Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

202K 5.9K 1.6K

Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


2.4K 80 9
By Lightblue44

"Emma I'm going to need the final shots of the Winter shoot sent off today"

"Alright, I'm just editing the last one"

"Great!" She smiled as she weaved her way through the office, locating the next person on her list for today

"...Abbie, can you hang up the 'Mysterious' set and the 'Frustration' set on the rack over on the fourth floor, please?"

"Okay, on it"

"Amazing" she shouted across the room at the girl who had just passed by her in a rush.

"Emily..." she started, trying to remember what she needed to ask of her

"...You need me to make sure all the models are aware of where they're going for Friday's shoot?" She asked, as she noticed her nodding, "I've already informed them, don't worry Naomi" she smiled

"You're a life saver Emily" Naomi rushed out, walking off towards the lifts to go down to her next task of the day.

Three days.

Three days she'd been working for 'Sinful Lingerie' and she loved it. She loved every bit of it, the staff, the fashion, the office, the experience, all of it. She definitely knew she made a right choice in this internship and the idea of a career in fashion as well.

But also three days since she'd seen Theo. Since that evening on the sofa. Since he made her cum four times, not two like he told her, four.

Four fucking times.

She was exhausted to say the least. She fell asleep as soon as he stopped when she finally caught her breath.

She remembered him finally releasing his grip on her hips and letting her body fall onto the sofa and she managed to keep her eyes open long enough to find him smirking at her, wiping his face clean of her juices and covering her with a blanket as he carried her back to his room to sleep, whilst he cleaned up downstairs.

And to think he told her when she woke up that not even ten minutes after he had put her to bed, Daniel and Morgan came walking through the front door from just getting back from the train station.

But they were lucky, lucky that Theo, the starving man he that he was that night, had finally let his hold on her go and let her rest from the four orgasms he had given her, and now she three days later, she was getting on with her internship.

At first she expected to only be making teas and coffees for everyone and listening in on meetings, like a normal internship, but she was given the opportunity to be more productive. She was given the opportunity to show off her skills and what she had learnt from her lectures, and use those skills firsthand because that's what this internship took pride on. They liked to see if those coming into the industry could do handle that pressure.

"Okay Naomi, do what you think needs to be done and I'll be watching on" Mariam, her boss told her as she sat back on her seat, crossing her one leg over the other.

Mariam Palace, a woman who made a name for herself.

A black woman, who made a name for herself despite all the odds against her. The office she was currently at was a new branch in the UK, her first was based in London and another in Manchester and then she made it big enough to have two in America, one in New York City and another in Chicago. And now Naomi was working under her, wow what a dream.

She was one of the most famous designers in the UK, known for her lingerie company, which came out of nowhere and just about every woman had an item from her, and she was even branching out into men's underwear.

Mariam had seen letter after letter for the internship and then stumbled upon Naomi's. She found a few others and invited them all for interviews, but Naomi was unique in what she said and she wanted to test out how she'd fit in at the company.

Today, Mariam was watching Naomi's photo shoot director skills.

Switching into professional mode, Naomi put down her notepad of tasks she had to handle previously and stepped into the middle of the room.

"Okay, Sean this is going to be the Valentines Day collection, I need you to use your eye and get visually creative. I want you to make the angels seem playful, cute, fun, engaging and enticing" Naomi directed the photographer

"Lights! Lights I need to be a warm, but daring shade of red, and if it isn't red, I want pink. Pink and red, only, unless I say otherwise" Naomi shouted to the light people, as they turned on every red light they possibly could

"Shannon, okay so" Naomi laughed as she explained to the model what she wanted to achieve from these pictures.

"I want you to be playful, fun. I want you to be relaxed, showing the world how much you look forward to Valentine's Day, with your many suitors, how you're wearing the colours accordingly and want everyone to know this is the lingerie collection every girl wants to wear for that night when their partner takes off their clothes" Naomi finished as Shannon nodded.

"Okay, I think that's everyone, let's start this shoot!" Naomi smiled as she made her way to stand next to monitors that were synced to Sean's camera so she could see the pictures as soon as they were taken.

Naomi watched Shannon, the model, listen to every word she had told her and pose exactly how she wanted the look to tune out.

Taking the risk, Naomi glanced back and looked at Mariam to see if she approved of the shots so far or not.

It was as if Mariam sensed she was being watched and looked over in Naomi's direction, causing Naomi to quickly look forward.

Mariam was not one to be messed with and she hated people staring at her.

"Naomi!" Mariam called out

"Yes?" Naomi asked, worried that she was introuble

"Don't look at me for approval, do what you want, do what you see fit for this photo shoot" Mariam told her

Nodding her head, Naomi turned back around.

"Okay, everyone stop!" She shouted, as everyone listened to her.

Walking onto the set, Naomi went straight over to Shannon. "Shannon could you please change into the navy blue set?" Naomi directed, as Shannon nodded

"Alright Sean, I like the shots so far, but I wanna try something different" Naomi trailed off as Sean nodded for her to continue, "I want you to take more lower angles shots, get up close and personal with the fabric. I want this shoot to be mysterious. I want it to be powerful, I want it to show a woman's pleasure, unspoken words, naughty thoughts. I want it to be all about Shannon, and what she's wearing, not her body, not her face, but how she wears the underwear, how it looks like she can wear it anywhere without anyone asking questions, okay? So even if it is just a shot of her fingers toying with the elastic of the waistband of the panties, I want it taken, alright?"

"Yes, I understand completely...I like the idea of it" Sean smiled, checking his camera lenses for the shots he wanted to do when Shannon came back.

"Okay lights, I want them back to normal but I want them to have a soft hue to them, almost orange if you will..."Naomi hummed as the red lights were turned off and the normal lights came back on, with a couple of light assistants putting yellow and orange covers over them.

"Perfect, Shannon are you ready?" Naomi called out as she watched Shannon walk back onto set, with the makeup girls fixing a few things

"Okay so I want to change from what I told you earlier. I've put you in the blue set because I want you to be daring. I don't want you to have the typical stereotypes of Valentine's Day of red and pinks and the flowers and dates, I want you to focus on yourself"

"So I want you to not smile, I want a serious face. I want you to pose like you're trying to make your boyfriend or girlfriend, whatever you go for, to sleep with you after they haven't touched you in months. I want you to be needy, but not too much, I want you to look like you're ready to rip off someone's clothes, but you look so innocent that it's taunting"

"I want your hands to always be near your underwear, or bra so that the audience know those are the focus. I want everything to be about the underwear, go with the flow, if you wanna slip a single strap off the shoulder, do it. I don't want the shots to be a typical perfect, I want realistic, I want the true bitterness of Valentine's Day passion and desire to come through"

"Alright Naomi" Shannon nodded as she had her hair fluffed once more.

"Okay let's get started, shall we?" Naomi smiled, completely ignoring Mariam's presence and taking charge of the photo shoot.

As the shoot went on, Naomi couldn't help but say her thoughts out loud as she watched everything go just as she wanted it to.


"Yes, keep your hands there"


And like that, the shoot was done and it was lunch.

"Naomi!" Mariam called her over

"How was-" Naomi started as Mariam held her hand up to show her to stop talking for a moment as she smiled at Naomi.

"Naomi stop asking me if you think you've done something correctly or if I like something, not everyone is always going to agree on your choices in life, so do whatever you want. This internship is for you and your experience. But since this is your first shoot, I will say I was pleasantly surprised and I like the outcome, I hope to see more of this initiative from you" She smiled as Naomi nodded, taking in every word.

"Thank you Mariam"

"You're welcome Naomi, you can go for lunch now"

Naomi smiled, picking up her notepad and making her way back upstairs in the lift to the offices, to find Theo had texted her.

Theo - Good Afternoon baby
I would of texted earlier but it's my rest day so I slept in.
You free?
Oh shit yeah you're at your internship
You can come over when you're done, I think that Elliott and Cap are back now as well
I'm out right now, you want lunch?
Actually scratch that I'll bring you lunch cause I don't want you overworking yourself

Naomi smiled reading the texts from Theo. How she never thought in a million years he'd be the type to double, well more like triple text a girl and now he was doing it to her. She decided on calling him.

"I'm in reception" was all that Naomi heard before Theo abruptly ended the call before she even got to utter a hello.

Rolling her eyes she knew not to get pissed because it was to be expected, even though Theo had this sweet and caring side to him when it came to her, he still let his stubbornness and arrogance come through and she just had to accept it because that was always going to be Theo.

The lift doors opened at reception and she found Theo talking to Cristina, the receptionist.

Cristina was a complete bitch, end of.

Blonde hair, fake boobs, lip fillers, the complete opposite of Naomi.

She would always look at Naomi up and down, giving her a dirty look every time she passed her in the morning and had some random problem with her.

And now she was outrightly flirting with Theo whilst the sound of the office phone ringing echoed throughout the room as a constant reminder that she wasn't doing her job.

"Theo" Naomi said, grabbing the attention of her man.

Theo immediately looked away from Cristina pushing her breasts up in her tightly fitted blouse and biting her lip everytime Theo went to speak and looked over at Naomi.

"Hey baby" he smiled as Naomi made no move to return the smile, instead keeping her focus on Cristina as she looked between her and Theo, realising that Naomi was Theo's girlfriend, causing her to have a smirk on her face at the fact that Theo had been caught talking to her.

Naomi scoffed, turning around in a huff, making her way back into the lift, with Theo silently following behind her.

Once the lift doors were closed, after seeing Cristina wave to him, Theo turned to Naomi.

"Naomi let me talk before you jump to conclusions" he spoke as Naomi cut her eye at him, "Yes she was flirting with me and I was laughing, but if you really looked you could clearly see I was laughing at her, not with her. I was laughing at how she would have this annoying ass laugh everytime I spoke even though i didn't even say anything funny. I was laughing at how she would bite her lip and try and push her boobs up in her top trying to make me think she was sexy, when it was actually cringey as hell. I was laughing at the fact that my girl was going to come down stairs at any moment and she was going to realise I was taken and I only have eyes for you" He explained as Naomi pursed her lips contemplating whether to forgive or not.

"Have you got my food?" She asked, breaking the deafening silence of the lift moving up the floors of the building

"Yeah, I got you subway" he smiled, passing her the bag

Naomi hummed in response, taking the bag from him.

"Naomi do you believe me or not, cause I will gladly pull the emergency stop button so you're forced to talk to me. I would never do anything dumb to lose you" Theo warned, as she had yet to say anything about what she walked in on. It was killing him to know she could be pissed off at another incident where she didn't know the full story when she walked in.

Naomi couldn't help but let a small smile form on her lips "Remember when we last got stuck in a lift? November first, just after the courtyard Halloween party"

"Yeah the night we started to get along" Theo hummed, "I'll never forget that night"

"So did you pull the emergency stop button that night?"

"No" Theo laughed, "Remember I was trying to get away from you, because that was the night I...I realised how I felt about you"

So it was true, Liv was right about what Joe told her.

"Well then I guess you don't have to pull it today" she smiled, subtlety telling Theo that she wasn't pissed off anymore, he had given her a valid explanation, it was just more so her annoyance of it being Cristina that had annoyed her. "But just please don't come to my work again or I'll never hear the end of it from Cristina" She asked

"Alright, I won't but I will be checking that you've eaten" Theo told her, understanding that there were going to be bitchy and jealous girls in Naomi's life, but he just had to listen to her and then they'd be okay.

"Yeah I know, I wouldn't expect any-less from you" she smiled leading Theo to the break room to tell him all about her day.

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