Crossed Paths Lead to Better...

By propheticslytherin

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What if Harry didn't marry Ginny? After his first stay in Grimmauld Place he stumbled on his Soulmate? What i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

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By propheticslytherin

Today was a great day to be in Grimmauld Place, or so Regulus thought. He was now 5, and it was March. He enjoyed spring. The trees were many colors, well okay there were flowers. Over the years, his parent learned he was colorblind.

It didn't stop Regulus though. He just got frustrated when people tried to ask him to find things, like the green book.

He was sitting outside, and it was late afternoon. This was a normal spot to find him this time of day. Regulus was waiting. Waiting for his father to comeback from work.

Harry began working as an Auror shortly after the war ended. Regulus, unlike his mother, actually worried about his father everyday. He had read many books about dark wizards, and worried what would happen if his father didn't win. Sure, his father was the greatest wizard he knew, but he knew fighting bad people was hard.

In his lap, Regulus had a new book. He had been reading muggle literature these days. There was a book store nearby that his mother would let him walk to. She knew he was safe, and he would always come right home.

His curiosity was always peaked by the fictional writings of muggles. Today, he was reading 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. This was so far his favorite. Sure, he may be to young to actually understand any of it, but he wasn't a normal kid. He devoured this book.

He had gone back to reading, when his nose picked up a familiar scent. His head popped up.

Harry had his coat draped on his arm, "Regulus!" He exclaimed as always. "What are you reading today?"

"Same as yesterday."

"Still good?"

"Of course, I love it" Regulus explained as he stood up. Regulus had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Dad, Mom has a new scent."

Harry had to chuckle to himself. The two had been keeping something from them. At least until now. Perhaps it was time to actually tell him.

"Come on, lets go inside. We will go ahead and ask her."

Regulus was excited as they ran in. The two went to Seres, which Harry had to pause before they walked to her.

She was resting on a chair, looking a tad pale.

"Seres, are you okay?"

She shook her head no. Harry noticed a bit of glass on her hands.

"Did you fall?"

She gave a nod. He could just tell that she wasn't fully attentive. He looked at Regulus.

"Is Mom okay?"

Harry knew that this wasn't okay. He carefully pulled her into his arms. "Regulus, take hold of my arm. We need to get your mother to St. Mungos." He told him.

Regulus took hold of his father. He was growing worried, his mother was not herself.

They arrived and a Healer took Seres to a room. Harry went to sit back by his son.

"Dad, what's wrong with Mom?"

Harry knew he couldn't keep hiding things from his son. "Your Mom is having another baby."

Regulus furrowed his brow. "Why? After all I caused?"

"You caused nothing. And there isn't any proof that she will have another werewolf." Harry didn't want to get into the fact that they were doing this for him. Astoria and Draco were now having a baby. The reason, Astoria didn't want Draco to be alone. The two had discussed a sibling may be good for their son.

Regulus had trouble making friends. He was so far advanced, that he didn't really get along with others. They had tried Teddy, but Teddy was playing with toys and Regulus thought that was childish. They boy didn't understand he was a child. It was hard to watch him be alone. So to them, it was worth the risk to make sure their son was happy.

The Healer walked back in, he made Harry feel a tad uneasy for some reason.

"Mr. Potter, is your wife a werewolf?"

Harry nodded, hoping this was an actual question.

"Okay, and your son here? Is he one...?" The Healer was being really odd.

"Yes I am, is my Mom okay?"

"Oh, she will be fine." The Healer walked back off, and Harry looked at Regulus, then back towards the Healer. He knew that werewolves were still not popular in the community. Would the Healer actually hurt his wife though?

He soon heard his wife scream in pain. Harry took to the room. Regulus sat still, hearing his father yelling and the Healer scream in pain. Harry left the room carrying his wife. Regulus didn't need instructions, he got up and grabbed hold of his father as they aparrated back to Grimmauld Place.

Harry carried his wife to her bed and laid. her down.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, as she grabbed her stomach.

"I think they injected some sort of silver mixture."

"The baby?"

"I really don't know. Nothing feels okay though." Seres snuggled into the pillow.

"Sleep, I will sit here with you."

And Harry did.

For a few months they worried about the baby and Seres. Though, everything really seemed okay. She got a little stronger and was able to get back to potion making. She needed to. Her potions were insuring that Draco and Astoria were going to have a baby.

She was there when Scorpius was born too. A blonde haired, pale skinned boy.

It was early August, and Harry was coming home a little early.

He ran up the stairs and found Regulus reading.

"How would you like to go to see the Quidditch World Cup?"

"I've never seen Quidditch."

"I know, but well you know it could be fun. I got a few tickets at work. They're in a private box, so you won't have to be near the noise and people."

The new thing with Regulus, loud noises bothered his ears.

Regulus could tell his father was like a giddy little school girl.

"Okay, I will go."

Harry nearly squealed as he ran to find his wife. Yes they had gotten married. Regulus made them.

"Want to go see Quidditch?"

"No." She replied. "You know I don't like Quidditch."

His eyes turned to the sad puppy dog expression.

"Fine, lets go."

And so they went. The match was Bulgaria and Scotland. An interesting match. Krum led the Bulgaria match as they crushed Scotland. When Krum got the snitch, the match ended and the crowd went wild.

Harry was cheering, with Draco by his side. Thanks to Seres, they resolved their differences and spent more time together.

Harry's cheers were quickly stopped, Seres was gripping his hand.


"We need to go somewhere."

Harry looked at Draco, who gave him a nod. He would watch Regulus.

The two began to leave the box, but she stopped him. "I don't think this baby is waiting."

Harry just looked around, he saw the locker room. He stepped in, and the team walked out. For Harry, of course they would. He lead her in, and after a few minutes he was holding a little boy that looked just like him.

"He's perfect." Harry remarked, as he wrapped him in some Quidditch robes.

"I told you that you'd get to name this one. So what's the name?"

"Albus Severus."

"Really?" She questioned. "Cursing your baby?"

"Hey, it's a good name."

She thought on it for a moment, "Fine." She was fixing to stand herself back up, but had to stop herself.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"I don't think we are done."

A few minutes later, Harry was holding a smaller boy. He was screaming his lungs off.

The two slowly walked out of the dressing room, where they bumped into Krum. Krum came over and smirked.

"I heard a baby was being born. Didn't know it was yours Harry."

"Yeah, we didn't think it'd be this soon."

Krum looked at the crying baby, and reached into his pocket, "Can I give him something?"

"Sure..." Harry responded.

Krum extended out his arm, and presented the snitch to the baby. The baby stopped crying, snatching the snitch and putting it in his mouth.

"Well, Harry, I think you finally have a child to play Quidditch with." Seres teased.

Draco and Regulus walked up, finally making it from the box. Regulus looked elated seeing the boys.

"Two?" He asked.

"Yes, two. Both boys." Harry told him.

"Are they werewolves?"

"We don't know." Seres replied, as she ran her hand over both of them.

"What are their name?" Regulus questioned.

""The bigger one is Albus Severus...the other...." Harry looked at Seres. They hadn't even named this one.

"Remus Moony."

With that the family went from 3 to 5, and Regulus had hopefully built in friends to solve his loneliness.  

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