Free Bird (Maximum Ride)

By lexeyloowhoo

187 4 0

Finny and her twin, Red are in for a ride when they meet the flock. What adventures will unfold? *There are... More

Chapter- 1
Chapter- 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

9 0 0
By lexeyloowhoo

                                       Part 2
I sighed as I sat on the sidewalk of the dark street ahead of us. I side eyed Fang as he stood there leaning against a car.
"You're awfully quiet," Fang says.
I just shrugged, "Says you,"
Fang nodded as if saying fair point, but he was right.
I was being quiet, I somewhat regret my decision for leaving my brother with the flock, but I felt like I needed to leave.
I thought back to when Fang offered for me to come with him. He obviously knew something was up, seeing as how I didn't go to the wedding.
Truth was, something was up, or someone. I can't ruin Dylan, and his duty to get with Max. He was her perfect half.
So, why did he kiss me? Why were his lips on mine the next I left? He seemed to be battling in his head about the choice he made, and I don't blame him.
His mission was to be with Max and I couldn't ruin that, I can't ruin what my father worked so hard on.
To be fair, I should be angry and resentful towards my father, but all I wanted was his approval.
That's it.
Fang nudged me with his foot, and nodded towards an alley way. I wasn't paying attention, but some kid with sunglasses and huge headphones came walking to us.
He messed with his headphones a bit and looked at Fang,"You Fang?"
He asked, he had a bit of an accent, kind of sounded like Brooklyn,but I couldn't pin point it.
Fang nodded towards him.
He stuck out his hand,"I'm Ratchet,"
Fang  took his hand and shook it,"The girl with red hair is Finny, a last minute asset."
Ratchet nodded and placed his hands deep into his pockets.
It wasn't long before everyone Fang showed me on his computer was here. There was Star and Kate who were friends in some Catholic school. The last person to show up was Holden Squibb, but Ratchet thought that was too, long of a name, and came up with Starfish for a nickname. Then, something I didn't even know about happened.
Fang had to explain to me that, Max was still with the flock, this was a copy of Max, names Maya.
We all explained our abilities.
Of course, Maya, Fang and I were mutant birds, Ratchet had super senses, Star was basically sonic in human form,minus the rings,and Kate was able to lift heavy objects.
Starfish has healing abilities, and can heal faster then us.
"Are, we ready?" I asked Fang.
He rubbed his temples, as if thinking of what to say.
"Let's just get a hotel for the night," he said and we all agreed silently.
Dylan's mind was an absolute mess right now. He had literally kissed Finny a week ago, and now here he sat kissing Max?
There was a difference between the two. Max was more rigid in their kiss, and clearly wasn't going to kiss back.
She quickly pulled away and flew back in to the house.
Finny on the other hand, she instantly kissed him back, but I could have been an in the moment thing, but her lips were soft and plump, and Max's weren't even that soft.
They were rough.
Finny'a tasted faintly like strawberry and Max's taste like sweat and dirt.
Dylan sighed and sat in the tree he kissed Max. He wanted to start slamming his head against the tree, everything was confusing.
Dylan was about to head inside when Red came out of the house, he looked angry and pissed off at everything. That has been his attitude since Finny left.
Iggy followed him soon after he slammed the door, he placed his hand on Red's shoulder.
Dylan tuned into their conversation,"Red come back inside, I'm sure Max didn't mean it."
Red looked like he was about to punch something when Iggy touched him, but when Iggy spoke his face seemed to falter a bit, from angry to slightly relieved, but it didn't last.
"She did mean it Ig, and she's right, what kind of sister just abandons her flesh and blood with no warning " Red seemed close to tears.
Iggy said nothing at first, but then said,"My parents literally gave me away to be a test tube baby," Iggy moved his hand down to Red's and held it.
"You don't have to feel alone in this," Iggy said quietly, even Dylan had a hard time hearing.
Red took a deep breath and looked at Iggy,"I'll be back, I promise, just need some time to myself,"
Iggy nodded as Red hugged him gently. Dylan didn't see it clearly, but swear Red kissed the top of his head.
Red and Iggy parted and Res took off leaving Iggy standing in front of the door.

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