sinful little thing // feitan...

By daydreamstars

9.1K 280 172

rewritten click on my profile to read the original from three years ago. :) - One of the best police officers... More



638 22 14
By daydreamstars

"Are you sure you should bring a cop in here?" She asked as she walked through the crowd of drunk people. They all jumped on the beat of the music, spilling drinks and smoking whatever they could get their hands on. She covered her nose with her sleeve, feeling disgusted every time a sweaty body bumped into hers. A tight hand held her wrist as Feitan dragged her through the crowd, not hesitating to push a few out of the way as he rushed to find the man they were after. "I mean some of this stuff looks a little illegal."

A few years ago when she was still in college she would've probably enjoyed this. Now, she was a bit more mature and would rather spend her Friday night eating as much as she could at home while binge watching her shows. Still, the blue lights that glowed on her skin, the zebra pattern tiles and the colorful walls made her feel as if she had walked into a different dimension.

She inspected the bar, men being seated by workers who were trying to entertain them as much as they could just to receive a few bucks.

"That has to be him." Feitan stopped, causing her to crash against his back. She looked over his shoulder and saw a man with red curly hair. He had a pair of heart shaped sunglasses even though he was inside and his arms wrapped around the waist of two dancers.

"Great, let's talk to him now and put an end to this." She said but Feitan was quick to yank her back.

"No! No! You can't." He pulled her away from the crowd, towards the corner of the club where not many eyes flew towards them. "Not when you look like...this." He gestured to her clothing with a scrunched up nose.

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Everything." He snarled at her as if it was the most obvious thing. "If they know you're a cop then he won't bother saying anything. He's not going to purposely make himself a target for the mafia."

She crossed her arms, growing impatient with his attitude towards her. Every single day, hour, minute the angry man had to say something he didn't like. It was starting to become a nasty habit and her patience was thin tonight.

"Then you go talk to him." She shoved a finger into his shoulder.

Feitan looked at her in disbelief before chuckling. "Be serious. No guy goes into a club to talk to another guy unless he's interested in him."

"First rule of being a cop is that you will disguise yourself as anything to get the job done." She fixed his shirt and then ruffled his hair to make it seem messy. "Disguise yourself and go act like you like him."

He snatched her hand away from her hair and scowled. "Disguise yourself."

She yanked her hand away from him and then darted her eyes to one of the workers who seemed a little too nice to her customers. Above her head a lightbulb seemed to be flickering on and off. It was the stupidest idea she's ever had but she was sure it would work when the man they were after looked like he had one an a half of a brain cell.

She unbuttoned her coat and shoved it into Feitan's chest, along with her purse and jewelry.

"What are you doing?"

"Disguising myself." Was all she said before walking over to the worker.

He blinked, trying to figure out what she was planning but whatever she had in mind couldn't be good. He held tightly to her coat, looking around the dance floor to occasionally keep an eye on their target. He watched as the worker laughed, before wrapping her arms around (y/n), walking her over to the back of the club. They both disappeared into a room, many other girls running after them.

He looked around the bar, feeling awkward being around so many people who seemed to not have a care in the world. Even with hundreds of people around him he felt as if he was the only person in the world. His eyes travelled down to her warm coat. The fabric being thin yet soft, even with dozens of other aromas in the bar he could smell only her perfume. He leaned against the wall, wondering what great idea she had and how this was all going to end. Before he knew it a quick hour had passed by and their target had shooed a few of his girls away, deciding to keep only one of them by his side.

"You single?" A worker suddenly asked, wrapping her arm around Feitan's arm. Her voice had snapped him out of his thoughts and it took him a moment for her words to process in his head. "Anything you like?" She smiled, beginning to slip her top off but he quickly backed away from her.

"Sorry. I have a girlfriend." He quickly muttered, averting his gaze from her. The servant dropped her shoulders, disappointed of being rejected but was quick to find another target.

Feitan grew impatient. He didn't like waiting around and the longer he did the more anxious he grew for wasting time. He kept his eyes steady on his target and for a moment he was ready to just go talk to him himself but a hand wrapping around his wrist stopped him dead in his tracks.

He looked back only to see (y/n). His breath hitched to the back of his throat, heart drumming in his ears at the beat of the music. Her clothes were revealing...almost everything yet it made her look amazing. Almost as if she was an angel with the white and gold beaded outfit that wrapped around her waist, thighs and chest.

"Here, hold my clothes." She said as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

His shaky hands grabbed her clothes without thinking. It was as if he had moved unconsciously and his brain had powered off, leaving his heart to do the job on it's own. The club didn't feel hot at first, even when there were hundreds of people around them but now it felt like his face was too warm.

I have to get out of here. He gulped hard, finally forcing himself to look away.
This has to be against the rules.

"Do you think he'll notice the knife?" She asked, wondering if it was noticeable or not but Feitan was having a glare war with every man that glanced in her direction.

He wrapped the coat over her shoulders and pushed her forward so they could finish the job quicker. "He won't notice, can we get this over with now?"

"Oh yes of course, I need to get back to my office to leave at least a small report on how everything's going. Don't worry, after this we'll go home." She patted him in the chest, pulling her coat off again only for him to give it back, hoping she'd understand that he was trying to get her to cover up not because of how she was dressed but because of how every guy kept staring at her. When he finally understood that the coat would look weird on a worker he yanked the coat away from her.

"I'll be back." She chirped but he grabbed her arm before she walked off.

He couldn't help but say, "Be careful."

"I will."


He stared at their target, watching his hands travel from (y/n)'s shoulder to her waist. He was being too touchy and cocky, if only he could send messages to (y/n) through her mind and tell her that he shouldn't be touching her like that! Then he remembered how when they were strangers he had his hands all over her as well. Feitan covered his mouth, catching himself red handed and then forcing himself to look away when the jealousy began to hit him.

After a few minutes they both stood up, he led her to a private room, away from everyone's eyes, away from safety. Whatever she had planned was working too well.

Please don't do anything stupid. He anxiously thought, forcing himself to walk around but when he began to walk towards the entrance a group of men who were wearing the same uniform as the ones that captured them came in.

They all swarmed in like sharks, inspecting every face in the club. Feitan felt his stomach drop, turning his back towards them when he realized these men were after him and (y/n).



When (y/n) applied to be an officer in the city never did she think she would have to get undressed for a man just to get the tiniest information of a missing girl. Her plan was regrettable and she wanted nothing else but to stay at home in her comfortable pajamas instead of freezing inside the room and still somehow keeping it together.

She felt nervous and shaky, the cold knife resting on her thigh reminding her that she would have to do everything it takes to get anything out of his mouth. She pushed him back against the warm covers, climbing on top of him as she unbuttoned his blouse.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered, kissing her neck as his hands travelled to her thighs but she yanked his hands away.

"I've heard that one before." She smiled sweetly at him before pulling her knife out, placing it under his neck. The man froze, feeling the cold sharp weapon touch his skin. He would've screamed for help already if it wasn't for her covering his mouth. "You're going to tell me everything I ask and if I find out you're lying I won't hesitate to cut off whatever you have down here."

The man furiously nodded, already beginning to sweat.

"First question, do you know anyone by the name of Renno?" She uncovered his mouth slowly and he was quick to answer.

"N-No. I don't know who that is! I promise!"

"Lying can lead up to five years of prison or having to pay a fine so I recommend not doing that."

He blinked, "Are you the police?"

"Answer the question, Simon." She rolled her eyes, growing impatient.

"Fine. Fine! Yeah I remember," he snarled, looking away from her so he could try and think. He snapped his fingers repeatedly when finally remembering, "she came in with some dude."

"Is it sex trafficking?" She feared.

"No." He gave her a nervous chuckle and leaned back on his elbows. "I doubt it. The guy doesn't do any of that stuff, he just came in to have a good time."

"What about the girl?"

"We took her in the back of the club, she was fine. No one touched or did anything to her. The workers even gave her a few coloring pages to keep her distracted."

She pulled away from the man more confused than ever. If nothing happened to the girl and even brings her in public then what does he want with her? There were missing pieces of course. A case that hadn't been solved in years by the best detectives in the city wouldn't just get solved by an officer who just wanted to try and figure it out for fun but she had gotten closer than any of the past officers had and she wasn't planning on giving up.

"What are you to him?"

"Listen babe," he pushed the knife away from his face. "I work at a club. I'm surrounded by women all day and all night and when I see a man who has pockets filled with never ending money my job is to get him to have a fun time with my girls." He shrugged his shoulders and then plopped back on the bed. "You should be lucky that I haven't shouted for my guards yet, I gave you info and you give me pleasure-" but before he could finish his sentence (y/n) punched him straight in the nose.

The cracking noise seemed to echo through the room and he didn't hesitate to scream in pain. Luckily the music was blasting and none of his guards had heard.

"Where did they go?" She asked, bringing the knife close to his throat again. He began to panic, breathing hard when he felt under pressured by a woman who was wearing almost nothing.

"I don't know!" He cried, grabbing his broken nose in fear of it falling apart. "I really don't know!"

"Don't lie to me." She grabbed his hand, threatening to cut each finger off. "Where did he g-"

The door suddenly slammed open, making them both scream in fear. She jolted and without thinking she cut his finger off. The two of them stared at the bloody mess before screaming again, one of them in pain and the other in shock.

"We need to go. Now." Feitan rushed up to her, grabbing her waist to pull her off the bed.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cut your finger!"

The man screamed more, frustrated tears exploding out of his eyes. "You fucking bitch! You cut my fucking finger off!"

"(Y/n)! Come on!" Feitan shouted over his screams, pulling her out of the room. They slammed the door closed, the worries about a finger thrown behind their shoulders when they realized they had bigger problems.

"What's going on?"

"They found us." He kept pulling her to stay close, his eyes darted to every man in the room, trying to find the ones who were after them.

"What? Who did?"

"The idiots who kidnapped us last night." He stopped, going in another direction when one of the guys were walking straight towards them. Damn it were trapped in here!

She looked back to see another one from behind, they were all slowly surrounding them and sooner or later they were going to be discovered. She had to think fast, a way to get out with them passing by them.

Out of fear and panic she shoved Feitan onto the closest chair. She jumped onto his lap, covering his eyes and closing the distance between them. She pressed her lips against his as the men that were after them rushed right past them. He froze, feeling her warm and soft lips against his. He pulled her closer, grabbing her waist and pressing his body against hers

She felt her heart skip a beat when she felt his hands, she uncovered his eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling each other closer. She felt hot, wanting more of him as he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She hadn't even realized he had a tongue piercing till now.

After a few seconds she forced herself to slowly pull away, carefully looking over her shoulder to see the men that were after them walking in the opposite direction. She sighed in relief, getting off his lap and sitting beside him instead.

"They're gone."

He touched his lips, slowly bringing himself back to reality. "We...need to get out of here now."

He yanked her up to her feet and ran through the crowd, rushing out of the club and into the street. "Put your clothes back on." He said as he threw her stuff back at her.

"That was fun." She couldn't help but laugh as she waved over to a passing taxi. She wrapped the coat around her body, freezing from the cold air as she watched the car stop in front of them.

"You spent a whole hour for that? We could've figured another plan out but you wanted to take your time and now what kind of information did we get?" He asked, taking a step towards her. "What information did you get, (y/n)?!"

She flinched upon hearing his harsh voice. She pressed a hand against his chest, keeping a distance from each other so he wouldn't get too close.

"Don't talk to me like that. We both know if I didn't do anything you would have given up." She scowled.

"Oh come on." He rolled his eyes, not bothering to even listen to her as opened the door. "Don't ever kiss me. You don't know what the hell you're doing to me." He said before slamming his side of the door closed, immediately giving the address to the driver.

Her lips tightened, holding all the curses she wanted to shout at him inside. Her face felt hot but getting yelled at also made her want to cry. Everything was overwhelming her and once again she had messed up the mission, now she was one step away from getting her target.

"Hey! I know you!" One of the men from last night shouted at her from across the street. She stumbled back, nearly falling if it wasn't for her bumping into the car. "Come back!"

She jumped into the car, slamming the door closed before he could get to them.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

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