dsmp oneshots

By ghostgoburr

92K 1.4K 5K

hello! just some dsmp oneshots. used to be dnf stuff but it'll start branching out soon enough. :] cover by @... More

info :D
update / requests
Fundy/Dream Wedding
Hockey & Figure Skating AU
Bookstore [1]
Prison Visit
Memories [TommyInnit Death Angst]
Proposal On The SMP
Highschool AU
Cheerleader - Part 2
Royal AU
Bookstore pt. 2
blankets & comfort


1.7K 36 20
By ghostgoburr


forgot i was gonna post today so here have this old oneshot that i haven't read in months

idk if its bad but HERE YA GO


this is a world where you have a compass on your hand that points to your true love


1. i included references to sbi rust streams

2. Lux is the entire world, not just a city.

3. compasses do NOT have to be followed, it's just something that shows you who will bring you true happiness and love. some people say they are 'liars' but they can only tell the truth.

4. dream/clays father is a fictional character. not based on anyone.

5. heh i included references to cats i have on a realm i have with my friends. :)


The loud bustle of the brick city streets used to make Clay Exterri excited.

He used to take happiness in the family tents and stands, breathe in the scents of basil and honey from the various vendors, and try and count every string light that was hung on the edges of the streets. He used to try not to step on the horizontal bricks in the road, and try to balance on the curbs, or make faces in his cousins store window. He used to go on his tiptoes and spin in circles around the flickering lamp posts with his best friend. He used to put on puppy eyes in front of his father's friends vendors, and end up getting a little bit of what they were selling as a reward. He used to sit in the grass with his best friend, split whatever he got, and laugh as they made up stories for the people passing by.

He used to stare at the compass on his left hand, watching it twitch.

Now he swept over the brick streets in a soft, brown cloak, ignoring the colorful vendors and his cousins store. His best friend, Sapnap, was at his study, preparing for the upcoming exam in school. Clay was already prepared; photographic memories were like that. Clay was running an errand for his father. Again.

He loved his father, but his father never seemed to love him back. He only cared that Clay got good grades, ran his errands, and didn't embarrass him. He didn't care about Clays compass, and how it seemed to be pinned somewhere in the village. He would always say, "Love is distracting. Ignore your compass, boy."

That's all he was. Boy. Not son. Not Clay.

So as his brown cloak brushed the ground, he considered, as he always did, just running away. Finding his soulmate. Ignoring his father. Running away with whoever it was, and just living with them for his whole life. Watching the sun melt away in the sky, hide under the covers. Write letters to Sapnap. Invite his best friend over for dinner. Never feel alone, or like any of his relationships were complicated.

But he could never run away. He wanted to get an education. Get a job. Live a nice, normal life.

So he placed a small bag of coins on the mechanics vendor, and told him what he needed. He had zero clue what any of those things were, but the mechanic seemed to know. He wiped his greasy, sweaty forehead, and handed Clay a heavy bag. It felt like nothing to him, though. Another plus of being in school: A lot of exercise.

He gave a thank you to the mechanic, continued down the street. A few extra coins jingled in his cloak pocket. He eventually decided on getting some fruit, and stopped at a small vendor. He placed the change on the counter, grabbed an apple, and stepped to the side, smiling warmly at the vendor owner. He was about to say thanks he was suddenly shoved over.

A small boy had dashed in front of him. He grabbed a few of the apples from the vendor, and began to speed away. The vendor owner glared at him, and looked ready to chase the boy. But a few guards (aka the police force) were already running after the boy. Clay noticed immediately that the guards were slow, not prepared to be chasing someone so small and fast.

He quickly shoved the apple into an inside pocket of his cloak and began running, zig zagging through people wandering in the streets. No one payed him mind; people were too busy with themselves to pay a running blond any mind.

He quickly passed the guards, but his pace was about even with the small brunette who was holding the apples. They had left the area of vendors, now on empty streets.

"Hey!" Clay called, but the boy didn't turn. Suddenly, the blond sped up, reaching the shorter and grabbing his arm and pulling him back. He dug his nails in the boys skin, and turned him around so he was facing him.

The boys face was red, honey-brown eyes watering slightly from Clays nails digging into his skin. His hair was frayed, and it looked like he had cut it shorter with safety scissors. His blue tunic was tattered, and his black leggings went to right above his ankles, like he hadn't gotten new ones in ages.

"What do you want?" he snarled, still holding the apples. Clay rammed his fist into the boys shoulder, but he didn't so much as flinch. "I've been punched before, rich boy."

Clay shoved him, and the boy fell to the ground. "Stealing is punishable by death, kid."

"Says the guy whos technically stolen from vendors by doing stupid doe eyes," the boy quipped back, and Clay was taken aback. How did this boy know him? "Yeah, a-hole. I know who you are." He suddenly raised his left hand, showing the compass. Clay looked down at his own, which-

was pointed directly at the boy.

The blond went in a circle, and the compass remained trained on the small brunette. The thieves followed him too.

"Oh my god," Clay muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I thought this was supposed to be with someone you liked, not-"

"You don't like me?" the boy sounded slightly hurt, standing. "I'm George by the way. Here." He handed the apples to Clay. "I was just bringing them to the Minecrafts."

Clay cocked his head. "The whos?" George started walking, and Clay followed him easily. They turned a corner, and then slipped into a small alleyway.

Five people sat in a small circle on a patch of grass. All wearing slightly tattered clothes, looking tired but happy. They were talking, seeming relaxed. At home. In a frickin alleyway.

George smiled at them. "Hey, guys." They gave him friendly hellos, and after a few moments someone noticed Clay.

"Who're you?" a blonde said, pointing at Clay. He wore a white tunic, fraying red jacket, and ripped black leggings. He had a missing tooth and messy hair.

Clay looked at his feet, tapping them on the concrete surface. The nicely paved brick roads were behind them. "I'm Clay."

A brunette with a maroon beanie and yellow sweater snorted. "Clay Exterri? Mr. Rich?" Clay felt his face flood red. "Don't mean to be rude. Just, your dad wants all 'street rats' to be 'exterminated'. You trying to find all of us for your father?"

Clay shook his head, face still slightly red. "No, I just-" His trailed off. He tried to chase someone who stole from a rich vendor? How would that sound good?

"Mr. Silent here chased me when I tried to steal some food," George said, eyeing Clay. The group in front of them booed.

"You can have them back." Clay tossed the five apples George had stolen back to him, and George handed them to the group. After about a minute, all that was left were the apple cores. The only person who hadn't finished was the boy in the red jacket, who handed the rest of his apple to a small brunette dressed in green and black.

"I'm Phil," said the oldest, smiling warmly at Clay. He stood, and was only about an inch or so taller than Clay. "These are my sons." He pointed in turn to the boys.

"I'm Tommy," the boy in red said, watching the smaller brunette eat the apple happily. "That's Tubbo. Or Tub. Or Toob. Or Small T."

"Big T!" Tubbo squeaked, and Tommy chuckled.

"I'm Wilbur, or Will," yawned the brunette in a yellow sweater, tousling his brown hair.

A tall, lanky, pink haired male wearing a black cloak gave a little snort. "I would advise not calling him Will until you're friends with him. Might take awhile due to your reputation though." Phil shot him a glare, and he stopped and sighed. "I'm Technoblade. Or Techno. Do not call me Tech. I will end you." He sounded too serious for Clays liking.

George suddenly plopped down by Phil, and motioned for Clay to sit beside him. Clay sat down slowly, and George smiled. "But yeah, we live here. Not too bad." Clay eyed the clump of blankets, and how Techno was wrapping his cloak around Tommy and Tubbo to keep them warm in the fall weather. George noticed him taking it in. "Some people have it worse. You should be grateful."

Huh. He had never thought about it that way.

~The Next Day~

"Hey dad, I'm going to the market," Clay shouted, pulling on his cloak and satchel. "You need anything?" He slipped into the kitchen as his father listed the the few mechanical things he needed, and Clay grabbed the practically uneaten bread from the pantry. He also had a folded blanket in his bag, one that was old and his father wouldn't even notice missing.

"See you later, Clay!" his father shouted as he walked out, slamming the door behind him. Once he reached the vendors, he glanced down at his compass. Pointing in the direction of the mechanical vendor. Huh.

He slipped through the throngs of people, sometimes glancing at intertwined hands and how the compassses pointed directly at the person beside them. He hoped maybe one day that would be him and...

"George!" he called, and the familiar brunette turned at grinned at him. Already, his heart fluttered desire only knowing him for a day.

"Hey, Clay."

Clay smiled warmly. "Hey." He glanced down at the compass, pointing strongly at George. Another flutter. "I need to grab some mechanical stuff for my dad first. But I brought some stuff for you guys."

George gently slipped his hand into Clays, intertwining their fingers like the couples that were walking by. Warmth licked at the inside of Clays chest, like all the feelings he was told to lock up had suddenly been given a key. The brunette glanced up at him, silently asking if this was okay. Clay squeezed his hand in response.

By the time they made it to the small alleyway, they had only let go of each others hands so that way Clay could get the mechanical things for his father. Odd, how only a few words could be passed between the two and yet they already felt so at home in eachothers arms.

"What up, lover boy?" Will called, leaning against one of the walls containing the ally. Clay instantly noticed there were more people here than before.

A girl with white-blonde hair and two streaks of black was sitting on a crate looking at Will, Tommy and Tubbo were playing some sort of card game with a boy that had half black half white hair and tattered dress pants and tie, and-

"Sapnap?" Clay said incredulously, eyes wide as he sought out his friend in the group of people. Sapnap gave a lopsided grin, standing beside Techno and holding a small knife in his hand. Sapnap had a love for weaponry and battle techniques, and from what Clay gathered of Techno, they had similar interests.

Sapnap's smile turned into a smirk as he noticed Clays confused expression. "Hey, Clay." He handed Techno the small knife, and Techno gave a small thanks. "Suprised to see me?"

Clay dropped to his knees and started rooting through his satchel to find the blanket and bread. "A bit." He pulled out the loaf of bread, and Phil snatched it out of his hands before he could say anything. He also pulled out the blanket, and Will grabbed it and wrapped it firmly around Tubbo's shoulders.

Techno gave a toothy grin, sharp bottom teeth poking out of his mouth slightly. "Thanks, Clay." He sounded genuine, eyeing as Tubbo curled into the blanket and Phil ripped off a piece of bread. "I'm guessing you're wondering how we came to be, y'know..." He gestured, to the group. "In this predicament."

Clay gave a small nod as George sat beside him, shivering as a gust of cold win hit them. The brunette curled closer to the blond, and Tommy gave a small sSapnaper across from them.

"Yeah, a bit," Clay murmured, watching Phil pass some bread to Wilbur.

Techno waited until everyone had a little bit of food before continuing. "It's not a long story. We're a family, Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, Phil and I. Tubbo not by blood. I knew my mom for five years before Tommy was born and she passed a few months later. She had been a noble women, going to the court and helping rule over our city. But then she passed away, and Phil didn't have a job. Not blaming you, Dad- none of us were expecting it.

"Anyway, people thought she died of a disease which was contagious. She didn't die because of that, she passed away do to poison someone had put in her goblet." He bit his lip. "We still don't know who. But anyway, we were basically shunned because people thought we might have it. So we live here. We found George a year ago."

George nodded. "Yeah, my parents kicked me out after I came out as gay." He gave a small shrug. "Called me a fag, all that stuff."

"Been there," Clay murmured. "Done that."

Phil shot him a look, taking a small bite from the bread. "What do you mean?"

Clay looked down at his fingers, picking at the dirt underneath them. His bright, green eyes watered slightly. "I came out as bi a few years ago." He took a deep breath. "My mom left one day after, taking a portion of my dads money. Said she didn't want to be related to someone... like me." He gave a little shudder, wrapping his cloak firmly around himself.

Techno gave a deep sigh. "I don't understand why people judge people because of who they love. Granted, I've never felt 'romance' love..." Clay cocked his head. "Asexual."

Clay nodded, understanding. "It's dumb. I also don't get why you guys are out on the streets when all of you seem like great people." He traced small circles on the concrete as the half and half boy have him a soft look.

"Yeah," he murmured, looking up shyly. "I mean, there are some people who are jerks-"

"Like my dad," Clay grumbled, and the boy gave a small nod.

"-and yet they have so much power."

"And that," Phil said suddenly, standing, taking the rest of the bread. "Is why we're leaving tomorrow."

Techno grinned, a real smile. "Finally. To The Dome, I'm guessing?" (HECK YEAH RUST REFERENCE EVEN THOUGH I WATCH NONE OF THOSE STREAMS)

Phil patted him on the back. "Yup."

Clay stood suddenly. "Where? Where are you going?"

George stood as well, threading their fingers together. "The Dome. It's in the beyond."

"The beyond? But- but-" George suddenly pulled him away, dragging him out into the empty brick streets and away from the others. "What are you-"

Suddenly he kissed him, gently and slowly. Clay fell silent, going slack. Clay Exterri, son of one of the most powerful people in Lux- falling limp in a homeless boys arms, ready to give him everything.

When George pulled away, he felt so broken. Like that was all he wanted.

"Clay?" George said softly, and the blond looked up at him. "When we leave, I-" he trailed off, then took a breath and continued. "You're welcome to come."

Clay was silent for a moment before kissing George again. "Of course," he murmured, nuzzling into Georges hair. George gave a grateful sigh, and embraced him again.


~1 Month Later~

"George, Mint fell asleep on me again!" (this is a reference for any of my irl friends reading this)

"She likes you, Clay."

Clay gave a sigh from the other room. The white cat was curled on his chest, purring happily as he scratched behind her ears. He smiled as she rested her head right by his neck, tickling him slightly.

George leaned against the door frame looking, in Clay's opinion, very handsome. Despite wearing worn overalls a muddy blue shirt, and having slightly obnoxious glasses that helped with his colorblindness on his forehead, he still looked amazing.

The brunette picked up the other cat that was standing by him. "I think Poseidon is a bit jealous, love." He placed the white-and-gray cat on Clays lap, and he curled up next to Mint. (again, rEfErAncE)

"Clay Exterri, King of Cats," Techno chuckled, sauntering in and holding two glasses of lemonade. "Here. Tommy found a lemon tree yesterday, so we made some lemonade." He scratched Poseidon behind his ears before leaving.

George handed Clay the lemonade, and the blond took a small sip. It exploded on his tongue, and he instantly felt a blast of deja vu, as though he had felt this so many times before. It hit him when George traced his finger along the top of his head, threading his finger through the blonds hair.

Clay looked up at him, a soft look on his face. "I feel like I've felt this so many times before."

"What do you mean?"

"Like everything is sour for a moment, and then it becomes sweet." He lifted his head slightly, cats still on his chest and lap, to kiss George softly. "Very sweet."

"You're such an idiot."

boom was it good cause i sure as hell dont know



good morning/night :)

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