Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

202K 5.9K 1.6K

Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


2.7K 85 9
By Lightblue44

After paying for his end of the hair products and combs and everything, Naomi and Theo left the hair shop. He had dropped her at her house and driven straight to Physio trying not to get the wrath of coach and be on time to his slot.

In all honesty, he wasn't sure when it even was, but he was hoping as usual Ollie and Elijah were chatting shit to the poor physiotherapist so that they could waste time and get out of exercises like they usually did, but this time for the sake of Theo.

Surprisingly, Theo pulled up and had made it with more than enough time as Jimmy, the second to last person had just been called in by one of the physiotherapists.

Just as he was about to knock on another physiotherapist's door when it opened. Ollie was walking out just in time.

"Ahh you made it!" Ollie smiled

"Told you I would" Theo laughed, walking past him into the office.

Theo managed to be in and out of the physiotherapist's office in no time. He was doing all the stretches required of him, he had a massage gun, along with a foam roller and not straining himself when it came to the gym.

Moments later, he had found the rest of the team with coach going on about their next match. They knew why it was happening, it was winter so football wasn't really a priority right now, but they still needed their practice.

"Alright boys, I hope you take this time to train and keep up the healthy eating, I better see you all on the pitch for the match, that's all" coach announced

The team all nodded going off in their different directions.

Elijah and Ollie immediately made a beeline for Theo before he could leave, without them talking.

"Yo Theo!" Elijah shouted

"Yeah?" Theo asked, turning around to find Ollie and Elijah looking at him.

"Nah don't yeah us, we ain't see in you in time. What the hell is going on? We know you've obviously got Naomi now, but you've still gotta make time for us" Elijah pointed out

"Aww did you guys miss me?" Theo laughed, sending Naomi a quick text to tell her he didn't get cussed for physio, whilst taking out his AirPods and putting them away

"Fuck right off, I just wanna know the update on you two" Elijah motioned towards Theo being distracted on his phone talking to Naomi, which had become the norm recently.

"Alright, alright but let's get out of here before coach sees us and tries to get us to do some drills" Theo agreed, knowing this conversation was coming at some point soon

"Meet at mine?" Elijah asked

"Calm, I'll follow you in my car" Theo shouted as he walked over to his car, as Ollie and Elijah walked in the opposite direction, clearly parked somewhere else,

As Theo sat down in his car, he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows. His car smelt good. Like really good and it definitely wasn't him.

It smelt like...Like Naomi. Like a lot like Naomi, but there was no way her scent could hold that long. It wasn't until he saw the bag of hair products he bought her in the passenger seat, he smiled to himself.

He grabbed one of them, remembering her saying earlier that the 'Lotta Body with coconut and Shea oils Curl and style Milk' was probably what he always smelt when he was around her. She had said she knew it wasn't the best product for her hair but couldn't help but buy it still as it reminded her of her childhood, something about the smell.

She said it gave her the memory of sitting on a pillow placed on the floor infront of her mum, sat on the sofa, or her sat on a stool infront of the bathroom mirror with her mum stood up, doing her hair every Sunday for primary school the next morning. With her mum's early two thousands and nineties playlist booming throughout the house, which she'd listen to her singing along to.

In all honesty, as Theo watched her retell that story, he was watching the bright smile on her face as she remembered the fond memories, it made him imagine her being just like her mum with their kids someday, doing the same to their hair. With him watching her sway her hips to the music as their kids laughed at whatever cartoon was on the entertain them in the mean time. He wanted that. He wanted them to have a future.

Opening the bottle, he lifted the pump lid out of the bottle and inhaled the heavenly scent that was Naomi to him. "Fuck that's good" He mumbled to himself, knowing for a fact that was what is car currently smelt like.

Putting the bottle down, Theo started his car and began to drive to Elijah and Ollie's house.

He got there in no time, just after the boys and made his way into the house, to find the boys rummaging through the fridge.

"Theo" Ollie smiled, ushering Theo into the house.

"What is it now Ollie?" Theo laughed at his friend who only said acted like this when he wanted something

"Can you make that lasagna that your grandma taught you how to make?"

"Is that why you lot fucking asked me over, for gossip and my cooking?"

"Come on man, 'lowe it" Ollie whined

"You're lucky I'm hungry as well, do we even have everything?"

"We should, I did a food shop this morning with Tiana" Elijah mentioned

"Okay good. Now get out of my kitchen, I need my space to cook"

"Eh?" Elijah asked

"Nah nah, just joking but did you got Aldi or Tesco?"

"Tesco, why?"

"Shit, can you two run down to Aldi and grab the Bolognese sauce from there, I promise you it's so much better with that one"

"Okay calm, come on Ollie"

"What, why do I have to go as well?" Ollie asked

"Cause if I leave you here with Theo you're going to bombard him with questions about Naomi, meaning that I'll walk in half way through the story, making Theo then have to restart it and it'll be long for everyone"

"True, let's go already I want to know what's going on" Ollie rushed, putting on his Jordan's.

Theo laughed, shaking his head at his friends.

They left quickly and he got to work on the lasagna. It was a pretty easy recipe that was taught to him, but nothing else could compare so he always had homemade lasagna, never shop bought.

By the time Ollie and Elijah had gotten back, Theo had already done everything, as in made the cheese sauce, cooked the mince meat alongside the onions and garlic, with a small amount of mushrooms, he had all the various cheese grated, the oven was preheated, the pasta sheets were ready, and all that was needed was the sauce.

"Here" Elijah offered as he poured the sauce into the simmering large frying pan of mine meat.

"Thanks, man" Theo smiled, as he mixed it in together and begun to create the several layers in a lasagna dish, then putting it in the oven and beginning to clear up.

"Okay so tell us already" Ollie jumped, as he started to rush around and help Theo tidy up so they could know everything.

"I don't know why you're all excited for, me and her are good" Theo answered, wanting to see how desperate the two were to know more, when that's all he had to describe him and Naomi. Just good, Naomi had even said it herself.

"Just good?" Ollie asked, beginning to wash up the frying pan


"Nah, fam we literally only see you at practice and you two have done that press the restart button shit for what, almost a month now? So don't just say oh you're good, what's going on?" Elijah exclaimed, drying the frying pan which was passed to him by Ollie and then putting it away into one of the cupboards

"Okay, okay" Theo laughed, "We've been hanging out a lot, you know. Her coming over to mine, me taking her shopping, going for breakfast, hair shop, all of that"

"We've learnt more about each other, she's starting to open up to me more and I like it" he admitted, wiping down the surfaces

"Wait hair shop, as in black hair shop? She took you there?"

"Yeah, is that bad?"

"No, just a surprise, that's all"

"She didn't ask me to come, I asked her if I could and then I bought her hair products for my house"


"So she can do her hair at mine"

"Wow Theo, you sure you ain't done this relationship shit before?"

Theo laughed at Ollie and Elijah's shocked expressions. "Nah, I just wanted her to feel more comfortable at mine"

"I'm not even gonna lie, that's cute, man" Elijah smiled

"Is that it?" Ollie asked, scrubbing the chopping boards

"What do you mean?" Theo furrowed his brows

"I think Ollie wants to know if you two fucked or not" Elijah laughed

"Ohhh shit yeah" Theo sighed

"You have?!" Elijah exclaimed, "Man, what did Tiana literally tell you-"

"No! I mean oh shit yeah I forgot you two knew about that part, but no we haven't slept together. We've literally just kissed, I promise" Theo surrendered mockingly

"Really?" Ollie asked, pretty shocked

"Yeah and it's been fucking hard let me just say that"

"Judging by that strain in your voice I can tell you're telling the truth, wow Theo, I have to take my hat off to you, I genuinely didn't think you'd make it this long" Elijah admitted

"So when are you two allowed to you know? Cause that kiss looked like it was ready to get pretty heated" Ollie raised his eyebrows, looking at Theo up and down with a knowing look

"Ollie just forget you ever saw that" Theo mumbled, knowing he didn't want to be teased for the rest of his life about Ollie practically catching him getting a semi from just kissing Naomi, alone

"Alright mate I'll stop but how much longer do you have to wait?" Ollie asked, drying his hands and sitting at the countertop

"Well Tiana said December, but to be honest I don't know, if I wanna-"

"You don't want to sleep with her?" Elijah asked

"No I do"

"She doesn't want to sleep with you?" Ollie asked

"No, I know that for a fact she does, we both do, but it's just that-" Theo started as he kept getting interrupted

"That?" The boys dragged out in unison

"Well I don't know, everytime we kind of get a bit heated during our kisses, either, one of us stops so we can talk a bit more or we get interrupted"

"Shit, sorry man about earlier, but what were you gonna do fuck her in your backseat?" Ollie laughed

"Well..." Theo mumbled, letting a smirk appear onto his face as he refused to make eye contact with the boys

"Wait you two already did didn't you?" Elijah gasped

"You dirty motherfucker" Ollie cheered

"Wait When?" Elijah questioned

"After the arcade"

"Huh?" They both said

"You were meant to drop her home not fuck her" Ollie laughed

"Nah not even that, you both have perfectly comfy beds at you know, your own houses to do it" Elijah pointed out

"Yeah I know but it just happened" Theo laughed at their expressions

"How does... that!" Ollie exclaimed, "Just happen" he mocked

"She was in a mood with me so I told her to get in the backseat and I fucked it out of her" Theo shrugged, checking on the lasagna and then going over to the stools at the countertop, to sit down since the kitchen was now clean

"So you fucked the attitude out of her?" Elijah confirmed, smiling, shaking his head at his friend taking his advice from awhile back when he told them about Tiana having an attitude with him


"Wow okay then, you gotta do what you gotta do" Ollie shrugged

"Wait, can we go back to when you said one of you two stop your kisses, what do you mean, why would you stop?" Elijah asked

"Well she stopped us once because she had more uni work to do and it was still in the early stages of our restart situation. There was another time cause she was just happy to just kiss me saying that was our first kiss since our restart button"

"And I've stopped once when it was our first time seeing each other on bonfire night after our big argument and 'break', she ended up staying over but then she forgot about the whole taking things slow idea and we were lipsing and she was grinding on my dick and I needed her to stop or else we wouldn't of gotten anywhere in our situation" Theo explained

"Okay so what's stopping with you from sleeping with her now? Or should I say when Tiana gives the okay" Elijah asked

"I'm not gonna lie I don't think I can" Theo sighed

"Huh?" Ollie coughed

"You can't get it...it up-" Elijah started

"No! Oh god no! I can definitely get it up, I mean I don't think I can take that step with her cause once we do I don't know if we'll still be okay" Theo confessed

"What do you mean?" Elijah asked concerned for his friend, who he'd never seen so fearful of sex before

"I mean that we're doing so well right now and I like it but I'm afraid that if we have sex, we'll start to argue again and we'll get no where and I don't want to lose her" Theo admitted

"Okay then take it slow" Ollie suggested

"Slow? What the fuck do you think I've been doing since the start of November Ollie?" Theo stressed

"No, no, I mean slow as in sexual stuff"

"Like don't go all the way" Ollie continued

"Give her little tastes of things, like obviously oral sex and hand shit, then you'll know from there if you can go the full way" Ollie explained

"I agree" Elijah hummed, knowing that Theo had no reason to be afraid. Theo and Naomi were good from his knowledge from Tiana and Naomi definitely didn't want to go back to arguing either

"So you're officially saying I can touch her?" Theo asked

"Man, what? You don't need our permission" Ollie laughed

"Actually he kinda does cause we all know what my girl is like when it comes to these two and not listening to her, I'll text her just to make sure" Elijah explained, texting Tiana to see if she agreed

"She said yes" Elijah laughed at the reply from Tiana, which was sent pretty quickly

"Okay thanks guys and I think the lasagna is done" Theo smiled, as he realised time had gotten away from them and the lasagna was now fully cooked and looked good.

"Great, let's eat" Ollie grinned rubbing his hands together, as Elijah grabbed plates and cutlery from the cupboard for the three of them

The three boys sat in silence, devouring the lasagna as soon as it was plated and placed Infront of all of them.

"Theo have you cooked this for Naomi?" Elijah asked

"Nah, you think I should?" He asked

"Definitely" Ollie nodded, "Mate she'll never leave you if you do"

"What?" Theo laughed, washing up his plate

"This shit is so fucking good" Ollie hummed

"Wait so does that mean I'm stuck with you two dickheads for the rest of my life cause I let you try the lasagna once?" Theo asked

"Yes" Ollie beamed

"Don't act like we ain't basically family Theo" Elijah laughed

"Yeah" Ollie agreed, as he noticed a text on his phone

"Aimee asked if you guys are free"

"When?" Elijah and Theo asked

"Tomorrow I think"

"We should be, why?" Theo mumbled

"Something about a group chat, I don't even-" Ollie started, as all three of them got a new notification of an iMessage group chat with the three of them, plus their three girls.

"Looks like someone's keen on getting us all to meet up together" Elijah smiled at the group chat, knowing Aimee was doing her part in getting everyone to hang out together more often.

"Theo you staying here tonight?" Ollie asked

"May as well considering we're probably all going to be meeting up tomorrow"

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