Winginnit Future AU

By RetroDayZ

7.9K 358 97

Winginnit au set in the future (basically meaning: technologically advanced, yes, but at what cost to its peo... More

Part 1 :D
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Wilbur's Backstory
WB 2
WB 3
WB 4

Part 5

683 30 27
By RetroDayZ

The next few days were less than amazing, with the green man with the bucket hat coming in each morning and speaking to me in that other language while I hissed insults from my fortifications under the bed. 

He was persistent, I'd give him that, but it was getting annoying, he brought food with him and usually left it after trying to get me to come out when I refused. I didn't really eat or drink much ever, there was always much more food than I could dream of ever eating.

After about three days had elapsed in this manner, when a guy with a green hoodie and an ominous smile mask entered the room. The green man with the bucket hat had already come and gone that day. So who was this? He looked lost, almost looking for something. 

I don't think he even knew I was there, as he sat on top of the bed sighing. I chuckled internally about the scare I was gonna give this man. Then suddenly I grabbed one of his ankles with my hands, he leapt off the bed shrieking as I buried myself back under my nest-pile leaving me a slit to watch the man through. It was entertaining to watch but I could tell he could see the reflections of my eyes under the bed.

He called out something in the same language the bucket hat man had used. I hissed in return knowing whatever language I spoke he couldn't understand but he could understand my warning. Which is why I was surprised when he leapt forward and grabbed my blanket nest pulling it and me out effectively trapping me within it. I squawked in shock before I was pulled out of the pile by my wrist, which seemed rather humiliating. 

To say he was surprised was a bit of an understatement. He nearly dropped me but caught me before I could touch the floor. I flared up my one good wing trying to use it to unbalance him as he held me up by my wrist. He then let me fall as he fell to the side having been unprepared for my movement. I landed on my feet and ran straight out the door as fast as I could. I knew he was chasing me, as I turned a corner and saw him hot on my tail. 

The sea of Androids closed around me as I ran in the direction of the garden place but before I got there I saw the guitar man. I leapt onto his back not thinking, only fear motivated, I clung to him like my life depended on it which very well might've. He turned around as the masked man strode up behind him aiming to grab me I supposed. I took a peek over his shoulder and saw the smiley mask man begin to cower. I buried my face into his jacket as I clung on, knowing I would be safe if I stayed there.

"Hold on kid!" The guitar man whispered, but he didn't need to tell me twice. He began to pursue the smiley man as he ran, with me clinging to his back, we chased him for some time till we reached a dead end cornering him, there were no androids here, just the smiley man, the guitar man and myself. 

Then guitar guy leapt forward and grabbed Smiley's hands in a way that detained him so he couldn't fight back. Then with one hand still holding Smiley captive, he drew his other hand into his pocket and pulled out a small dart and uncapped its tip with his teeth before stabbing it into Smiley's arm. I slid off his back and stumbled, crying out as my bad wing touched the floor.

The Guitar guy looked at me strangely then saying, "Why don't you hop back on, I can take you to the infirmary and get the wing of yours looked at."

"Okay," I said.

"By the way I don't think you mentioned your name," he commented as I hoped back on his back.

"It's Tommy, what's yours?"


"Wilby?" I asked, not hearing him fully.

He chuckled, "Sure kid."

Wilby then picked up the unconscious man with me still on his back. And walked for a little while until we reached a large opening that had the words "guard house" above it.

We walked in and Wilby walked down a set of stairs into a long hallway of doors. He opened the very first cell to his left and put the man inside, taking care to lock the door with a set of keys that he produced from his coat. Then we walked back up the stairs and out of the "guard house" and eventually made it to the "Infirmary" as Wilby had called it. 

He spoke to a pretty pink haired woman who indicated that I needed to lie on a bed with my stomach on the bed so she could look at my wing. I bit down on the pillow in front of me as she tried to extend my wing. It hurt a lot more than I had expected it would, she sighed and came back with some materials, but mostly bandages.

She whispered something to Wilby and he said to me, "This is going to hurt but she needs to put the bone back in the right place so it'll heal properly. Let me know when you're ready."

"I'm ready," I said, trying to muster confidence in my voice. Then she shoved it, hard, I screamed in agony digging my fingers into the mattress. It was quick but painful, then the pinkette proceeded to wrap my wing against my side so it would stay in place while it healed. I breathed in relief when I could sit up.

 As Wilby and I began exiting the infirmary a very anxious looking Piglin hybrid ran towards us, he was fully clad in armor and looked very relieved to see me. I assumed Wilby began explaining what happened, but I just sat down with my knees to my chest, zoned out and in my own thoughts. Who was that Smiley guy and what was he doing in my cell of all places, what had he been looking for, what-

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the Piglin, he looked concerned, and was gently rubbing my back in small circles.

"Do you need something," I half-laughed.

"Tommy you scared me, you know that?" He said.

"I would've loved to stay in the room with that Smiley guy but he looked like wanted to kill me, sorry for surviving," I returned wryly.

"No, not that, you keep spacing out."

I shrugged not knowing how to answer, standing up.

He sighed, "Just follow me." We took a set of stairs to the left and went up, and arrived at a different room that was more furnished and honestly looked more comfortable than my previous abode though I noticed the lock on the outside.

Before he let me in I asked, "Remind me your name again?" I know he never mentioned it before but I wanted him to tell me.

He looked surprised, "it's Technoblade, but I rather people just called me Techno."

Techno, another name to add to the list, possible friend?

I looked warily around the room, it was posher than I was used to. A big bed in the center with a desk and chair off to the side, and a soft rug. I grabbed Techno's arm when he tried to leave, "wait don't leave, not yet, can you stay a little while longer please I don't want to be alone."

He sighed but nodded his head, and sat down on the bed indicating for me to do the same. I sat down and asked, "Do you know why the guy with the bucket hat keeps visiting me everyday? It's getting annoying, and I can never understand what he's saying."

The Piglin chuckled, "He is your father, and he was speaking the native language of this place, the Antarctic Empire. You and I are speaking Piglin, a hard tongue for most non-Piglin hybrids to learn but it seems you know it well."

"He's not my dad though, my dad wanted me dead, he tried to kill me once, but I got away and I ran and I've been running ever since," I said sniffing lightly.

"I can assure you he is your father, however I can explain your confusion. When you were very young your mother ran away with another man taking you with her. If I can remember correctly her hybrid ability was a deer and the man's was a bear."

I think back to my mother and father in that horrible old home, my mother did have antlers, but my father didn't have any hybrid abilities. Did he? I thought back to when he had almost killed me, his fingers had torn at my side barely missing my stomach, they had been sharp, like claws, but like bear claws?

I grit my teeth in memory of the pain and my despair in that moment as I ran away. I taught myself how to do most things and had even taught myself how to fly when my wings had finally grown. I had only been eight at the time when I ran away and now I was eleven, a lot had elapsed in that time.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Wilbur tipped us off after he said he had found you in his van, said you looked a lot like Phil, and that when he had come back to collect you someone else had nabbed you. So I went to the only place I thought you might be and low and behold I had found you."

"Don't you mean Wilby?"

He snorted and replied, "sorry, yes, Wilby, Wilby told us where you were and helped us find you when you escaped out the window, which reminds me, why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

I yawned curling against him (Platonic brotherly ness technobro moment :) ), "I don't know, I guess I didn't think you'd help me maybe."

I closed my eyes and then before I knew it I was asleep.

<Techno s POV>

Techno looked down at the small skinny kid leaned up against his side. The kid was sleeping that was for sure, but what had he gone through at that house. He was so jumpy and untrusting of everything, but that had saved him from Dream. 

What had Dream been doing here anyway, Wilbur said he'd locked him up in the maximum security area of the guardhouse but Techno knew it wouldn't keep him there for long. Truth be told he was worried for the kid, but more worried that he wouldn't come around to Phil. He knew how much it broke Phil's heart each time the kid couldn't trust him. The little Theseus Phil had raised so lovingly now looked at him like he was a stranger.

Sighing he stroked the kid's hair, he could already see the blonde starting to come back in at the roots and the white in his feathers coming back as well. He was almost the spitting image of the young Phil that Techno had looked up to as a child.

He closed his eyes, lost in his remembrance and falling asleep next to the kid.


1900 words dude I'm tired

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