Crossed Paths Lead to Better...

By propheticslytherin

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What if Harry didn't marry Ginny? After his first stay in Grimmauld Place he stumbled on his Soulmate? What i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

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By propheticslytherin

It had been a trying year, to say the least. Harry had to deal with Umbridge and teaching a class. Not exactly the year he had envisioned. At least he had somebody to send owls to from time to time. Sirius had been a great ear, but now he had somebody that didn't see him as a kid. Sirius had always tried his best to understand what Harry was going through, but sometimes it was hard to fully get the troubles of a teenagers.

Christmas had been frightening, to say the least. He had appeared as Voldemort's snake as she attacked Mr. Weasley. The only thing that brought him some peace was seeing Seres. She provided the antidote for the venom, which in the end helped save Arthur, but she had been more focused on helping Harry. Somehow she knew the horrors in his head, and had some of the better answers to the questions floating around.

Now, however, he found himself in a new limbo. He was on the train back to King's Cross. Sirius was now dead, and the world new Voldemort was back. Harry didn't know whether or not he would be able to go back to Grimmauld Place or if he would have to stay with his Aunt and Uncle. His friends tried to start a conversation with him, but he was in a daze.

The train came to a stop at the station, and he slowly walked off. This was not the place he wanted to be right now. A place full of happy families getting to go to their happy homes. He felt a little jealous of their luck.

Harry went and loaded up a cart with his trunk and Hedwig's cage. He slowly began to walk towards the barrier, dreading hearing his uncle make his degrading comments. However, before he reached the barrier he heard something else, almost like music to his ear.

"Harry!" He heard a voice call. He turned and a huge smile came to his face. Probably the first in days. Seres was standing there. For some reason she had come to the station to pull him from his miserable state.

"Seres!" He chimed, as he wrapped his arms around her. "Are you doing okay?" He asked quickly.

"As well as one can expect. Home is a lot quieter these days, which is a mixed blessing. Come though, you probably want to get out of this noisy place." She commented as she took his hand.

They walked through the barrier and began to walk out of the station.

"My uncle will probably be cross that I made him come out here for nothing." Harry grumbled.

"Oh, no need to worry with that. I paid him off."

"You paid my uncle?"

"Yes, he was pretty easy to bribe. I felt it was better than a Confundis Charm."

Harry laughed as they exited the station. "So how do we get home from here?" He asked.

"A car, silly." She teased as she flagged down a taxi. "I mean the street itself is perfectly visible. It's the house that's hidden."

"Oh, didn't think of that."

Harry was quick to put his things into the trunk and get into the car. The ride was silent as they made their way to Grimmauld Place. Harry was still happy. Yes, he was going to his Godfather's home, but it was her home too. It had happy memories and hopefully would give him a peaceful place to spend his summer.

Once they arrived, and were inside, Harry listened to the silence of the home for a moment.

"So, now that the Order isn't meeting here, and the Weasleys are gone, the home is open. If you want a different room, feel free. It's not like there is anybody to stop us from living life the way we want." Seres told him, "Oh and let Hedwig out, she can enjoy a break too."

Harry swiftly let her out of her cage, as he followed Seres.

"This place must have been miserable as a child." He noted.

"Why? The silence? I actually adore the silence." Seres responded. "I made you a Treacle Tart, kind of to celebrate your homecoming."

Harry went and looked at the oddly perfect surprise. It even had a spoon ready to go.

"Thank you, but you didn't have too. You're good enough for me."

"Cheap one liners, nice." Seres laughed as she went to sit by him. "But I can't lie, it is good to have you back home."

Harry began to eat on the tart, savoring the flavor and the feeling of being welcomed into a home. Well one that wasn't the Burrow. This felt like a different welcome. This home was beginning to feel like a true home. He looked at her and smirked a bit.

"So we are alone here?"

Seres had to think a moment, as the question seemed odd. Then she looked back at him, "Really? You are only 15."

"Well, I mean we don't have to...." Harry sighed as he blushed.

"I wasn't saying we shouldn't, if that's where we are in this relationship. I just find this a tad hilarious actually."

He stood up, and offered her his hand. Harry began to laugh a bit, as they went up the stairs.

*Flash forward to the summer of Harry's 6th Year*

Harry stepped off the train, at King's Cross. This year had ended as poorly as the last one, but he was excited to be here at the station again. He had last been back to see Seres at Christmas. It was probably the most magical moment of his life. So today, while he was reliving the image of Dumbledore falling from the Astronomy Tower, but his girl could really boost his confidence.

He wasn't let down, she was indeed waiting for him at the station. He walked to her, his trunk and cage in hand. Harry paused a bit, as he stepped closer he noticed she was wearing a different style of robe. He slowed as he got closer to her, and then began to get nervous.

Seres closed the gap between them. "Hello Harry."

He just kept looking, "Hi...." He looked her up and down, as he tilted his head slightly. "Are you...ummm?" He stuttered.

She sighed, resting her arm on her stomach, "Well, I didn't swallow a pumpkin. If that's what you're asking."

"We are...."

"Having a baby." She confirmed.

After that, Harry just saw black. Complete blackness. He finally came too, on a bed in Grimmauld Place, Seres sitting by him, putting a cool compress to his forehead.

"Sorry, I know I should have sent an owl, but I had no idea how to tell you in a letter. With everything going on, especially with Voldemort..."

Harry shook his head, putting on his glasses, "No, it's okay. I just didn't expect it. Well I should have...." Harry them thought a moment, a baby. Sure he may die in this war, but he also had made a baby. Something worth fighting for. Heck, he was a bit more like his dad now. And if he lived, he could give a child a life he had always longed for. He smiled, as he carefully put his hand on the stomach. "A baby..."

"Yes, a baby." She confirmed, "Tonks is ecstatic, her child will have a playmate."

"Tonks is having a baby?" Harry blinked in confusion.

"Yes, her and Remus. Kind of a secret right now." Seres confirmed. "Though your child has Remus really nervous."

"Oh why is that?"

Seres bit her lip a bit, as she pulled away from him. The next line may not go over well with Harry, but she had to be honest.

"Your child is a werewolf."

"So, you know I don't mind."

"It's not that Harry, most werewolves are bitten. There are no cases of werewolves that are born with the condition living. They are always weak, and die. Aside from one, Fenrir Greyback."

Harry looked down, no wonder Remus would be worried about his child being born a werewolf. And here Harry was, looking forward to this new life, and he was already being told he wouldn't get to see it survive.

"I should have taken more precautions, but to be fair, I never thought I could have children." She added.

"It's okay, it's not your fault and I am not mad." Harry assured her. "And you know what, you're a strong woman, with knowledge about Healing and Potions. Our kid will come out with a fighting chance."

"I appreciate your confidence Harry, but I just don't want you getting your hopes up." She said, as she put her hand on her stomach again.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine, funny thing this child. I have read about weird cravings with babies. So far, the only thing that's changed is meat makes me sick and I am always craving strawberries."

"That is funny, a werewolf that won't eat meat." Harry chuckled a bit.

"It is funny." Seres looked at him again, and then down. She had another secret she had been keeping. This war was fixing to get messy, and if this baby lived by some miracle, there would be more at stake. This wasn't an easy thing to tell him, and for the most part she didn't want to. But here they were, and she needed to. "There is something else."


Seres tapped her wand to her forehead. Harry watched her grey eye shift to green. A shade he recognized. And those eyes with her features, told Harry everything.

Before she could speak, he went to her side, and took her hand. "There is no need to tell me, this makes more sense than you being a Black." He smiled softly at her.

"You're not mad?"

"Well, I was beginning to wonder how you knew so much about me and what was in my mind. You're a Riddle."

She gave a nod, "Well I am a Black, my mother wasn't married to my father, and he hates the name Riddle, but I adore it."

"Well I don't care, one cannot be judged on the actions of their parents."

"Harry, I still have a close bond with him. I have been to see him on more than one occasion." She explained. "Just know, I have told him nothing about us or you. I know he's evil, but he is..."

"Your father. I know. I won't judge you on that either. As long as you understand I have to defeat him."

"May be hard."


"Have you heard of horcruxes?" She asked.

He gave a nod.

"My father made two living horcruxes, aside from Nagini. Both accidents. One was you." She began.



"And the other?"

"I am the other."

Harry was thrown into a world of panic. He may have to kill the woman he loved, their baby and himself....

"Don't worry, about yourself. I have a feeling Dumbledore put something in place. He had to of known. As for me, I have read that he will be pretty much dead when you get to that. From there I know how to keep him from coming back and terrorizing the world. I just need for you to trust me with his body."

"I will trust you."


He put his hand on her stomach again.

"I will need to leave eventually, but I promise to stay until the baby comes." Harry promised.

Seres rested her head on his shoulder. "Good, because I will need you here."

With that, the summer began. Harry's plunge into adulthood set before him.

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