ClockTale an Undertale AU

By fublle

28.2K 1.2K 474

"Hm?" Timer asks taking his wrist watch off, checking the time before taking out a screwdriver and pulling it... More

Timer Part 1
Timer Part 2
Timer Part 3
Timer Part 5
Timer Part 6
Timer Part 7
Timer Part 8
Timer Part 9
Timer Part 10
Timer Part 11
Timer Part 12
Timer Part 13
Timer Part 14
Timer Part 15
Timer Part 16
Timer Part 17
Timer Part 18
Timer Part 19
Timer Part 20
Timer Part 21
Timer Part 22
. . .
Fan Art And Announcement

Timer Part 4

1.7K 77 8
By fublle

I raise my hand to my left eye sliding the eye patch off revealing a white clock with no numbers in my eye socket. I concentrate on my power creating giant powerful bones. I aim them at Chara throwing them at her. 

She dodges but freezes. "What-?" I ask. "Oh.." I notice the Five Minute Countdown. "Welp.." I shrug. "Lets pray its a Pacifist rout this time." I walk over to the human creating a bone I stab them in the chest. "I'm sorry Chara, Frisk, my friends." I whisper as they crumple to the floor in a puddle of blood. I pick them up as they glitch from Chara to Frisk and back. 

"I wish it didn't have to be like this.." I let a few silent tears fall as I walk over to the ever growing pile of the humans glitching bodies. I place their body on the top of the pile wiping my eye sockets I put my eye patch on. I hold my hands in front of me concentrating on the red blinking countdown on the top right corner of my vision. It disappears reappearing a few seconds later in my cupped hands, still counting down, now four minutes to the reset. I raise my hands above my skull and the numbers become bigger, floating in front of me. I let my hands fall down to my sides. "I wish that stupid player never existed." I growl staring at my blood stained hands. Three Minutes To The Reset The system stays. Then it was Two, then it was One, and then finally, Five Seconds. "Goodbye Genocide, lets hope its Pacifist this time." I whisper. RESET HAS BEGUN! The system shouts and I start to glitch in and out of existence. 

"Sans! Time to wake up or you're gonna make us both late for work!" Papyrus yells from downstairs. "SANS!-" 

"I'm up Pap!" I call getting out of bed and getting dressed. "Morning Pap." I say grabbing my coat from the coat hook. "I'm leaving!" I run out of the house before he could say anything about breakfast. 

"Morning Sans!" Someone calls. 

"Morning-" I start to say

"Any new deliveries for watches?" I growl and continue walking. But I don't go to my office, instead I go to the cave where the humans fall, I walk over to the patch of yellow flowers to find water raining down on it.

 "So it rained nine days ago on the surface." I say to myself. 

"What do you want Smiley Trash Bag?" Flowey the Flower asks me. 

"Nothing." I sigh. "Never mind." I turn away from the flowers and start walking out of the caves. 

"Wait!" One of Floweys vines wrap around my leg. "Did you need anything? You don't usually come around here." 

"I said never mind." I tell Flowey. 

"Sans!" Flowey says as I try to tug their vines off my leg. "Flowey let me go." I growl. "Sorry" Flowey says letting me go. 

"Mhhgh" I grunt as my whole body shudders suddenly. 

"Smiley Trash Bag?" Flowey asks. 

"D-do you feel that?" I ask instinctively looking at the top right corner of my vision. "Already a reset?!" I exclaim. Five Seconds To Reset The system says. THE RESET HAS BEGUN! It shouts and the whole world tilts then goes black. 

"Oi! Smiley Trash Bag! Flowey yells. 

"Huh?" Everything comes back into focus. I'm on the floor of Floweys cave. 

"What the hell just happened?!" They ask. 

"I- shouldn't I be in my room or my office?" I ask rubbing my skull. 

"And shouldn't I just be waking up from a dream of playing with Chara?" Flowey mumbles. "Somethings not right.." I say to myself checking my watch. "Everyone is still continuing on as if nothing happened." I say. "We need to check on the human." I stand up and hold out a hand to Flowey. "C'mon lets go." 

"Y-you mean me?" Flowey asks. "No I was talking to Jeff," I say sarcastically, pointing to a small stone with googly eyes and a smile drawn on it. "Of course I mean you!" 

"Heh.." Flowey says wrapping their vines around my arm, settling on top of my skull. 

"We're gonna take a short cut. Hold on." I say looking at my watch to check where the human is before teleporting there. "Kid!" I call to Frisk who's sitting on the snow by the sentry post making a snowman while listing to Undyne talk about who knows what. 

"Huh?" the human asks looking up at us. 

"Oh! Sans!" Undyne says. "...and Flowey?! Sans the weeds on your head!" Undyne shouts. 

"I know Undyne." I say grabbing onto Floweys vines when they try to slide off me. "You're not going anywhere." I tell him. "Kid we need to ask you something import," 

"Kay." Frisk says standing up a walking over to us. 

"I'll bring them back in a sec." I tell Undyne taking Frisk's hand and teleporting us back to Floweys cave.

"Yes?" Frisk asks addressing Flowey and ignoring me. 

"Well we wanted to ask you something." Flowey says from on my skill. "Did.. did you feel that-" 

"Flowey, get off me." I say suddenly. 

"Huh-?" They manage to say before I fall over." 

"Hey! What the hell what that for?!" RESET HAS BEGUN! The system yells. "I mean that!" Flowey says as the world turns black. I open  I'll my eyes to find myself on the floor of the cave again. "That! That's what I mean!" Flowey shouts as I rub my skull. "The resets happen but instead of teleporting us to our rooms or where ever we go by the resets the world just continues on like nothing happened!"

"Flowey, please don't scream." I say in a weak voice. 

"Sorry." Flowey says. "What about you Chara?" I whisper. "Any ideas?" 

"Nope. Non here comedian." Charas disembodied ghostly voice says echoing around inside my skull. "But I did feel that. Something must've happened during the reset by Judgment Hall." \

"Yeah.." "Ey Smiley Trash Bag, who're you talking to?" Flowey asks. 

"No one." I tell him. "I need to get back to Undyne." Frisk says starting to walk out of the cave. 

"I could bring you to her-" I say but they continue walking like I didn't say anything. "Frisk?" 

"Hey Frisk-!" Flowey tries. 

"Don't." I tell him. 


"I'm gonna go to my office." I say making sure all of Floweys vines are untangled from my arm before taking a shortcut to my office. What day is it? I wonder placing my watch on my desk. Throughout the whole week the resets would happen every ten minutes, causing me to have giant head aches. I lock myself in my office and sleep. Hoping when I wake up it'll all be a dream, but the resets make it hard with the system screaming 'The Reset Has Begun' every ten minutes.    

"Sans?" Papyrus asks knocking on my door for the tenth time today. 

"What?" I ask, annoyed. "I'm sorry for bothering you brother, but I'm worried about you!" Papyrus says. Doubt it. 

"Please go back to work Pap. I'm busy."

"I'm sorry brother." He says walking away. 

Dust POV:
"Hey Dust?" Ink asks three months after he let Timer leave during a meeting. "Could you please go see if Timers gonna join us this week?" 

"Why do have to get the stupid cogs?" I growl. "Can't someone else go?" 

"I agree. Nightmare should go." Dream says. 

"What?" Nightmare asks surprised.

"I second that." Killer says and everybody nods. 

"What am I doing?" Nightmare asks confused. 

"You're gonna go to Timers AU and see where he is. And find out whats wrong with him." Ink says. 

"Yeah, go send the most antisocial Sans there is who feeds off of negativity to find out whats wrong with some random AU we picked out of the dump three years ago and become all touchy-feely. Cause that's not a stupid idea at allllll." I mutter sarcastically and Error who's not to far away from me snickers. 

"Sure," Nightmare shrugs making us all surprised. "What?" He asks turning to us. "I may be the leader of the Bad Sanses and probably not the best choice but I gotta admit, I'm curious to find out where our nuts and bolts has disappeared off to."

"We'll leave the portal open." Ink says opening a portal for Nightmare to climb through. 

"Oooh! If there's anything interesting about his AU that is different from the others make sure to take a picture of it or something like that!" Ink calls as Nightmares inky black tentacles disappear to the other side of the portal. 

Nightmare POV:
Yup! Instant regret. I think the second I walk out into Timers AU. "Its pretty cold over here. Now to find out where the hell I am and how to find Timer." Just then I see an orange glow as a monster comes into the alley. 

"Who's here?" They ask. "Who are you?" 

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I say trying to put on a pleasant face. "I'm Sanses friend, we meet here every week but he hasn't been coming recently. Do you know where he is?" I ask. 

"No, I'm sorry I don't. Why don't you ask his brother Papyrus? He should be by the sentry post right now. Do you know where that is?" 

"Yes, thank you." I say walking away. The second I'm out if view the smile leaves my face. "Well my face muscles are gonna get a work out." I mumble making my way through Timers Snowdin to the sentry post. That must be Papyrus I think speeding up when I spot a tall skeleton. "Hey!" I call.

"Huh?" Papyrus asks turning to me. "Hello! I've never seen you before, are you new-?" 

"No." I cut him off. "I'm Sanses friend and I'm wondering if you know where he is? We were supposed to me up for the past few weeks but he hasn't been showing up." 

"Oh! Sans has friends? Well that's wonderful!" Papyrus exclaims. "But." His voice drops, worry lacing through his voice. "I'm not sure whats wrong with Sans, he's been acting strange for a while now. He wont leave his office, spending day and night in there, not coming out for food water, not answering the door.. when I stay to listen in to whats going on in his office he always sounds like he's in pain. Do you know where his office is?" I shake my head no. "Its quite easy to find, just go down the street Grillby's is in until you find a little building separate from the others. If you knock three times fast wait five seconds then seven times slow he should answer." 

"Thank you." I say running off to follow his directions. 

I stop in front of a plane wooden structure. I wouldn't call it a building or a shack. It looks more like a room was carved out of a house and placed somewhere else and then given a number. 'Sans' is written in faded green paint on the door, barely visible. 

I walk up to the door and knock three times fast, wait five seconds then seven times slow. I hear a grunt come from inside and then Timer growl "No Pap. I'm not coming out!"  

Timer POV:
The head aches were at its worse when someone came knocking on my door. Three times slow waited five seconds then seven times fast. "No Pap. I'm not coming out!" I yell. 

"Um Timer?" A voice asks. 

Even better! I think sarcastically One of the 'Protectors of the Multiverse'! "What?" I growl. 

"Please open up. Its me Nightmare." 

"Great. The goopy octopus is here." I roll my eyes. "What do you want Nightmare?" 

"I want you to open up the door." 

"Ha! In your dreams." 

"I tend to not sleep, so I don't have dreams. Now open the door."

"Sans?" A different voice asks. "Its Grillby. I have food." 

"Thanks Grill." I sigh getting up, unlocking my door and opening it. I take the paper bag from Grill who leaves the second I take it. 

"Are you okay Timer?" Nightmare asks looking at me weirdly. 

"Um yeah?" 

"Listen Timer," Nightmare says putting a tentacle  on my shoulder. "I know I'm probably not the best person to be talking right now, but please, tell me whats wrong." 

"No. Leave me alone and tell the stupid 'Star Sanses' I'm not coming." I say harshly. Slamming the door in his face I fall back into my chair. "God. When will this pain end?" I moan looking through the food in the paper bag. 

"Huh?" I ask finding a piece of paper with Grills loopy handwriting on it saying 

'Hey Sans, I hope you enjoy the food, I also gave you a bottle of pills I give out to monsters sometimes when they get big headaches. I've noticed you've been holding your head a lot and you seem to be in pain. I hope my guess was right but even if I was wrong, keep them, they also help with sleeping problems. I hope you enjoy! -Grillby' 

"Thanks Grill" I say quietly, fishing out a white bottle of pills. I read the directions, open it and pop two into my mouth swallowing them dry. "Lets hope the pain goes away." I say as the system shouts yet again RESET HAS BEGUN! I rest my head on my desk and wait for everything to go black. I open my eyes and sit up again as someone knocks on my door. 

"Timer?" Nightmare asks quietly.  "What just happened? You just hit me with a wave of negativity so strong I lost my balance and barely caught myself. Whats going on?" 

"Nightmare!" I shout. "GO BACK TO YOUR STUPID PEACE MEETING AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I hear Nightmare walk away slowly through the snow when my watch vibrates. But this time non of the hands were turning black or anything. But a new hand was forming in the coordinates of Floweys Cave in the ruins. A new human? I think standing up quickly I grab my coat, stuff my eye patch in my pocket and take a shortcut to the cave.    

Word count: 2368

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