Fire Force x Male Reader: Hel...

Por Ryo6727

23.6K 368 71

The fear of flames, something that accompany human since the first age of humanity. Impersonating Y/N, you'l... Más

Second Flame: Excalibur
Third Flame: Nekomata
Fourth Flame: Sense of Self
Fifth Flame: The Sakura
Sixth Flame: Raw Strength
Seventh Flame: Stars
Eight Flame: Sun
Ninth Flame: Adolla Burst
Tenth Flame: Demolition
Eleventh Flame: Sun Wheel
Twelth Flame: Crimson Moon
Thirteenth Flame: Geniere
Important A.N.

First Flame: Devil's Footprints

4.3K 48 13
Por Ryo6727

?: Young one, your flame is so pure and so untouched. Come with us.

??: Y/N, run! Leave this to us!

You woke up panting heavily. Your sleep had been accompanied by that damned dream again.  Why? Why were you so weak? You didn't want to be weak. You wanted to be strong. You wanted to be strong so that those you love won't have to suffer.

A knock was heard at the door, successfully snapping you out of your thoughts. You went to open it, only to find a concerned Iris. She was staring at you in worry and you knew why. During the months you had worked together, she had grown quite fond of you. And listening to you talking anxiously in your sleep wasn't exactly a happy scenario for her.

Iris: Are you ok? I heard something and came to check.

Y/N: Was I talking in my sleep? I aologize if I made you worry.

You knew lying wouldn't have benefit you in the long-run, but it was the only option for now. So you patted her head and opened your mouth to speak, before Lieutenant Hinawa beat you to it.

Hinawa: Another bad dream?

Y/N: Unfortunately...

You chose to say the truth, knowing the Lieutenant would have made a hole in your head if you had lied. The Lieuteant was like the strict mother of the Brigade, always wearing that unexpressive expression, but that didn't mean he didn't care for you, rather it was the other way around. He sighed and motioned for you and Iris to follow him. While walking, Iris kept on glancing at you, so you had to say something to break this awkward situation.

Y/N: I'm ok, Iris. Just a bad dream.

Iris: You said that yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before the day before yesterday...

It was normal for her to be concerned about you. You didn't speak so much about your past before the 8th Brigade, but that was enough for her to understand it was a sad one. You stopped, looking at her in the eyes. You put your hand on her shoulder, while she tilted curiously her head.

Y/N: It's only a bad period, everybody has one. It'll pass.

Iris: Still, we are a family. If you need help, we'll be more than happy to give it to you.

Suddenly a bullet was shot, startling both of you. You slowly turned your head to the only one in the corridor beside you.

Hinawa: I didn't give you permission to stop. We are already on a late schedule.

You nodded furiously, having freshly seen your life flashing before our very eyes. It was clear you weren't the only one in a bad mood. You met with Maki some meters away from where you were heading.

Maki: Good morning Y/N, Iris, Lieutenant.

Y/N/Iris: Good morning, Maki.

Maki looked at you worried. Unlike Iris, she hadn't heard you talking, or rather shouting, in your sleep, but your tired eyes gave her the impression of someone who hadn't slept well recently.

Soon enough you arrived in Captain Obi's office. He was already working out. During this first year in the 8th you had learnt how to respect his shenanigans. There was also a time you thought he passed more time squatting than standing on his chair. But you soon found out he passed much more time attached to the training bar.

Obi: Today we will be receiving a new recruit and I expect everyone to act as you should.

Y/N: It feels like an eternity passed since I was enlisted here.

Maki: I remember your first day: Sorry, Maki, how am I supposed to wear this.

Iris giggled together with Maki, while Obi exploded in a full laughter, giving you strong pats on your back. He recalled how much he had teased you that day, not because you didn't know how to wear your custom coat, but because you had asked Maki to help you.

Y/N: H-hey, it was my first day! I wasn't used to those coat. In the Academy I couldn't put them on, since the back was always destroyed.

Obi: Admit it was only to feel Maki's touch on you.

Y/N: No! I had merely met her!

Maki and you blushed hard, but before you could speak more about your embarassing first day, an alarm rang in the whole brigade. Everybody immediately run outside, jumping inside the armored Fire Engine.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N being unable to wear the coat correctly and chibi Maki panicking

You arrived immediately at the station, only to find everybody but a kid far from the Infernal. It was odd, since nobody remained still in a similar situation, but he probably didn't know what to do. What you didn't know, was that the kid had almost your same age and, most importantly, was the new recruit. Captain Obi advised him to back away, but he didn't, so Lieutenant Hinawa gave him a 'little' push, sending him on the ground.

Obi: 0810, we are ready to do the requiem.

Everybody: Copy!

Iris started her prayer, while you went closer and closer to the Infernal. You were going to put him to rest, but Obi put a hand on your chest. The Captain knew how tired you were and, as a result, knew you should take some much deserved sleep.

Obi: I will be the one to do it, don't you worry. Sister, the prayer.

Iris: "The flame is the soul's breath...

You reluctantly found yourself nodding to him and giving him the screentime he deserved. Maki and Obi started running, whereas the Infernal shot a blast, hoping to hit one of them. However Maki extinguished it in a blink, giving the Captain the chance to attack with his hammer. The Infernal's core was struck by a tremendous force, killing him instantly, while Iris had just finished her prayer.

Iris: May thy soul...return to the Great Flame. Latom.

Everybody: Latom.

While you were busy, nobody noticed rubble falling on Iris. You were about to unleash my flames, but the kid was faster than you, taking into his arms the sister. It was at this moment that Hinawa seemed to recognize his footprints and you got a faint and weird sensation coming from him, but you shook it off.

Hinawa: Are you...?

Sharky kid: Yes! Forgive the late introduction. I'm newly-assigned member of Special Fire Force Company 8, as of today, third-generation Fire Soldier, Shinra Kusakabe.

Y/N: So this are the Devil's Footprints...

After a while, you returned to the 8th brigade. You were going to the Captain's office in order to welcome the new meat more formerly.

Hinawa: Do you find it a hovel?

Shinra: No, s-sir.

Y/N: Well, if we compare this to the 1st...

Hinawa didn't find it a good joke, shooting at you with his non-lethal projectile with seemingly-lethal intentions. Obviously Obi was still working out as if there was no tomorrow. He approached Shinra, asking him why he was grinning like a mad man in the official photo. Turns out he had a tick which made him grin with his sharky teeth whenever he was under pressure. Something the Captain wanted to see for himself.

Shinra wanted to be an hero, making everyone understand he was no demon, even if he had all the cards to be one hell of a Demon. Obi went on with his explanation to why the Special Brigade was formed, something you had already listened to when you first entered the 8th.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Obi lifting all the chibi cast while balancing himself on chibi Shinra

You were sleeping soundly when a bell rang. Hinawa came to wake you up not so gently. It was what you had signed for, so you wore the classical blue-striped coat and prepared yourself for this mission.

Obi: The wife of a factory owner combusted some minutes ago. We are headind there.

Everyone: Yessir!

In a matter of seconds, you were in the front of the factory, ready to put the Infernal to rest. A large wall of flame was separating you from the Infernal. There was a suffering voice, softly calling for someone to save them from the flame. You obliged, walking beyond the flames, without them hurting you too much, thanks to the layer of flames your own body was emitting.

Shinra: Y/N! Wait for us!

Obi: No need for it, Shinra.

You didn't need to hear anything to know he was fully conscious of your ability. He had not only read the various report from the Academy, but he had seen them in first person. Six large wings made of flames sprouted from your back. Iris started the prayer, rasing her voice more than usual. It was faint, but you could still hear her words.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I'll put you out of your misery now.

The Infernal started running towards you, trying to slash your chest, but you used your wings to parry the strike. It was now your turn to attack. Fire ran up until the elbow, morphing your entire forearm in a real blade of flames, ready to destroy the Infernal's core. You brought up the ignited blade, together with a waterfall (or should I say waterfly?) of flames, bisecting her in half and successfully killing the actually-already-dead woman.

You looked at your work and groaned. You needed more practice, Beni would have cut it in half perfectly. Maki then proceeded to open a path through the wall. You were glad you could use your flames to save the woman from her suffering, before Iris chopped your head. Three times.

Iris: Why were you so reckless? Putting an Infernal to rest is a teamwork, not a 'solowork'. What if you were hurt?

Y/N: It hurts me knowing you don't trust in mt ability.

Iris: I-it's not that! I know you are strong, but I'm just concerned for you...

You merely smiled at her and patted her head, something you usually did when she started growing concerned about something or someone. You looked behind you and sighed. You would have liked to go all out, but the factory could have fallen. Shinra on the other hand seemed to have appreciate the little show you put up. Even if you couldn't see yourself from outside, you knew your wings and the chop's flames were far taller than the wall separating you.

Shinra: That sure was fast!

You smirked, seeing him looking in awe. You were sure Shinra would become one of the strongest Fire Soldiers of this generation.

A.N. This was the first chapter! Arigato for reading this fanfic! I will also use this part to explain your Ignition Ability:

Y/N's Ignition Ability allows him to emit flames from his back in the form of six wings and from every part of his forearms (hands included).

His coat and his shirt even if his flames are extremely hot doesn't burn completely, since his wings as large as they can be don't have a large basis-I hope you understand what I'm saying. Please understand.

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