Never Gonna Happen (Seme Male...

By Uunouncium

52.1K 1.9K 457

interesting story about an introverted guy named (F/n), aka Sean, who is (believe it or not) a gay guy who yo... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Me Being Me (An Alternate Path)


327 10 2
By Uunouncium

Author's note: yet another story about uvogin. basically the idea is you know how a few times in the early chapters of the story, uvogin is knocked out in the bed? yea this is one of his dreams. as you can see from the title, gonna be a smidge smutty. 

this is the dream he was having in chapter 7...

Uvogin pov

i had just walked in. long as day from work. sweaty as fuck with hella swamp ass right now. i was uncomfortable, hot, exhausted but more than anything i was pissed. boss man told me we were still 6 months from our goal on that new building downtown. thats up from the original 3 months from the goal. 

they better be glad they the only job i could get cause of the felony. 

"IM HOME," i called, shimmying my boots off. the motion made me get a whiff of myself. stank was like getting punched in the nose. i dont know what deodorant sean keeps buying but it dont be doing shit for me. i didnt hear any commotion so that means the kids arent here. 

i walked into the living room, taking a big sniff. didnt smell anything. i checked my watch, 18:08. takes about 30 min to get home so im right on time. what the fuck? he's normally done with dinner by now. i looked around for a bit, not findin him nowhere before i just decided fuck it. looks like another night where i will have to take care of myself. 

i was about half way up the stairs when i heard the thud of footsteps. not light like kids so they must be his. i got to the top when i saw him. bathroom door was open just a peak revealing him in some casual clothes. he was shavin. upon noticing me standing here, he jumped wasnt the little scared jump that i was used too. it was the type uh jump a person makes when they are just now noticin someone's existence. he pulled some little buds out his ears. 

"...hey baby. how was work?" 

it was the way he had said it that was so....different from what i had gotten used to. the traces of bitch he had in him was....just not there. hell i wanted to yell at the motherfucker for not having dinner ready or even noticing i was here but....i couldnt. for the first time....shit since i met him, i felt.....submissive. like he'd beat my ass if even raised my voice. for the first time i really felt like this was his house. i was his man. his bae. his piece. hell....his bitch when he wanted. i felt like raising my voice to him would earn a back hand slap. 

" was cool. where's....where's dinner?" what the hell is wrong with me? wheres the raging and the yelling demanding that he pay attention to me? what the fuck. he chuckled in that way he always do. "i figured since the kids were gone for the weekend, we could go out. our anniversary just passed and we basically did nothing. valentines day same thing. a friend from work offered to watch the kids so we could have some us time," he said. "....ok," it felt like i whispered it, it was so damn soft. 

he finished up shaving and brushing his teeth while me?...i just stood there looking stupid just staring at the motherfucker. it was like i felt...compelled to wait. to watch and see what this new dude...what sean would do next. 

"why ya standing there? dont you wanna freshen up?" he asked, to which i promptly got my ass in gear. i headed into the bathroom, for some reason avoiding bumping into him or really trying not to be in his way as i got ready for a shower. 

he waited for me to finish in the shower. i stepped out, drying off and putting the towel around my waist. i was on my way out when he grabbed me. i felt myself being pulled close and to be honest...i was scared. worried that i had done something wrong when i felt his strong arm hold me still. 

i was careful as a i looked into his eyes. i felt my mouth salivating just looking at his lips. his lips curled into a grin when i leaned over, honestly putting all my weight on him and i pressed my lips against his. 

i mean...when i say goddamn...i mean goddamn. i felt vulnerable. sensitive. soft and squishy in the wake of this man. i was basically on top of him, leaning so far that if he moved, id fall flat on my face, probably hitting something on the way down yet he held me up like it was nothing. like even though im over 270 right now, im as light as one of the kids. 

his lips....they were something else. soft, so soft, yet strong. stronger than mines at least. he was dominating this kiss like he only did it to show me....really remind me whose the boss. the man. the king of this castle. one hand stayed around my waist while the other.....shit the other was feelin on me. a combo of exploring and knowing exactly where he was going. cupped my titty in his hand massaging it and tweaking my nipple. driving me crazy with heat. felt my side, grippin on my thigh. he pulled with his grip a little so ya know i gave it to him. held my leg up against his side feeling his grip get closer and closer. 

he stopped. 

just before he reached where i really wanted him to go. the anticipation was killing me. my one hand was around his neck trying to get more while the other had felt that arm of his. the shoulder, bicep, down to his hand on my thigh, that had stopped just before my ass cheek. 

i felt him grin into the kiss again. he knew what i was about to do, didnt he? he fucking knew. i gripped his wrist and it felt like it took all my strength just to move it but i did. i got his hand where i wanted it. held my big ass cheek in his hand, grippin and jigglin it like he owned it. 

hell....he does own it. 

it was in this moment that i expected it, damn near demanded it really. i....i need it. i need my cheeks clapped right now. like right the fuck now. its times like this where i honestly wish i had more holes so that he could truly fuck me that much more. in so many more ways. it felt like my asshole was just the tip of the iceberg in just how much i wanted him to violate me right now.

it was then that i felt him start to pull away. no nononononononono not like this. not when im at max. where he could so somethin as simple as fingerfuck me right now and id bust everywhere like a damn firehose. he pulled away while i was trying to pull him back. lord knows i wanna hold him down and put this ass on him like i was laying foundation at work. i need him to lay some pipe like only sean can.  

" not letting the reserved table go to waste," and he walked away. i swear the dick better be fire or im leavin his ass. 

"BRING YA ASS," baby called for me from down stairs. i aint gonna lie, i was taking my sweet. ass. time. getting ready. sorry not sorry about making him wait. ya know i had to get ready, right? like R.E.A.D.Y. for 'em. extra clean for incase he want me to jiggle the cheeks on his face. trimmed the hair so he can see the bussy nice and clear. hell i even trimmed up my taint and bush so i can feel him hittin it that much more. lord knows i want to enjoy every bit of this dream cause reality is a bitch. 

he was about to call for me again when i started down the stairs. dressed in my cleanest dubs, excentuatin the goods for em. gotta remind him of what he needs to do when we get home. i was walking to the door when he smacked my ass hard as SHIT. i stumbled a bit forward in the wake of it. i looked back at him, my face showing redder than his hand print on my ass cheek. that grin was still there as he followed me out. 

we pulled into (uvogin's favorite bar) not long after that. i didnt even notice the 20 or so min drive cause i was to busy engrossed with him. he drove with one hand, other hand on my thigh and shit. i never knew just how much i wanted him right then until i thought about him fuckin me into the car onto the side of the highway, clapping these cheeks for the truckers on I-80.

i got out the car and met him in front where he grabbed MY hand and we headed inside. it was....something else too. fingers were intertwined and i felt myself being pulled around. i was following his lead for once and i was on something. felt like i was high. 

we sat at the table and....we talked. it was a blur to be honest and i cant say i remember anything about what we talked about. all i remember was his smilin face. the way he'd laugh at my cheesy ass jokes. shit...the way he reamed the waiter when she got my order wrong. bae had me blushin like a big ass school girl. just gigglin 'n shit. 

we finished eating not long after that and i felt the anticipation building again. this was it. we bout to head home and ill get it like he was pissed at me. but....we didnt go home right away. at first i was pissed when he didnt get off at our exit. he was gripping my thigh so i aint say shit but im sure i was pouting. 

my eyes widened when we pulled into the carnival. got out the car and the moment his hand grabbed mines, i felt myself being led....pulled along really, to all the rides and shit. we had gotten on this one roller coaster but when i went to put the down the safety shit, it wouldnt fit over my shoulders. some fidgeting but it just wouldnt fit. it was then that he got up and he slammed the shit down with such force i damn near pissed myself. everyone stared on in surprise as he got himself situated. 

carnival was fun but turns out that was just the beginning of the night he had planned. walk in the park, bowling, a movie, and some other shit that really made me feel special. it had gotten to a point where i honestly lost hope that we'd make it home anytime soon and when we did, id be too tired for us to go at it but happened. he took a familiar exit. 

i felt anxious. 

the jitters took over quick. his grip on my thigh never let up and all of a sudden i was worried. i was worried that things wouldnt work out the way they should. that we get home, id be naked but...there was something wrong. bush too thick, me struggling to get hard, all impotent and shit. the hang nail on my big toe would start hurting. taint start itching. something was going to go wrong, wasnt it? something was going to ruin this for me. shit. shit shit shit. my heart started beating fast. eyes got a lil blurry. 

his hand left my thigh. 

i was about the freak the fuck out when i looked at him. we were at a stop light and our eyes met. soft, gentle. a smile so damn sweet my blood sugar gonna rise. his hand gripped my chin, firmly but....caring. he didnt even say anything and i felt the stress go away. it was a look that told me one thing.

everything is ok. he loves me just the way i am. happened. all the nerves turned into painful anticipation as he pulled into the driveway. heart was beating fast for a different reason this time. 

(author's note: he is now imaging things from your point of view)

reader pov

i didnt want to rush but.... i didnt want to take things slow either. we got inside the house. im surprised we made it to the bedroom before we started. i was standing in front of the bed. hadnt even gotten my clothes off before he was right there. on his knees in front of me, his head buried in my crotch. it was lusty, assertive. his hands gripped my hips as he desperately tried to suck me off through my jeans. he started working at my belt, eager to get it out the way. he loosened them and my jeans went slack.

jeans were down to my knees when he put me in his mouth. he sucked ferociously but it didnt feel like enough to be honest. i took a hand full of his hair, gripping it in my fist as i started fucking his face. he gagged quickly but his grip on my hips didnt let me ease up. i was punching the back of his throat brutally, his saliva soaking into my bush and dripping down his chin. 

i let up but the respite was short lived for him. i pulled him up and tossed him on the bed, quite literally. he tore his shirt off as i undid his belt. the jeans came off easy and the undies were just in the way. i tossed both over my shoulder as i lifted his legs up high and pressed them down. i chuckled. 

when did uvogin get so flexible?

i could tell the exposure was driving him crazy as i kissed on his neck and sucked his tits like a newborn, all the while rubbing my dick against him roughly. i kissed lower and lower before getting to his hole. 

hmm...i see why it took him so long to get ready. 

i licked, bit, sucked and chewed on his hole and cheeks. he was shaking, eyes rolled back and the drool was flowing as i worked on him. then...the rest of my clothes came off. i situated myself against him. his chest was pumping fast. his breathing was rapid. i put it in, quickly being swallowed till my navel hit his clean shaven swollen taint. 

the impact of my thrusts sent ripples through his body as he let out moans. "...mmm....mmummhh...uuugghh...." thrusts so strong it felt like i was on a trampoline but i wasnt done. once id had my fill of missionary, i flipped him on his stomach. i pulled his hips towards him, prompting him to get on his knees, child pose yoga style. 

"....fuck baby!...shit..." i grabbed his wrists, pinning them to his lower back prisoner style when he started to run from the dick as i made those cheeks jiggle like an earthquake. 

he ended up on his side, knee near his chin while half his body was hanging off the bed. drool never stopped. his moans only became more audible but i wasnt done. not just yet. 

uvogin pov

he was relentless. i felt like jello in his wake. i couldnt see, i could barely breathe but most of all....

i didnt want him to stop. 

it felt like with each thrust, another kink in my back was gone. another cramp was removed. hell with each thrust, i forgot another thing that pissed me off from the week. he keeps going and i honestly thought id forget my own name. i felt it coming. 

my body was tensing. my baby didnt stop even though i know i was getting tighter. my legs were shaking. i dont remember what happened to my hands. it was almost like my life was flashing before my eyes. every weight i lifted, every pound i squatted, every piece if food i fucking shoveled into my mouth was all for this. this moment right here. it was all just so that i could be here right now, getting railed soo good by my husband that i cant stop it. i just cant stop myself from cu-

my eyes opened. 



i swear writing is the best way to rid myself of sexual frustration. 


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