Cold stepbrother [Jace Norma...

By bookzworkshop

46.6K 872 332

Accepting new people in life after a tragic loss is very hard. But they should be given a chance to show how... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20 (Last)

Chapter 19

1.3K 24 9
By bookzworkshop

Y/n's pov:

"Of course you are allowed to call him your dad. He loved both of us equally." I said and held her hand in mine, a smile took over my lips as I saw her smile back at me. "How can you forgive me? After all I did to you..." Jen said and looked down. I sighed and spoke "Whatever happened, is all in the past now. And I know that you didn't mean to do that. We both were young and immature." I said and she looked up, her eyes filled with tears.

"I-I'm so thankful..." She said and cried. I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around her. She cried on my shoulder while I kept on stroking her back. "C-Can you please take me away from here?" She broke the hug and I looked at her, my eyebrows frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked and she sniffled before speaking "My so called parents don't actually love me. I have been abused and harassed by them. They force me to do things their way. P-Please take me away." Jen cried once again and held my hands desperately.

My eyes widened. As I saw a bruise around her wrist. She quickly pulled down her sleeve. "What was that?" I asked and she pulled her hand back. "Jen show me that." I said, my voice was stern. She sighed and held out her hand. I gently held her arm and rolled up the sleeve. She closed her eyes, maybe embarrassed. I felt my heart ache as I saw cut marks on her wrist. "Why? Why did you do this? Because of what they did to you?" I asked and she nodded, still crying but this time silently. "I-I'm sorry..." She said and I pulled her in my arms. "You don't have to be sorry. I'm here now. Just remember one thing, never do this again. Ok?" She nodded and I held her tightly.

Just then we heard a soft knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me." I heard Jace. I smiled. "Come in." I replied back and the door opened. Jace walked in and looked at both of us in concern. I signaled him to sit next to me and he did. "Is everything ok?" He asked. "Jace, I'd like you to meet my sister, Jen." His eyes widened. Jen pulled away from the hug and smiled as she wiped her tears away. "W-what?" He said and we both giggled. "Biological sister?" He asked and I gave a sad smile. "Sadly no. But she is like my biological sister. And she needs our help." Jace stared at both of us for a minute then spoke "help with what?" He asked.

Jace's pov:

Me and Y/n reached home. She told me everything about her and Jen. "Are you sure they will let her go?" I asked y/n. She sighed. "I don't know but this is the only way we can help her." She said and I nodded. "I told my friend and he said his dad's companies hiring a secretary for him because he is going to take over by the end of this month." I said. "His das is retiring?" Y/n asked and I nodded. "Yeah. So I want you to ask Jen to send you all the documents." She nodded and smiled. "Thanks a lot love." She said and hugged me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

"No worries baby." She smiled in my neck and we cuddled on the couch till midnight.

*Time skip*

"Jen I'll come and pick you up for the interview." I heard y/n say. "Kk, I'll see you in a bit." She said and hung up. "Ready?" I asked and she nodded. "Let's go." She said and we set off to pick up Jen.

Soon we reached her house. I smiled as I saw her coming. I felt weird in my heart. I felt the urge to ask her something important but I was holding on to myself. She came closer and I saw her parents come as well. "Hey guys." She said and smiled. "Have fun you three." Her mom said and we nodded. They didn't know she is going for a job interview. We told them that we are going out for picnic. They didn't wanted Jen to work because if she did then she will be independent and leave them.

We got inside the car and I still felt the need to ask her. I sighed and tuned to her since she was sitting in the back seat. "Can I ask you for a favor?" I asked and she nodded, y/n stared at me. "Can you call me bro?" She giggled and nodded happily. "Of course bro." I felt my heart made a flip as she called me bro. "Now you are my little sis." I said and put on my seatbelt. "This is what you wanted to ask her?" Y/n asked and giggled. "Yeah. I got sister vibes from her when I met her and I never had siblings." I said and Jen came forward and spoke "you have a sibling now bro." She said and smiled.

"Ok let's go siblings." Y/n said and we all laughed.

Y/n's pov:

"Please come inside. I'm nervous as hell." Jen said and I giggled along with Jace. We nodded and went inside the building with her. We sat down in the waiting area with her, Her feet kept on tapping. "Calm down, my friend is a really nice guy. He won't eat you." Jace said and I hit his chest playfully, earning a giggle from Jen. "Ms Jen? Please come in." The receptionist said. Jen got up and looked at us. "You got it sis." Jace said and we gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and went inside.

"My sis is extra." Jace said and I rolled my eyes. "It's her first time giving an interview ok? Go easy on her." I said and he nodded his head playfully. "Wanna know something?" He asked and I nodded. "My friend is gonna fall for her." I chuckled. "No seriously. When I sent him her documents, he said she is gorgeous and asked me if it's ok if he dated her and me being her protective brother said that only if you can keep her safe and love her forever." I laughed and he smiled widely.

"Let's see what Jen says about him." I said and he nodded. "I bet she will like him too." I hummed and we both sat there for a while until we saw Jen coming out of the room. She ran to us and hugged us. "I got the job!!" She jumped happily and we jumped along with her. "I knew you will do great!" I said and kissed her head. "Oh and my boss is such a gentleman." Jen said and my eyes widened, I looked at Jace and she smirked. "Told you." He whispered to me while Jen was staring at Jace's friend who just walked out of his room.

"Isn't he handsome?" Jen whispered to us while daydreaming about him. "Yo Jace! What's up." He said and come to us.

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