urge to stop and catch my breath, this wasn't the time to take a break. The sound of wood on stone sparked my interest, I took a quick glance behind me. The wooden wagon that I was in for what felt like months, barreled towards me. I picked up my pace, if that was even possible. My heart slammed against my chest like a drumbeat. A small mewing sound reached my ears, reminding me of Neela. Her small furry head poked out of the wagon that was now alongside me. Maelodor and Forannan were yelling frantically, trying to drive the wagon without flipping it over. I stretched my arms out for Neela, worried she wasn't going to make the jump.

"Come on girl! Jump!" I shouted frantically. Neela jumped as far as her hind legs would carry her. She sailed through the air, landing in my welcoming arms with a mew. I sighed in relief, overjoyed that I was able to catch her. We were reaching the city line rapidly. My long, heavy, dress didn't help the situation either. Neela was mewing louder and louder as seconds ticked by. I ran in a frenzy, scared that they were gaining on us.

"We almost have her! Just a little bit more!" Maelodor shouted, it felt like they were only inches behind. Panic started to settle in, what would I become if they caught me again? I refused to let myself be kidnapped. I will be free, even if it takes an eternity. Determination filled me, making my legs pump faster than before. There was only one trail leading out of the small city. I had nowhere to go, I was trapped. If I took the road, they'd surely catch up. I gazed to the side, woods covering the edge of the road. Vines wrapped themselves around the bases of the trees, making them look ethereal. The only logical path I could take was the woods. I made up my mind, the woods it'll be. I planted my feet into the dirt road, turning right. The woods swallowed me whole. I could here angry shouts from Maelodor, Forannan, and Colcu. They were roaring profanities out like a sailor.

"God damn it Forannan!" Forannan shrieked.

"What the hell?!" Maelodor shouted.

"We're freaking dead!" Colcu cried.

Smiling, I ran faster and deeper into the woods. Twigs and dead leaves crunched beneath my feet. Branches and thorns tugged and tore at my dress, slowing my pace down. I pushed my body to move faster, my breath coming out in ragged breaths. I felt as if my legs were going to give out at any second. I clutched Neela tight to my chest, protecting her from the overgrown foliage. I stepped onto a patch of grass, trying to free myself from the tree limbs. Instantly, I lost my footing and tumbled backward. Neela was still grasped tightly to my chest, mewing in fear. I cried in horror at the realization that dawned on me. I was plummeting faster and faster through the air. The water below was approaching rapidly as the seconds ticked by. Flailing my hands out, I tried to reach something that was impossible to reach. I screamed in terror. My shouts echoed throughout the woods, reminding me that I was alone in this isolated place. I was falling to my death and yet all I could think of was if Neela was going to be okay....


Hey lovely readers! I decided to have a little more action in this chapter :P Vote for this chapter if you liked it! When I was typing what profanities Maelodor, Forannan, and Colcu were saying I didn't want it to be R rated so I toned it down. I know they aren't real curse words but hey!


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