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By DwarfMaiden

16.1K 1K 302

Imagine for a moment that all the characters of The Hobbit (and probably of The Lord of the Rings) are trappe... More

Just like any day | The Company
Surprise | Kili [request]
A Second Chance | Bagginshield [request]
Of Beers and Winks | Bofur
A Cold Meeting | Thorin
Clash of Swords | Fili & Kili [request]
Butterflies | Bilbo [request]
Disco Ball | Thranduil
To love again | Thorin
Reunion | Bard [request]
Presents and joy | The Company
Moonlight | Thorin
Peace & well-being | Fili
Reverie | Bofur
Trapped & lost | The Company
Got tagged!
Robbery | Dwalin
Found you | Fili
Got tagged again!
Rescue | Thorin
Fireworks | Gandalf
Freefall | Kili
Forgive me | Bofur
Trapped & lost II | The Company
You're not alone | Fili & Kili
Safe | Legolas
Between bars | Dwalin
Love recipe | Bilbo
Under ashes | Thorin
Unexpected visitors | The Company
Beyond death | Thorin
You're not alone II | Fili & Kili
Winter holidays | The Company
Solivagant | Thorin
Dad | Bofur
In other times | Kili
At first sight | Thorin
Always yours | Bard
A merry old inn | The Company
Lost my way twice | Thorin
Magic runes | The Company
Teddy bear | Dwalin
Return to prosperity | Thorin
A jewel for the queen | Thorin

Destiny | Thorin

257 21 3
By DwarfMaiden

It was a rainy day, the trees were shaking vigorously and lightning flashed across the gray skies multiple times in no time. Y/n was in her house with the mobile and the music on, writing with her friend, when suddenly a powerful lightning crossed the skies and the flash next to the thunder scared her. She looked at the street, at the sky, and tried to relax. Once she got it, she turned her gaze from the street to the cell phone and it was at that unexpected moment that she received a message from a number that she didn't know. She opened the message and what she found surprised her, as that person knew her name. The message read like this:

"My dear friend Y/n, you have no idea how much it cost me to get in touch with you. I know that right now you will be very confused when reading this, more so seeing that I know who you are. Don't worry, because you know me the same as I do you. Well, I don't want to deviate from what I have come to tell you. Did you see that lightning so bright and hear that thunder so loud? I invite you to go to the window and look to your right, right at the streetlight. There you will see me and you will know who is hiding behind these words. Once you see me you must wait for the next lightning to appear, but not just any lightning, but one like the one that surprised you. When you have seen it, if you trust my words , I invite you to leave your house and come to the same streetlight where I am. See you ".

Y/n took her eyes off her cell phone and at times she felt fear, a chill ran through her being and she began to tremble. She looked towards the window and, very suspicious, she approached until she was leaning out, directing her gaze towards the streetlight. Her eyes widened to meet a slender gray figure with a long gray beard holding a staff and wearing a pointed hat.

-Gandalf!! -She yelled, watching him wave to her and laugh-. But what is Gandalf doing here? He doesn't exist, he's only in films and books...

At that moment a blinding lightning reappeared followed by a powerful thunder and Y/n was scared again. Once the fright left her body, she looked at the streetlight again, seeing that Gandalf was gone. Y/n opened her eyes more than necessary and remembered the message. She then decided to take her hooded coat and decided to go out to the direction of the streetlight.

Gandalf still didn't appear and that made her look everywhere, searching for him with her eyes.

-Gandalf? Gandalf! -She yelled as she soaked herself in the rain, but as she unconsciously leaned against the streetlight, the rain gradually stopped falling on her head and the strong wind became a gentle breeze. The sky was no longer gray, but had turned to an azure sky, and birds could be heard singing. The streetlight had become a white wall of a house and she felt a certain magic in the environment.

-Where am I? -She wondered, looking everywhere, until she could recognize the place. It was Rivendell.

Male voices could be heard talking among themselves, loud voices that were not typical of elves, and, among those voices, she could hear one that always made her sigh. That made her open her eyes, feeling a twinge of excitement, and she ran in the direction of the voices. However, that same voice began to shout at the sound of a horn and, when she leaned out to see what was happening, she could see Thorin's company surrounded by several horses ridden by elves. Y/n put a hand on her mouth as she gazed at him, seeing Gandalf right next to them alongside Lindir.

She went straight to the wizard and she saw that he was still talking so placidly to the elf, until he noticed her presence and looked at her.

-Oh, my dear Y/n, you have come at last -said Gandalf with a smile-. I'm glad to see you here, because you're going to have a task of the utmost importance to accomplish.

Y/n was confused.

-What task? -She asked curiously, but she was interrupted by Elrond, who immediately started talking to the magician and cut off all the conversation that the wizard and the young woman were having.

It was then that Y/n's gaze shifted to look at the dwarves who were watching menacingly at all those elves that surrounded them and, at one point, the young woman crossed glances with a serious and robust looking blue-eyed dwarf, with his pretty wavy, black hair partially covering his face. It was at that moment that Y/n looked away from him. She recognized that she had always been fascinated by that dwarf, she always watched the movies just to see him, and having him in front of her made her the most nervous person in Rivendell at that time. She felt intimidated and insecure, for she always thought that if he were real he would never notice her.

Thorin's eyes fell on her without taking them from her for a second, regardless of whether she returned again with Gandalf to talk about something that, apparently, was very important, because she looked nervous.

-Gandalf, you must listen to me, I know what is going to happen to each of these dwarves and not just to them -she said, grabbing his arm.

The wizard turned to look at her again, curious.

-Tell me -he said, intrigued.

-You have to go to Dol Guldur before Sauron arrives, so you can avoid Thráin's death, he has to meet with Thorin -she explained with a certain blush.

Gandalf opens his eyes upon hearing those words.

-Thráin is in Dol Guldur? You know more than I thought. Then it is true, you will really help me to attend to some matters... Of utmost importance to the dwarves.

-What is it, Gandalf? -She asked, but she received no answer, for once again, Elrond interrupted them to invite them to a banquet.

Y/n rolled her eyes, patience at times wearing out.


Everyone was eating at the table, talking to each other, laughing, and paying attention to the new member, Y/n, because apparently she knew a lot about their journey and she had told them just what they had experienced until they reached Rivendell. They all wanted to know what the future held to them, but Y/n was only turning her attention to the dwarf king, sitting at a separate table with an elf and a wizard. Apparently Thorin did not agree with taking a woman with them.

-If I thought that bringing a hobbit into our company was a bad idea, I don't even want to think what a woman would do, not considering that the woman is from another world -Thorin said with a frown-. Look at the clothes she wears, so strange, and always with that strange device in her hand, doing what she calls "photos" to the food and everything she sees. She's not going to bring us anything but trouble. She doesn't seem to know how to use weapons and I doubt that she knows how to defend herself. Once again I do not agree with your choice, Gandalf.

-But having her will give us a great advantage on this journey Thorin, you must trust me -the wizard continued insisting.

-I've said no -Thorin said, shaking his head-. I want her back in her world. Enough nonsense, Gandalf. If you'll excuse me.

And the dwarf king got up from his chair, passing Y/n's side and looking at her with face of few friends.

Y/n had heard everything and she was upset. The dwarf she liked so much had said all those things in front of her and in front of everyone. It was to be expected with his tough character, but it wasn't expected that he would be so harsh with her. The environment had become somewhat awkward and without many words.

-Alright lads, there's only one thing to do-said Bofur, getting up from his place to get on a stool and then start singing and dancing. In this way he got everyone's attention, but Y/n knew what was coming and she didn't want to be in a food fight, so she got up too and went to the rooms that the elves had lent them to rest. She was a bit demoralized.

The woman was walking down the hall with a slow step, thinking of those words. She now understood Bilbo and she knew what he was going through. She stared at the white candles lighting the hall, the large windows partially obscured by raw yellow curtains. Y/n was looking at everyone's rooms, seeing that each door had different names, and before reaching hers she came across Thorin's door, which was half open, revealing Thorin's belongings resting on the bed. She looked around and saw that no one was coming. The woman then decided to enter the room, slightly closing the door.

She saw some backpacks resting on the leg of the bed, they were from Fili and Kili. Y/n bent down a bit to see what was in them when she, right next to it, on the floor, saw a wooden hatch with a latch partially hidden between the bed and the backpacks. It caught her attention and, after looking at the door again to make sure that no one was there, she opened it with some force, since the lock was hard. To her amazement, she could see absolutely nothing on the other side, only a few stone stairs in good condition and a lighted gold and silver lantern hanging on the wall. The light of it didn't let see what was below. And Y/n, curious again, decided to go downstairs.

-Just a little -she said, leaving the hatch open just in case she had to flee.

The woman took the lantern to help herself with the light it gave off and saw that as she progressed, the stairs began to look more neglected, the stone corroded and she heard leaks, drops of water falling into what looked like puddles or even something larger than that. Y/n could see a white light in the background, but only that, nothing more. She put the lantern on the ground, because she no longer needed it, and, as she went into that white light, she began to hear the screams and laughter of children on the other side. Y/n continued down the stairs and, without realizing it, the stairs began to climb towards an unknown place.

And, suddenly, the light gradually revealed what it was hiding: a park full of children playing. She was very confused by what her eyes were contemplating, still in the place. When she thought about it a bit, she turned around and saw that no portal was there, just a few stairs that led down to a public restroom.

-What? -The confused woman asked. When she looked in front of her, she noticed several parents sitting on the benches that surrounded the park and, between those benches, she could see one in which someone with a somewhat peculiar appearance was situated. She drew closer until she saw that he was none other than Gandalf again.

-What? What are you doing here again? -Y/n asked approaching the bench.

Gandalf tried to light his pipe with some effort, pretending that he was not listening to Y/n but, indeed, he was listening.

-I was waiting for you, Y/n, it took you a long time -replied the wizard.

-But you were talking to Elrond and Thorin at the banquet 5... Or 10 minutes ago.

-That doesn't matter now, the important thing is that you've come this far and now I have to reveal something else to you.

-What is it, Gandalf? Tell me, now that no one can interrupt us -Y/n said, sitting down next to the magician.

Gandalf kept trying to light his pipe with great concentration, but mostly concentrated on the woman, without her suspicion.

-You know more than anyone what is going to happen, as you well said -said the wizard.

-Yes -she replied.

-Then the prophecy must be fulfilled, you will be the one to change the course of the company's journey and the fate of the dwarves.

-Prophecy? Prophecy of what? -She asked, more confused than ever.

-The prophecy that one day a woman from another world, a world parallel to Middle Earth, will come to sow order among the disorder, to avoid multiple misfortunes that from the beginning were determined to come true, and from what I see, that time has come, and that woman is you.

Y/n opened her eyes when she heard those words and at times her head exploded. She didn't really know what to say, she was speechless.

-But I've only read the books and watched the films.

-What have you done? -Asked Gandalf.

-I've read the books and watched the... -Y/n tried, but her words were cut off by a groan from Gandalf.

-Forgive me, dear Y/n, but would you mind getting me a fire to light my old pipe? It doesn't work the way it used to -Gandalf asked with an endearing smile.

-Sure -Y/n said, nodding without knowing what she was really doing.

She went to a tobacconist to buy a lighter, and when she returned to the bench, Gandalf was gone. Y/n snorted and sat right where the magician had sat and, when she fully leaned back, she suddenly fell to a barren land full of blood and torn bodies; shouts, roars and clashes of swords and other weapons were heard around. A great battle surrounded her, and elves, men and dwarves alike battled an inordinate number of orcs, trolls, and wargs who threatened to destroy the rebuilt city of Dale and, at the same time, usurp King Thorin's gold.


Y/n got up from the ground, seeing multitudes of beings fighting each other. She had to get away from being crushed by a large pale pink troll that was moving astray across the battlefield, dragging large spikes and being driven by an orc on its back. She could see that around her Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Nori and Dori were fighting tirelessly against orcs and other beasts, but none of that mattered at the moment. In Y/n's mind only one thing mattered: Thorin. Despite the words that he had said to her in Rivendell she could not let it happen, not now that she had the opportunity to avoid it, especially since she was destined for it.

The woman raced across the battlefield, dodging swords, axes and other dangers as she headed for Ravenhill as fast as her legs could. She fell a few times in the mud and blood, dirtying her body and her clothes, but in the end she reached those hills.

Thorin and Dwalin were talking to Fili and Kili.

-No, they mustn't divide -she said, beginning to be alarmed. She began to run towards them.

-You three! -She said running-. Don't split up! Trust me, stay together. If you separate you will die.

But Thorin was already gone and she could only alert Fili, Kili and Dwalin.

-Thorin's gone already, he's running around -Dwalin said, pointing to one place.

-What's waiting for us, Y/n? -Fili asked worriedly.

-Azog and Bolg will catch you and kill you if you split... You must stay together, I'm going after Thorin, he's in great danger -Y/n replied, running towards the great frozen lake, listening to Thorin's screams as he fought, leaving Dwalin, the future king of Erebor, and his brother worried.

The woman ran between the stone and the ice, dodging as she could the orcs that crossed her path with the help of the brothers and Dwalin, until she reached that great frozen lake where Thorin was already facing the pale orc. She ran once more until she got there, seeing that Azog was already under ice, floating under the King Under the Mountain.

-Thorin! Get out of there! -She screamed, running and hugging him.

Thorin was scared at times, seeing Y/n hugging him.

-Go away, I have to finish off that rat -he said.

-No! If you stay, he will kill you -she said, taking his arm to lead him away from danger, but Azog came out of the ice abruptly, causing Thorin to fall to the ground and Azog to pounce on him. Y/n, with terror in her body, threw herself behind the orc's back and, with force, took a knife that the beast had in his belt and stabbed it in his neck, trying to rip the same.

Azog let out a yelp of pain and threw himself back, shaking his body and tossing the woman onto the hard ice. It was Thorin's opportunity to attack, managing to pierce Azog's abdomen from side to side and taking down the white monster.

Y/n smiled when she saw the pale orc inert on the ground and then she began to ran towards Thorin to hug him with a smile and tears, bringing both lips together in a deep kiss and leaving Thorin even more surprised.

-You've saved me -he said as they split.

-Yes, I do.

-You don't know how grateful I am -Thorin said, smiling, still holding Y/n in his arms, seeing that her eyes were slowly closing and that the woman was suddenly falling into a deep sleep. Her task with the dwarves was over.


When she woke up, Y/n could see that she was in her bed. It was daylight and the window let the sun's rays creep into the room. Her head ached and for a moment she was trying to reconsider what had happened, but she could not remember anything. The woman got up to eat her breakfast with her blanket around her body when, upon entering the room, she could see the company looking at her with a smile.

Thorin got up to go to her and he embraced her this time.

-I have not considered you well, Y/n, and I'm sorry for that -he said, taking her hands. Y/n was once again speechless in the face of everything she witnessed.

-Thank you for telling Gandalf to save my father, I am very grateful to you, as he is now in Erebor safe, as he deserves. Besides, don't think that I haven't noticed that you feel something for me, and by showing everything you've done for us I have to tell you that... I have an interest in you, and if you want we could try something and see what the future holds us, if you still want.

-You're very welcome, my king and... Yes! I do! -she said eagerly, hugging him by the neck and drawing a slight smile from the blue-eyed dwarf.

-Then I'm willing to make you happy-Thorin said with a wink and a smile.

Y/n screamed in excitement, getting all the dwarves to laugh.

-I invite you all to a tea, or whatever you want, but from here you are not going to leave with an empty stomach -she said excitedly, giving Thorin a kiss once more, managing to bring out the colors of the cold dwarf king.

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