The Marriage Law

By Tanny_Ariel

19.9K 529 52

Hermione | Remus Wilhelmina | Sirius The war is over, hope for happiness and peace now blooms in every healin... More

New Beginnings
Mad Ministry
Letters of Doom
The Partners
Midnight trip
Evil has risen
Words of Seer
Dinner Date
A Night of Bonding
Dancing With A Boy
The code
The Legend Of Cruthachadh
The enchanted forest
Darkest secrets

2 weeks for wedding

779 24 12
By Tanny_Ariel

The next day, the household was filled with wildness. There was screaming, throwing of things, crying, in the house. Apparently, according to Hermione, Wilhelmina had screwed up again. This time there was no one present at the house to save the girl from her sister's wrath.
Earlier in the morning, both the sisters had gone to ministry to convey their decision. Everyone knew that it would take some convincing before they allow Hermione to choose Remus. Wilhelmina took the matter into her own hands and spoke.

"Miss Granger, you mean to tell us that you are selecting someone else, someone who was not in your options", Kingsley asked.
"Yes, that's exactly what I mean" Hermione replied with a stern expression.
"Then you must understand that we cannot allow that to you, this will send a wrong message. Rules are to be followed, they are for everyone, even for war heroes." He said.
Hermione had annoyance written over her face, her jaw was clenched and her eyes held rage.
That's when Wilhelmina pushed her aside.

"Yes, we completely understand the importance of rules", Wilhelmina spoke up.
"Do you now Miss Granger ?, from what I have heard, you have broken every single one that ever existed".

"Well, not really, I haven't tried experimental breeding yet, I still have time though, anyway if we had not broken rules then, this world would have been a slave to an inhuman, snake-like, noseless, man. You're welcome." Wilhelmina replied with a bored tone, looking at her perfectly manicured nails with satisfaction.
"Anyway, I am saying that Hermione and Remus are irrevocably, passionately, intensely and disgustingly in love with each other. You know that whole 'forever and always', 'till the end of the line', etc, that thing. So if you don't allow them to marry each other, then there are two possibilities, one, Hermione engages in infidelity and her husband holds you responsible or, two, Hermione and Remus kill themselves to be together for infinity and beyond. In that case, Minister, you will be blamed for the death of a war hero and the chosen one will make sure that you become the idiot who dug his own grave. So choose....." Hermione and the minister looked at her with wide eyes and dropped jaws while she just kept looking at her nails
"Miss Granger, is this true ?" The minister inquired. Hermione looked startled, for once her mind couldn't think of anything.
"Yes, I believe so" she replied dully.
"If this is the case then, since you have been courting Mr Lupin for a long time, Miss Granger I don't believe you need to delay your marriage any further. You will be marrying before the end of this month, which gives you two weeks. A day later than that and consequences will be dire." He spoke in a menacing tone.

Hermione and Wilhelmina tried to argue, but the minister remained adamant about his decision.
End of flashback

Hermione was still chasing Wilhelmina, and the poor girl was yelling her apologies. Finally, Hermione stopped chasing her, both the girls stood in front of each other, breathing heavily. Hermione's face was red with anger and unshed tears.

"You always mess up Wilhelmina, everything that you do makes things worse. My life, everyone else's life would have been so better if you weren't there. Things would have been smooth for me but then you had to open your stupid mouth and babble nonsense and destroy it. I am tired Wilhelmina, I am tired of bearing the consequences of your idiocy, I am tired of cleaning up your messes, I am tired of your voice, I am tired of you. Because of you, I have to get married within two weeks, while you get to have months of freedom, how is it fair ? You make my life so difficult, I swear I would be better off without you. I wish you weren't my twin, I wish I wasn't tied to you, I wish I had never met you. Just do me a favour and don't ever show me your face." 

Hermione went back to her room and laid on the bed, thinking of Wilhelmina wanting to leave the wizarding world, the time she almost hexed Hermione, hiding about the upcoming danger, the lie at the ministry. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the ceiling, they had never fought before the announcement of this ridiculous law. But now they haven't done much other than fighting. All that words were purely born out of anger, after the war it was getting quite difficult for her to control her temper. Yes, she was furious at her twin, but that didn't mean that her life was better without Wilhelmina. She couldn't go a day without her twin, she would die for her. Despite the guilt and remorse that seeped into her, she refused to apologise, her pride won't let her.

Meanwhile, Wilhelmina was completely devastated by her twin's words. Every word had pierced through her heart like an arrow. Her eyes were red and swollen, she couldn't breathe properly, she was sobbing so hard. She knew she messed up, she always does. But all she wanted was to help her twin, she never knew that the minister would command something like this. The harsh words kept ringing in her head, making her believe that they were true.
All she ever did was mess up things, truly everyone's life would be better without her in it. Maybe everyone was tired of her, maybe no one wanted her here, maybe they wished that they had never met her. She knew that Hermione was right, she always is. It was hurting so bad, just like it did in her fourth year. That time was because of Mclaggen and now it's because of Hermione. Slowly she fell asleep with the last thought 'they won't have to tolerate me ever again'.

Author's note - Hey, so here's the 11th chapter. Please comment your thoughts. I haven't got many comments which is kind of disappointing, I don't know if anyone is liking it. I don't know if I should continue it or I should stop. Please comment and let me know, otherwise, I won't be able to update it.
Thank you. Au Revoir.

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