O, Captain, My Captain| Jack...


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In the past 8 months that Jack Sparrow had left, Anna-Marie had not been herself. She cared far too much for... More

Act 2:
Author's Note:


423 7 0

Stepping off the little row boat to the small hut, Jack grabs my hand, and I could tell he was both anxious, but wanted to help my anxieties at the same time. We opened the door to her hut, and she steps out.

"Jack Sparrow." She calls out, in surprise to him.

"Tia Dalma." he addresses in return, almost hitting his head on her hanging jars of eyeballs.

" I always knowed the wind was going to blow you back to me one day. You. You have a touch a' destiny about you. William. Turner. You, something is off with you, miss Anna-Marie Swann. Come with me." She tells me, and Jack nods, telling me it's alright.

"You're with child, as I can see. It looks like there is a toxin running through her vein. The child is in pain, I can stop that." She tells me.

"What does she mean? What do you mean by that?" I ask, and Jack walks over to me.

"It'll be alright, she meant she'll stop the toxin. I won't let anything happen to your baby." He tells me, and I nod, a single tear falling.

"I promise you, not one thing will happen to the baby, not again." He tells me, kissing my fingers, and I smile at him.

"I can help her, for a payment. You know I demand payment." Tia Dalma tells him, and he nods.

"Of course. Here." He whistles, and Gibbs brings the monkey in.

She opens the cage, and let's little Jack out.

"Payment is fair." Tia Dalma tells Jack.

"Wait, what about the help you needed?" I ask him, and she shakes her head.

"I know what he needs." She tells me, taking some sort of sludge from a jar and rubbing it on my stomach.

"The compass you bartered from me, it cannot lead you to this?" Tia asks.

"Maybe. Why?" Jack asks, looking away from me to Tia,a nd she smiles.

" Aah. Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants. Or maybe his head be to clouded to know. Your key go to a chest. And it is what lay inside the chest you seek. Don't it?" Tia teases him.

"What's inside?" Gibbs asks.

"Gold? Jewels? Unclaimed properties of valuable nature?" One of the crew members ask.

" Nothing bad, I hope." ANother one responds.

"You know of Davy Jones, yes? A man of the sea. A great Sailor. Until he run afoul of that which vex all men." Tia dalma begins.

" What vexes all men?" William asks, and I laugh, knowing what it was.

"What indeed." She teases, patting his hand.

"The sea?" Gibbs asks.

" Sums." One of the crew members speak.

"The dichotomy of good and evil." The other member calls out.

"Gentlemen, let me educate you. It was a woman." I answer, leaning up.

"Aye, a woman. He fell in love." She tells us.

"No no no no, I heard it was the sea he fell in love with." Gibbs answers.

"Same story, different version and all are true. See it was a woman as changing, and harsh and untamable as the sea. He never stopped loving her. But the pain it caused him was too much to live with. But not enough to cause him to die." Tia Dalma continues.

"What exactly did he put into the chest?" William asks, as Jack helps me off the table.

"Him heart." She tells them, patting her breast.

"Literally or figuratively?" One of them ask.

"He couldn't live, putting his heart in a chest. Could he?" The other crew member asks.

"It was not worth feeling what small, fleeting joy life brings. And so, him carved out him heart, lock it down in a chest, and hide the chest from the world. The key he keep with him at all times." TIa Dalma finishes.

"Now, you miss, here." Tia Dalma tells me, handing me a bandage.

"Now you is to be careful now." She tells me, and I nod.

"Let me see your hand." Tia Dalma tells Jack, and she unwrapshis bandaged hand, revealing a black spot.

" The black spot!" Gibbs shouts, before spitting on the ground, and spinning in circles.

"Black spot." The two crew members follow Gibbs' ritual.

"My eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know." Jack tells them.

"Davy Jones cannot make port. Cannot step on land but once every ten years. Land is where you Will be safe, Jack Sparrow, and so you Will carry land with you." Tia Dalma tell shim, handing him a jar of dirt.

" Dirt. This is a jar of dirt." Jack tells her, confused.

"Yes." SHe responds.

" Is the... jar of dirt going to help?" He asks her.

" If you don't want it, give it back." She tells him, and he shakes his head, clutching the jar to his chest.

"No." He tells her, causing me to laugh a little at his childishness.

"Then it helps." SHe tells him.

"It seems... we have a need to find the Flying Dutchman." William tells him.

" A touch... of destiny." She tells us, grabbing small items and dropping them on a drawing meant to resemble a map.

"Are we lost?" He asks.

"For certain you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found. Elseways everyone would know where it was. NOW... BRING ME THAT HORIZON..." Jack tells him, climbing onto the Black Pearl.

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