A Race Car In Axle City

By Moonaline

7.4K 104 569

Blaze and AJ take Speedrick to Axle City to make friends. Doesn't really go so well. More

Meeting The Friends
Meeting Crusher And Pickle
Testing Starla
Meeting Blaze Family
Testing Pickle
Heading To The Bakery
Meeting Blackbelt
Meeting Roarian
Testing Stripes
Meeting The King And The Knights
Heading To Animal Island
Meeting Gasquatch And Genie
Testing Gabby
Meeting The Pickle Family
More Testing
Testing Blaze

Breaking Crusher

422 8 15
By Moonaline

Warning: Mentions of Rape and Lots of Harassment and of course, Kidnapping DX

"Alright, that was a LONG day," Blaze sighed as they went into his and AJ's apartment, which was where they stayed before their family came to Axle City. "Okay, Speedrick, you can sleep here for the night. After the race tomorrow, we're heading back to Velocity Ville,"

"What?! WHY?!" Speedrick pouted. "I'm having so much fun!"

"YOU are, but no one else is," AJ pointed out. "You've overstayed your welcome,"

"Ugh, fine," Speedrick huffed. "but I'm SO winning the race tomorrow!"

"As long as you don't cheat like Crusher does," Blaze told him.

"Not promising anything," Speedrick smirked as he turned to go to the bedroom. "I'm gonna take a rest. I'm tired after the whole day of getting beaten up,"

"Technically that was your fault, but alright," Blaze sighed and turned for him and AJ to leave. "Goodnight. See you tomorrow,"

"Yeah, yeah," Speedrick rolled his eyes as he turned to watch the two leave.

As soon as he was gone, he turned to drive to the window. He opened it and headed out, moving through the rooftops while he tried to avoid being spotted by anyone driving through the streets.

After a while, he soon found who he was looking driving to a building and followed after him. He jumped to a balcony and peered through the window, into the apartment to find Crusher on the phone.

"...so you'll be home by tomorrow?" he asked.

["Yeah,"] Pickle's voice echoed through the other line. ["Because of what that bitch did, Baby Gherkin needs to have her rest after all the repairs, and I need to watch over her. Sorry I can't come home,"]

"It's alright, hon,"Crusher gave a small smile. "Just take care of Baby Gherkin, and if you're not home by tomorrow, I'll come and visit you two instead,"

["D'aww, thanks, sweetheart!"] Pickle giggles. ["Goodnight! Love you!~"]

"Love you too," Crusher blushed. "Goodnight,"

With that, he hung up and headed to the kitchen get something to eat before heading to bed.

Speedrick watched him lustfully, a smirk on his face as he picked the lock of the window and opened it. He snuck inside the apartment and headed over to follow after the dark blue truck. He found him ready to pour himself a glass of milk, with his back towards him.

'Perfect opportunity.'

He snickered and took out a cloth from his back as he slowly approached the dark blue truck. Just as Crusher finished pouring the milk, Speedrick quickly placed the cloth over his face, causing the dark blue truck to struggle in shock and drop the glass. The glass shattered, and the milk spilled as Speedrick dragged Crusher backwards, cloth still on his face.

After a few minutes, the drug took effect, and Crusher fell limp. Speedrick smirked and dropped the cloth before taking out a sack and placing him inside then he carried the sack as he drove out of the apartment through the window.


Crusher groaned as he woke up to find himself in an unknown place. He was staring at a door of a room while he found his tires tied to the posts of a bed.

"What...?" he glanced around in confusion. "Where... am I...?"

"Hey, lightning boy~"

Crusher shuddered at the familiar voice before turning to see Speedrick standing within the darkness of the room. He growled.

"W-What do you want from me?!"

"You know what I want, sexy~" Speedrick purred as he went closer, tire moving to grip the other's chin and force it up.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" Crusher snarled, though internally his heart was racing with panic. "LET ME GO!"

"No." Speedrick rubbed his face against the other forcefully, kissing his cheek lustfully. "It's just you and me tonight, lightning boy~ Whether you like it or not~"

"FUCK OFF!" Crusher struggled to get away, but his tires were too firmly tied to the post for him to get out. "I DON'T WANT YOU!"

"But I do~" Speedrick kissed the dark blue truck with tongue, tasting him as much as he could as his tires roamed the rest of the other's body.

"BLEH!" Crusher turned to pull away and spit out any saliva left in his tongue. "You are DISGUSTING!"

"SHUT UP!" Speedrick punched him hard, causing one of his upper exhaust pipes to tilt. "You WILL FUCKING OBEY, BITCH!"

"N-NO! I WON'T!" Crusher still resisted, shaking his head as he began to tear. "JUST LET ME GO HOME!"

"NO!" Speedrick hit him again, which made his other upper exhaust pipe tilt. "You WILL OBEY ME, you little slut! Even if I have to fucking break you, bit by bit!"

Crusher gritted his teeth as the other towered over him. He tried to scream for help, but Speedrick managed to grab a cloth and tie it over his mouth to gag him.

"Not a chance, sexy~" the white truck smirked and hopped himself on the other. "I told you that you'll be mine~ Even if I have to break you to do so~"

Crusher whimpered as he felt the other on him, tears streaking down his cheeks as he pleaded for the night to end and for him to survive it...


{The number you're trying to reach is unavailable right now, please try again later}

"Argh..." Pickle grumbled in frustration as he failed to reach out to his boyfriend that morning. "Not again..."

"Pickle? What's wrong?" Tillie asked as she and Millie drove over to their brother.

"It's Crusher," Pickle sighed. "He said that if I'm not home by morning, he'd come and visit me and Baby Gherkin, but he isn't here yet,"

"Maybe he's just running late?" Millie guessed.

"Maybe... but he's not answering his phone or anything," Pickle shook his head.

"Huh, that IS strange," Tillie frowned. "And we all know that Crusher would come here to check on you and Gherkin when he says to, so... what could have happened?"

"I don't know, but I want to find out," Pickle kept his phone. "Can you two watch over Baby Gherkin while I go back home?"

"Sure, Pickle!" Millie nodded. "Go ahead, and call us when you need us!"

Pickle smiled and waved them goodbye before zooming out. He drove through the streets, quicker than he's ever gone before finally ending up at their apartment building. He entered the building and headed to their apartment door.

"Crusher?" he knocked on it gently. "You in there?"

There was no response. He took out his set of keys and unlocked the door to find the place empty.


He entered the apartment and headed to the kitchen. He gasped as he found shattered glass and spilled milk on the floor.

"What...?" he looked around and found two pairs of tire tracks from the milk spill on the carpet. "Who...? What?!"

He followed the tire tracks to the halls, where the tracks reduced to one pair that headed out of the open window. The open window made his stomach drop as he realized what happened. His panic rose, and he immediately took out his phone to call his sisters.

"Tillie! TILLIE!"

["Pickle?"] his oldest sister's voice rang out in surprise. ["Pickle, what's wrong? What happened?"]

"It's Crusher! He's been kidnapped!"


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