Battleship: Orochi

By DragonLord39

150K 1.7K 6.8K

As you all know, ships are mainly referred to as girls. What would happen if one of those ships... was a male... More

Striker Character Bio
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Introductions and Iron Blood
Chapter 3: A Royal Pain in the Aft
Chapter 4: Assessments
Chapter 5: Blockade
Chapter 6: Swords and Honor
Chapter 7: Mirror Fleets and Shattered Seas
Chapter 8: Queen of the North
Chapter 9: Sirens
Chapter 10: Showdown
Chapter 11: Orochi
Orochi Character Bio
A Small Incident (Special)
Chapter 13: Sortie
Chapter 14: Dates and Shenanigans
4th of July (Special)
Night of the Yandere (Special)
Chapter 15: Competitions
A Small Incident Reactions (Special/Request)
Night of the Yandere Reactions (Special/Request)
Chapter 16: Finale
Epilogue, Twelve Years Later

Chapter 12: Explanations

4.7K 65 150
By DragonLord39

3rd Person POV


After disposing of the remains of the Siren fleet, the Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood—all under mutual agreement—decided to head to Azur Lane, seeing that it was the nearest facility.

As they sailed through the sea, Striker led the way, his sisters' ships around him while Purifier, Dreamweaver, Tester, Orochi, and Hornet stood on his deck.

"So," Hornet said, turning to Striker, "can you please explain how you got kidnapped, disappeared for a day, then came back with your sisters, whom you thought were dead, and three Sirens? And then the Orochi turns out to be an ally?"

"It's just Orochi," the Battlecarrier interjected. "Not sure where this 'the' came from."

"It's a long story," Striker replied in answer to Hornet's question. "I'd tell you now, but I'd better wait until we get back to base. That way, I'll only have to explain things once."

"If you say so," Hornet sighed, tilting her hat. Smiling, she hugged him. "I'm glad you're back."

Grinning, Striker returned the gesture. "Likewise, Mate."

"So," Orochi spoke up as the two broke apart, "are you two a thing now?"

They glanced at each other. "Um...."

"Idiot, you're supposed to ask them after they make out, not after a huge battle," Purifier chided, smacking Orochi upside the head.

"For once, Purifier has a point," Dreamweaver mused.

"For once?!" Purifier complained, then paused. "No, that's fair."

Striker coughed awkwardly. "Anyways, Dreamweaver, can't you just open a portal to the base from here and save us all the time?"

The white-haired Siren shook her head. "No. My powers are still drained from the battle. It will be several days before I can do that again."

"How do you do those portal things anyway?" Hornet asked.

"Long story," Tester replied.

Seeing that she wasn't going to get an answer, Hornet sighed and looked out at the ocean ahead of them. As Striker's ship cut through the sea, she thought back to what Orochi had said and blushed. Unbeknownst to her, Striker was thinking the same thing.

Timeskip brought to you by Striker and Hornet being as dense as Jaune

Arriving at the Azur Lane base, all the injured were quickly taken to the infirmary, the repair ships of all four factions working side by side to help them.

After the wounded ships were carried off, Wales called a meeting of all the main factions to discuss terms prior to the battle.

As of now, Wales, Enterprise, Cleveland, and Hornet stood on one side of the room, representing Eagle Union, while Queen Elizabeth, Hood, Warspite, Belfast, and Illustrious stood beside them. On the other side, Bismarck, Friedrich der Große, Tirpitz, and Prinz Eugen stood beside their former ally, Sakura Empire, which was represented by Yamato, Nagato, Akagi, Kaga, Amagi, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku. And standing off to a third side were Striker, his sisters, Orochi, Dreamweaver, Purifier, and Tester.

"Right," Wales said, stepping forward. "I know we have just accomplished what could only be described as a miracle, and that we all need rest, but we will all sleep better with this underway."

"Agreed," Queen Elizabeth nodded. "There are several matters that must be addressed, such as the merging of our four camps once more."

"Ja," Bismarck agreed, pointedly not looking anywhere near Hood while the Royal Navy Battlecruiser did the same. "If vee are to be allies once more, vee need to address zis issue."

"We were split apart by our beliefs once," Yamato agreed, "and war broke out because of it. This must be prevented from happening again."

"Agreed," Hood stated. "However, there are certain matters we should address now, more as a precaution than a formality." She turned to Striker. "Why is it that during the battle, Siren forces came to our aid?"

"Zis I vant to know as vell, child," Friedrich der Große agreed, turning to Striker as did many of the others. "Sirens have been our enemies for decades, yet zey came to our support. Vhy is zis?"

Striker and Dreamweaver exchanged looks and stepped forward. "It has a lot to do with my world, as it does yours," Striker explained.

"As you very well know," Dreamweaver said, "we Sirens have been attacking you over the course of these years."

"Zat is not news to us," Eugen muttered.

Tirpitz stepped on her foot and nodded for Dreamweaver to continue.

"However," Dreamweaver went on, "before we came to this world, we came to Striker's, which is an alternate world to the one you all come from originally. And, as with this world, the Black Mental Cube played a signature role, Striker being a key component."

"What do you mean?" Wales asked, not taking her eyes off Dreamweaver.

In response, Striker stepped forward. "What she means... is that, like in this world, the Black Mental Cube was employed to gain as much data as possible to help the Sirens evolve."

"What does this have to do with you?" Akagi asked, glancing at the Sirens distrustfully. "Or us, for that matter?"

"Everything," Striker replied. "Dreamweaver, you want to take this?"

Dreamweaver nodded and stepped up. "As Striker said, the Black Mental Cube was employed to gain data. However, the methods used differed. In Striker's world, the Cube was implanted secretly into one of the warships as an attempt to gather all the data possible from its crew, per instruction by the Empress. This was known as Project Orochi. However, the Cube had side effects."

"Side effects?" Enterprise asked.

"As a result of the Cube merging with the humans' warship, it caused all the others to become sentient, to an extent," Tester said. "Not to the level we are at now, but those ships could communicate through a special bond, each class being able to speak among themselves."

"If you wanted to get data, then why attack Earth?" Kaga asked.

"Power," Dreamweaver replied. "Our initial intention was to gather as much data from Striker's world as possible and use it to evolve ourselves. However, the Empress soon grew hungrier and hungrier for power, as the more data we collected, the stronger we became. As such, the Empress ordered an attack on Striker's world, hoping to gain more data from humanity's destruction. Eventually, the time came to collect the Black Wisdom Cube and corrupt the warship, but when it was attempted, the Cube shattered, as the humans' warship was too strong-willed for it to take control."

"Still, that doesn't explain why you helped us," Cleveland pointed out.

"Destroying Striker's world did not sit well with some of us," Dreamweaver explained. "As such, I and the others you see before you worked in the shadows, hoping to bring the Sirens down from the inside in an attempt to stop the Empress's lust for power."

"Where does Striker come into all of this?" Wales asked. "Why take him and not any of the others?"

"Because Striker is as to Orochi, as Orochi is to Striker," Dreamweaver answered.

"Ya lost me," Hornet said.

"Striker was his world's version of Orochi," Tester explained. "The Orochi you see before you was constructed using Siren technology, as it was thought that the reason why the first project failed was due to human technology. As such, when Orochi's construction finished, his essence became conscious, yet remained trapped by the Empress's will."

"I see," Wales mused. She turned to Orochi. "You did not attack us of your own free will?"

He shook his head. "No. To be honest, it was like I was watching a movie in first person, without having control."

"So, does that mean I have two big brothers?" Wisconsin asked in confusion.

"Seeing how Orochi and Striker are twins, I'd say yeah," Purifier commented, hovering on her rigging.

"Wait, then how come Amagi-san returned with Striker?" Kaga asked.

"And how are you four alive?" Warspite added, aiming her question at Striker's sisters.

"In part, Striker's sisters are alive because I brought them here the same way I did Striker," Dreamweaver said, surprising them.

"You are the one who brought Striker to this world?" Enterprise asked in surprise. "Why?"

"Because he was the only one capable of defeating the Empress and uniting the factions," Dreamweaver replied. "I possess the gift of precognition, similar to Observer Alpha. As such, I knew if I did not bring Striker to this world, you would have fallen to the Sirens, and the world would become a remnant of what it was."

"How does this tie into Amagi?" Yamato asked.

"Prior to my death, it was planned that I would be captured and used to convince Akagi and Kaga to work with the Sirens," Amagi explained. "I was in a coma, and Striker is the one who revived me."

Everyone turned to Striker. "You brought her back?" Kaga asked.

Striker nodded, and the Sakuran Carrier walked over and embraced him. "Thank you," Kaga whispered.

"Anytime, Sheila," Striker replied, hugging her back.

Pulling away, Kaga smiled and walked back to her group, just in time to catch Akagi. "Don't even try it," she warned.

Akagi pouted.

"What about Orochi?" Queen Elizabeth asked. "You cannot deny that he is a threat. And the Sirens have been our enemies for years."

"I will vouch for him," Amagi said, stepping forward and surprising many. "He saved my life at risk to his own. If that does not speak of trustworthy, I do not know what does."

Striker raised an eyebrow and tilted his head at his 'brother' for all intents and purposes.

"I see," Wales said and turned to Dreamweaver. "The Sirens are finished attacking us?"

"The ones you see before you are," Dreamweaver replied. "And given how the Empress has fallen, the others remain leaderless, and will most likely fall in line as well."

"Very well." Wales sighed. "Now, to our—"

"Hold on," Zuikaku interjected. "Is no one going to question how Striker has had dealings with all of us at one time or another?"

Everyone exchanged looks.

"It is true," Queen Elizabeth mused. "Suffice it to say, I am shocked that we did not notice sooner."

"You planned this from the beginning, didn't you?" Enterprise asked, turning to Striker as the others did the same.

Striker shrugged. "To be honest, I was trying to unite the factions by showing that even though they were enemies, there could still be a way to work together. But Orochi being my brother and my sisters coming back? Even I couldn't have planned that."

"Says the guy who has the author on his side," Shoukaku deadpanned.

(A/N) Are you kidding me?! *Blows up 4th Wall with 16-inch guns because it's useless*

"Either way," Wales said, sighing, "we must return to our original discussion at hand: what to do now that the four factions are together once more. We must have a way to keep the peace, so that we are not torn apart by war ever again."

"Can I suggest something?" Iowa asked. "What if Azur Lane and Red Axis shared the same base? This will make division between the factions more difficult."

"Azur Lane and Red Axis sharing a base together..." Queen Elizabeth mused. "It could work."

"But what of zee Sirens?" Bismarck asked, turning to Dreamweaver. "Vee must have zem in zis alliance as vell if vee are to prevent war."

"What if one of us acted as an envoy of sorts?" Orochi proposed. "You know, acting as a representative."

"That could work, but who will lead the Sirens now that the Empress has been defeated?" Nagato asked.

Purifier, Tester, and Orochi exchanged looks. "Dreamweaver," they said simultaneously.

Striker turned and faced Dreamweaver, who looked surprised. "It's your decision. Personally, I think you're the best one to lead the Sirens to peace. Your actions helped bring us all together, Sheila, so you're the best option."

Dreamweaver hesitated, then nodded. "Very well. But the question still stands, who will act as an envoy for our faction?"

Everyone was silent, thinking.

"What if we had one person from each faction act as an envoy?" New Jersey asked. "That way, they can help keep the peace together."

Wales paused, thinking. "I like it. But again, the question stands: Who will the envoys be?"

"Orochi should be ours," Purifier said, surprising everyone. "If I did it, I'd probably blow everything up. And Tester is Tester, so that won't work."

"Hey!" Tester protested.

"Wait, you're serious?" Orochi asked in surprise.

"I think the idea has merit," Queen Elizabeth spoke up. "Warspite can represent the Royal Navy."

"What?" Warspite asked in surprise. "Your majesty, I---"

"It makes the most sense," Belfast stated. "But who will represent Eagle Union, Iron Blood, and Sakura Empire?"

The three named factions exchanged looks.

"I believe that my schwester should be zee one to do that," Bismarck said.

"Amagi has always been a mediator in many of our conflicts," Yamato stated, Nagato nodding in agreement. "Thus, she will represent Sakura Empire... if she is willing?" she asked, turning to Amagi, who nodded.

"But who will represent Eagle Union?" Hood asked.

"I believe that Hornet would be best for this," Wales said, surprising the girl.

"Me?" Hornet asked in surprise. "What about Enterprise? She's way more diplomatic than I am."

"We have another task in mind for Enterprise," Wales said, surprising the Eagle Union Carrier. "If we are to unite the factions in one base, we need a leader. Someone symbolic who represents our alliances coming together."

"Me?" Enterprise asked in surprise.

Wales nodded. "It is the most reasonable solution."

"Striker would be more fit for this," Enterprise argued.

Said Battleship held up his hands. "Uh-uh. No way. Paperwork, orders, and me do not go together."

"You are the best one for the job, sis," Hornet agreed. "If anyone's good enough to lead this base, it's you."

Seeing that she was outnumbered, Enterprise sighed. "Very well. If it is what is needed... I accept."

"Awesome!" Hornet cheered.

"And what of Striker?" Yamato asked. "If it were not for him, none of us would have been compelled to unite once more to defeat the Sirens."

"Agreed," Dreamweaver nodded at her. "I may have brought Striker here, but it is he who made the actions that brought us all together."

"Hey, hold up now," Striker protested, raising his hands. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm already rewarded, Sheila. Everyone's on the same side, the Sirens are defeated, my sisters are back, and those I care about are safe." He glanced at Hornet. "That's all I ever wanted."

"Still, I suppose we must reward you in some way for your contributions," Queen Elizabeth mused. "After all, had you not made the choices you had, most of us would likely be at the bottom of the sea."

Before Striker could protest, Amagi spoke up. "What if Striker were a secondary envoy of all the factions?" she proposed. "Given how he has helped to unite us once more, he would be well suited for this."

"I hold no objections," Wales said and looked at the other faction leaders.

"I agree," Queen Elizabeth said.

"Ja, I agree as vell," Bismarck stated.

"This solution makes the most sense," Yamato agreed.

"It is Striker's decision to make," Dreamweaver said and turned to the Battleship.

Striker hesitated and looked over at his sisters. "Alright, as long as my sisters can help out, too."

"I see no reason to object," Wales said. "Are we all in agreement?"

Everyone nodded.

"Congrats, bro," Orochi said, patting Striker on the shoulder.

"As long as there's no paperwork, I'll be fine," Striker replied. "So, anything else on the agenda?"

"No, other than the factions must sign the treaty once more to solidify our alliance," Wales said, pulling out a piece of paper and laying it on the table in the middle of the room.

As each faction leader signed the treaty, followed by the envoys, Striker glanced over and saw Hornet shooting glances at him.

Seeing this, Orochi sighed and turned to Purifier. "If they don't get together by the end of this chapter, we're gonna need a cabinet."

"We could always use a supply closet," Purifier mused.

"Why would you need a supply closet?" Wisconsin asked innocently.

Orochi and Purifier exchanged looks. "No reason!"


Missouri walked over and placed her hand on Wisconsin's shoulder. "Come on, let's go make sure Jersey hasn't gone off in search of candy."

As she steered Wisconsin off, she glanced over and mouthed, 'Use the supply room. It's got a better lock.'

"What's up with you two?" Cleveland asked, seeing Purifier and Orochi exchanging grins.

"Nothing~" Orochi sang.

"Yeah, we're totally not planning on stuffing Striker and Hornet in a supply room if they don't get together by the end of this chapter," Purifier agreed.

Cleveland sweatdropped. "If you say so."

Timeskip brought to you by Orochi and Purifier planning to stuff Striker and Hornet in a closet

After the treaty was finally signed, the five factions filed out of the room, each going off to different sections of the base while the leaders discussed the specific terms.

As Striker walked out the door, he saw his sisters talking with Orochi, Purifier, and Amagi.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Striker asked curiously, walking over.

"Not much," Orochi replied. "So. Envoy for all the factions. Pretty big job there."

"Yeah, guess so," Striker agreed.

"Big brother!"

Smiling, Striker held out his arms as Wisconsin and Jersey ran over and tackled him in a hug. Luckily, both had their rigging deactivated.

"I don't know whether I should feel bad for you or not," Missouri commented, walking over and hugging Striker. "I missed you, little bro."

"Back at ya, sis," Striker replied, hugging her back before turning to Iowa. "Come on, big sis. You know you want in."

Iowa rolled her eyes but gave in and joined in the hug, the four Iowa ships embracing their long-lost brother.

Watching this, Orochi smiled sadly and made to walk off, but Striker called out to him. "Where're you going?"

Orochi turned, looking surprised.

"You're part of this family, too, you know," Striker said, smiling. "Brother."

"You mean it?" Orochi asked in surprise.

"Course I do," Striker replied.

Smiling, Wisconsin ran over and hugged Orochi. "I've always wanted another big brother."

Looking over at Striker helplessly, Orochi gently patted Wisconsin on the head, only to get tackled by New Jersey as well. "Yay, we got another big brother!" she cheered, hugging Orochi happily.

Purifier laughed and took a picture. "I'm so using this for later."

Amagi smiled, looking over as Orochi was hugged by Missouri and Iowa as well. As the Battlecarrier embraced his new sisters, Amagi found herself blushing ever so slightly.

Seeing this, Striker walked over and nudged her. "So, little fox interested in my brother?" he asked playfully.

"As a matter of fact, I am," Amagi replied, surprising Striker.

"Okay... that backfired."

Amagi smiled. "You are not the first to try that trick, and I doubt you shall be the last."

"Speaking of, how come it seems like you already know Orochi?" Striker asked curiously.

"You know how I spoke of myself trapped in a coma?"

Striker nodded.

"While my body was unconscious, my soul drifted into a realm of in-between. Limbo, you could say," Amagi explained. "While there, Orochi and I encountered each other while our spirits were drifting. Evidently, while he was sealed, his soul was expelled to the same realm of existence I was."

"Huh. Wait, isn't that the same realm where I first met you?"

Amagi nodded. "Indeed."

"Then how come I didn't see Orochi?"

"Because," Amagi replied, and a small smile crossed her lips, "you were simply not in tune with the ethereal plane where Orochi and I existed."

"Okay, that's a little too deep for my taste," Striker said, holding up his hands as Amagi let out a small laugh. Shaking his head, Striker turned and walked off, leaving his sisters and Orochi to get acquainted.

With Orochi

"So, you're a Carrier and a Battleship?" Wisconsin asked curiously.

"Yup." Summoning his rigging, Orochi displayed his decks.

"They look like wings," New Jersey said excitedly. "Does that mean you can fly?"

"I guess so, if it works like the rest of the Siren rigs," Orochi replied. He turned to Purifier. "Speaking of which, thanks for helping out in that fight."

"I always enjoy a good brawl," Purifier replied with a grin, then winked at him and Amagi. "So. When are you two gonna hit the dorms?"

Orochi tilted his head, but quickly caught on and blushed, hiding his face with one of his Carrier decks while Amagi did the same with her parasol.

"Dorms?" Wisconsin asked in confusion.

"She meant that they'd play a game together," Iowa covered quickly.

"What kind of game?" New Jersey asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Missouri said hurriedly. "Why don't we go look around the base?"

"I'll come with," Purifier offered. "I got a pretty good layout of the base... right before I may or may not have blown up some of it."

"And my ship!" San Diego shouted from wherever she was.

"Sorry not sorry!" Purifier called back.

"Come on," Iowa said, grabbing Missouri and Purifier by the ears and dragging them off.

"Owowowowow!" both complained as the eldest Battleship sister dragged them off.

"Bye, Orochi!" New Jersey waved before she and Wisconsin ran off after their sisters.

"Bye, big brother!" Wisconsin called, rushing off after Jersey, leaving Orochi and Amagi behind.

Amagi giggled, her violet eyes glinting. "It seems that Iowa is going to have quite the challenge ahead of her."

Orochi laughed. "Yeah, guess so."

"Well, seeing as how you are new to this base, why don't I give you a tour?" Amagi asked, her tails waving gently as she rested her parasol on her shoulder.

Orochi tilted his head. "I thought you were from Sakura Empire."

"Just because I was birthed in one place does not mean I always had to remain there," Amagi replied with a smile. "Come."

She walked off, and Orochi jogged to catch up to her. As they began the tour, Orochi's thoughts crossed to Purifier's words from earlier. Unbeknownst to him, Amagi's did the same.

With Striker

As the Battleship walked through the familiar corridors of Azur Lane, he heard the sound of voices up ahead. Rounding a corner, he saw Enterprise and Hornet talking.

"—tell him," Enterprise was saying, then noticed Striker. "Striker. It is good to see you."

"Back at you," Striker replied, giving Hornet a brief one-sided hug. "So... Leader of Azur Lane, how's that working for ya, Sheila?"

"Says the leader of the envoys," Enterprise countered.


"I can't believe it's all over," Hornet commented. "It's pretty hard to wrap my head around."

"I hear ya," Striker agreed.

"Striker, is there a reason you sought us out?" Enterprise asked.

"Yeah, actually," Striker replied. "Remember how I brought Amagi back from her coma?"

"Yeah?" Hornet asked.

"Well, it turns out, having part of the Black Mental Cube inside me allowed me to bring Amagi back," Striker said.

"Wait..." Enterprise said slowly, eyes widening. "Are you saying...?"

Striker nodded. "I can bring your sister back, too."

Hornet jumped up. "Why didn't you tell us that sooner?!" she demanded. "Come on!"

Timeskip brought to you by the Iowa Sisters planning to get Striker with Hornet

Rushing down the hallway, Hornet and Enterprise led Striker to the east wing of the base, the sun slowly arcing to the horizon.

Skidding to a stop outside a dorm, Hornet gently opened the door, revealing a woman lying on a bed off to the side, her white hair and features emphasizing her relation to Enterprise. 

"How are you gonna bring her back?" Hornet asked.

"I have to kiss her."

Enterprise eye's narrowed, and she raised her bow.

Striker held up his hands. "Just kidding. Last time, I just placed my hand on Amagi's arm, and she woke up."

"That's it?" Hornet asked in relief.

Striker nodded and crossed over to Yorktown's side. Kneeling, Striker placed a hand on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Deep inside, he felt what he could only describe as a cold ember in his chest. Reaching into it, the ember ignited, and heat suffused his body.

Blue flames burst from his skin, racing down his arm and spreading across Yorktown's body, much to the shock and horror of Hornet and Enterprise.

Before they could stop him, the flames surrounding Yorktown suddenly twisted inward, vanishing into her body.

Sighing, Striker slumped backward as the flames surrounding his body died down. Damn, that took a lot out of me, he thought.

"Is that it?" Enterprise asked.

Striker nodded and stood, barely managing to stop himself from staggering. "That's it. Last time there was a bit of a delayed reaction before—" He was cut off as Yorktown's eyes shot open, and she sat up, accidently knocking Striker to the ground.

"Never mind," Striker groaned as Hornet and Enterprise rushed to their sister's side.

"Where am I?" Yorktown asked blearily, rubbing her eyes with one of her sleeves. Blinking, her eyes widened at seeing Enterprise and Hornet before her. "Sisters? How--?"

Hornet cut her off by tackling her in a hug. "I'm so glad you're back, big sis," she cried, tears of relief falling from her eyes as Enterprise embraced Yorktown as well.

Smiling at the sight of the three Carriers reunited, Striker tried to get up, placing a hand on the side of one of the beds, only for his hand to slip, sending him back down to the ground.

Hearing him fall, Yorktown looked over, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Who is he?"

"This is Striker," Hornet answered, walking over and helping Striker up. "He's the guy who brought you back."

"Really?" Yorktown said in surprise as Enterprise helped her up.

"Yeah, that's me," Striker replied, nodding at Hornet to show he was alright. "Nice to meet ya, Sheila."


"He's from a different timeline," Hornet explained. "You'll get used to it."


"It's a long story," Striker replied, holding out a hand. "Name's Striker, BR-5 Iowa-class Battleship."

"Yorktown, CV-5 Carrier," Yorktown replied, shaking his hand. "Thank you for bringing me back."

"No worries, Sheila," Striker replied.

"What happened while I was unconscious?" Yorktown asked.

Striker, Hornet, and Enterprise exchanged looks.

One Lengthy Explanation Later

After the three explained what had happened, Yorktown was silent for a long moment. "I cannot believe all that happened," Yorktown said, sitting back on her bed in shock as Enterprise sat next to her.

"Believe it," Striker replied, sitting next to Hornet on a bed opposite the two elder Yorktown sisters. "This probably came as a bit of a surprise."

"First the factions splitting and almost annihilating each other, you coming from another world, and then the Sirens allying themselves with us," Yorktown said, trying to process what she had just heard, "it's quite hard to believe."

"I hear ya," Striker agreed.

"Still, I must thank you for protecting my sisters," Yorktown said.

"No problem," Striker replied. "I made a promise to Hornet, and I kept it."

"Oh, knock it off," Hornet said, smacking Striker in the shoulder. "If it weren't for you, my sis and I would be at the bottom of the ocean."

"It is hard to believe that after so long, we can finally have peace," Yorktown mused.

"It truly is amazing," Enterprise agreed.

Smiling, Striker stood. "I'll let the three of you have some alone time. You deserve it." With that, he walked out the door, leaving the three Carrier sisters to themselves.

With Hornet

After Striker left, Hornet turned and hugged her sister. "It's so good to have you back."

"Indeed," Yorktown replied with a smile. "I am glad to be back as well."

"To be honest, we were beginning to worry that you would never recover," Enterprise admitted.

"I am sorry to have put the two of you through that," Yorktown apologized, hugging them both.

Pulling back, she turned to Hornet. "Tell me, sister. How long have you and Striker been together?"

Hornet blushed. "We're not together."

"Yet," Enterprise corrected. "It doesn't take a mind reader to know you have feelings for him."

"No idea what you're talking about," Hornet said, hiding her face in the shadow of her hat.

"It makes sense that you would fall for him," Yorktown said. "Given what he has done for you, it stands to reason that he feels the same way."

"Ya think so?" Hornet asked hopefully.

"That is what I was trying to tell you before," Enterprise said. "If you do not tell him soon, you might not get the chance."

Hornet hesitated, then nodded. "Alright."

"Now," Yorktown said, and she turned to Enterprise, eyes narrowing, "tell me of this Alterprise."

Timeskip brought to you by Yorktown and Enterprise planning on how to get Striker and Hornet together

After checking in with his sisters, Striker walked out into the courtyard, his boots clicking against the pavement as he walked under the starlit sky.

I'm glad I could bring Yorktown back, Striker thought with a smile. Hornet and Enterprise deserve to have her back.

Shaking his head, Striker walked on, moonlight gleaming against the stones as his thoughts wandered. Unsurprisingly, his thoughts turned to Hornet.

As he exited the courtyard, something blond flashed in the corner of his eye, and he turned and found Hornet standing out on the beach, her hair waving ever so slightly in the midnight wind.

With Hornet

I wonder where Enterprise and Yorktown went, Hornet wondered, her boots sinking ever so slightly in the sand.

As she looked up at the stars above, her thoughts turned to Striker. I wonder what he's doing now, she thought. Probably off with his sisters.

"Out for a midnight stroll?"

Turning, Hornet saw the object of her thoughts walking over to her, his blue eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

As Hornet turned to face him, the moonlight illuminated her face, her emerald eyes shining as the Carrier turned to face him.

"Yeah, you?" Hornet asked.

"Same," Striker replied. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not really."

Nodding his thanks, Striker walked over, and together, the two of them looked out at the sea.

"How's Yorktown?" Striker asked.

"She's pretty much back to normal," Hornet replied, a small smile playing across her lips. "I'll be honest... I don't think I've ever seen Enterprise smile that much."

"Freaked you out?"

"You know it," Hornet replied. "How are your sisters doing?"

"They've pretty much adjusted already," Striker replied. "Other than Wisconsin and Jersey getting into a splash fight, nothing major."

"That's good to hear."

The two were silent for a long moment, the waves crashing against the surf before them.

Unbeknownst to them, nine shadowy figures watched anxiously, hidden behind a pair of stone pillars.

"Back during the fight," Hornet said, getting Striker's attention. "When you saved me... did ya mean that?"

"Course I did, Mate," Striker replied with a small laugh.

"Then what does that make us?" Hornet asked, turning to him.

"To be honest, I was hoping you'd know," Striker said with a laugh. "But I'm not gonna lie, Hornet. Ever since we met, well... I'd be lying if I didn't say I had my eyes on you."

Hornet giggled. "Well, I can't exactly blame ya for that," she teased, nudging him playfully.

Striker laughed. "Fair enough. But my point is, Mate... well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like ya. A lot in fact. I just wasn't sure how to—"

He was cut off as Hornet wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, her lips pressing against his.

Striker's eyes widened in surprise before they closed, and he leaned in, returning the kiss as the two held each other, waves crashing behind them.

"Yes!" whispered voices cheered.

Eventually, the two pulled back, and Striker leaned his forehead against Hornet's. "That was..."

"Amazing," Hornet filled in, her emerald eyes meeting his. "Guess that answers my question, doesn't it?"

"Guess it does," Striker agreed with a smile. "So just to make it official... Hornet, will you be my girlfriend?"

Hornet tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Let me think..." She kissed him again, her soft lips brushing against his before she pulled back. "That answer your question?"

"I didn't really catch that answer," Striker replied with a grin. "Mind repeating it?"

Hornet smiled. "Maybe later." She hugged him again, and the two of them sat down on the beach, Hornet resting her head on Striker's shoulder. "How're we going to tell the others?"

"Something tells me that they already know," Striker replied, shooting a glare at the stone walls behind them.

Five Minutes Earlier

"Are you sure this will work?" Enterprise asked as she and Yorktown crouched behind the left wall.

"It will," Yorktown assured. "If I'm right, Hornet will go out to the sea like she always does to think."

"But that doesn't mean Striker will be there, too," Enterprise whispered back. She tensed. "We're not alone."

"What are you doing here?" a voice hissed.

The two Carriers looked at the wall opposite them and saw Orochi, Purifier, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Cleveland, and Amagi crouching down.

"Yeah, I don't remember inviting you guys to the party," Purifier agreed.

"What are you doing out here?" Enterprise countered.

"Same thing as you, apparently," Missouri replied. "Making sure my brother and Hornet get together."

"Shh!" Wisconsin whispered. "He's coming."

Everyone fell silent as Striker walked past, joining Hornet out on the beach.

"So, what now?" Purifier asked, peeking out from behind the wall along with Orochi, Amagi, Cleveland, Iowa, and Missouri while Yorktown and Enterprise peeked out from behind the other wall. "Do they kiss and boom, they're together?"

"Dunno," Cleveland replied.

"Shh, they're talking," Missouri hissed.

The group fell silent as Striker joined Hornet out on the beach and began conversing.

"This is boring," Wisconsin whined, climbing up onto Orochi's back and peeking over his shoulder. "When are they gonna kiss?"

"Soon," Iowa assured.

Everyone watched silently as the two talked.

"Come on, kiss already," Jersey whined.

Purifier checked her watch. "If this doesn't work, then do we get to stick them in a supply closet?"

"We'll have to," Enterprise replied.

"They're moving!" Missouri hissed.

Everyone looked back at the two just as Hornet tackled Striker in a hug and kissed him.

Orochi pumped a fist, and everyone cheered. "Yes!"

"Are they kissing?" Wisconsin asked from where Purifier was covering her and Jersey's eyes.

"Yep," Cleveland replied, popping the P. "About time, too."

Yorktown smiled, as did Enterprise. "I'm glad for you, sister," the elder Carrier mused.

"Shh, they're saying something," Missouri whispered.

Everyone fell silent, and the discussion reached their ears.

"--going to tell the others?" Hornet was asking, leaning her head on Striker's shoulder.

"Something tells me that they already know," Striker replied, shooting a glare toward them, his right eye flickering with blue fire.

Orochi sweatdropped. Busted.

"Let's go!" Cleveland said, and they turned, only to find multiple dotted outlines where the others had been, Yorktown and Enterprise included.

Exchanging looks, Orochi and Cleveland raced off after them.

Back with Striker and Hornet

"What do you mean?" Hornet asked, turning to look back at the arch.

"We had some eavesdroppers," Striker replied.

Hornet gulped. "They know, don't they?"


"And they saw us..."


"We're dead."


Shaking her head, Hornet smiled and rested her head on Striker's shoulder. "Either way, at least we're alone now."

"Yeah, no one else watching us like creepy stalkers," Striker agreed, shooting a look at some sand dunes where a pair of wolf ears peeked over the edge.

Gulping, Warspite and Shoukaku quickly hid behind the dune. That was close, the two thought.

Shaking his head, Striker smiled and rested his head on top of Hornet's, holding her hand in his. Together, they drifted off as the stars gleamed above them and waves crashed against the shore.

(A/N) Here's a key of faction characters and their alliances, so you all can keep track. It will be updated throughout the story as new characters are introduced.

Eagle Union: Enterprise, Cleveland, Hornet, Laffey, Northampton, Long Island, Arizona, Helena, Hammann, San Diego, Nevada, Columbia, Denver, Montpelier, Essex, Bogue, Yorktown

Royal Navy: Prince of Wales, Javelin, Illustrious, Unicorn, Belfast, Hood, Warspite, Queen Elizabeth, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Langley, Ark Royal

Dragon Empery: Ning Hai, Ping Hai

Sakura Empire: Yamato, Kaga, Akagi, Ayanami, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Kako, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Nagato, Mutsu, Takao, Atago, Akashi, Ise, Hyuuga, Yuudachi, Shigure, Yukikaze, Amagi, Yamashiro, Fusou

Iron Blood: Prinz Eugen, Z23, Z1, Tirpitz, Admiral Hipper, Deutschland, Roon, Bismarck, Friedrich der Große

Sirens: Tester, Purifier, Omitter, Smasher, Observer Alpha, The Empress, Observer Zero/Dreamweaver, Orochi, Arbiter, Temperance

Striker's Faction: Striker, Iowa, Missouri, New Jersey, Wisconsin

Envoys: Striker (All), Orochi (Sirens), Hornet (Eagle Union), Amagi (Sakura Empire), Warspite (Royal Navy), Tirpitz (Iron Blood)

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