[The new order] Rise of new...

Von VladimirKlaus

36.4K 1.1K 1K

Great power is a concept used in the field of international relations, used to refer to a sovereign state pos... Mehr

Part 1
Part 2: Power of Navy and problem of FSB
Part 3: Negotiate failure and run
Part4: Children?
Part 5: The attack of Black Eagle p1
Part 6: Slave
Part 7: Defense in Lecliunia
Part 9: The attack of Black Eagle p3
Part 10: Unwanted meeting and break time
Part 11: Diplomacy and Fritz's Trip
Part 12: Once again
Part 13: Brief intelligence and subsequent events
Part 14: Random encounter
Part 15: Improvisation
Part 16: Last push of war
Part 17: Economy, magic and Yuri?
Part 18: Adventure 1
Part 19: Adventure 2
Part 20: Adventure 3
Random Post
[Special Announcement]

Part: 8 The attack of Black Eagle p2

1.4K 48 132
Von VladimirKlaus

(A/N: Now let's get started)

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[Nigreosland / Forest of Azart]

Third person POV

It has been 30 day since the invasion of the Russian Empire against Nigreosland, the situation is now more and more in favor of the Russians.

As more and more important cities fell into Russian hands, and with that, efforts to repeal the Russians became more and more futile.

Confrontation wars between Russian and Nigreosland forces became less and less frequent as Nigreosland casualties increased and Nigreosland territory gradually shrunk.

The Russian Empire Navy isolated Nigreosland from the outside world and completely blocked merchant ships.

At first the merchants of the merchant ships were very surprised and scared by the fleet of warships of the Russian Empire and they did not dare to provoke those ships especially the other Tsar class and sooner or later other countries would know. only the presence of the Russians but that is another story.

Now back to the main issue when the efforts to stop the Russians are more and more futile, even the magicians can't stop the Russian steel wall

Russian forces were using quick tactics to defeat the Nigreosland forces weakened by VVS tactical bombing.

Even REA forces have successfully invaded an important city of Nigreosland.

Marco ordered that everything is burned to slow down the advancing Russian forces.

The Nigreosland forces and militia turned to guerrilla warfare to destroy or destroy the Russian ground forces and in response, Sergey deployed countermeasures to guerrilla warfare and the most typical. was by using napalm bombs against the forces of Nigreosland.

The demi-humans are now all more slaughtered and exploited because when there were rumors about the demi-humans joining the Russian army to fight them and it increased the hatred of the demi-humans and They revolted, but they were all put down.

Many people opposed the war including a few nobles because of the amount of damage it caused to the country being weakened.

Going back to the main story we can see the tired Nigreosland soldiers walking on dirt trails.

They looked tired and hungry from the long march and some even fell from exhaustion.

Noble: Damn keep going we're almost there!

A young noble said while riding on his horse.

Noble: Damn it was only those Russians that I had to suffer like that.

He complained as he recalled the skirmishes his army and others had engaged with the Russian forces.

And they were defeated again by the iron rods and the giant iron beasts of the enemy.

It was the scariest thing he had ever experienced in his life as each soldier fell without realizing it.

Nobles: Damn those barbarians don't have the spirit of knighthood?

He cursed again when he remembered that those cowards did not directly confront his army, but used the most infamous means of attacking from a distance.

Nobles: What cowards...

That caused the knights who followed him to understand who he was aiming at but no one asked.

R. Soldier of Nigreosland: Huh what is it.

He said when he saw something move from that bush.

Although he was quite suspicious, he just thought he was just dizzy.

R. Soldiers of Nigreosland: I must be looking at it wrong...

R. Soldiers of Nigreosland: Are you okay?

The person next to him said.

R. Soldier of Nigreosland: Oh it's nothing

But there is no way the enemy is hiding in the bushes and will be waiting to slaughter this entire army?

Although he could still see a glimpse of a long tube sticking out, it was probably just that he had walked for a long time and was dizzy.

But those were his last thoughts before a sound both familiar and haunting appeared.

R. Spetnaz: Grenades!

Quickly several rounds of RDG-33 rounds were thrown from either direction of that wide trail.

Noble: What?!

He said confusedly then the grenades fell to the ground and within moments its timing fuse fired.


Loud explosions were heard and the unlucky ones were thrown into the sky by the impact of the explosion, the lucky ones who did not die but were hit by shrapnel screamed in agony.

But it was not over when a series of rays of light was shot from the bushes.



Many soldiers were hit by bullets and fell, the horses were scared by the sound of gunfire and tried to run away.

R. Soldiers of Nigreosland: Dammit where they came from?

A soldier panicked as he tried to look around.

R. Soldiers of Nigreosland: They're in the damn tree-

Before the Nigreosland soldier could finish speaking, a bullet hit him in the head, knocking him down and leaving a bloody hole.

Along with that, a series of lives fell because of the bullets and the Nigreosland forces had not yet reacted to the sudden attack of the Russians.

Noble: Damn it, get out of my way!

He said that when he tried to spur his horse to run because currently with such a weak force, confronting the Russians would only lead to death.

A bullet shot out of nowhere, hitting the horse in the head and finishing it off quickly as the bullet pierced its skull and the horse fell with the rider.

In just a few minutes, the entire army of Nigreosland was annihilated.

The Spetnaz appear in green camouflage clothing with camouflage cloaks and all have their undersides covered and SS-40 helmets and sometimes even green berets in place of helmets.

In their hands are all guns like PPS-43, CKC and RPD.

Commander Spetnaz: Check them out and remember not to keep the survivors!

A masked man calmly said.

All Spetsnaz: Roger that!

The Spetsnaz said.

Soon the Spetnaz began to split up and check the corpses to see if there were any survivors, and when they saw any survivors, the Spetsnaz killed them all and did not take prisoners.

Meanwhile, a Spetnaz soldier was checking in when he saw a man being crushed by his horse.

Noble: Please help me

The nobleman desperately begged for the Spetnaz soldier, but in response to that request, the Spetnaz soldier remained silent and coldly pulled out his PPS-43 gun, aimed it at the nobleman's head, and then clicked the trigger to end his life. .

(Timeskip by a Sergey drinking tea when he hears the katyusha launching rockets)

Meanwhile, in a certain part of the forest we can see on the ground a track extending from the east to the west of Nigreosland.

From the distance, a train appeared and it was traveling on the track at an average speed.

Train of Russia Empire:

The special feature of the locomotive is that it has a Russian black eagle symbol with a red star inside it.

The shipments it carried were all essentials along with the BM-13N Katyusha currently being transported from the city of Lecliunia to the Nigreosland city of Udora which is currently occupied by REA forces.

It was an important city as it was located right next to the capital Kosmos to the west and was also full of resources such as iron, coal, diamonds, magic stones, and even oil.

(A/N: Russia Empire: Blyat those oil are mine!)

It can be said that Udora is an important link in Sergey's plan and his future, so he ordered Zhukov by all means to capture Udora.

And after taking it, Sergey ordered the construction of the Udora-Lecliunia railway to facilitate logistics.

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[Nigreosland / Udora]

Third person POV

Now in an army barracks outside the city one can see a temporary train station set up there and with it the carriages begin to open to reveal a mass of soldiers of the Russian Empire descending.. .

They all began to gather in their units' positions.

Tanks such as T-44, IS-2 are arranged in parallel with armored vehicles and artillery.

The soldiers all warmed up in advance to prepare for the upcoming battle that was about to begin.

R.Riflemann: So this is it...

A soldier mutters with some peculiar elf characteristics as he exits the train carriage.

It must be said that he and the other elves joined the army of the Russian Empire with the desire to protect motherland and protect their people.

And somewhere in a certain barracks one can see a group of people discussing something.

Sergey POV

Sergey: So does anyone have anything else to contribute?

I said while looking at my subordinates who were thinking.

Sergey: *sigh* Let's just say we need cohesion in this fight...

I said with a sigh as I looked at the young officers.

R. Officer: Yes, Your Majesty, is deploying Katyusha to bombard the area overkill?

Sergey: What do you mean?

R. Officer: Your Majesty, if it is okay to deploy Katyusha to bombard the inner city areas, as it causes civilian casualties.

Sergey: That is I don't care because if they dare to stand up and fight, civilian casualties are inevitable.

I said in my neutral and insensitivity

R. Officer: Yes I see...

Sergey: Good job and anyone else have any other questions?

Then a series of questions and some changes to the plan were raised and within a few hours the plan was considered complete.

Sergey: Maybe we're done leaving now you can leave.

I said when all the officers came out of the camp leaving me alone.

Sergey: *sigh* Finally!

I sighed as I leaned back in my chair.

Sergey's Intro: (Don't know if Liliya and Angela are okay?)

I thought and sighed again when I've been away from them for 7 days.

Sergey's Intro: (Hope the kids are okay...)

Dimitri: Master seems to be quite upset.

A familiar voice came out.

Sergey: Oh is that you?

I said when I realized who it was.

Sergey: Anyway, what are you here for?

I asked curiously.

Dimitri then hands me a cup of tea.

Sergey: ...Thank you?

I said then took a sip of tea.

Dimitri: It's my duty to take care of you, Master Sergey so please don't misunderstand.

Sergey: ...I see

Dimitri: Anyway, the master seems to be quite troubled on the inside, doesn't he? What's the problem, boss?

Dimitri was worried and seriously asked me.

Sergey: It's okay I'm fine just have some things to think about...

I said with an expressionless tone as I lowered the teacup onto the table.

Dimitri: *Sigh* Master Sergey you don't have to force yourself.

Sergey: "..."

Dimitri: Anyway, you're the emperor of a country, so don't stress too much.

He said as he left the room.

Sergey: *sigh*

I sighed and thought for a moment.

Sergey's Intro: (I see... but I guess I'll leave it for later)

I think then open the system interface.

Sergey's Intro: (I wonder what I should buy?)

I thought as I looked at the items that varied from the scariest to the weirdest of the 2nd World War and the money I earned from the war as well as the wealth of the nobles helped contribute a lot in the war. state treasury as well as my property.

Sergey's Intro: (Or maybe I should buy more buffs)

I thought as I remembered the buff I bought a few days ago to aid in the training of elves and demi-humans as well as those who wanted to secede from Nigreosland.

And what surprises me is that its side effect is to make that race loyal to the country of the person who used the buff on them.

Sergey's Intro: (Probably.)

I thought about it and continued to look for different items.

Sergey's Intro: (Perhaps I should invest in the foundation of new technology and production capabilities?)

I thought while looking at the other few items that even though it's a bit expensive, it seems to fit my budget.

Sergey: Maybe so...

I whispered when I pressed the buy button and the message board popped up with my money deducted.

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[Nigreosland / Kosmos]

Third person POV

A prosperous city of Nigreosland is now like a ruin after the bombing campaign of VVS forces was carried out.

Ruined houses and piles of dirt, debris, and bodies from shrapnel still appear in the streets, which have not yet been buried and cremated.

People wander the ruined brick streets of the street dropped by Tu-2 bombs.

That's what was left of the VVS bombing raid.

And in the palace of the capital Kosmos, things are now very tense as many cities are invaded and the nation's resources are increasingly limited.

Marco was sitting on his throne with a face of fear and anger as his efforts became more and more futile.

Marco: Why did things get so much worse and why are you so useless to let those barbarians advance so easily???

Marco said angrily.

R. General: My lord, they attacked so quickly that we hardly had time to prepare.

R. Nobles: My lord my forces have been destroyed and my economy is on the verge of collapsing along with the "Russian" barbarians coming so please do please there to save this crumbling country.

A noble with a pained tone said.

R. Noble: What shall we do now, my lord?

Marco: We-

Before Marco could finish speaking, a soldier rushed in.

Soldiers of Nigreosland: My lord, our scouts have detected enemy forces approaching the capital!

The soldier said that made everyone here surprised and panicked.

Marco: What but how why didn't you guys report earlier that they were preparing to attack!!?

Marco said angrily when he remembered that he had sent a reconnaissance team of "Russian" forces in Udora to prepare for bad situations, but he did not know that the entire reconnaissance team had been destroyed. destroyed by the "Russian" guard.

Soldier of Nigreosland: I don't know, my lord, we lost contact with the scout team in Udora.

The Nigreosland soldier spoke in fear as he lowered his face.

Marco: Damnit damnit get the fuck out of here!!!

He yelled causing everyone inside to rush out of the palace leaving only him inside.

Marco: That's it...

Marco said in a daze, cool and dejected as he sat on his own throne

(Timeskip a few hours later)

At one evening when the sun had not yet risen and the creatures were still asleep.

Then on the other side of the wall of the other capital Kosmos there was a large number of "Russian" forces gathered from afar.

And from that very darkness were a large number of BM-13 Katyushas lined up ready to open fire as well as several artillery brigades that were deployed in the other direction.

The Artillery Division had fully gathered a few hours ago to prepare for this decisive attack.

And their mission this time is very simple when the missile will be tasked with mass bombardment of the enemy's fortifications and bases to paralyze the enemy.

The artillery is responsible for supporting the advance of tanks and infantry fighting to ensure that all enemy positions of resistance will be destroyed and create opportunities for Russian forces to attack.

It must be said that the ground doctrine of the Russian Empire was very different from that of the Soviet Union in terms of minimizing ground force casualties.

Meanwhile, a middle-aged man was talking to his superior over the radio.

Captain: Attention entire company!

The Russian captain spoke to his missile company.

Meanwhile the whole company is ready when the inspection is done.

Captain: Prepare to fire in 3... 2... 1 open fire!

Katyusha fire:

In just a moment when in the quiet night, a series of light rays were launched from the forest that looked extremely beautiful but deadly.

Meanwhile in the capital Komos, the archers of nigreosland are now guarding the city walls.

Everyone here is tired and depressed as the war they are in is getting worse.

Some of them are inadequately trained and also undernourished.

While on guard, an archer suddenly saw something strange in the far distance of the forest.

A series of light rays flying up in the sky looked so beautiful it looked like the rays of a shooting star.

R. Prime Minister of Nigreosland: So beautiful...

One archer said as he looked at the beautiful rays of light.

The other Nigreosland soldiers couldn't help but look up curiously to see what it was.

R. Archer of Nigreosland: What is that?

An archer said while looking at it.

But they gradually realized that it was getting closer and faster and its hiss were so loud that it woke up the people behind the city wall and they were surprised by the sound.

Some even went out of the house to see what was going on.

R. Nigreosland Archer: Looks like it's getting close, isn't it?

In an instant, those beams of light flew over the heads of the Nigreosland Archers and landed on the other buildings.

*Booooom Booooom Booooom Booooom Booooom Booooom*

A series of high-pitched explosions appeared from the quiet night, startling people awake.

Then a series of screams of fear rang out and the Nigreosland soldiers were now also confused and scared by this.

Knight: Damn what happened?!

A knight charged forward with a face of fear and amazement.

Knight: Is the enemy attacking?!

R. Nigreosland Archer: I don't know either, sir-

R. Nigreosland Archers: Incoming!

Before the Nigreosland soldier could finish speaking, he saw a series of deadly lights appear once more and this time it was getting closer and closer to the edge of the wall.

R. Nigreosland Archer: Shit runs now!!!

R. Nigreosland Archer: Run!

A series of panicked and frightened screams rang out from the Nigreosland soldiers as they tried to run out of there for their lives.

And some people fell out of the city due to the pressure of other soldiers.

But those efforts were too late...

*Booooom Booooom Booooom Booooom Booooom Booooom*

A series of loud explosions from the city walls rang out again, but this time the victims were them.

Bricks and stones were scattered everywhere, and the terrible aftershocks caused by the explosion affected people far from the explosion.

And it is also a milestone to mark a decisive battle.

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(A/N: Is me author looks like this chapter is done and the next chapter might be the battle that will decide the fate of Nigreosland so let's see and at the end of this event I'll probably have to do some stats on the Russian Empire so please support  I'm sorry and sorry for the late release because I have a lot of work to do and I am quite lazy so please forgive me)


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