Be my Valentine (FIREAFY FANF...

By Objects_Take_Action

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The Definetely-almost-superly-end-of-the-month
I think Im In Love Part 1
I think im in love part 2
The Truth and the Dare
Living the nightmare
Not a chapter, please read!
The Slow Dance
The Party part 1
The Party part 2
Weather Condition Part 1
Revenge (Again)
The Day before Dance
The Conclusion
the fireafy instagram cult is blursed

Weather Condition Part 2

961 14 11
By Objects_Take_Action

PS- Another extremely long chapter.
PPS- There will be a duck face :P

February 9th, 2015

Leafy's POV:
As I waited outside the Nurse office in a wooden school chair, I cried. I hoped Firey would be okay. I pulled out my phone, and looked at some pictures of him and I. But I put it away, because it made me cry more. Tears fell down my face for what felt like forever, until the door swung open. "Leafy! Are you ok?" asked Firey. Wait, Firey? Could it be? I turned around. It was him. I blinked once. He was still there. I pinched myself. Still there. I blinked again. He was okay for real! I ran up to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me. "You're okay!" I repeated. "You're okay!" I cried tears of joy. He held me tightly in a hug. "Yes, Leafy, I'm fine." The nurse came out and said, "Firey is perfectly fine. Just one thing, protect your shoulder carefully for today, and before you fall asleep, take this pill with water and tomorrow you'll be completely fine. " He smiled at the nurse as she handed him a small medicine bottle with one pill in it. I still held on to him. "Er.. Leafy, where's my bag?" He asked. "Oh! Right here," I said, grabbing his belongings off of the empty wooden chair beside the one I had sat on. "Thanks. Now, let's get home!" he exclaimed.

Firey's POV:
As Leafy and I walked towards the exit door in the back, all of a sudden she grabbed my hand and didn't let go. I blushed a bit. There still were tears falling on her face. I stopped walking and with my free hand I softly wiped her tears. She hugged me again. I could tell she really wanted me to be okay. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I told her. We hugged for a bit more, and then I held her hand as we reached the door. "Oh my goodness, it's hail and snow!" I exclaimed as I looked through the glass. Leafy came and looked, too. It was coming down hard! "Oh no! I don't have an umbrella!" Leafy cried. "I do," I replied and pulled it out. "Lucky," she replied. "No, we're going to share." I told her. I pushed open the door and opened the umbrella. She stood there, looking at me. "Coming?" I asked. "Oh, uh, yeah." she replied, like she had snapped out of a deep thought. She came under the umbrella, but she was kind of on the edge of it. Half her head was hit by the hail, and drenched by the snow. "Leafy, no need to be so far away! Come closer! I can see the hail hitting you in the head!" I protested, but it a teasing sort of way. She moved in a few centimetres. "Closer!" I mentioned. She moved in a few millimetres. I frowned. She kind of turned away. I wrapped one arm around her and pulled her in really close to me, we were touching. "That's better," I laughed. Her face was turning a little red. She laughed a little, but she didn't seem too comfortable. I kept my arm wrapped on her shoulder as we walked. Her upper body was completely still and she couldn't really look at my face. "Leafy?" I asked. "You alright?" She turned her head and looked at me. She was crying again. I hugged her tightly. "Firey, I'm just really happy that you're alright. I can't imagine what would happen if y- you had-" she trailed off. "I couldn't leave my-" I stopped. I was about to say best friend, but I didn't want to friend zone her just in case she did like me, it would prevent her from, well, telling me. "I mean, I couldn't leave such an amazing person behind." I finished. She looked up at me. "Really?" she asked. "Really." I responded. We were so close. Our faces were 10 cm apart, and slowly getting closer. We were about to kiss! But suddenly, the umbrella fell out of my hand. I picked it up quickly. Wow, I thought to myself. Way to ruin the moment, fairytale prince. But I shook off the feeling as we reached Leafy's house.

Leafy's POV:
Wow, what just happened? I was so close to kissing him! I was slightly sad we didn't kiss, but I was happy because it was a sign he might love me back! I still can not wait for the dance. It's so freaking close! As I opened the door to my house, I kicked my wet shoes off and put down my bag. Yep, multitasking. I do it sometimes when I really want to get to relaxig quickly. Firey was waiting for me on the couch. Holding a small bowl half-filled with grapes. "Oh no, not that again!" I laughed. He could always get me in a good mood. "Open your mouth, I'll try to shoot one in." he told me. I opened it wide, and Firey flung a grape towards it. It missed and bounced off my neck. "Nice aim, hotshot!" I laughed. He laughed along and I sat next to him. I turned on the TV and put on the vampire movie at the part that I had just fell asleep on at my party. Firey turned the lights off and came back beside me. There was more screaming, and a girl making a duck face in the background. "Ahhh!" I yelled, and my head sideways landed on Firey's, who was copying the duck face. Apparently, he was trying to get my attention to show me his duck face, had his head turned my way and I screamed, jumped and my cheek landed on his duck face, so he pretty much kissed me on my cheek again. My face got hot again, and his did too. I didn't know what to say. "S-sorry Leafy! I d-didn't me-mean to do th-that!" Firey quickly said. "D-don't mention it, i-it's all good." I replied. He quickly turned back to the TV, and I did too. I saw another vampire scare to the duck face girl. I jumped and screamed again, landing on Firey again but this time my head landed on his chest. Then he wrapped his arm around me because I was so scared I was shaking. He smiled and looked into my eyes. Now I was shaking because he was looking at me really romantically, not because of the movie. Suddenly, the lights in the kitchen turned off, and the TV did too. Suddenly, I heard thunder. "Oh crap, the power's out!" I exclaimed.

Firey's POV:
"Oh crap, the power's out!" Leafy exclaimed. I pulled out my phone and got a text from my mom saying, "WHERE ARE YOU? The power's out and we just got home." I texted them back saying, "I'm at Leafy's place. The power just went out and I think I'll stay here with her for a while because she's scared." My mom replied saying, "Ok, glad you're inside. And you are so cute, staying with Leafy! I'm sure she loves you back. See you later, Firey." "See you," I replied, and put down my phone. Leafy wasn't beside me anymore. "Leafy?" I called out. "I'm here," she replied, and came with a flashlight. "Crap! It's dead." she replied. Suddenly, I heard a low pitched laughing sound and footsteps. Leafy grabbed a blanket beneath the couch, and hid under it. She was scared. I picked her up with the blanket on her and bring her back to the couch. "AHH!" She screamed. "Don't worry, It's Firey." I told her. "Oh, phew." she sighed in relief. I laid her down on the couch and she sat up, the blanket still on her. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a matchstick and lit a fire on the candle that was on the table. I brung it over to the living room, and set it on the coffee table in front of Leafy. I smiled at her in the warm light. She smiled back. Then she shivered. She was cold. So I wrapped some of the blanket on myself, came close to her and gave her a hug. Then when I let go, I heard her yawn. She then fell asleep and laid her head on my shoulder. I blushed, but she couldn't see it because she was asleep. After a few minutes, I tested to see if she was asleep. I called her name softly a few times near her ear, put on guitar music on my phone that wasn't too loud but near her ear, and shook her a few times. She was still asleep, and softly snoring. So I got close to her face, and kissed her cheek again, longer and more passionately than I had ever before. She stayed asleep. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her and fell asleep myself. These are the most romantic days of my life!

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