Love & Investigation

By _daisy_vibes_

200K 4.3K 343

meet Emily Skye willows and her 4 older brothers Jason mark willows 18 Daniel (danny) Craig willows 17 Shane... More

meet the family
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Not new chapt.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Authors Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 17

3.8K 86 3
By _daisy_vibes_

"Alright let's get started!" I said about to dig in to my food when Emily stopped us and said "WAIT! We need to give thanks!" "Alright Emily go ahead!" I said "dear lord thank you for everything you have blessed us with and forgive us for any wrong doing, please bless us this day and forever live in our hearts! In your glorious name I pray amen" she said "nice Em" said Danny "thank you, now we can dig in!"

This is going to be awesome!

*later that night*

The siblings finished their "meal" and where now just talking "so who is excited for school?" Asked Jason "I am it's going to be awesome to be a senior" said Danny and shane just nodded with a big smile "I'm not it's going to suck being a sophomore" emily said with a frown "aww does little Emily hate school?" Asked shane sarcastically "ha ha you are so funny shane, really!" Emily said mocking his sarcasm "well I am excited to be a sophomore, think of it this way your no longer a freshman and your one year closer to getting out of high school." Said Caleb "yea I guess you have a point" Emily said "I'm excited to start college, I start a week after you guys start" said Jason "lucky..." Emily mumbled "so how long are we staying exactly?" Asked Danny "just tonight tomorrow and the next day, we will leave the morning after the last day" Jason replied "alright well let's go to sleep so we can be up bright an early tomorrow!" He continued
Everyone went to their tent and fell asleep.

*next day*
*mid day*

After the siblings ate their breakfast which consisted of marshmallows and well basically their "meal" the night before. "Alright what does everyone want to do?" Jason asked Shane immediately answered "I want to go to a special place in the forest but I have to go alone..." "Why?" Asked Jason "I just... Do!" Shane abruptly answered "okay well you go do that but be careful"

*Shane's POV*

I walked into the forest I knew exactly where I was going everything looked exactly the same it was perfect, I walked for what seemed like ages but was probably only like 6 minutes until I saw it, I ran over to the little river I knew as kid and stared at it for a little while and then I saw the rock where my father and I used to sit and fish, a tear rolled down my face and I sat on the rock and began to talk "*sniffle* hey dad umm wow this place really hasn't changed huh? *sniffle* I feel closer to you here... I miss you dad *sniffle* I umm... I try to be strong you know, for them.... But you're my dad and I just... I really need you here.... I wish I could just talk to you again *sniffle* or see your face again... Get a hug from you- *tears rolling down his face* it's just been really hard dad... I mean first I lose you and mom and then my little sister gets traumatized and depressed, having nightmares and blaming herself, then I lose my girlfriend who was really a psychopath who hurt my little sister and I just don't know how much I can take! I need you dad .....
I really do... *sad laugh* I remember... When we fished out here dad, it was so fun and relaxing, it was just you and me... No one else and we would joke and fish and explore- and... I miss that... I miss you! I know I'm not the type of person that would do this but I am human I'm your son and you are my dad, there's only so much that I can take... I just... I just wish you could give me some sort of sign that you hear me..." I said full aware of the tears racing down my face just then I heard a tree branch crack I looked back and there was nothing there, I went to the tree and I saw something on the trunk it was a carving that said willows place it had my dads name and my moms name and my name and all the others names to... I smiled and then saw something hidden in a pocket on the tree I pulled it out and it was the hat my dad wore whenever we would come fishing!! "Dad!! Oh my gosh you heard me?! Dad- Oh my gosh I- I love you dad!!" I took the hat and hugged it I couldn't believe my eyes! I had my dads hat the very one he wore whenever we came out here!! I was crying now I was and I didn't care I ran back to the campsite and saw no one there... Maybe they went out exploring or something, well this was far to important "GUYS!! GUYS COME BACK ITS SHANE I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!!! GUYS?!?!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs not to long after there came rustling and out came Jason, Danny, Emily, and Caleb "what, what is it?" Asked Caleb "look what I found in a tree!" I said and held up the dusty hat that belonged to my father "Danny's eyes widened and so did Jason's, Caleb's mouth hung open and his eyes also shot open emily stood there on the verge of tears I could tell and then she smiled a smile that said 'OMG!' They all rushed around me and the hat and started bombarding me with questions, I wasn't gonna tell them about the river so I just said I found it in a tree which wasn't a lie. After a little while it got dark and we made a fire and sat around it, the hat was in my tent and we were all smiling and laughing when emily asked to see the hat again, "okay it's in my tent" I said and resumed the conversation "um shane where in your tent?" She asked "on my sleeping bag" I replied "no it's not-" she was saying and she got cut off by-


Hey guys CLIFF HANGER!! Sorry for the long wait but I am gonna write one right after this so y'all get two chapters really quick! Comment vote and follow! Love y'all! 😘😘

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