Tale of Two Hoods (Completed)

By thereallashleynicole

42K 1.7K 682

Two different people from two different sides of Atlanta. Kirkwood and Buckhead. The hood and the suburbs. Wh... More

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By thereallashleynicole

~Third Person POV

"Sir. Sir are you okay?" A bystander said running towards Isaiah as Joshua's friends ran away. "I-I'm fine." He groaned getting off the floor. "There's blood on your shirt. Do you want me to call 911?" She asked. Isaiah looked down at his shirt seeing blood but he was confused.

"This isn't my blood." He said.

He looked over seeing Jessica on the floor with a pool of blood leaking from underneath her body. "Fuck." He said running to her. "Jessica." He said trying to get her to open her eyes.

"Call somebody!"


~Isaiah POV

"We got here as soon as possible! What happened?" Keaunte said approaching me with Deja right behind him. "Oh my gosh Zay that's a lot of blood on your shirt!" Deja said. "It's not my blood. It's Jessica's." I said.

"What the fuck happened?"

"Is she ok?"

"I don't know yet." I sighed. "Okay just calm down for a second. Are you okay?" Keaunte asked. "I'm fine." I said. "There's a cut above your eyebrow, how did that happen?" Deja asked. "Nothing."

"Anytime I would back you up Isaiah but right now ain't the time to be hiding shit. What the fuck is going on?" Keaunte asked. "You remember the shit that popped off with Joshua and Jessica." I said making both of them nod.

"I sent some people to Joshua to make him pay for it."

"What do you mean you sent some people?" Deja asked raising a brow. "Big John." I said. "Oh no. Don't tell me he did what I think he did." Keaunte said. "I needed to get him back. He returned the favor and sent his friends to jump me. Jessica was trying to break it up but they just started shooting."

Before I could say anything, I could hear Jessica's parents.

"WHERE'S MY BABY!" Her mom yelled. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY!" She yelled trying to charge towards me but Keaunte and Deja grabbed her. "Let go of me!" She said fixing herself. "What did you do!"

"I didn't do anything."

"If my daughter dies because of you, I'll make sure you rot in a cell." Her dad said. "I didn't shoot her." I said trying control the anger that was building up. "Well who knows what kind of crazy mess you had her around. I knew you were no good for."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I said getting out the chair. "You and your hood rat friends. Got my daughter shot."

"Okay sir, please watch your mouth. As you can see, everyone is upset about the current situation here, so everyone just shut the fuck up and wait on Jessica." Deja said. "And who the hell are these two?" Jessica's mom asked looking at Keaunte and Deja.

"Oh, we're her hood rat friends." Keaunte said. "I'm going to get some air." I said walking out the hospital.


~Keaunte POV

"I can't believe this." I said to Deja as we walked back from the cafe. "Isaiah has been through too much these past few months. I can't imagine what would happen if he lost Jessica next." She sighed. "We aren't going to imagine losing Jessica right now. Nothing but good thoughts, she'll be okay."

"It's been a while since we've heard from a doctor K. We've been through this routine too many times to not know what that means." She said. "For the sake of Isaiah, Jessica is fine, okay." I said. We walked back into the lobby where her parents were. "He's still not back from outside?"


"That's weird. I'm going to go check on him." I said walking off. I went outside trying to find him but I couldn't. "Isaiah!" I called out looking around. "Didn't really want to sit in there alone with the rents." Deja said coming outside.

"He's not out here."

"Well where the hell did he go?" Deja asked. "Call his phone. He has to be around here somewhere." She said. I called him but it went straight to voicemail.

"He turned his phone off."

~Isaiah POV

There was knock a knock on my door as I was walking downstairs. I tried to ignore it but they wouldn't let up. I opened the door seeing my cousin Dre. "Can you move I got somewhere to be." I said trying to walk past him but he stepped in my way.

"Keaunte called me. Said you left the hospital and didn't tell anyone." He said. "I'm not obligated to tell nobody my whereabouts." I said still trying to walk off but he wasn't letting up. "You going back to the hospital, I'll drive you." He said.

"I'm not going back to the hospital."

He looked down at the bag that I was holding in my hand.

"Where you going?" He asked. "None of your business Dre. Can you get the fuck out my way?" I scoffed. "What's in the bag?" He asked but I didn't answer. "Dre, move."

"What's in the fucking bag Isaiah?"

Still not answering, he snatched the bag out my hands. He opened it seeing the gun that was inside. "Who's gun is this?" He sighed. "Give me back the bag, please. I have to to go."

"I'm not letting you go anywhere and do something you'll regret tomorrow." He said. "You can't stop me."

"Where did you even get this gun from?" He asked. "One of my dad's guns. I'd appreciate if you gave it back now." I said trying to reach for the bag but he snatched it away. "Your girlfriend was shot, now you want revenge. But you're not about to do that."

"You don't understand Dre. My girlfriend wasn't just shot. She was shot because of some fucked up shit that I did. I NEED revenge." I said putting emphasis on the need. "And you think revenge is going to make it better for you? If you go shoot at the niggas who did this to her, you ain't doing shit but making it worse for both of you." He said. "I can't keep going through this. I can't keep losing people."

"You've been through a lot of shit, aight. But we both know that if I let you walk away with this gun you will fuck up your life forever. You got a bright future cuz. You know that, I know that, my moms knew that. If she was here right now she would beat the shit out of you for even thinking about picking up a gun." He said. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Go back to the hospital and wait for Jessica to get out of surgery like everyone else." He said. "So I'm just supposed to let these fuck niggas get away with what they did? I'm not letting that happen." I scoffed. "I'll handle it."

"And fuck your life up? I can't let you do that."

"I fucked my life up the minute I joined a gang in middle school. Plus, I'm the one with the experience when it comes to holding a gun, let me handle this."


~ashkash2 💋

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