Harlow and Her Mate

By thequeenslushie

58.5K 2.5K 91

It wasn't fair to have your life already planned out. The rumors about the mating ball were terrifying, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

3.7K 166 2
By thequeenslushie

The humans were relieved to have someone more fit for control be in charge of the mating ball. Aspen and Harlow were pleased everyone seemed to accept it so well.

Since Aspen had been the leader of the take over, he and his pack were given the honor of being the hosts of the mating ball from this day onward. He was happy to know that he could finally do something about what happened to Harlow and several other families. Things seemed to be going really well.

Harlow felt this honor was a big deal and had Mama and Lisa help her plan a huge celebration.

"Mama, look at these cakes. This is crazy," Harlow gasped, taking in the huge tiered displays. There were three of them, along with cookies of all varieties. The cooks also had huge grills going outside, filled with all of the barbeque classics.

"I think I'm getting pretty good piping the icing," Mama smiled. "Papa made those cake stands. Aren't they beautiful?"

"You guys are so talented, all of you," she said, addressing the whole kitchen. "Lisa and I have blown so many balloons that I think I can go the rest of my life without them."

Mama giggled before her face turned serious. "We were bless to have this new life. I'm glad we're celebrating the opportunity that someone else may have that chance, too."

"I know," Harlow grasped her hand. "I didn't even know that the officials before also had complete control over the places like where we lived. The conditions were bad because they made them that way. Having Aspen and all other Alphas on board is going to change a lot of lives, for the better."


Harlow finally caught up with Aspen before the party. She was immediately swept into his warm embrace.

"I'm excited for the party, but I hated not seeing you all day," he said against her lips. "You look stunning, sweetheart. Absolutely radiant."

She blushed, taking in his dress shirt and dark jeans. It was probably the most formal she had seen him since that mating ball.

Harlow was wearing pants and a blousey top. The shirt was silky and lower cut then she was used to. She still refused to wear a dress.

"You're so handsome," she said. "I'm so proud and thankful for you."

Aspen gave a pleased rumble, giving her another kiss.

"Let's get our party on, baby," he grinned, looping her arm with his.

The celebration was in full swing when they finally arrived. Harlow hardly recognized her parents who were swaying and laughing to the loud music.

"What a pair you are," Aspen grinned. The two separated and he gave Mama a hug.

"You both look great," Harlow said. "Thank you guys for helping me pull this together."

"We are so proud of you and Harlow," Mama said, patting Aspen's cheek.

Harlow held back a laugh at how flustered the normally collected Alpha got at the compliment. She knew it meant a lot to him.

"Come on. We should make some rounds," Harlow encouraged, eager to greet everybody. It seemed she never got the chance to actually talk to people other than at dinner.

"Of course, Luna," Aspen teased with a wink, looping his arm with hers. "We'll see you guys in a bit."

They talked all evening. It was nice to have a gathering and Harlow decided that they should have parties at least once a month to get a chance to catch up with everybody.

Something did catch her eye though. It was another human like her. Although there were several in the pack, this girl was wearing a wedding ring.

"I didn't know wolves got married," Harlow inquired curiously, admiring the ring.

"Most mates don't, but Ricky was good about honoring my tradition," the girl, Maddie, smiled. "Plus, weddings are fun."

Harlow had never given any thought to a wedding at all, even before she met Aspen, she was always too busy providing for her parents to think about her own life. But now, she had the perfect partner by her side. She enjoyed the idea of being married to him, and she was curious what he would think of the idea.

"Married?" Aspen asked curiously as they walked home. Harlow was carrying her shoes, her feet exhausted from the long day.

"Yeah. I think it would be nice." she said, a yawn escaping her lips.

"I will admit, I don't have the slightest idea about weddings or any human traditions, but you do know that I will do whatever your little heart desires. Give me a few days to figure it out, and we will talk about it more then. Okay, honey?"

He knew exactly who to talk to. He should have thought about it before to be honest. He was a bit embarrassed by the fact that she had to bring it up. If he remembered correctly, one of the partners was supposed to propose with a ring or something, but it was probably normal to talk about before the proposal actually happened.

"Okay," Harlow smiled, feeling pleased. "Love you."

"Love you more," he smiled too, pausing in his tracks. "We should've drove. Want a ride back? I'm worried about your feet."

She nodded and Aspen shifted into his wolf. She loved the feeling of his soft fur, and the cool air was a relief to her heated skin and achey feet.

"Thank you, Wolf Aspen," she said, nuzzling his large face as he tried to lick her with his tongue.

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