Your Ghost

By StarlightCevans

86.4K 2.3K 318

Evelyn is like most ladies you would have met: Kind, caring, ambitious and a go-getter. Evelyn loves animals... More

Writer's note
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter: 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:

Chapter 44:

1K 32 8
By StarlightCevans


"That was....tiring..." I collapse on the couch, sighing for relief.

What a hike!

"The hike was fun." Ransom collapses next to me and smiles – like a cute child!

Sheila joins us, but she jumps right off the couch and runs toward the backdoor.

"I think Sheila wants to go outside." I exhale.

I am so tired!

"You think?" Ransom jokes.

I crease my brows at him and faintly smile.

"Let me open the door for her. She probably wants water." Ransom laughs and then stands up to let Sheila outside.

How is Ransom not tired?

I'm exhausted!

And I used to always go hiking in the past...

Ransom sits back down and interlaces my hand in his, but I pull my hand away.

"Ransom! You are sweating."

And you don't smell...I add silently.

Can this man be anymore perfect?

"Look who's talking?" Ransom wipes his finger across my upper lip and shows me the sweat from my face.


I grimace at Ransom. "Yet you claim I am beautiful?"

Ransom chortles. "Everyone sweats Evelyn."

"And smells." I twitch my lips.

"That too."

"Yet you don't." I remark.

"Oh really?" Ransom arches a brow.

I shrug.

" that we are back from hiking, I want to take a shower." Ransom rubs my knee and then stands up.

"Aren't you going to join me?" he halts by the staircase – I think. It sounds like he is at the staircase.

I don't need to look at him to know he is smirking when he asked that question.

I turn my head, but then I moan in pain. "I would..." I sigh. "...if my body could move." I laugh, but it is humorless.

My body is stiff! I need to stretch my muscles, but they hurt.

I hear Ransom's footsteps and he is standing in front of me.

"Put your arm around me." Ransom bends down and I feel his arms wrap around me.

"No! I'm sweaty!" I whine.

"This isn't my first time seeing you sweat. You know that right?" he asks rhetorically.

I sigh and then use what strength I have to drape my arm around Ransom's neck – groaning in the process.

"You really need to workout more, and walking is out of the question. You walk every day. I'm talking about weight lifting or going to the gym."

"So our intimate moments don't count?" I tease, but my voice is breathless.

"Hey!" Ransom tickles me. "You just need to exercise more, and by that I mean weight lifting or something."

"Walking is enough for me." I state.

Ransom laughs. "Well you need to incorporate another form of exercise other than walking."

"I'm fine. I don't need to do any weight lifting or any other endurance training." I object.

"Out of the two of us, which one of us is breathing the heaviest?" Ransom chuckles.

I narrow my eyes at him and tap his chest.

"Fine. I guess I could try resistance training or picking up a weight or two."

"You are not going to try. You are going to perform a workout routine, and one that can build up your endurance. I can set one up for you when I go to the gym again."

I sigh and close my eyes. "Then I am going to opt for kickboxing."

Ransom halts right by the bedroom and bursts out laughing.

I tap his chest again. "Don't be an asshole!"

"Okay okay. Let's just get showered." Ransom's titters.

Once we are inside the bathroom, I slide down from Ransom's grip, but I end up slipping – like the clumsy person I am.

"Evelyn!" Ransom catches me just as my behind hits the floor.

"Ow!" I mewl.

"No, you don't need to do more exercise. Walking is just fine." Ransom says with mock gravity.

"Ha ha." I sarcastically say.

Ransom picks me up and sets me down on the bathroom vanity.

"Don't move." Ransom says.

I arch a brow at him.

Like I can move my body without whining about how sore my muscles are.

I will probably fall flat on my face if I move.

Ransom walks over to the bath and turns the taps on.

"Aren't we showering?" I ask.

"And risk you falling on your face? No thank you."

Did he read my mind?

"So will you be showering then and I bath?" I ask, and I know that was a stupid question to ask because Ransom creases his brows at me.

"Like I would run a bath and not join you." Ransom laughs. "Besides, a bath will help soothe our muscles. My muscles still hurt, but not as much as yours." Ransom's tone changes to calm, and soft.

I've noticed Ransom hasn't been at all.

He hasn't raised his voice at me. He hasn't brought up Jake and he hasn't shown his possessive side today. During our hike, Ransom helped me when I fell and he hasn't shown any sign of anger. He is in fact, being benevolent and kind.

He is being so kind!

I hope this doesn't end!

I want my Ransom! I want him to stay forever!

Just then, I feel Ransom's hands brushing on my skin.

"Ransom!" I shriek.

I was caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize Ransom was right in front of me.

"What?" Ransom looks genuinely shocked.

"I can't! I can barely move my arms. I can't. At least not right now."

My muscles are so sore. I cannot be intimate with Ransom right now...maybe later, but not now.

Ransom looks at me in bewilderment. "What can't you do? I am undressing you....oh! Evelyn, I am taking your clothes off so I can help you into the bath." Ransom tilts his head and wrinkles his nose.

"Oh...I thought...Oh I don't know what I was thinking..." I cover my face.

How embarrassing!

Here I thought Ransom wanted to...Oh! He was just helping me!

Why would my mind automatically go there...?

I can really be an idiot sometimes.

"Did you really think I would do more than just touch your body?" Ransom asks.

I keep my face covered and I shake my head. I mumble a few words, but I don't even know what I am mumbling. I think I told Ransom that he would try something.

It's not like it hasn't happened before.

"I know your muscles are sore. I wouldn't want to add to that." Ransom bursts into laughter.

"It isn't funny." I mumble.

"My sweetheart! It is funny, but I am not laughing to mock you. I am laughing because you can be cute sometimes." Ransom gently removes my hands from my face and kisses me softly.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

Ransom leans his forehead on mine. "Let's get you in that bath. The sooner you are in the bath, the better." Ransom picks me up and places me in the bath. is nice and warm.

I can already feel my muscles relaxing.


I sniff around and I notice Ransom also put in bath salts, and it's my favorite smell!

Why couldn't I smell the bath salts a few seconds ago?

Ransom joins me and climbs in the bath, but he sits behind me. "Lean against me." Ransom hums.

I lean back against Ransom chest and I sigh...feeling bliss and content.

"Do you feel better?" Ransom asks, caressing my arms.

"Mmm..." I smile. "Thank you." I kiss Ransom's hand.

My muscles feel relaxed...and I have strong arms wrapped around me...what more could a girl ask for?

I close my eyes while Ransom washes me, but my body jolts every now and again because Ransom's fingers lightly brush my skin.

His touch!

He really has no idea how his touch effects me!

There's something different about this scene...about Ransom and I...usually Ransom and I would be talking about our plans for the next day or what we should for the weekend...but we're not.

Ransom isn't even talking as he washes me. Instead, Ransom hums to a tune that I know all too well.

Ransom is humming to me! He rarely hums to me!

I like hearing Ransom's singing voice. It's comforting and also helps me to relax my body if I feel tensed or stressed.

At one point I thought Ransom would take singing classes back when we first started dating, but he was too busy with other things.

Other things...meaning fooling around with other women and –

Don't think about that now! Focus on the present!

I let out a long exhale and I close my eyes.

I lay back and think about the hike Ransom and I went on earlier.


Earlier that day:

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for an adventure? You bet I am!" I jump for joy – like a girl who is starting her 1st school year.

"We're just hiking." Ransom chuckles.

"Yeah and your point?" I hold onto my backpack like in one of those hiking posters I see in the outdoor stores.

"When last did you hike?" Ransom curiously asks.

I shrug one shoulder. "I don't know. Probably a few months ago? I've mostly been walking or running. You?"

"Last month." Ransom picks up his keys.

Sheila hops on her feet, waiting at the door.

"Let's go! I think a certain fluffy dog is eager to go hiking again." Ransom opens the front door. "Since her owner hasn't gone hiking for months." he adds, chuckling.

I frown and pout my lips.

"I'm kidding." Ransom cups my head in his hands and he kisses me softly. "Now let's go."

I smile and we are out the door.


"I cannot believe you have greeted every single person who has passed us." Ransom looks at me in astonishment.

I sigh breathlessly as I step onto a rock. "It's called being kind. You should try it sometime." I arch a brow at him.

"Watch it." Ransom smirks.

"Besides, we haven't passed a lot of people." I giggle and look to see where we need to walk. "Do you think Sheila would be okay on these rocks?"

"Of cause she will! Come girl." Ransom beckons to Sheila...and she follows Ransom?

She's following him? Has she been listening to Ransom throughout this hike? Why haven't I noticed?

Sheila never used to listen to Ransom!

Has she seen the kind man that I see?

I step on another rock and I see Ransom is already back on the hiking path.

Damn! He's fast!

"Wait up!" I shout, moving quicker to reach the hiking path.

"Don't go too fast, or else you will fall. The rocks are slippery." Ransom cautions.

"Yeah Yeah." I stick my tongue out cheekily at Ransom...only to trip and fall.

I am such a klutz!

"Evelyn!" Ransom races to get to me, but he does make sure not to trip himself.

"I'm fine. I just tripped." I try to stand up, but my legs wobble.

"I told you the rocks are slippery." Ransom helps me to stand up.

"I knew that. I just wanted to catch up to you." I say.

"We are not in any rush. I was waiting for you."

"I know I just..." I sigh. "I'm sorry."

"Let's just get off these rocks. I don't want you to fall again. You might break a bone, you old lady." Ransom teases.

"Watch it." I snicker.

Ransom helps me climb over the rocks until we are back on the hiking path.

"Thank you." I say while I try and catch my breath.

Ransom smiles faintly and then his face turns pale. "You're bleeding."

I look down and spot a cut on my leg.

"It's just a scratch." I say dismissively.

"No it's not. The blood is dripping down your leg." Ransom's eyes widen.

"It's okay. I can still walk." I assure Ransom.

"Well we are not going further until I have fixed that wound." Ransom takes my arm, but I pull away.

"I will mend my own wound."

"Evelyn...just let me do it." Ransom says with a calm voice.

What? Ransom usually raises his voice at me if I refuse his help.

I cross my arms and step backward, but I trip – again!

Ransom catches me this time – before my behind hits the ground. "I am attending to that wound, whether you like it or not. You are too clumsy to do it yourself."

I open my mouth to object, but decide against it.

He has a point.

Ransom makes me fall backward so he can pick me up and carry me to a rock – a non slippery one thankfully.

He opens his bag and takes out the first-aid kit, and he attends to my wound.

Through all the grimacing and "Ow!" which burst out my mouth, Ransom fixes my wound.

"That should do it." he places a band aid over my cut.

"Will I survive?" I joke.

"You better survive. I don't know what I'd do if that cut was worse." Ransom says while packing away the first-aid kit.

Ransom! Those words...they were so caring!

"Thank you." I caress my boyfriend's beautiful face.

The twinkle in his eyes...his messy hair...his eyelashes...

Those damn eyelashes!

"You...You are so beautiful." I murmur, smiling at Ransom.

Ransom cups my face and kisses me gently. "You are beautiful too. Now let's keep going." he helps me up and we continue to walk forward.


"The view is so breathtaking!" I beam, looking down toward the city.

I look at the landscape and the view is truly a sight to behold...from the residential the bridge where I spot a few cars the lake underneath the bridge where the water is glistening in the the open fields where I can see people busy playing sports.

It is truly a magnificent view!

I can even see Harlan's house from the hill I am on, but his house looks like a miniature toy house.

"Are you enjoying the view?" Ransom wraps his arms around me and he kisses my shoulder.

I turn around and look at my boyfriend. "I am enjoying it now." I reach my lips up to meet Ransom's.

I cannot get over how soft his lips are!

I could kiss Ransom for days...

"Are you enjoying the view?" I smile coyly at Ransom.

"I most certainly am." Ransom cups my head in his hands to kiss me.

We both turn around to look at the view.

I inhale and exhale slowly and take in this sight...but for some strange reason, I cannot help but think I have been on this hiking trail before...

"This view is so beautiful...but it looks familiar." I wrinkle my nose.

"Familiar?" Ransom scoffs. "Don't you remember this hiking trail?" Ransom kisses my shoulder again.

His lips on my bare skin is dangerous!

Doesn't he know how his touch affects me?

I need to resist the urge to throw myself at him.

I need to focus on Ransom's question.

I look at the hiking trail and I walk around to see if anything looks familiar...then suddenly, I remember.

I twirl around to face Ransom. "Isn't this the hiking trail you took me on when it was our 5th date?" I place my hands over my mouth.

Ransom smiles, showing his teeth.

Yes! I remembered!

"And what else?"

I look around and spot the place Ransom and I once sat at. "This was also the place where you asked me to be your girlfriend. You told me that you wanted to make it official." I move my hands to the side of my face.

I know I am blushing!

"And?" Ransom playfully rolls his eyes.

"And..." I look back at the view and then to the hiking trail again.

Ah! I remember!

"It was the first date where you gave me a gift, and not just any gift. It was a necklace, which had a heart pendant on the chain. Your name was engraved on the heart because..." I blush. "...because you told me and I quote: 'You own my heart'." My hand automatically goes to my neck and I instantly freeze in place.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Where is the necklace?

Oh wait.....

I remember!

After I broke up with Ransom, I pulled the chain off my neck because it was a constant reminder of Ransom.

But after that, what did I do with the necklace?
I know I didn't throw it away. I may have been angry at Ransom, but I didn't have the heart to throw away that necklace.

Dammit! What did I do with that necklace?
"Evelyn?" Ransom waves his hand and I snap back to reality.

"Are you okay? You look pale." Ransom touches my cheek. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I shake my head. "I'm okay."

I look down and bite my lip.

My cheeks are red hot.

"Are you sure?"

I nod my head slowly.

"I asked you a question."

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." I look out at the view.

Ransom sighs quietly. "I asked where your necklace is. I don't see it around your neck."

I gulp. "I...I haven't worn it f-for a l-long t-time."

Great! I'm back to stuttering!

"Oh! Oh yes! Did you bring the necklace with you when you packed your bag?" Ransom murmurs.

Tell him! Tell him what happened!

I sigh. "Look Ransom..." I begin.

Ransom is going to be disappointed.

"I...I –"

"Left the necklace back at your place?" Ransom interjects. "Oh! You must have forgotten to bring it when you packed your bag. We can collect it from your house after our hike." Ransom says nervously, brushing my cheek gently.

Does he think I threw the necklace away?

Did I?

No! I know I didn't throw it away! It must be somewhere!

"Ransom..." I inhale. "Look...I – I don't –"

"Think we should go to your place? Oh but we are going. After we have freshened up, then we can get that necklace."

I exhale. "We can get it another time. Why do we need to get it right after our hike?" I ask.

Why is he insisting that we get that necklace right away?

I seem to remember he was a little possessive about me wearing that necklace...

Ransom inhales sharply. "I want you to wear that necklace. That necklace has sentimental value and it suited you. That is why I wanted you to wear that necklace. Plus, it's a family heirloom." Ransom exhales out, but his breathing is shaky.

I narrow my eyes. "Family heirloom?"

Like his ring?

Ransom rolls his eyes. "I told you it is a family heirloom when I gave that necklace to you. Don't you remember? I told you Harlan gave it to me...and that the necklace belonged to his grandmother..."

I look at Ransom in puzzlement, and then I pucker my forehead.

"Yes! I remember!" I click my fingers.

I remember now...Harlan told me that he gave Ransom that necklace because Ransom had to gift it to the person he cares about the most.

It still baffles me to think that Ransom cares about me because in the past, he did not care about the women he was hooking up with.

Yet he cares about me constantly...even when he acts like an asshole...

"Good! Now let's make our way back to my car. I see more people are starting to hike." Ransom points down at the cars, which are driving into the parking lot.

I really don't want to go to my house to look for the necklace.

Ransom will probably end up helping me search for that necklace because I don't have a clue as to where that necklace is.

I open my mouth to tell Ransom that we don't need to go to my place...but I decide against it.

Truthfully I don't want this necklace to start a fight between us.

Ransom has been so kind during this hike, and I don't want to destroy that kindness...

I pick up my bag and we turn around to walk back.

As we walk back, I think about where that necklace is...but unfortunately my mind is too focused on the hiking trail.

Every now and again, Ransom has to help me down a rock and help me to cross the river.

Maybe I should go hiking more often. I enjoyed this hike and I really want to do it again.

Just as we reach the car, my legs start to wobble, and Ransom has to once again help me.

"So same time tomorrow?" Ransom teases, pointing to the hiking trail.

"Don't push it." I suppress a laugh, tapping his shoulder. "Although I would like to hike again."

"Then I shall set a date for another hike." Ransom kisses my cheek.


Back to the present:


I feel Ransom nudging me.

"Mmm..." I open my eyes.

"While you were resting, this water got cold, so I want to get out." Ransom climbs out the bath and wraps a towel around his waist.

"Aww...there goes my view." I tease, yawning.

"Watch it missy." Ransom smirks, helping me out the bath.

"Thank you." I kiss my boyfriend on his cheek.

"How do your muscles feel?" Ransom asks as he hands me a towel.

"Like I can move them again." I stretch my arms out. "Now if you'll excuse me..." I twirl around, but I slip.

"Evelyn! For goodness sake!" Ransom catches me.

I laugh hysterically. "I am such a klutz!"

"Yes you are." Ransom chuckles. "Now let me take you inside."

Ransom picks me up and carries me into the bedroom.

He places me on the bed. "Now try not to fall off this bed." Ransom arches a brow at me.

I grin at him. "I'll try."

Ransom shakes his head while laughing, before he turns around.

I fall back on the bed...then it hits me.

It really hits me!

The necklace!



"What do you want me to do with this?" Lydia holds up that hideous necklace.

"Hide it? Bury it? Lend it out? Just don't throw it away."

"Lend it out?" Lydia snorts.

"Yes! I don't care what you do with that asshole's necklace, as long as you don't throw it away."

Lydia narrows her eyes. "But why would you –"

"It's apparently a family heirloom, although I don't know how true that is...considering the asshole went to get his name engraved on that pendant. If it was a family heirloom, he wouldn't have ruined it by putting his name on it. Besides, I know exactly why Ransom put his fucking name on that necklace."

Ransom only went to get his name engraved on that necklace because he wanted other men to see who owned my heart...and who owned me!

Well not anymore!

I really want to scream right now!

"Okay..." Lydia looks at the necklace.

"Also hide it away from me. I don't want to be reminded of that asshole and what he did to me."


"Earth to Evelyn?"

I blink and sit up. "What?"

Ransom tosses me his sweater. "Put that on."

"Don't you want to go to my place?"

"Later on. You need rest first. You have been dozing off since we came back from that hike."

I look down and sigh. "Can't I get the necklace some other time?" I mumble.

Lydia won't be at her house today anyway. She is usually out to see her sister.

I hear Ransom sigh and he sits next to me. His hands are on my towel and he pulls it off me.

"Ransom!" I shriek.

"I'm trying to help you put my sweater on." he frowns.

"Oh. Sorry." I mumble. "D-Did you hear me?" I ask, stretching my arms up so Ransom can put the sweater on.

"I did and I still think we should go later."

I heavily sigh – on purpose. "But I'm tired." I whine.

This time, Ransom heavily sighs, mimicking me. "Fine! We will go tomorrow." Ransom grunts. "Now lay down. I want to wrap my arms around you to warm you up. Your body is cold. We should have gotten out that bath earlier because your body is not warm enough, and I don't want you to get sick."

I lay back down and Ransom wraps his arms around me. My fingers automatically interlace in Ransom's hair.

Suddenly, I feel my sweater sliding up my body, and my muscles tense up.

"It's not what you think." Ransom says quickly. "I just want to kiss your beautiful body."

I exhale and relax my body.

I feel Ransom's lips on my skin, but he isn't kissing me in one spot. He is kissing me along my abdomen...and his lips are so soft against my skin.

Aw! It feels so affectionate!

I resist the urge to cry because Ransom is being gentle.

So gentle...

Instead my mind goes to Lydia...I need to get the necklace from here, but the last time I saw Lydia, we were fighting...fighting about Ransom...

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