I am USAGI! (UA Hero/Villain...

By Chimera_Regarion

1.2M 38K 19.8K

What happens when Aizawa realizes that one of his first year hero students was hiding his true potential? Wha... More

Rules of the Useless ones!
Announcement: Let the game begin!
Heroes Side!
Villains Side!
Preparation Day 1: Costumes
Preparation Day 2: Training
Preparation Day 2: What just happened?
Preparation Day 2: Speechless
Preparation Day 2: Found out!
Preparation Day 3: Back on my feet!
Preparation Day 3: Weapons!
Hero Side Preparation Day 1
Hero Side Preparation Day 2
Hero Side Preparation Day 3
War Day 1: Welcome to the Island
War Day 1: Number 1 is overrated!
War Day 1: Truce
War Day 1: Tricked!
War Day 1: The ninth!
War Day 1: A true villain
War Day2: Vampire Hunt!
War Day 2: Bullseye
War Day 2: Welcome to the Team!
War Day 2: Not that dumb...
War Day 2: What's up with the Drones?
War Day 2: Mystery of the Island
War Day 2: Crazy Cat-Lady!
War Day 2: Stupidity can't be cured!
War Day 3: I said dibs!
War Day 3: Just Why?
War Day 3: On the hunt
War Day 3: Here we come!
War Day 3: Eyes and Ears in the sky!
War Day 3: Let's start the Payback, shall we?!
War Day 3: Horror and Pain!
War Day 3: There was a class 1B? Well now they are gone XD
War Day 3: Are we rooting for him? YES definitelly!
War Day 3: Team up!
War Day 4: The Past
War Day 4: Welcome Dadzawa!
War Day 4: No one is ever safe!
War Day 4: Easy game, right?!
War Day 4: Playing a game of cat and mouse!
War Day 4: It's called SCAREcrow for a reason!
War Day 4: CAT Isalnd for a CAT lover!
War Day 4: May I introduce to you, this is Tiny!
War Day 4: Izuku's new fan club!
War Day 4: Preparations!
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (1)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (2)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (3)
After Match

War Day 3: Loud ass cockatoo!

14.2K 483 125
By Chimera_Regarion

Mic POV:

After Izuku showed us his new pet, I was so sure that my heart would give out the moment I saw that giant tiger. I was still wondering how he got that tiger. Not only that but Sho also took a liking to it and seeing as Izuku was happily showing us the tiger and hugging him in front of us, there surely couldn't be anything wrong in having him as a pet. He looked like he knew how to behave too. However, he was still one huge cat and we already had enough. So for now he could have him and we will talk about this later.

Everything went extremely fast and before I knew it Izuku was already telling us what to do and for once, Sho was to go and torture his class in any kind of way and I was sure that he would do it too.

Me, Izuku and Hawks were currently going after class 1B that was until I realized that Nezu was not here.

Me: Hold up! We have lost Nezu.

Izuku: No, he is with Aizawa.

Me: Huh since when?

Izuku: Since I told him. Did you listen to what I told you guys?

Me: Too be honest, I was still to shocked about the tiger.

Izuku: You mean Tiny? Why?

Hawks: Ahm, is that kid for real?

Me: That kid is my son.

Hawks: Okay but is he serious?

Izuku: Dead serious! I can't see your problem.

Hawks: Should I tell him?

Me: Ah no.

Izuku: Tell me what?

Hawks: A tiger is not a cat anyone especially not a kid should have as a pet.

Izuku: Too bad Aizawa already said yes.

Me: And I will need to talk with him about this later.

Izuku: Oh come on, pretty please!!! I swear he won't do a thing. I will even talk with Nezu about him.

Me: *sigh* why do I feel like I now know what Sho always meant with problem child...

Izuku: That's because I am one and I try to live up to the name to the fullest.

Hawks: Hahahaha I like you kid.

Me: So what are we doing here again?

Izuku: trying to find out where class 1B is.

Hawks: I already checked if I can see them from above but no. They know that I am with you.

Izuku: No surprise here. The observes told them that after you changed to our side.

After that little talk we began walking down an empty alley and couldn't hear a single thing, until Hawks told us that he found one of class 1B member running away from us very close. Needless to say that we immediately split up and began chasing the hero. Hawks was flying from above while Izuku and I were running.

Izuku: Go left and try to cut their way.

Me: On it.

He didn't need to tell me that twice and so I went to the left and was currently running in a parallel street towards Izuku. The abandoned and destroyed building were tall in this part and I could barely see Hawks.

After 5 minute of running alone in the street, something began to feel off. I tried to touch the headphones I had and activate the communication between us villains but to no away.

Me: Seriously? Now you decide to break?!

There was no use in trying. My headphones were broken completely. So I did the next logic thing and began to call out for him. I remembered him saying once if something happened we should be calling each other by our villain name. I still found his villain name very cute and that's why I remembered his name very easily. If not for that I would for sure forgotten the name and call him by his true name.


However, I couldn't hear anything at all. It was as if I was alone on the island.

Where is he?

Turning around I began to look around only to find myself unable to remember from which alley I came from to the beginning.


I got lost!

I can hear Sho telling me how freaking stupid I am because I got lost on an island in a small city.

I hate directions.

I could cry right now!

Izuku where the fuck are you?

I looked up and tried to see if I could spot Hawks red feathers but the sky was completely clear, no bird in sight.

Me: ARG! How stupid can I be?

Awase: Much!

Me: Huh?

I turned around and saw one of the class 1B students standing in the shadow of one building, even leaning against it.

Me: Hmm, look what we have here! A little listener. I don't know if I am lucky or if that is a bad omen.

Kendo: Lucky for us but a bad omen for you!

Tokage: Definitely.

In the next moment I saw some sharp small particles that looked like scaled flying towards me and I immediately used my quirk on it.


It was the soundwaves that mattered and that threw the scales of course. As I was focusing my whole energy and attention to the scale I missed that Kendo was running at me from behind me. Not only that but Awase was too. Since I only saw Awase and the scales I began to shift into a fight stance. I would rather attack him then let him touch me. His quirk was bad for me. So I run towards them but as I was about to that I felt someone grabbing me by my leg. Looking down I saw a giant hand.


I knew the person that was holding me and once again I could hear my dear husbands voice in my head telling me I was stupid and that I need to pay more attention to my surroundings. That was exactly the reason why I was a limelight hero and not an underground hero. My attention span was short and I was never able to pay soo much attention to my surroundings. Normally I would be called to fight one villain never a group. There was a good reason for that.

Kendo: Got you!

She pulled me off the ground, which made me fall down face first and in the next moment she threw me towards Tokage. I landed in front of her feet and looked up at her.

Tokage: Hey there!

Me: You wouldn't harm we now, would you!

Tokage: Who me? Nooo but these will!

Then all the scales were focused on me and it was game over. Before I managed to congratulate them I could feel the effect of the bracelet and went limb.

Tokage: He is out!

Kendo: I wonder how many more we have to eliminate.

Awase: Well we know Hawks is in there and Midoriya.

Kendo: Yeah, we better hurry back to the other group.

Tokage: Still can't believe that this worked.

Awase: What do you mean?

Tokage: I mean we somehow managed to hide form Hawks and then all we needed to do was have a group run around for Hawks to see them. How did you even know that they will split, Itsuka?

Kendo: Well that's what I would have done if I was chasing someone.

Awase: Right...

Kendo: It was the next logic thing to split up and try to corner the enemy. We were only lucky that Hawks didn't see us this time.

Tokage: But in the end him screaming Usagi lead us to his correct position otherwise we wouldn't have found him.

Awase: True that. That was such an idiotic move.

Kedo: I still wonder who he meant with Usagi.

Awase: Well we will find out soon enough.

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